Janubiy Afrika sug'urta qonuni - South African insurance law

Janubiy Afrikada sug'urta ushbu mamlakatda odamlar va aktivlarning doimiy ravishda (tabiiy yoki moliyaviy yoki shaxsiy) tavakkal qilishlari natijasida zararni kamaytirish yoki minimallashtirish mexanizmini tavsiflaydi. Agar bunday xavf tug'ilsa, paydo bo'ladigan zarar turlari oilaviy yoki oilaviy bo'lmagan bo'lishi mumkin.

Ning umumiy ta'rifi sug'urta holda taqdim etiladi Leyk v qayta sug'urta korporatsiyasi Ltd,[1] Sug'urtalovchi sug'urta qildiruvchiga summani berishga majbur bo'lgan shartnomani sug'urtalovchi va sug'urta qildiruvchi o'rtasidagi shartnoma sifatida tavsiflaydi. pul yoki uning ekvivalenti, sug'urta qildiruvchiga to'lovni to'lash evaziga ma'lum foizlar bo'lgan ma'lum bir noaniq hodisa yuz berganda. premium.

Ga binoan LAWSA,

Sug'urta - bu insonning hayoti, odam va uchun xavfli bo'lgan sharoitda moliyaviy xavfsizlikni yaratish bo'yicha harakatlarining natijasidir mulk. Odamning odatiy istagi - bu o'z mulkini shakllantirish va rivojlantirish [....] Mulkni shakllantirish va rivojlantirish ob'ekti, ammo uning hozirgi va kelajakdagi pozitsiyasi xavf ostida bo'lishi mumkin: agar bu amalga oshsa darhol yoki kelajakda uning mulkiga ta'sir qilishi mumkin bo'lgan kiruvchi oqibatlarni keltirib chiqaradi. Xavf hali ham uzoq bo'lgan taqdirda ham, uning haqiqiy paydo bo'lishi, yuzaga kelish vaqti yoki istalmagan oqibatlari bilan bog'liq holda, noaniqlik elementini yaratadi. Ushbu noaniqlik elementi ishonchsizlikni keltirib chiqaradi. Shunga ko'ra, insonning xavfsizlikka bo'lgan ehtiyoji, bir tomondan, o'z mulkini shakllantirish va rivojlantirish istagi o'rtasidagi ziddiyatdan va boshqa tomondan, bu istakni oldini olish bilan tahdid qiladigan xavfdan kelib chiqadi deyish mumkin. Xavfsizlikka erishishning eng samarali va aniq usuli bu yaqinda yoki yuzaga kelishi mumkin bo'lgan zararga qarshi to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ehtiyot choralarini ko'rishdir [....] Yaratilishning eng qoniqarli umumiy usullaridan biri moliyaviy xavfsizlik qarshi xatarlar shuning uchun bir xil xavfga duchor bo'lgan va ularning har qanday bir yoki bir nechtasi uchun yuzaga kelishi mumkin bo'lgan ushbu xavfning zararli ta'sirini zararsizlantirishga nisbatan nisbatan ahamiyatsiz hissa qo'shishga tayyor bo'lgan bir qator odamlar orasida xavfni tarqatish kabi ko'rinadi. Bu sug'urta deb nomlanadi.

The qonun sug'urta Janubiy Afrika dan iborat

Keng ma'noda, Janubiy Afrikadagi sug'urta qonuni bilan bog'liq


Erta Rim-golland qonuni asosan bilan shug'ullangan dengiz sug'urtasi.

1879 yilda Keyp koloniyasi kiritgan holda, umumiy qonunga o'zgartirish kiritish to'g'risidagi qonunni qabul qildi Ingliz qonuni Keypda "har qanday da'vo, harakat va sabablarga ko'ra yong'in, hayot va dengiz sug'urtasi to'g'risida" murojaatlarni boshqarish. In Transvaal va Natal, Ingliz qonunchiligi qonun hujjatlariga kiritilmagan; Rim-golland qonunchiligi printsipial jihatdan amal qildi va hech qachon rasmiy ravishda ko'chirilmagan, ammo ingliz qonunchiligining ta'siri ushbu mintaqalarda ham sezilgan.

