Kiba belgilar ro'yxati - List of Kiba characters

Bu yapon tilidagi belgilar ro'yxati Anime teleseriallar Kiba. Seriya a ga o'rnatildi xayoliy koinot bu erda belgilar turli fraktsiyalar va irqlarga bo'lingan. Bundan tashqari, Shard Casters tomonidan boshqarilishi mumkin bo'lgan "Ruhlar" nomi bilan tanilgan hayvonlarga o'xshash mavjudotlar mavjud.

Asosiy ruhlar

Amil Gaul

Ko'rgazmaning 6 ta "Asosiy ruhlari" ning eng kuchli a'zosi. Avvaliga Amil Gaul turkuaz mavjudot bo'lib paydo bo'ldi, u shamolga asoslangan kuchli hujumlarni yaratish uchun ikkita qanotli qanotni chaqirishi mumkin edi. Morphlashni boshlagandan so'ng, avval u uyg'ondi feniks; keyin, ikkinchi marta uyg'onganida, u yana tukli, oltin zirh qo'shilgan holda insoniy shaklga qaytdi. Oxirgi shaklda Amil Gaul ko'zlarini ochishga qodir. Uning qonuniy, tanlangan egasi Zeddir. Amil Gaul, ehtimol Zedni tanlaydi, chunki ularning ikkalasi ham xalqlar o'rtasidagi ma'nosiz kurashlarning tugashini xohlashadi. Amil Gaul barcha 6 ta asosiy Ruhlarning eng kuchlisi bo'lganligi sababli, agar Amil Gaul ushbu munosabatlarni buzishni xohlamasa, uni Zeddan olish mumkin emas. Zildan tashqari Amil Gaulni o'z irodasiga qarshi ishlatmoqchi bo'lgan har bir kishi qattiq og'riq va kasallikka duch keladi.


Boshida u Zymotning yarmiga, Kalb-Xuga esa ikkinchi yarmiga ega bo'ldi. Xyu ikkalasini birlashtirib, Kalb-Xuga bostirib kirishda Pronimoni hosil qildi. Keyinchalik Xyu o'ldirilganda, Zedning onasi Pronimoni oldi. Keyin u uni yo'qotdi Xeem kim uni Tuskning qutqaruvchisiga berdi, Mirred. Tuskerni boshqara olmaganidan so'ng, Nuh uni undan oldi.


Nuh dunyoga kirgandan ko'p o'tmay, qidiruvchilar deb nomlangan ko'chmanchilar guruhidan olgan asosiy Ruh. Sachurani Tuskerni uyg'otishi uchun Mirred olib ketdi, ammo Mirred Tuskerni boshqara olmaganida, Nuh Sachurani qaytarib oldi.


Neotopiyaning asosiy ruhi. U Neotopiyada kuch va mutlaq adolatning ramzi sifatida qurilgan haykal ostida yashiringan edi, ammo Neotopiya Tusk nazorati ostiga tushganida, u uyg'ondi va uni Zedning onasi Sora qo'lga kiritdi. Keyinchalik Sora Monadini Xemga yutqazdi. Xem Tuskerni chaqirish uchun Mirredga bergan, ammo Tuskerning kuchli mezbonga bo'lgan istagini qondira olmaganida, Nuh uni oldi.


Tuskning qutqaruvchisi Mirredda uxlab yotgan Tuskning asosiy Ruhi, boshqa barcha Ruhlar yaqin atrofda bo'lguncha. Mirred Tuskerni chaqira olmaganida, Nuh undan Dynamisni oladi.


Qidiruvchilarning asosiy ruhi. Sagiri Shadin izlovchilarga qaytib kelganida berildi, chunki u uni qutqaruvchi deb bilar edi. U Shadinni Zedga Nuhni topishda yordam berish uchun berdi. Keyinchalik Xem Shadinni Zeddan olib, Mirredga berdi. Mirred Tuskerni chaqira olmaganida, Nuh Shadinni undan tortib oladi.


Anime-da Tusker - bu 6 ta asosiy ruhlarni birlashtirgan natijasidir. Tusker dunyoni yaratgan va yo'q qila oladigan kuch deb aytiladi. U barcha Ruhlarni boshqarish qobiliyatiga ega (Ex-Machina Tusker tomonidan boshqarib bo'lmaydigan yagona Ruh edi, chunki u Tuskerga o'xshash murakkab ruh edi). Tusker Zedga o'xshagan haqiqiy qutqaruvchi bilan birlashishi kerak (Zed, Mirred, Nuh va Sagiri ularni asosiy ruhlar tanlagani uchun xaloskor deb hisoblanadilar) va uning maqsadi faqat dunyoni yaratish edi Ruhlarni o'z ichiga olgan. Zed vijdonida paydo bo'lgan Ziko ta'sirida - Tuskerni o'zini va Amil Gaulni Tuskerdan ajratib turishi bilan to'xtata oldi. Bir marta Zed Amil Gaulni ajratib qo'ygach, Tusker muvozanatdan chiqarib yuborildi va mag'lubiyatga uchradi. Tuskerning qobiliyatlari yaqin jangovar janglar, boshqa Ruhlarni manipulyatsiya qilish, dastlabki 6 Key Spirit qobiliyatlari va erni yo'q qiladigan meteoriy yomg'irlarini ochishdan iborat.


Tempura (テ ン プ ラ ー)


Zed (ゼ ッ ド, Zeddo)

Ovoz bergan: Xiroyuki Yoshino (Yaponcha); Leraldo Anzaldua (Inglizcha)
Zed asli 15 yoshli, asli shamol bo'lmagan shahar - Calmdan. Tinch holatda bo'lganida, Zedning odatiy bo'lmagan odatlari bor: eshiklar va eshiklarni sindirish. Uning so'zlariga ko'ra, bu bilan u "har qanday joyga borishi mumkinligini his qiladi". Tinchlik politsiyasidan qochib ketayotganda, u Templar o'lkasiga olib boradigan kosmik vaqt yorig'iga duch keladi va u erda donishmand Ziko va uning shogirdi Roya bilan uchrashadi. U chap qo'lidagi uchta kristal to'plamidan Shardlarini tortib oladi. U boshqaradigan pichoq qizil rangga ega bo'lib, uchta Shard hosil bo'lishini talab qiladi. Uning Ruhi Amil Gaul, ikkita katta, oq tukli qanotlarni qurol sifatida ishlatadigan shamolga asoslangan mavjudotga o'xshaydi. Ushbu qanotlar boshqa Ruhlar orqali, shuningdek, odamlar orqali kesish imkoniyatiga ega ekanligini isbotladilar. Boshida Zed Ziko va Toskan jangchisi o'rtasidagi jang o'rtasida teleportatsiya qilinadi. U juda gangib qoldi va Ziko g'alaba qozonganidan so'ng, Zed shokdan hushidan ketdi. Keyinchalik u Dyuma va Templar zobitlariga hujum qilgani uchun hibsga olingan. Dumas bilan bo'lgan jang paytida u birinchi marta Amil Gaul bilan uchrashgan. Avvaliga u buni boshqara olmaydi. Keyinchalik u Dumas bilan mashg'ulot o'tkazish uchun joylashadi, ammo Duma ekishdan boshqa ko'p ish qilmaydi. Keyin Dyuma unga: "Ruhni boshqarishni o'rganishdan oldin jismoniy kuchni kuchaytirish kerak", deb aytadi. Mikey o'rniga Joustga kirganda, u raqiblarini mag'lubiyatga uchratib, yaxshi kurash olib boradi. U Robesga duch kelganda, uning Ruhini ochishini so'rashadi. Zed qanday qilib bilmaganligi sababli, u qirib tashlagan qilichi bilan jang qildi. Xaltalar uning qilichini qo'yib, bitta bo'lakni ishlatmaslikka da'vo qildilar. Avvaliga u yaxshi jang qildi, lekin Zed uni mahkamlaganda, u elektrni parchalab, Zedni orqaga qaytardi. Keyin u Ruhini qo'yib yubordi va Zedni ringdan chiqarib yubordi. Anime oxirida unga Tusker ekanligi Tuskerning kuchi bilan aytilgan. Oxirgi epizodda Zed Amil Gaul bilan jang qilmoqchi, shuning uchun u aslida kimligini bilib olishi mumkin. U Amil Gaulni urmoqchi bo'lganida, portal ochilib, u orqali yiqilib tushdi. Keyin uni osoyishta uyingizda, shamol tiklangan joyda, Amil Gaulning ko'k ko'zlari bilan ko'rsatib turibdi, faqat uning o'quvchilari yo'q. Keyin u "Qani, Amil Gaul", deydi. Keyin u tomdan sakraydi. Yorug'lik porlaydi va Zed Amil Gaulning qanotlari bilan uchib yuradi.