1977 yilda Ittifoqdan oldingi Nizom to'g'risidagi qonunni qayta ko'rib chiqish to'g'risidagi qonun Keypdagi umumiy qonunga o'zgartirishlar kiritish to'g'risidagi qonunni bekor qildi. Ushbu bekor qilish Apellyatsiya bo'limi tomonidan, Janubiy Afrika sug'urta qonunchiligi manbalari bo'yicha etakchi holatda talqin qilingan, Mutual & Federal v Oudtshoorn Municipality, Rim-Gollandiya sug'urta qonuni tiklanganligini anglatadi.

Janubiy Afrikaning sug'urta qonuni asosan Rim-Gollandiya qonunchiligi bilan boshqariladi umumiy Qonun. Shunga qaramay, sudlar ingliz qonunchiligini har doim Rim-Gollandiyalik hokimiyat etishmayotgan yoki etarli bo'lmagan hollarda kuchli ishontirish vakolatiga ega deb hisoblashgan. Ittifoqqa qadar bo'lgan qonunni qayta ko'rib chiqish to'g'risidagi qonun kuchga kirgandan so'ng tuzilgan shartnomalarga nisbatan, ingliz qonunchiligi endi Janubiy Afrikaning biron bir qismida majburiy vakolatga ega emas, ammo "Janubiy Afrikaning sug'urtasida hukmron bo'lgan savdo-sotiq usullaridan kelib chiqib hukm sanoat, ingliz sug'urta qonunchiligi printsiplariga hali ham amal qilinmoqda deb taxmin qilish mumkin. "[2]

Qonunchilik asoslari

Quyidagi qonunchilik Janubiy Afrika sug'urta qonuni uchun alohida ahamiyatga ega:

Sug'urtalashning tasnifi

Tasniflash ko'pincha shunchaki qulaylik masalasidir, ammo buning jiddiy sabablari bo'lishi mumkin; hatto asosiy huquqiy printsiplardagi farqni aks ettirishi mumkin. Sug'urta shartnomalarini tasniflashda turli xil mezonlarni qo'llash mumkin. Eng muhimi

  • sug'urta qilingan foizlarning tabiati;
  • sug'urta qilingan hodisaning mohiyati;
  • shartnoma bo'yicha undiriladigan summani aniqlash usuli; va
  • har qanday yo'l foyda sug'urtalovchiga tegishli.

Bitta sug'urta shartnomasi bo'yicha sug'urtaning turli sinflarini birlashtirish mumkin va ko'pincha istaladi.

Tovon ga qarshi kapital sug'urtasi

Turli xil sug'urta shartnomalari o'rtasidagi eng asosiy farq shundan iboratki tovon sug'urtasi va odatda nima deyiladi tovon puli bo'lmagan sug'urta, ammo bu erda "kapital sug'urtasi" deb nomlanadi.

To'lovni sug'urtalash

Sug'urtani sug'urtalashda tomonlar o'rtasida tuzilgan shartnomada sug'urtalovchining sug'urtalangan shaxsga etkazilgan zararni qoplashi shartligi nazarda tutilgan oilaviy yo'qotish sug'urta qilingan voqea sodir bo'lishining taxminiy natijasi sifatida azob chekdi. Hodisa sug'urta qilinganligi yoki yo'qligi noaniq olov yoki o'g'irlik, masalan) aslida ro'y beradi, ammo yo'qotish miqdorini aniqlashdan oldin bu aniq.

Sug'urtalashni sug'urtalash sharoitida sug'urta qilinadigan manfaatlarga misollar kiradi

Sug'urtalangan shaxsni o'z lavozimiga qaytarish sug'urta shartnomasini maqsadi quo ante. Haddan tashqari sug'urta va er-xotin sug'urta qoidalarida ko'rsatilgandek, oilaviy tovondan boshqa hech narsa qaytarib olinmaydi. Sug'urtalangan shaxs zararidan foyda olishga haqli emas. Shunga ko'ra tovon puli tamoyili tovon sug'urtasini boshqaradi.