Roya (ロ イ ア)

Ovoz bergan: Nana Mizuki (Yaponcha); Bretni Karbovski (Inglizcha)
Roya[1] u 15 yoshli Toskana fuqarosi, Templar shahrida yashaydi, u 5 yoshli Royani Tuskdan qutqargan oqsoqol dono Zikoning shogirdi. U otasi Marokashni o'ldirishi bashorat qilinganidan keyin uni o'ldirish kerak edi. Shuning uchun, Templar shahrida o'sib-ulg'ayganida, unga etim deb yolg'on gapirishdi. U Zedning yangi topilgan do'sti va Mikkining eski do'sti. U bo'ynidagi billurdan ko'k marjonga o'xshash parchalarni chizadi. Unga o'xshash ikkita qurol bor sais. Ushbu ko'k qurollarni faollashtirish uchun har biri uchta bo'lak kerak. Uning ruhi, Apcarel, parvozga qodir bo'lgan suvga asoslangan mavjudot. Buning ustiga, u a ni chaqirishga qodir arfa. Ushbu arfa torlarini uzishda energiya o'qlari otiladi.

Tuskdan bo'lganini bilganidan keyin (elkasidagi keskin o'simtalar tufayli) Roya o'zining haqiqiy ota-onasini topish uchun Templar shahrini tark etdi. Tuskga kelganidan so'ng, u otasining Tuskan lord ekanligini aniqladi. Uning otasi Roya uni a tufayli o'ldirishiga ishongan bashorat. Natijada, u Royani qatl qilishga uringan. Aynan shu paytda Roya onasini uchratadi, u Royani bolaligida qutqargan, ammo bu jarayonda vafot etgan. O'limidan oldin u Royani himoya qilish uchun jonini qotiliga topshirdi, natijada qotil va onaning tanasi bilan bo'lishdi. Zed Royani kuzatib boradi va uning yordamida Ginga, uni qutqarishga muvaffaq bo'ldi, lekin ikkala ota-onasining o'limidan oldin emas.

Keyinchalik, Roya Zed va Robes bilan birga borgan Neotopiya Templar vakili bo'lish uchun Joust. Ba'zi bir qiyinchiliklarga qaramay, u birinchi jangida g'alaba qozondi, ammo og'ir jarohat oldi. Kasalxonada davolanayotganda u onasini orzu qiladi va nihoyat hayotini qaysi "yo'l" bilan boshqarishni xohlaydi; boshqalarga yordam berish. Ayni paytda u "shifobaxsh parchani" sotib oladi. Keyin u boshqa bemorlarni davolashda yordam beradi kasalxona. Biroq, Neotopia ostida totalitar qoidalari, Roya a odamlarni davolash uchun hibsga olingan litsenziya tibbiyot bilan shug'ullanish. Neotopiyaning "har qanday" qoidalarini buzganlarning barchasida bo'lgani kabi, Roya ham o'limga mahkum etilgan, ammo ijro etilishi tugamasdan Zed tomonidan qutqarib qolingan.

Zedni Neotopiya o'g'irlab ketgandan so'ng, Roya uni topish uchun ketdi va Zymot va Tusk kuchlari bosqini o'rtasida o'zini topdi. U uni topishga muvaffaq bo'ldi va keyinchalik davolanishga harakat qildi Xayram u o'zini qilichi bilan yugurganidan so'ng, oxir-oqibat unga yordam berolmadi. U Zed bilan birga keladi Ginga Tuskning kichik millatga hujumini to'xtatish uchun Ulvarxga qaytib boring. Ziko, Roya "o'z" yo'lini tanlagan bo'lsa ham, u Zedga o'z taqdirini bajarish uchun "kuch" berishga qodir bo'lgan yagona shaxs bo'lishi mumkinligini ta'kidladi.

Zedning onasi bilan to'qnashuvidan so'ng, Sara, Roya unga Ziko tomonidan joylashtirilganidan keyin qamoqdan qochishga yordam beradi. Roya shuningdek kuchli himoya qiladi Sagiri, ayniqsa, qizaloq Templar'dan qochish uchun kelganida Qidiruvchilar. Keyinchalik Zed va Sagiri qidiruvchilar bilan birga uchib ketayotgan kemasida ketayotganlarida, Royaning ajrashishi Zedni oxirgi marta ko'rishi mumkinligi tuyg'usidan xafa bo'ladi. Ko'p o'tmay, Roya shifobaxsh parchalari yordamida bemorlarga yordam berish uchun shifokor bilan ishlashni boshlaydi. U nihoyat baxtni topganday tuyulgan bo'lsa-da, Zedning hozirgi yashash joyidagi noaniqligi uni hali ham qiynayapti.

Ziko Zedni izlash uchun Tuskka borishini bilib, Roya uni o'zi bilan olib ketishini iltimos qiladi. Roya unga yordam berish uchun Zedning yonida bo'lishi kerakligini aytadi. Ziko ham rozi bo'ladi va ikkalasi ham Tuskka Ziko ruhi bilan uchib ketishadi, Piron. Ular Zedni topib, Tuskda asosiy ruhlar to'g'risida nima bo'lganini bilib olishadi. Roya Zedning onasi Sara yana paydo bo'lganida ishtirok etadi. Uning noroziligiga qaramay, Zed onasi bilan qaytib keladi, deb aytdi. Keyinchalik, Sara Amil Gaulni ko'tarib chiqadi va Ziko bilan jang qiladi. Roya Zedni qidiradi va undan nima uchun Kalit Ruhdan voz kechganligini so'raydi. Zed g'azab bilan javob berishni rad etganda, Roya uni onasidan farqli o'laroq onasi borligini va Sora hali ham qutqarilishi mumkinligini aytadi.

Ular Sarani to'xtatish uchun ketayotganda, Zed duch keladi Dyukem va Zed Royaga jinni Tuskan bilan muomala qilayotganda ketishini aytadi. Riko Zikoni Sora mag'lub qilayotgan paytda keladi, ammo Key Spirit uni rad etganiga guvoh. Sara o'lsa, yiqilib tushadi va Roya uni beshikka oladi. Nihoyat vafot etishidan oldin, Sara unga Amil Gaulning parchasini beradi va unga bir necha so'zlarni pichirlaydi. Bir necha daqiqadan so'ng Zed keladi, Roya unga Kalit Ruhni qaytarib beradi va Zedga onasining so'nggi so'zlarini beradi.

Oxir oqibat u Zedning Amil Gaul bilan ketishini ko'radi. Keyinchalik, Templar shahriga qaytib, u Nuhni qaytib kelishini orzu qilar ekan, Zed har doim qaraydigan tepalikka olib borganini ko'rdi.


Jīko (ジ ー コ)Ovoz bergan: Tamio Ōki (Yaponcha); Charlz Kempbell (Inglizcha)
Ziko - 79 yoshli erkak va Templar oltita donishmandlaridan biri; U juda xotirjam va dono, ammo o'ynoqi xususiyatga ega. Ziko - Royaning o'qituvchisi, u bolaligida asrab-avaylagan aslzodadan bo'lgan qiz. Zed kelganidan keyin Ziko uning ustozi bo'lib ishlaydi va ko'p hollarda unga maslahat beradi. Barcha seriyalar davomida Ziko kamdan-kam hollarda Templar-ni tark etadi, ammo ularning siyosati va hokimiyatini tartibga solishda davom etadi.

Ziko Pryon ismli juda kuchli Ruhga ega (u o'zining kuchli irodasi tufayli) Zymot. Uning Ruhi Rambos (Zedning ikkinchi Ruhi) bilan kuch darajasida. Ziko ruhi - bu tanasida ko'plab egri chiziqlarga ega bo'lgan katta qizil ajdar, u raqiblarini butunlay yo'q qilish uchun muntazam ravishda ko'p miqdorda olov bilan nafas oladi.

Ziko tez-tez shoshilinch harakatlarga nisbatan ehtiyotkorlik va kuzatuvchanlikni ta'kidlaydi va shubhali davrlarni boshdan kechirayotgan paytda Royaga ham, Zedga ham "otalik bilan" maslahat beradi. U Neotopiya hukmdori Xirumning do'sti edi va Xirumning Neotopiyani qanday qilib qattiq davlatga aylantirganini ko'rib, juda qiynaldi. Ikki kishining suhbati bir paytlar Xayrum Zikoga o'xshaganligini, ammo keyinchalik hayotida tubdan o'zgarganligini ko'rsatdi.

So'nggi voqealar shuni ko'rsatdiki, Ziko har doim ham u hozirgiday mehribon va sabrli odam emas edi. Zikoning o'tmishi haqidagi vahiylar yaqinda Zedning onasi Sara paydo bo'lganidan beri paydo bo'ldi. Sora Zikoni yomon ko'rishi, Ziko esa unga qattiq azob beradigan narsani yashirayotgani ayon bo'ldi. Keyinchalik Ziko Zedga Amil Gaul bir vaqtlar Templar ruhining qo'riqchisi bo'lganligini aytdi, ammo uni hech kim, hatto Ziko ham boshqarolmadi. Templar omon qolishini ta'minlash uchun Ziko kalit ruh uchun Shard Kasterini topish uchun agressiv kampaniyani boshladi. Ziko Amil Gaul boshqasini tanlaganligini aniqlaguncha, bu bir muncha vaqt davom etgan ko'rinadi. Ziko Zed bilan homilador bo'lgan Zedning onasi haqidagi vahiyni namoyish etdi.

Ziko tinchlanishga bordi va Zedning onasi Sarani o'g'irlab ketdi va uni Templar shahriga olib bordi, u erda u Shard kasteriga aylantirildi va Amil Gaulning parchasini oldi. Keyin Ziko Sarani qat'iyan bir kun Ruhni boshqarishga o'rgatdi, ko'pincha Sora shu qadar qattiq ishladiki, u tunda charchoq va og'riqdan yiqilib tushishi mumkin edi. Keyinchalik Ziko Templarni Zymot bosqinidan himoya qildi. Aynan shu jang paytida Sora Amil Gaulni chaqirishga urinib ko'rdi va u paydo bo'lganida, Sarani tashlab chiqib ketdi. Saraning tanlangani emasligini anglagan Ziko Saradan yuz o'girdi va unga xotirjamlikka qaytishini aytdi.

Zed bilan uchrashgandan so'ng, Ziko Sora Amil Gaulning tanlangan Shard kasteri deb o'ylab, xato qilganini tushundi. Sora emas, balki uning tug'ilishida bo'lgan, uning qornida o'sayotgan Zed tanlangan edi. Zed onasiga ergashmoqchi bo'lganida, Ziko aralashadi va uning yo'lini to'sadi. G'azablangan so'zlarni almashtirgandan so'ng, u va Zed bir-birlariga qarshi jang qilishdi va Ziko ichakka tez urish bilan Zedni hushidan ketkazdi. Keyin u Zedni kameraga qamab qo'ydi. Zed uyg'onganidan so'ng, Ziko Saraga Amil Gaul ega bo'lgan kuch egaligini tushuntirishga urinadi. U Shard Caster qilish uchun mas'ul bo'lganligi sababli, uning g'azablanishini to'xtatish uning vazifasidir.

Ziko Pironni Saroni izlashga kirishadi va bir muncha vaqt o'tgach uni ko'proq hayot kuchi energiyasini yutish jarayonida topadi. Jang boshlanadi va Ziko ruhi tez orada Saroning asosiy ruhlari, Menadi va Pronimoga qarshi turadi. Biroq, Piron nafaqat ikkita Ruhga qarshi tura oladi, balki ularni orqaga qaytaradi. Ziko hayratda qolgan Saraga hech qachon Kalit Ruhni boshqarolmasligini va shu sababli u Menadi va Pronimoning kuchini chindan ham chiqara olmasligini tushuntiradi. U ustunlikni qo'lga kirita boshlaganda, Sagiri paydo bo'ladi va Sora qizaloqni qalqon sifatida ishlatish uchun ushlaydi. Hujum qila olmaydigan Ziko faqat Saraning shafqatsiz shard hujumlaridan himoya qila oladi. Oxir oqibat Ziko ustun bo'lib, qulab tushadi.

Bir muncha vaqt o'tgach, Zed izlovchilar bilan birga ketadi, Ziko va Templar boshqa donishmandlari Tuskning kuchini sezadilar. Zed bilan aloqasi borligiga ishongan Ziko tergovni davom ettiradi. Roya unga yuzma-yuz keladi va uni yo'l qo'yib berishga ishontiradi. Ular Tyrkga Pyronda uchib, uni qidirishni boshlaydilar. Ular ajralib ketayotganda, Royaga Sora hujum qiladi, ammo Ziko uning hujumlarini qaytaradi. Sora jang qilishga urinadi, lekin juda zaif, hatto parcha ham tashlay olmaydi. Ziko unga uning ahvolida Amil Gaulni ishlatishga urinish o'limga olib kelishini aytadi. Sora unga ahamiyati yo'qligini va qochib ketishini izohlaydi.

Keyin Ziko va Roya Zedni topib, Noa, Mirred va g'alati qora Ruh atrofidagi voqealar to'g'risida bilib olishadi. Ko'p o'tmay, Zed onasi Sora bilan ketadi. Keyinchalik, Sara Amil Gaulning shardasi bilan yana paydo bo'ldi va Ziko unga qarshi ruhni qaytarishni talab qilib, qarshi chiqdi. Sora Amil Gaulni chaqiradi va Ziko va Piron bilan jang qiladi. Uning Ruhi Amil Gaulga teng kelmaydi va Ziko tiz cho'kadi. Sora jangni tugatguncha, uning tanasi Amil Gaulning stressidan xalos bo'lib, yiqilib tushadi. Roya keladi va o'layotganda Sarani ushlab turadi. Ziko unga yordam berolmay, faqat qayg'u bilan qarashi mumkin.

Noa va Zedning so'nggi jangi paytida u Royaga ularning jangiga aralashmaslikni buyurdi. U ham Tuskerning tirilishini ko'rishni xohlaganligi aniqlandi. Afsuski, u izlayotgan kuch dunyoni yo'q qilayotganidan dahshatga tushdi. Tusker Zed bilan birlashganda va Tusker barcha Ruhlarni boshqarganda, u Royani Afkerurudan qutqaradi, ammo keyinchalik bu jarayonda o'ladi. Keyin u Zed bilan suhbatlashish uchun Tusker ichida Ruh bo'lib ko'rinadi. U oxir-oqibat Zedni kuchini qidirib topgach, onasi qanday qilib o'lik bilan tugaganligini eslatganda, Zedni o'ziga kelishiga ishontirdi. Ziko boshqa hech qachon eshitilmaydi.

Robes Redondo

Robesu Redondo (ベ ス ・ レ ド ン ド) Ovoz bergan: Shinichiro Miki (Yaponcha); Kris Kennedi (inglizcha)

Uning ismi va saroyi "Redondo House" otasi Altajid Redondodan meros bo'lib qolgan. U Templar shahrida yashovchi shahzodadir. U Shard Casters Jousting turnirida g'olib chiqqanidan keyin Shard chempioni bo'ldi. O'yin-kulgi uchun u niqob kiyadi va "Yuzi yo'q" nomi ostida shahar aholisining boyliklarini o'g'irlashni yaxshi ko'radi. U o'zi yoki Dyumaning kuchliroq ekanligini bilishni istaydi, ammo Dyuma Zedni turnirda Robesga qarshi kurashga qo'yib yuborganida, unga imkoniyat berilmadi. Robes o'zining Shardlarini o'ng qo'lidagi sariq billurdan tortib oladi. Uning quroli sariq rangga o'xshaydi va rapier. Uning qurolining dastasiga joylashtirilgan ikkita Shard ishlatiladi. Uning ruhi, Belladonna (ベ ラ ド ン ナ, Beradonna), qo'ziqoringa o'xshash balerinaga o'xshaydi va dushmanlarni qo'llari bilan kesib tashlaydi. Belladonna parvozga qodir ekanligi ham ko'rsatildi. 13-qismda Robes chaqmoq parchalari bilan bir qatorda suv parchalarini ham ishlatishi mumkinligi ma'lum bo'ldi.

Oxir-oqibat, uning potentsial raqibi Zedning ketganini eshitib xafa bo'ldi.


Mikko (ミ ッ キ ー)Ovoz bergan: Nobuhisa Nakamoto (yapon); Kori Xartzog (inglizcha)

Non-novvoy va Dyumaning sobiq shogirdi. U Roya va Zedning do'sti. Dumas o'ldirilgandan va unga qarshi kurashishda jiddiy qiyinchiliklarga duch kelganidan keyin unga Dyumaning Ruhi beriladi. U Robesning xizmatkori Pinoga romantik qiziqish bildirganga o'xshaydi.

Mikki Royaning bolalikdagi do'sti kabi ko'rinadi. Mikki o'zining birinchi talabini 2-qismda namoyish etadi, unda u o'zining umidlarini oqlash uchun irodasini batafsil bayon qiladi. sensey, Dumas. Mikki har kuni dalaga o'xshash maydonda astoydil ishlaydi va Dyuma bilan oddiy vazifalarni bajaradi. Dumas o'z uyini tark etishga majbur bo'lgandan so'ng, Mikki uni Zed va Roya bilan birga oilasining tashlandiq uyiga yashashga olib boradi. Aynan o'sha paytda Mikki pul topishning bir usuli sifatida o'ziga xos uslubdagi nonni yangi kasb sifatida pishirishni boshlashga qaror qiladi. Mikki non pishirishdan tashqari, Shard Caster sifatida muntazam ravishda kuchliroq bo'lishga intiladi, ammo mehribon va muloyim qalb tufayli har doim bu ishda muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchraydi. Mikki keyinchalik Dyumaning o'limini eshitgandan so'ng, u aqldan ozganga o'xshaydi. U o'sha paytda kuchliroq bo'lganida, Dyumani qanday qutqarib qolishim mumkin edi, degan azob-uqubatlarni to'xtatish uchun ko'proq kuchga intilishda davom etdi. Bu aqldan ozish, Robes Mikey Dyumaning ruhini berganida paydo bo'ldi. Bu Ruh yo'lidagi asosiy omil bo'lib tuyuladi. Keyinchalik Mikki bundan qutuladi va yana pishiriqqa qaytadi.

Keyinchalik, Mikki parchalanishdan voz kechishga va butun vaqtini pishirishga bag'ishlashga qaror qildi. U biznesda jang qilishdan ko'ra ko'proq mahoratga ega ekanligini tan oladi. Go'yoki ushbu tushunchani kuchaytirmoqchi bo'lganidek, Mikkining novvoyxonasi Templar shahrida juda mashhur bo'lib, u yaqinda filial do'konini ochdi. Pino va Robesning yana bir xizmatkori Robesning qasridagi ishdan chiqib, endi Mikkida doimiy ishlayapti.