Kapital sug'urtasi

Sug'urtalovchi kapitalni yoki tovon to'lamaslikni sug'urtalashda sug'urta qildiruvchi sug'urta hodisasi sodir bo'lgandan keyin sug'urta qildiruvchiga belgilangan miqdorni yoki davriy summalarni to'lash majburiyatini oladi: masalan, sug'urta qildiruvchi vafot etsa yoki oyoq-qo'lini yo'qotsa . Bu odatda oilaviy bo'lmagan yo'qotish. Tashqi tomondan, shartnomada sug'urta qildiruvchini oilaviy yo'qotishdan qoplash nazarda tutilmagan.

An'anaviy tasavvurlarga ko'ra, kapitalni sug'urtalashga yaroqli foizlar soni cheklangan. Sug'urtalanmaydigan manfaatlarning eng yaxshi namunalari - bu insonning cheksiz qiziqishi

  • o'z hayotida;
  • uning sog'lig'ida; va
  • uning tanasi va oyoq-qo'llarining sog'lig'ida.

Shuningdek, inson turmush o'rtog'ining hayoti, sog'lig'i va tanasiga axloqiy yoki hissiy jihatdan qiziqishi mumkin.

Kapital sug'urtasi, demak, sug'urta qildiruvchi yoki uchinchi shaxs bilan doimiy bog'liq bo'lgan hodisaga bog'liq.

Kapital sug'urtasi uchun ochiq bo'lgan voqealar turlari ham cheklangan. Odatda voqealar

  • o'lim, shu jumladan tug'ilmagan bolaning o'limi;
  • hayotning davomi;
  • tug'ilish; va
  • tan jarohati etkazadigan baxtsiz hodisalar.

Shuning uchun boshqa hodisalardan sug'urta qilish tovonni sug'urtalash shaklida bo'lishi kerak. Sug'urtalangan yoki uchinchi shaxsning shaxsida ishlaydigan shartnoma, albatta, kapitalni sug'urtalash shartnomasi emas, chunki bu tomonlarning toza sug'urta shartnomasini tuzish niyati bo'lishi mumkin edi.

Sarmoyani sug'urtalashda sug'urta hodisasi yuzaga kelishi aniq (garchi sug'urta sug'urtasida bunday aniqlik bo'lmasa), ammo muddati aniq emas. Miqdor siyosat chiqarilayotganda aniqlanadi va etkazilgan zarar bilan bog'liq emas.

Farqi va o'xshashligi

Sug'urtalash va kapital sug'urtasi o'rtasidagi farq sug'urta ob'ekti bo'lgan foizlar xususiyatiga bog'liq bo'lishi kerak:

  • To'lovni sug'urtalashda foizlar zarurat oilaviy xarakterga ega bo'lishi kerak; aks holda uning qadrsizlanishi tufayli hech qanday moliyaviy yo'qotish yoki zarar etkazilishi mumkin emas.
  • Aksincha, kapitalni sug'urta qilish shartnomasining ob'ekti bo'lib xizmat qiladigan foizlar, mohiyatan patrimonial bo'lmagan deb hisoblanishi kerak.

Tovonni sug'urta qilish shartnomasi bo'yicha qaysi manfaatlar sug'urta qilinishi mumkinligini qonun belgilaydi. Xuddi shu narsa kapital sug'urtasi uchun ham yaxshi.

Muhim oqibatlar tovon puli va kapital sug'urtasi o'rtasidagi farqga bog'liq. Masalan, kapital sug'urtalovchilari boshqa sug'urtalovchilar tomonidan mutanosib ravishda badal talab qilishni yoki sug'urta qildiruvchining zarariga nisbatan huquqlarini subrogatsiya qilishni talab qilishga haqli emas. Xuddi shu asosda, imtiyozlarni hisoblash doktrinasi kapital sug'urtasiga taalluqli emas.