Mikki ruhi: Mikki Ruhining ismi Arumadoru. Mikki kuchsiz irodasini aks ettiradigan intizomsizligi tufayli serial hech qachon hech narsaga erishmaydi. Mikki, Joust turnirida jang qilish bilan birga Roya bilan mashg'ulotlarda ushbu Ruhdan foydalanishga urindi. Unda Dyumning eski Ruhi bo'lgan Slugna bor, u Robes unga esdalik sifatida bergan, ammo uni hech qachon uni jangovar janglarda ishlatmagan.

Dyuma Schuramux

Dyumasu Shukuramukusu (ュ マ ス ・ ュ ク ラ ム ク ス)Ovoz bergan: Xiroshi Yanaka (Yaponcha); Rob Mungl (Inglizcha)

Templar oldingi Shard chempioni, mamlakatdagi eng kuchli Shard Kasteriga berilgan unvon. U nufuzli unvonga ega bo'lsa ham, u a sifatida ishlaydi dehqon. U uyining podvalini surgun qilingan Zimot mamlakati kasalxonasiga aylantirgan edi, ammo ular qal'aga hujum qila boshlaganlarida, u ularni himoya qilishga yordam berdi. Dyuma o'zining Shardlarini o'ng yelkasidagi akva rangli kristaldan tortib oladi. Uning quroli jigarrang-to'q sariq va Zed qilichining kengligidan ikki baravar katta. Uning shard elementi yerdir. Faollashtirish uchun oltita Shard kerak. Uning Ruhi, Suraguna, ritsarga o'xshaydi va a o'rtasidagi xoch bo'lgan qurol bilan jang qiladi nayza va ikki yuzli qilich.

Dumaning chap kaftida xochga o'xshash belgi bor, bu uning oilasida avlodlar davomida amal qilib kelgan merosxo'r qullik belgisi. U bu "taqdirni" o'zgartirish bilan ovora va buni Shard chempioni bo'lish orqali izlagan. Uning g'azabiga ko'ra, Shard chempioni unvoni bilan "foydasiz shon-sharaf" va muammolar kelib chiqqanda birinchi bo'lib qo'ng'iroq qilgan odam bo'lib, uning bekati va mavqei o'zgargani yo'q. Obsesyon jinnilikka aylandi va u Zymotnikiga aylandi sudxo'rlar Malika Rebekka bilan turmush qurish evaziga Joker josusi.

Xyu Dyumaning savdosini hurmat qilishni niyat qilmagan va uni va qo'lga olingan Robesni bir-birlarini o'ldirishni niyat qilgan. Zed paydo bo'lguncha, duel ozmi-ko'pmi (Suraguna Belladonnani mag'lub etgan bo'lsa ham) teng edi. Yangi qilich va uning boshqariladigan Rambosi Ruh bilan qurollangan Zed Dyumani osonlikcha mag'lub etdi. Shundan so'ng Glasio charchagan Dyumani hayratda qoldirib, bo'g'ib o'ldirdi va Zymot Jousting halqasini o'rab turgan o'txonalarga uloqtirdi.


Jīmoto (ジ ー モ ッ ト)


Rebekka (レ ベ ッ カ) Ovoz bergan: Marina Inoue (Yaponcha); Serena Varghese (Inglizcha)

A malika kim Zymot qirollik oilasining omon qolgan so'nggi a'zosi. Zedning qudratli Ruhini ko'rib, u o'z mamlakatini tiklash uchun undan yordam so'raydi.

Rebekka, chiroyli yosh qiz, Zymotning malika. Xyu asosiy ruhlarning kuchiga ega bo'lishni xohlaganidan so'ng, u Rebekka otasi qo'lida bo'lgan ushbu asosiy ruhlardan birini o'g'irlamoqchi bo'ldi. shoh Zymot. Ammo, shoh o'limidan oldin, u Rabni Rebekka boshiga tepada joylashtirdi. Rebekani Xyu qo'lga olgandan keyin uning qo'riqchisi Elda qutqaradi. Bir vaqtning o'zida, u qutqarilgandan so'ng, Zed va Roya bilan ularning uyida qoldi. Zed qudratli Amil Gaulni qo'lga kiritganini bilgach, u Zeddan Zymotga hamrohlik qilishni so'radi, chunki Xyuga qarshi mudofaa sohasida xizmat qiladi.

Xyu uning qo'llarini ushlaydi va Dyumani aldab qo'yadi, agar u unga uylanmoqchi bo'lsa, Zymotning yangi qiroli bo'lishim mumkin. Tez orada Rebekka otasining tirik ekanligini biladi, chunki u faqat Rabekaning peshonasidan Ruhni ozod qilishi mumkin. Ushbu vazifa bajarilgandan so'ng, Xyu Rebekaning otasini o'ldiradi va Rebekka xohlagan ishini bajarishiga imkon beradi, chunki u unga foydasiz bo'lib qoldi. Keyin Rebekka cho'l zonasiga sayohat qilib, qush bo'lib qayta tug'ilishini xohlardi va o'zi kabi tug'ilishni xohlamasligini aytdi.

Rebekka jangchi sifatida "qayta tug'iladi" va Xyuga qarshi qasos olishga qasamyod qiladi. Maqsadiga erishish uchun u Zymotga qarshi asosiy kuch sifatida Kalbu-fu aholisi bilan ittifoqdosh, chunki Zymot ushbu hududga qarshi hujum uyushtirishni rejalashtirganini eshitgan. Tez orada Zed va Roya Rebekkaga yordam berishadi, keyin ular Zymotning ko'plab askarlariga qarshi kurash olib boradilar. Rebekka Xuni ko'rgach, u uning orqasidan yugurishga urinadi, ammo tez orada Elmeyda uni to'xtatadi. Biroz vaqt o'tgach, Rebekka Elmeyda bilan tinimsiz kurash olib boradi. Biroq, Kalbu-fu shahridagi birodarini qutqarish yo'lida sakrab tushgan Rebekka Elmeydaning pichog'idan pichoqlanadi. Zymot orqaga chekingandan so'ng, Rebekka oxirgi marta yotog'ida yotadi. U o'zini qanday qilib endi o'zini ichki nafratdan xoli his qilayotganini aytadi, keyin u hech qanday afsuslanmasdan tinchgina vafot etadi.

Rebbekka ruhi - Rebeccas Spirit - bu Ariel deb nomlangan chaqmoq turi. Uning asosiy hujumlari uning qo'llaridan otilgan chaqmoqlardir. Agar Rebekka Arieldan uzoqda bo'lsa ham Arielni boshqarish mumkin.


Ovoz bergan: Komina Matsushita (yaponcha); Kara Grinberg (inglizcha)

Rebekka tanasining qo'riqchisi. U isyonchilar armiyasining boshqa a'zolaridan farq qiladi, ularning hammasi Rebekkani e'tiborsiz qoldiradilar. Keyinchalik u Rebekani himoya qilish uchun Xyuga qarshi o'limiga qadar kurashadi.[2]


Firuppu (フ ィ ル ッ プ)Ovoz bergan: Norixisa Mori (yaponcha); Jon Pol Grin (inglizcha)

Zimot monarxiyasini ag'darganlarga qarshi kurashayotgan isyonchilar armiyasining a'zosi. U faqat o'zi uchun kuch izlaydi. U Glaudio tomonidan o'ldirilgan, chunki u Zimbot sudxo'rlaridan Rebekkani qasrga qaytishga va turmushga rozi bo'lishga ishontirganligi uchun mukofot so'ragan.


Hyū (ヒ ュ ー)Ovoz bergan: Kappei Yamaguchi (Yaponcha); Endryu Lav (inglizcha)

Uchta Zymot Usurpersning boshlig'i va 1-seriyaning asosiy antagonisti va 2-seriyaning asosiy antagonisti. U Amil Gaul (Zeddan o'g'irlagan Kalit Ruh) uni rad etguniga qadar og'ziga niqob kiyadi. U qat'iy shaxsga ega, ammo Amil Gaul tomonidan rad etilganidan keyin biroz aqldan ozgan. U Key Ruhning oldingi egasi Pronimo, keyinchalik Xyu mag'lubiyatga uchraganidan keyin Sara tomonidan o'g'irlangan.

Xuning birinchi ko'rinishi 7-qismda bo'lib, u o'zining ikkita asosiy zobiti Glaudio va Elmeldaning yonida namoyish etilgan. U Dyumani a sifatida ishlatgan ayg'oqchi, Rebekaga uylanib, Zymotning keyingi shohi bo'lishiga ishonib, Dyumani manipulyatsiya qildi.

Ilgari yoshda, Xyu o'sha paytda Zymot shohi bo'lgan Rebekka otasi ostida asosiy saqlash vazifasini bajargan. Biroq, bir kuni Xyu uni o'ldirmoqchi bo'ldi, ya'ni shoh o'zining yarim kalit Ruhini Rebekaning peshonasiga qo'yganda. Shu sababli, Xyu Rebekkani doimiy ravishda qo'lga oldi va keyinchalik Rebekaning otasini Ribbekaga turmushga chiqishiga va Zymotning yangi shohi bo'lishiga ishontirdi. Ammo bu hiyla-nayrang, ammo Rebekaning otasini boshidagi parchani bo'shatish uchun. Xyu parchani olganidan so'ng, u Rebekaning otasini o'ldiradi va uni xohlagan ishini qilish uchun ozod qiladi. Ushbu voqeadan keyin Xyu Zimotning yangi Shohi bo'ldi va u qo'lini olishi mumkin bo'lgan har qanday muhim Ruhni olishni istaydi; bu Xyuning haqiqiy ambitsiyasi.

Keyinchalik Xyu Tuskdagi ko'plab yirik shaxslarning ishonchini qozonish orqali o'z ta'sirini kuchaytiradi. Xyu Kalbu-fu mintaqasidagi kampaniyasidan so'ng, Zed bilan uchrashadi va nihoyat uning qo'lida Amil Gaul borligini tushunadi. Xyu o'zining asosiy ruhi Pronimo (olovning yarmi bilan birlashgandan keyin yaxlit bo'lib qoladi) Amil Gaulga qarshi tura olmasligini tushunganidan keyin qochib ketadi. Tuskning jonzotlari tomonidan Royani boshqa vaqtda qurbon qilish kerak bo'lganidan keyin, Xyu Zed bilan birga Noyaning asosiy Ruhiga nazar tashlaydi va bu uning ambitsiyasini yanada kuchaytiradi. Keyinchalik Xyu orqaga chekinadi va seriyadagi ustunligi haqida to'xtalishda davom etmoqda.

Keyinchalik Xyu Tusk vakili sifatida yashiringan Neotopian Justda qatnashdi. Zedni Noa mag'lubiyatga uchratib, shifoxonaga yotqizilganidan so'ng, Xyu kechasi xonasiga kirib, Amil Gaulni o'g'irlab ketdi. Ertasi kuni Xyu hanuz niqob kiyib, Justning so'nggi o'yinida Noa bilan to'qnash keldi. Jang paytida Noa Xyuning dubulg'asini yiqitdi va uning asl kimligini ko'rsatdi. Shu payt Xyu Pronimoni Sachiraga qarshi jangga chaqirdi, ammo keyin Amil Gaulni Noa jamoasiga chaqirdi. No'ya mag'lub bo'lgandek tuyulganida, Xyu qattiq og'riqdan engildi va Amil Gaulning parchasini qayta tikladi. Noa, Amil Gaul Xuni rad etganini esladi va u his qilgan og'riq uning jazosi edi. Uni qo'lga olishdan oldin Xyu teleportatsiya qildi, Zymotga qaytib keldi.

Zymotga qaytib kelganidan so'ng, Xyu o'zining niqobini kiyishni to'xtatdi va o'zining haqiqiy qiyofasini, shafqatsiz va shaytoniy ko'rinishini ochib berdi. Ko'rinishidan, Amil Gaulning keyingi oqibatlari Xuni ham burishtirib, uni biroz aqldan ozdirdi. U yaqinda Tusk hayvonlari qo'shini bilan birga Neotopiyaga bostirib kirishni boshladi.

Zed portlovchi moddasi bilan Xuni uradi va keyin uni tanasi orasidan pichoqlaydi. Pronimo va Amil Gaul egalariga qaytib kelishganida, Xyu yana o'girilib, yana bir marta kiyingan yuzini ko'rsatdi.

Xyu vizual tarzda birining xususiyatlariga ega sifatida tasvirlangan Uch dono maymun.


Elmeda (エ ル メ イ ダ)Ovoz bergan: Erino Hazuki (yapon); Melissa Devis (Inglizcha)

Ko'zlarini bog'lab turadigan uchta Zymot etakchisining ayol a'zosi. Elmeyda - bu hali ham tirik bo'lgan yagona Zymot Usurper. U Zymotning so'nggi qiroli Xyu huzurida xizmat qilgan Zymotning ikkita oliy qo'mondonlaridan biri edi. Elmeyda odatda parchalarini tortib oladigan kristalni yashirish uchun yuziga bog'lab qo'yadi. U bir necha marta salyangoz yeyayotganini ko'rishgan. Bundan tashqari, Elmeyda juda mag'rur shaxsga ega va fazilatlarida juda shafqatsiz.

U o'zining birinchi haqiqiy qiyofasini 10-epizodda Glaudio bilan o'z hududlariga bostirib kirgan Templerdan Shard Kastersga qarshi jang qilganida qildi. Elmeyda ham Rebekkani qaytarib olgani uchun minnatdorchilik bildiradi. Keyinchalik u Kalbu-fu hududiga hujum qilganda bosh qo'mondon sifatida yuboriladi. Ushbu hududda u Rebekka bilan kurash olib boradi, uni keyinroq pichoq bilan urib o'ldiradi. Rebekkani tugatgandan so'ng Elmelda Xyuning buyrug'i bilan orqaga chekinadi.

Xyu vafot etganidan so'ng, Elmeyda haqiqatan ham Xemda ishlayotgani va uning asl maqsadi Xuni kuzatib turish bo'lganligi aniqlandi.

Oxir oqibat u Zymotning ikkinchi qo'mondoni bo'lib qoladi.

Elmeyda, shuningdek, vizual tarzda ulardan birining xususiyatlariga ega sifatida tasvirlangan Uch dono maymun.

Elmeydaning ruhi: Elmeydaning Ruhi - qanoti katta hayvon, uning yuzi Zakua deb nomlangan bosh suyagi. Zakua birinchi navbatda dushmanlarini mixga mixlash uchun ishlatiladigan o'ng tomondagi tikanni kengaytira olish qobiliyatiga ega.


Guraujio (グ ラ ウ ジ オ)Ovoz bergan: Aya Endo (Yaponcha); Greg Ayres (Inglizcha)

Uchta Zymot etakchisining bola a'zosi. Quloqlari yopiq bandajlar bilan qoplangan. Bolaligiga qaramay, uning qudrati nihoyatda yuqori. Glaudio vafot etgan deb taxmin qilinmoqda, chunki Elmelda Zedni uni o'ldirishda ayblamoqda.

Glaudio - sariq sochli, Xyu tomonidan juda yoshligida yollangan bola. Glaudio Xuning qo'mondonligi ostida ikkita asosiy majburlovchidan biri bo'lib xizmat qildi (ikkinchisi Elmelda). Glaudio 9-epizodda o'zining birinchi haqiqiy qiyofasini yaratdi, u o'z vazifasini bajara olmagan qolgan ittifoqchilarni yo'q qilish uchun Ruhini ochib berdi. Glaudio Elmelda yordam berganida duellarni yaxshi ko'radiganga o'xshaydi. Bundan tashqari, Xyu Glaudioga yoqadigan ko'rinadi, masalan, 13-epizodda Dyumani tugatganida. uning tanasiga ma'lum bir portlovchi parcha. U o'ralgan halqaning o'txonalariga tushganidan keyin o'lik deb taxmin qilingan.

Gladudio, shuningdek, vizual tarzda birining xususiyatlariga ega sifatida tasvirlangan Uch dono maymun.

Glaudioning ruhi: Glaudioning Ruhi tezda yo'q qilish uslubi taktikasi uchun tanasini erkin ochib beradigan (katta jag 'bo'lib tuyuladigan) katta hayvonning ko'rinishini oladi. Glaudio Ruhi Neotopiya bilan urush paytida, Xyu Neotopiya xalqini yo'q qilish uchun bir nechta Ruhlardan foydalangan paytda paydo bo'ldi.


Nudu (ヌ デ ュ ー)Ovoz bergan: Takashi Kondu

Zed uni o'ldirgandan keyin Nedeu Glaudioning o'rnini egalladi. Nudeu Zymot vakillaridan biri sifatida Neotopiyadagi Joustga kiradi. U Robesga qarshi jangda g'alaba qozonmoqchi bo'lganidek, mag'lubiyatga uchradi. Bellesni o'g'irlamoqchi bo'lgan uchrashuvdan keyin u Robeni sharobga mast qiladi, lekin Xyu niqoblangan holda uni ushlab oldi. Keyinchalik Neotopiyaga qarshi urushda qatnashdi. U Nuh tomonidan o'ldirilgan.

Yalang'ochning ruhi: Uning ismi Marakiya. U g'alati ko'rinishga ega va quyruq bilan bog'langan to'rtta shlyuzdan yasalganga o'xshaydi.


Neotopiya (ネ オ ト ピ ア)


Noa (ノ ア)Ovoz bergan: Kazuma Xori (yaponcha); Kris Patton (Inglizcha)

Nuh Zedning xotirjam do'sti. Zeddan farqli o'laroq, Nuh tinchlikning eng buyuk fuqarosi sifatida qaraladi. Nuh har doim odamlar haqida yomon gapirganda Zedni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi. Boshqalar rozi bo'lmasalar ham, Nuh Zed bilan birga osilib turadi, chunki Zed uni bolaligida uni bezorilardan xalos qilgan. Noah also gave Zed a token of their friendship; two feathers attached by a sort of round metal. Noah is plagued with a disease which forces him to always wear a qavs around his neck and spine. He is given a life expectancy of thirty, and anything that causes drastic movements will shorten it. After Zed goes through the portal to Templar, Noah is eventually teleported to a militaristic land called Neotopia and begins making friends while staying with Carter, the man who found him, and his wife. Later, he is known as Lord Dolga, and is found working for the Tuskans. At the end of the anime he is seen in a wheelchair with Roya. He throws a paper airplane, which is taken by the wind and later lands near Zed in Calm.