Qisqa va uzoq muddatli sug'urta

Qisqa muddatli va uzoq muddatli sug'urta o'rtasidagi farq sug'urta aktlari bo'yicha ta'riflarda o'z ifodasini topgan.

Uzoq muddatli sug'urta biznesi, belgilangan uzoq muddatli siyosat bo'yicha siyosat bo'yicha imtiyozlarni taqdim etishni anglatadi. Uzoq muddatli sug'urta qonuni 1-bo'limi nuqtai nazaridan "uzoq muddatli siyosat" an degan ma'noni anglatadi yordam siyosati, a nogironlik siyosati, a fond siyosati, a sog'liqni saqlash siyosati, a hayot siyosati yoki a cho'kayotgan fond siyosati yoki ushbu qoidalarning har qanday kombinatsiyasini o'z ichiga olgan shartnoma. Shuningdek, unga har qanday bunday shartnoma turlicha bo'lgan shartnoma kiradi. (Shuningdek, qisqa muddatli sug'urtadan farqlash uchun "Sog'liqni saqlash siyosati" ta'rifiga qarang.)

Qisqa muddatli sug'urta biznesi, belgilangan qisqa muddatli siyosat bo'yicha siyosat bo'yicha imtiyozlar berish biznesini anglatadi. Qisqa muddatli sug'urta qonuni 1-bo'limining shartlariga binoan,[8] "Qisqa muddatli siyosat" degan ma'noni anglatadi muhandislik siyosati, a kafolat siyosati, a javobgarlik siyosati, a turli xil siyosat, a vosita siyosati, an baxtsiz hodisalar va sog'liqni saqlash siyosati, a mulk siyosati yoki a transport siyosati yoki ushbu qoidalarning har qanday kombinatsiyasini o'z ichiga olgan shartnoma. Ta'rif shuningdek, har qanday bunday shartnoma yangilanadigan yoki o'zgarib turadigan shartnomani ham o'z ichiga oladi.

Sug'urta faoliyatini qisqa va uzoq muddatli sug'urta biznesiga bo'lish ma'muriy maqsadlar uchun mo'ljallangan. Qisqa muddatli sug'urtaning aksariyati tovonni sug'urtalashdir, ammo qisqa muddatli sug'urta faqat sug'urta qoplamasi bilan cheklanmaydi, chunki "baxtsiz hodisalar va sog'liqni saqlash siyosati" kapital sug'urtasi sinfiga kiradi. Uzoq muddatli sug'urta, xuddi shu asosda, kapitalni sug'urtalash bilan chegaralanmaydi, chunki "fond sug'urtasi" tovonni sug'urtalashga o'xshaydi.

"Yakuniy tahlilda, - deb yozadi Reinecke, - uzoq muddatli va qisqa muddatli sug'urta o'rtasidagi haqiqiy farq aniq emas."[9]

Sug'urta shartnomasini tuzish

Shartnoma taraflari bir-birini noto'g'ri tushunmaydigan shartnoma javobgarligining asosi konsensus ad idem animo kontrahendi. Tomonlar bir-birini noto'g'ri tushunadigan va faqatgina aniq rozilik mavjud bo'lgan istisno holatlarda, javobgarlik, kelishuv mavjudligining kelishuv mavjudligiga asoslangan ishonchiga asoslanadi. Bu shartnoma huquqida ishonch nazariyasi sifatida tanilgan. Bunday rozilik "konstruktiv rozilik" deb nomlanishi mumkin. Albatta, har doimgidek ta'limotini qo'llash uchun joy bor estoppel, agar sud protsessi uning yanada qat'iy talablarini qondira oladigan bo'lsa va u o'zi tuzgan konsensus paydo bo'lishiga bog'liq bo'lgan partiyani o'tkazish uchun ushbu vositadan foydalanmoqchi bo'lsa. Bunday shartnoma mavjud bo'lishi uchun, haqiqiy yoki konstruktiv rozilikka erishish kerak. Bu taklif va qabul orqali amalga oshiriladi.