Aisha (アイシャ)Ovoz bergan: Erino Hazuki (Japanese); Maggie Flecknoe (Inglizcha)

A young girl that had been a citizen of Neotopia since childhood. Throughout her childhood, Aisha would become friends with a boy by the name of Keith, along with Gale. Aisha and Keith would always want to remain independent in their actions - as to be void of the strict Neotopian rules, they would occasionally sit at night amongst glowing flowers that provide light to the sky, and hide out in their established stone monument. Gale, however, joined the military when told to, which changed his life to a high extent. Aisha later meets Noah, in which she and Keith treat them as their old friend, Gale. However, when Gale returns and relatively destroys the previous peaceful ways of Neotopia, Aisha is amongst a large conflict. After Gale is about to slash and kill Keith for destroying the newly established laws, Aisha jumped in the way and was fatally wounded. Aisha lives long enough to transport the terror stricken Noah out of Neotopia to a remote country.


Geiru (ゲイル)Ovoz bergan: Shinnosuke Tachibana (Japanese); Blake McMahon (English)

He's Carter's son and childhood friends with Keith and Aisha. He joins the military of Neotopia. After discovering that the village had not informed the Neotopian government of Noah's appearance, he kills his father and begins the destruction of his village, Ratt. Gale seeks to completely change the ways of Neotopia in a far more irrational authoritative governmental leadership system. Gale later attempts to kill Noah after he had run away, which led to Aisha trying to stop him and he tried to slash her. He was killed in his battle by Keith.


Kīsu (キ ー ス)Ovoz bergan: Turu Nara (Japanese); Brandon Hearnsberger (English)

One of the village youth (most notably the village that Noah was guest at, which is in Neotopia) that attacked Noah. At first, he assumed that Noah was some enemy soldier, or spy, working for the government when he saw Noah looking at the monument at the cliff near the village he was staying at. His Spirit is a yuzboshi type of beast. While most people enlist in the Neotopian army as soon as possible, Keith rejects this way of life, seeming to only want to have fun. He fights with Gale after he wounds Aisha. Along with Gale, he was assumed to be dead, but turns up in Templar as a prisoner escaped from Neotopia. His wounds were healed by the government of Neotopia only so that he could later be executed for treason.

Zed and Roya are asked to escort him back to Neotopia. However, due to some circumstances during the shifting teleportation, Keith, Zed, and Roya end up in the land of Tusk. Noah, now indoctrinated into the laws of Neotopia, finally meets Zed in Tusk, and executes Keith by order of the government after Zed leaves.


Daiana (ダ イ ア ナ)Voiced by: Yumi Hikita (Japanese); Elizabeth Bunch (English)

Hairam's second in command and the one responsible for Noah being transported to Neotopia. She manipulated Noah into joining them believing that "absolute law" was the right form of justice. After witnessing the devastation of Neotopia by Hugh's forces, the fanatically loyal Diana 'rebels' against Hairam. The first factor in this change was Hairam's insistence that the people of Neotopia sacrifice themselves in battle, yet Hairam himself ran and hid from the enemy. The final straw was her anger at the impossibly heavy burden Hairam placed on Noah to be the 'savior' of Neotopia, a responsibility that was driving Noah to have a nervous breakdown. It has been revealed that Diana has a deep affection for Noah and wants to help him rebuild Neotopia. After a battle with Sara and a newly emerged key Spirit, Monardi, Diana fell down a yoriq er yuzida.

It is later learned that Diana survived the destruction of Neotopia, when she resurfaces in Tusk looking for Noah. She witnesses the aftermath of Noah and Zed's feud. When Noah absorbs five of the six Key Spirits, she watches him leave with a look of concern on her face. She then encounters Noah at a disclosed location, but is distraught over the fact that the Noah standing in front of her is no longer the one she knew. She later approaches Noah after he resurrects Tusker, pleading that he let go of the power. She momentarily had Noah reconsider until she was knocked out by the power of Tusker. Her unconscious body is seen being carried by a revived Noah after Tusker is destroyed.


kira (キーラ)Voiced by: Komina Matsushita (Japanese); Jessica Boone (Inglizcha)

The only female of the Royal knights of Neotopia that enforces the ultimate rules. At first, she had a sort of rivalry with Noah, but begins to develop feelings for him. It was later revealed that her brother is Herrick and her real name is Chelsea. The rest of her family was banished to Ulvarx for breaking the ultimate rules. The only reason why she wasn't banished was because she had potential as a Shard Caster. Kira draws her Shards from a green crystal in her navel.

In the end, she stays in Neotopia, rebuilding the city after the destruction caused by the war.


Hairam (ハイラム)Voiced by: Tomohisa Asō (Japanese); Xovan Jekson (inglizcha)

The leader and founder of Neotopia, he enforced the Ultimate Rules with an iron fist, and seemed to have a past history with Templer's sage, Ziko. Zed and Roya were subjected to the ultimate rules during the Neotopian joust. Elmeida nearly assassinated Hyrum, but Noa intervened to save his life. He strongly believed that Noah is a savior of Neotopia and the Ultimate Rules. Neotopians that were banished to Ulvarx (especially Helic) hold a strong hatred towards Hyrum. Hugh's army attacked Neotopia and managed to break the third wall surrounding the castle. All seemed lost at that point, and when faced with the murder of hostages and Hugh's demands for Hairam, Zed delivered Hyrum to Hugh. Hugh offers to let him live for as long as it takes Hyrum to murder the captives, but instead he chooses to kill himself. Roya attempts to heal Hyrum, but is unable to do so. His last wish is for Zico to watch over Noah and the Ultimate Rules.


Vazifa (タスク)


Mirette (ミレッド) Ovoz bergan: Rika Morinaga (Japanese), Cynthia Martinez (English)

A young and free-Spirited Tuskan girl with a tragic past. Mirred was born with the Key Spirit, Dynamis, already inside her body. As such Mirred was dubbed the 'savior' of Tusk. Since the day of her birth, she has been isolated and confined to a small tower above the Tusk Palace, where she can be kept 'safe'. Though she has been visited by all of the four ministers, it is Gitra that is her primary guardian. She enjoys listening to the music that Gitra plays on a large quvur organi that she can hear from her room. Later, after expressing a desire to see a real sky, Molima gives her two 'shifting shards' that allows her to escape the castle. She explored the area around her, wide-eyed at all the things she has heard of, but never seen. She eventually encountered a man named Dolga, who showed her the insides of Tote's Cave, which resembles a night sky. Mirred was eventually found by Tusk soldiers in Gitra's care, but escapes again where she runs into Zed, who had just arrived in Tusk.

When Zed returns and reveals that he not only failed to get the other key Spirits, but also lost his own, Mirred decides to return to the palace. She feels that Zed's failure is a sign that she can't escape her 'destiny'. Zed has a private moment with her and gets her to confess that she truly doesn't want to be a 'savior', but she also doesn't want to run anymore. Zed asks her to let him take her burden, but she runs off before giving him an answer. Wanting to see Dolga and the 'stars' again, she returns to Tote's Cave and finds Lord Dolga there. She is at first happy, but her joy then turns to horror as Dolga demands she give him her key Spirit. Zed and Gitra arrive, but then Xeem and several squads of Tusk soldiers also arrive.

As a battle prepares to begin, Mirred's sorrow and shock at what's happening causes her own key Spirit, Dynamis, to awaken and emerge. The Spirit then draws all the other key shards to it and the shards revolve around in the air. Then all six key shards descend and enter Mirred's body. As the others look on, Mirred is surrounded by a black haze and a massive black Spirit, with long gray wings covering its face, appears. Xeem says that the Spirit is the true form of the combined key Spirits, Tusker. Mirred was unable to handle the resurrection of Tusker. When the key Spirits leave her body and go to Noah, she wakes up without her memories. Gitra becomes her caregiver, taking her on a journey to see the world.


Gitora (ギトラ) Ovoz bergan: Takuma Terashima (Yaponcha)

The younger brother of Xeem, and one of the four 'Ministers' of Tusk. Gitra's primary role is as Mirred's guardian and caregiver. As Mirred is never allowed to leave her tower, Gitra will frequently play a large pipe organ that Mirred can hear from her room. After Mirred escapes from the castle, Gitra goes on a desperate search for her and eventually finds her. Instead of taking her directly back to the castle, he takes her to his secret sanctuary. They manage to hide there for a short time before being discovered by Tusk soldiers. Gitra makes Mirred escape while he blocks the soldiers. After catching up, he confronts Zed and then Dukeham. After Zed defeats Dukeham and reveals his reason for being in Tusk, Gitra helps Zed enter the palace. His reasoning is that if Zed can acquire all the Key Spirits, then Mirred will finally be free of her 'fate' as the savior of Tusk.

Gitra fights with blue shards, that instead of being water-based, are in fact based on blue flames. In addition to wielding a sword, Gitra has demonstrated an ability to engulf his entire body in blue flames and then attack using hand-to-hand combat. The blue flames are so intense that he can disintegrate several opponents with a single flaming kick.

After Mirred loses her memories, he becomes her caregiver, and takes her to places to see the world.


Jīmu (ジーム) Ovoz bergan: Takashi Kondo (Yaponcha), Mark Laskovski (Inglizcha)

One of the Ministers of Tusk and Gitra's older brother. He brought back the two key Spirits that Sara possessed, to Tusk. He appears to be the oldest member of the four leaders and his voice seems to carry the most weight. In addition to being fanatically loyal to Mirred, he is also an accomplished fighter and is able to handle two Key Spirits for a short time in battle. Xeem is present when Mirred absorbs all the key shards and the Spirit, Tusker, emerges. After Mirred collapses from the strain, Xeem takes her back to the Tusk Castle and places her back in her tower room. He later fights against Zed, Noah, and Gitra when they come and take Mirred back. He witnesses the Spirit, Tusker, break into the separate key Spirits and form a summoning ring. Believing that the true Tusker will emerge, Xeem removes his mask and walks into the center of the circle. To his horror, he is killed when Dynamis incinerates him with a fire blast.


Morima (モリマ) Ovoz bergan: Haruxi Terada (Yaponcha), Stefani Vittels (Inglizcha)

A female Shard Caster who is one of the four ministers of Tusk. Not much is known of Molima, but it appears that she has her own goals that do not match those of Xeem or Dukeham. She often feigns allegiance to the idea of getting all the Key Spirits for Mirred, yet her actions speak to a different plan. It was Molima that gave Mirred the 'teleportation' shards that allowed her to escape and seems to not show any urgency with regards to finding the young girl. She is often seen standing in the shadows, more interested in observing than acting.

Her ultimate plan is to make sure that Tusker, the one she adores the most, gets resurrected, in order for him the destroy the current world, and then create a new one. After Noah gains all the key Spirits and resurrects Tusker, she uses a move shard to arrive at his location. Delighted to see that Tusker is right in front of her, she approaches him, but is subsequently stabbed by Noah. At first, she is distraught over the fact that "Lord Dolga" has stabbed her, but as she looks up at Noah's face and leans on him, she feels relieved, and calls him "Lord Tusker". Ko'p o'tmay u vafot etdi.

Her weapon is a blue shard powered, short-handled o'roq.


Deucem (デュケム) Ovoz bergan: Ken Takeuchi (Japanese), Brandon Hearnsberger (English)

Dukeham is one of the 4 Leaders of Tusk and a rather mysterious fellow. Like the other members of Tusk he wears a mask, covering his entire face. He led the attack on Ulvarx. From what we have seen, he is a very formidable Shard Caster, easily disposing of Ginga, whom he shares a past with. Dukeham was Ginga's Captain, and Ginga thought that he had killed his beloved Karen, which was a misunderstanding. Ginga also notes that Dukeham was known for caring deeply about those that served him, and Ginga respected him greatly for that.

When Karen failed a mission to sabotage the defense system in Neotopia and returned injured, saying that it was nearly impossible, Dukeham was angered and was about to kill her on the spot. Ginga pleaded for her life and promised to complete the mission in her place. However, he too failed the mission and was assaulted by a number of Neotopian Knights. He lost consciousness and when he regained it, he saw Dukeham standing over Karen with his drawn sword. Enraged, he attacked Dukeham, but Dukeham severely wounded him and left him for dead.

Dukeham explains to Ginga that after he left to go on the mission to Neotopia, Karen pleaded with him to allow her to help Ginga, but he refused. She, however, disobeyed orders and went after Ginga anyway. When he discovered what she’d done, he chased after her. She saw Ginga lose consciousness and she ran to fight the Neotopians to save him, but they ended up killing her. Dukeham arrived and killed the Neotopian Knights, which is when Ginga regained consciousness and attacked him.

After battling Zed, Dukeham falls off one of Tusk's floating pieces of land. He later shows up again, sporting a scar across his chest which he received from his battle with Zed. He battles Zed one last time, but faces defeat once again. Dukeham is presumed dead after three fire shards, placed on his back by Zed, explodes.


Morokko (モ ロ ッ コ) Ovoz bergan: Tomohisa Asō (Japanese)

A rather fat man that had been living within the lands of Tusk since his life had begun. Morocco is the father of Roya, in which he seems to be rather insane due to his great fear of his daughter. Morocco attained this fear by first dealing with a certain witch that had prophesied that Roya would "be the death of him". This insanity greatly prospered after Roya (as a child) had given Morocco a rose as a gift, which pricked his finger, causing for a minor amount of blood loss. This threw him into a state of insanity throughout the rest of his life in which he convinced himself that Roya must die. Due to this fact, Morocco hires Despara to assassinate Roya. Because Roya's mother had joined bodies with Despara right before her death - as a result of her protecting Roya - Morocco could never look Despara in the face without being thrown into fear as to look at his own wife's face.

Ten years into the future when Morocco sees Roya dressed beautifully as the newly adopted daughter of Norman - a high ranking noble man of Tusk - he literally gets on his hands and knees and crawls quickly away from Roya in a moment of extreme fear within his insanity. After this, Morocco finds the whereabouts of Roya, and personally holds her by the throat and attempts to kill her. However, Despara - who became Jesara momentarily - is struck by his blow. Morocco then attempts to flee, but is instantly cut down by Cloud, thus finally ending his life of distortion.


A somewhat minor character within the anime due to only being shown within small intervals. Jesara is Roya's mother. Jesara is first shown in episode 20, where she had been shown leaning on Cloud's shoulder, whom she seems to have a high level of love towards him. When Jesara later hears that Roya has returned to the land of Tusk after ten years, she asked Cloud to tell Roya to meet her at the fallen cathedral within Tusk. After Roya comes up to her mother for the first time (within her memory), Roya realizes that she is soon confronting a woman by the name of Despara instead. It is revealed later in the episode that Jesara had merged her Spirit within Despara's body right before her death, which had taken place when she had protected Roya from Despara. Jesara is only later seen when she had protected Roya again by jumping in the way of Morocco's blade, who had at the time held Roya and intended on killing her. Despara is the one who had truly received the blow, in which Jesara had faded away in death in Cloud's arms, telling him to "live on".


Desupara (デスパラ) Ovoz bergan: Xiromi Xirata (Yaponcha), Luci nasroniy (Inglizcha)

A rather young woman that had seemingly been a high-ranking official of Tusk even since a young age. Despara always wears a half-mask around her face - a shared trait amongst the people of Tusk - and has a rather cruel and arrogant personality. Despara is also the right-hand guardian of Morocco, the father of Roya. At one time in which Despara had been ordered to kill Roya, due to Morocco's grand superstition and insanity, Despara had confronted Roya along a small cliff. Roya's mother however had vowed to protect Roya, which led to Roya accidentally falling of the cliff - later to be saved be Jiko - and the supposed death of Roya's mother. However, Roya's mother had quickly thrown her Spirit into that of Despara's, effectively leading Despara to have another person living inside of her.

Despara believes that the only way to get rid of Jesara from her body is to slay Roya. This later leads to Jesara meeting with Roya at a cathedral, but Despara ends up coming out and she attempts to kill Roya. However, Cloud holds Despara at bay, effectively allowing Roya to make her escape. Despara later encounters Roya again, however, Cloud duels her again. After Morocco himself holds Roya, intending on killing her, Despara jumps in the way of the blow (who was taken over by Jesara within a quick moment), and dies. Due to Despara's death, and the unity of their body, they both end up dying as a result.


Kuraudo (クラウド) Ovoz bergan: Turu Nara (Yaponcha), Jey Hikman (Inglizcha)

A man around the age of 30 who always wears a suit of armor with blue large shoulder pads. He also seems to have a considerate and kind personality towards others. Cloud is first shown when Hugh had gone to Kalb-Hu with Cloud and Despara. At this point, however, the characteristics of Cloud were unknown. Later on in the series, it is revealed that, like Dumas, Cloud is a Joker, or spy, for Templar. Cloud is sent to gather more knowledge about the country of Tusk, where he seems to hold a relationship with Roya's mother, Jesara. After Cloud assists in Roya's escape, Cloud later elaborated to Roya and Zed about the truth of Roya's past. After Cloud explains her past, they are attacked by a group of Tusker worshippers. Cloud flees with Roya while Zed holds the Tuskers at bay with Rambos and Amir Gaul. Later, Cloud explains to Roya that he will always protect her, as which is the will of her mother, Jesara.

Very soon after, however, Cloud is attacked by a rather angry Despara, whom he holds at bay for the second time. After Despara, who at the time became Jesara, is killed after being struck by Morocco's blade that had been intended for Roya, Morocco attempts to flee. Cloud however makes quick work of Morocco by delivering a fatal stab through his stomach, effectively killing him. After Roya and Zed return to Templar, Cloud sits by Jesara's side for the last time, because she had been sharing the same body with the now-dead Despara. Afterwards, Cloud returns to Tusk to continue his ways as a Joker.


Karubu Fū (カルブ・フー)


Gusuma (グスマ) Ovoz bergan: Ken Takeuchi (Japanese), Jonathan Novack (English)

The younger brother of the leader of the Kalb-Hu. He was imprisoned in the "dark training grounds" and forced to fight Zed for survival. Rebecca and her party interrupted, allowing and assisting both to escape. Like everyone in the training grounds, Guzman was also forced to undergo harsh training. If he didn't comply, his loved one would have been killed. After Zymot attacks the underground homeland of the Kalb-Hu, Guzman opposes, giving into Zymot's demands and assists Rebecca with fighting Hugh.