Ushbu umumiy tamoyillar Janubiy Afrikadagi shartnoma qonuni sug'urta shartnomalari uchun ham yaxshi bo'lishi kerak va bunday shartnomalarga nisbatan qo'llanilishi kerak.

Ba'zida sug'urta shartnomasi tomonlar o'zlari xohlagan shartnomaning har bir muhim sharti bo'yicha kelishib olgandan so'ng paydo bo'lishi mumkin, masalan,

  • sug'urta qilinadigan shaxs yoki mol-mulk;
  • sug'urta qilingan voqea;
  • sug'urta muddati; va
  • mukofot miqdori.

Bu shuni ko'rsatadiki, tomonlar moddiy shartlardan tashqari boshqa shartlar bo'yicha kelishmasligi kerak. Shartnoma sug'urtaning biri sifatida tan olinishi uchun tomonlar sug'urtaning muhim jihatlari to'g'risida kelishib olishlari kerak. Agar ular aniq kelishuvga erishmasa, sug'urta shartnomasi bo'lishi mumkin emas (garchi shartnomaning boshqa turi paydo bo'lishi mumkin bo'lsa ham).

Shartnoma haqiqiy bo'lishi uchun, tomonlar aslida ularning har biri taklif qilingan shartnomaning uzib bo'lmaydigan qismi sifatida har bir muddatda kelishib olishlari kerak. Ushbu talab faqat konsensus yo'qligiga qaramay shartnoma majburiyatini yaratadigan oddiy qoidalarga bo'ysunadi. Qoida tariqasida, sug'urta shartnomasi taraflari har bir aniq muddat uchun o'z fikrlarini qo'llashmaydi; ular sug'urtalanuvchining o'ziga xos tavakkal turi uchun sug'urtalovchining odatdagi shartlari asosida shartnoma tuzadilar.

Sug'urta shartnomasi faqat konsensusga erishilganda yuzaga keladi. O'sha vaqtga qadar kutilgan shartnoma qoplashni ta'minlamaydi, garchi yakuniy shartnoma retrospektiv ravishda ishlashi mumkin. Tomonlar o'zlarining muzokaralari tugaguniga qadar ko'pincha asosiy shartnoma bo'yicha yakuniy qaror qabul qilinishidan oldingi davr mobaynida taklif qiluvchini qoplash uchun oraliq sug'urtani tuzadilar. Vaqtinchalik sug'urta qoplamasi shartnoma asosida taqdim etiladi va shuning uchun ham konsensusga asoslanadi.

Sug'urta biznesining ko'plab jihatlari, shu jumladan shartnomalar tuzish, tegishli tomonlarning vakili bo'lgan sug'urta agentlari orqali amalga oshiriladi. Agar shartnomani tuzish paytida tomon o'z vakili nomidan shartnoma tuzish vakolatiga ega bo'lgan agent tomonidan vakili bo'lsa, shartnoma vujudga kelganligi to'g'risida qaror qabul qilishda agentning niyati va harakatlari e'tiborga olinishi kerak. .

Sug'urta shartnomasining muhim elementlari

Yilda Britaniyaning Oak sug'urtasi - Atmore,[10] locus classicus, mohiyat sug'urta shartnomasi quyidagicha sanab o'tilgan:

  • sug'urta qilingan shaxs yoki mol-mulk;
  • sug'urta qilingan xavf;
  • sug'urta hodisasi sodir bo'lganligi to'g'risida sug'urta qildiruvchi tomonidan to'lanadigan summa;
  • mukofot; va
  • sug'urta qoplamasining muddati.

Hech qanday rasmiy rasmiyatchilik talab qilinmaydi, ammo "Qisqa muddatli sug'urta to'g'risida" gi qonunga muvofiq, siyosatni rasmiylashtirish uchun muayyan talablar mavjud.

Dasturiy hujjat odatda shartnomani o'z ichiga oladi.