When Kalb-Hu was no longer in danger, Guzman lived happily with his wife and new born baby, whom they named Rebecca, after the late Princess Rebecca.


Urubākusu (ウルバークス)


Ginga (ギンガ)Ovoz bergan: Daisuke Sakaguchi (Japanese); Illich Gvardiola (Inglizcha)

A mysterious youth with the power to reverse Spirit summonings, however, Key Spirits are only able to be temporarily paralyzed. He is first seen in Tusk, where he rescues Roya from the Beast Humans, and later helps Zed stop her execution after she breaks the "Absolute Law" during the Neotopian Joust. He counsels Herrick against using the composite Spirit Ex-Machina to kill Hairam, but fails to stop Herrick. After Herrick is killed by Ex-Machina, he leaves Neotopia with Herrick's body.

Later when Ulvarx is under attack by Tusk he asks Zed and Roya for help. There, he goes after Dukeham, to take his revenge. It is stated that the girl whom he loved was killed by the soldiers from Neotopia and not by Dukeham. Dukeham leaves him and goes back to the central lab. Ginga is left behind while being stunned by this news. As the island explodes, it is hinted that he has died. You see his mechanic shoulder drifting in the sea with no body attached.

In the last episode, it shows that Ginga survived and used the completed Ex-Machina, though it was easily defeated by Tusker. After Tusker was defeated, Ginga went back to rebuild Ulvarx.


Herikku (ヘリック) Ovoz bergan: Shinnosuke Tachibana (Japanese); Adam Van Wagoner (English)

A former contender of the Neotopian Joust tournament. He attempts to recruit Zed to fight against Hairam, the supreme judge of Neotopia that oversees the "Ultimate Rules". After this is unsuccessful, he ignores Professor Bender's advice and takes the composite Spirit Ex-Machina, thinking that he can finally kill Hairam with it. He is killed while trying to stop Ex-Machina, which he can no longer control, after defeating Kira and discovering that she is his sister Chelsea.

Professor Bender

Wender (ヴェンダー)Ovoz bergan: Kinryu Arimoto

Professor Bender appears to be the leader of the Ulbacus. He is involved with the creation of the composite Spirit Ex-Machina,”a Spirit that can beat all other Spirits", but feels that it is not yet complete. His ultimate goal is to take over and control every Spirit there is, as well as merge them into a more powerful Spirit; Ex-machina was supposed to be the result of this. All he cares for is his research. While being the leader of the Ulbacus, he switched over to Tusk, as they want to use his technology to capture Amil Gaoul. When he used his ultimate system on Amil Gaoul, he found out that the system was not enough to work on Amil Gaoul. Amil Gaoul goes on destroying the central lab. It is unknown if he has died when the island collapsed.



Sara (サ ラ)Ovoz bergan: Kikuko Inoue (Japanese); Shelley Calene-Black (Inglizcha)

Sara is first shown when Zed goes to Calm Hospital after taking Noah to be treated. He shows her a certain feathered pendulum that Noah had given him. She stares at the pendulum in a rather strange display of surprise. After Zed is later attacked by a teacher of Calm, who was actually a member of Tusk, Sara personally battles it out with him. This reveals that Sara herself is a Shard Caster and possesses a sense of duty to protect her son, or at least to get rid of this Tusk member. Most of this battle is not really shown because she never releases any Spirit, but instead continuously threw fire shards. Though, Sara is later shown holding the body of this Tusk member, in which it can be assumed he is dead. After this, she appeared several times, showing up in strange places, watching as events unfolded.

It is later revealed that she is a member of the Seekers, and was given a mission to find and bring Sagiri to the Seeker's flying fortress. During the siege of Neotopia, Sara appears to Diana and Noah in the catacombs below Hairam's temple, wielding the newly discovered key Spirit, Monadi. She uses the Spirit to battle Diana and in the end captures Sagiri. Before departing, she witnesses the death of Hugh at her son's hands and takes Pronimo's shard after it leaves Hugh's body. Sara was present at the destruction of Ulvarx.

After Sagiri escaped from the Seekers, Sara was sent to recover her in Templar. There she was reunited with Zico, whom Sara had an obvious hatred for. It was later revealed that Sara was originally from Calm, but had been kidnapped and brought to Templar by Zico, who believed that Sara was the chosen one of Amil Gaoul. Sara received Amil Gaoul's shard becoming a Shard Caster in the process. She then endured harsh training from Zico in order to one day wield the powerful Spirit. During the Zymot invasion, Sara tried to call Amil Gaoul prematurely, and even though the Spirit appeared, he turned and abandoned Sara. Shortly afterwards, Zico had turned his back on Sara and made her go back to Calm despite her pleas for another chance. It appears that Sara had experienced a moment of extreme ecstasy when Amil Gaoul first entered her body, and she longed to experience that sensation again. As a result, Sara has been living with constant 'withdrawal '-like feelings ever since. Her ultimate motive in all her actions was not to help the Seekers, but to gain the other key Spirits, in order to gain the power to control Amil Gaoul.

To further exemplify her obsession, Sara has developed a means of draining other Shard Caster's energy directly into her own body through multiple zuluk -like appendages that can be extended from her summoning crystal on her neck. It is this energy that allows her to wield the Key Spirit, Monadi, but only for short periods of time. Sara both loves and despises her son, Zed, because it was revealed that he had always been the chosen one of Amil Gaoul, and Sara has stated that if Zed were to die, she could regain the Spirit.

Sara confronted Zed and as they prepared to fight, Xeem and his soldiers appeared. He incapacitates Sara and takes her two key Spirits. At that moment, the Seeker fortress appears and Xeem flees. In the confusion, Sara also flees. She is not seen again until she tracks Zed to Tusk. Shortly afterwards, Zico and Roya appear looking for Zed. Sara tries to drain Roya's power, but is stopped by Zico. Sara is so weak at this point that she can't even cast a spell shard. Zico tells her that in this state, wielding Amil Gaoul would kill her. Sara states that as long as she can feel that 'ecstasy' again, she doesn't care.

Later, Sara appears before Zed and leads him to a small cave. As they walk, she asks Zed how old he is now, saying that she has missed so much of his growing up. She asks if he is hungry and that she can cook something for him. Zed is, at first, suspicious, but relents and allows her to cook for him. However, this is just a ruse to allow her to get the key Spirit, as she poisons the soup that she is preparing. However, Sara's mental state has deteriorated so much that she doesn't realize that she is speaking all her thoughts aloud and that Zed can hear her. Still she tries to give him the poisoned soup, which he angrily slaps away and tries to leave. She collapses and reaches out and grabs his arm begging for Amil Gaoul. Zed is so disgusted by this that he gives her the key Spirit.

Sara runs off happily and absorbs the key Spirit. Zico soon arrives and demands Amil Gaoul back, but Sara summons the Spirit and fights him, but Amil Gaoul is too powerful and Zico is defeated. As she stands triumphant, she suddenly grabs her head and screams. Inside her mind, she floats in a golden-colored void, but is suddenly surrounded by black feathers, turning the void black. She reaches out for the key Spirit shard floating in front of her and grabs it. Sara says that with the shard she can protect that which is most precious to her. However, she suddenly realizes that she can't remember what it was that was so precious to her. Begging the key Spirit to tell her, the shard flies up and creates a round opening where a bright light streams through.

From the light, Sara hears the faint laugh of an infant. As she peers into the light, she sees her younger self holding her baby, Zed, in her arms, as he laughs and holds her finger. Sara finally remembers what was most precious to her, the one thing that drove away the darkness in her life and gave her a reason to live... her son, Zed. Tears streaming down her face, she laments how she could have forgotten. Reawakening in Roya's arms, she gives Roya the key shard and whispers some words into her ear before dying. Her last words were,”My precious Zed... Thank you.”


Sagiri (サギリ)Voiced by: Aya Endo (Japanese); Xilari Xag (Inglizcha)

Sagiri is a little girl introduced in episode 5. She belongs to a group of nomads that were carrying with them the Key Spirit, Sachura. One day, while she was wandering through a forest with a nomad named Galba, she found Noah collapsed against a tree. Sagiri and Galba brought Noah to a place where he could recover. After nursing Noah back to health, she befriends him. When Noah obtained Sachura, all of the Nomads were killed except her. With nowhere else to go, she is taken by Noah to Neotopia.

During the war which led to Neotopia's downfall, she was kidnapped by Sara and was reunited with the Seekers. She learned that she is a descendant of a royal bloodline of Seekers, who were born in a place called Rion. At some point in time, Zymot invaded Rion. In order to keep Sagiri safe, she was entrusted to Galba, who raised her. Sagiri received the Key Spirit Shadin and is the Seekers "Savior", but in episode 46, she entrusts Shadin to Zed, in return for requesting that he find and protect Noah. She is last seen living on the Seeker's flying ship.

Izohlar va ma'lumotnomalar

  1. ^ The name is spelled "Roia" in the official merchandise and trading card game. Qarang ushbu sahifa
  2. ^ Elda Character profile from rasmiy sayt.