Sug'urta qonunchiligidagi tushunchalar


Umuman olganda, sug'urtalovchilar sug'urta qilish uchun majburiy takliflar bermaydilar; aksincha, ular jamoatchilikni (vositachilarning yordamini so'rab yoki boshqa usul bilan) sug'urta qilish uchun ariza berishga taklif qilishadi. Shartnoma bo'yicha haqiqiy taklif, shunga muvofiq, taklif qilingan sug'urta qildiruvchi tomonidan deyarli har doim sug'urtalovchi tomonidan chiqarilgan va taklif bilan to'ldirilgan yoki imzolangan bosma shaklda amalga oshiriladi.

Sug'urtalovchilar tomonidan tuzilganidek, ushbu taklif shakli odatda ko'p joy qoldirmaydi savdolashish tomonlar o'rtasida. Odatda qanday kelishuvlar mavjud bo'lsa, oldindan hal qilib bo'lmaydigan, masalan, sug'urta miqdori, sug'urta muddati va tavakkal bilan bog'liq bo'lgan maxsus holatlar bilan chegaralanadi. Ba'zan taklif qilinayotgan sug'urta qildiruvchi o'chirishni yoki qo'shib qo'yishni talab qilishi mumkin: masalan, sug'urta qildiruvchi tomonidan shartnomaning standart shakliga binoan indossamentlar orqali amalga oshiriladi.

Odatda mukofot taklif shaklida yozilmaydi. Taklif qilinayotgan shartnomaning aksariyat boshqa shartlari ham aniq ko'rsatilmagan, chunki sug'urtalovchining odatdagi shartlari bilan shartnoma tuzish kerak. Sug'urtalovchining odatdagi shartlarini belgilashda sug'urtalovchi tomonidan chiqarilgan boshqa siyosat dalillari qabul qilinadi. Odatiy shartlarga havola shartnomaga kiritilgandan so'ng, sug'urta qildiruvchi aslida ularga rozi bo'ladi; keyinchalik u shartlarning aniq tarkibini aniqlash imkoniyati yo'qligini aytganini eshita olmaydi.

Taklif shakli har doim sug'urtalovchi tomonidan qo'yiladigan bir qator savollarni o'z ichiga oladi, ularga tavakkalchilikni hisoblash uchun zarur bo'lgan ma'lumotlarni olish uchun javob berish kerak. Rasmiy taklif bo'lishdan tashqari, taklif shakli ham taklif qiluvchi tomonidan taqdim etilgan bayonotlarning yozma yozuvidir. Odatda, taklif qiluvchi talab qilinadi

  • javoblarining to'g'riligini kafolatlash; va
  • ularni taklif qilingan shartnomaning asosi sifatida qabul qilish.

Boshqacha qilib aytganda, oshkor qilish vazifasi bor.

Taklif odatda rasmiy sug'urta shartnomasiga ma'lumotnoma orqali kiritiladi.

Yuqoridagi protsedura umumiy pozitsiyani ifodalasa-da, tomonlarning xohlagan yo'llari bilan rozilikka erishish mumkin. Masalan,

  • sug'urta qilishni taklif qilish mukofot puli berish yo'li bilan amalga oshirilishi mumkin; yoki
  • sug'urta qildiruvchi yangi taklif shaklini to'ldirmasdan mukofot puli to'lash orqali amaldagi shartnomani yangilashni taklif qilishi mumkin.

Agar sug'urtalovchiga taqdim etilgan taklif shakliga sug'urta qildiruvchi tomonidan ruxsat berilmagan bo'lsa, u u tomonidan taklif bo'lib xizmat qilishi mumkin emas. Sug'urtalovchining bunday ruxsatsiz taklifga javoban chiqargan siyosati, shu bilan birga o'zi taklif qilingan sug'urta qildiruvchi tomonidan qabul qilinadigan taklifni tashkil qilishi mumkin.

Shuningdek, sug'urtalovchining taklifi sug'urta qildiruvchi uchun maqbul emasligi uchun qabul qilinishi mumkin, ammo sug'urtalovchi boshqa shartlar bilan shartnoma tuzishga tayyor bo'lishi mumkin. Bunday holatda, qarshi hujum sug'urtalovchi tomonidan amalga oshirilishi mumkin. Sug'urtalovchi kupon sug'urtasi yoki oraliq sug'urta singari taklifni boshidanoq amalga oshirishi ham mumkin.

Qabul qilish

Taklifni qabul qilish - bu taklif qilingan shaxs o'z taklifiga so'zsiz rozilik bildirgan niyatning aniq yoki yashirin bayonidir. Aslida, taklif qiluvchiga ofiferning taklifni qabul qilish to'g'risidagi qarori to'g'risida xabar berish kerak. Sug'urtalovchi, taklif qiluvchi sifatida, odatda taklifni taklif qiluvchiga taklif qabul qilinganligini tushuntirib beradigan ilova xat bilan birga siyosat yuborish orqali qabul qiladi.

Siyosatni jo'natish o'z-o'zidan qabul qilinganligini etkazish uchun etarli. Sug'urtalovchining mukofotga bo'lgan talabi va alohida holatlarda mukofotni qabul qilishi ham aksept sifatida amal qilishi mumkin. Taklifni qat'iy qabul qilish, hatto vaqtinchalik muqovada ham bo'lishi mumkin, ammo bunday nota odatda faqat vaqtincha qoplash uchun taklifni qabul qilish hisoblanadi.


Sug'urta shartnomalari haqiqiy bo'lishi uchun yozma shaklda tuzilishi shart emas, ammo odatiy amaliyot ularni yozishgacha qisqartirishga qaratilgan. Sug'urta shartnomasi shartlarini ifodalovchi hujjat "siyosat" deb nomlanadi.


"Premium" - bu birinchi navbatda pul summasi. Rim-Gollandiyalik vakolatxonalardan biriga ko'ra, mukofot puldan boshqa narsada ham bo'lishi mumkin. Agar chindan ham bu pozitsiya bo'lsa, "mukofotning nuqsonli bo'lishi mumkinligi to'g'risida hech qanday munozaralar bo'lmaganligi juda g'alati".[11]

Shuningdek, zamonaviy qonunlar uchun "mukofot" ta'rifini puldan boshqa narsani qamrab oladigan darajada kengaytirish kerakligi taklif qilingan: "Garchi bunday shartnomalarning bajarilishi to'g'risida printsipial ravishda e'tiroz bo'lmasa-da, mavjudmi yoki yo'qmi, shubhali sug'urta soyaboni ostida pul bo'lmagan "mukofot" bilan shartnoma tuzish zarurati. "[12] Hech qanday sud imtiyozi hali bildirilmagan. "Sug'urta mukofoti" atamasi sug'urta qonunchiligida belgilangan, ammo u erda berilgan ta'rif mukofotning mohiyatiga hech qanday ta'sir ko'rsatmaydi.

Vaqtinchalik sug'urta

Ba'zida sug'urta shartnomasini tuzish uchun dastlabki bosqichlarni yakunlash uchun ancha vaqt talab etiladi. Yakuniy siyosat chiqarilishidan oldin taklif qilingan sug'urtalovchini himoya qilish uchun tomonlar tez-tez vaqtincha yoki oraliq sug'urta taklif qiluvchini darhol, ammo cheklangan vaqt ichida qoplash. Bu qisqa muddatli sug'urta shartnomalari bo'yicha odatiy holdir, ammo boshqa barcha sug'urta turlarida ham qo'llanilishi mumkin.

Vaqtinchalik sug'urta muddati cheklangan bo'lsa ham, to'liq sug'urta shartnomasidan kam emas. Shunday qilib, taklif qilingan sug'urta qildiruvchi odatdagi burchini bajarishi kerak yaxshi niyat uning sug'urtalovchisiga. Xuddi shunday, shartnoma umuman sug'urta shartnomalarining amal qilish muddati uchun barcha talablarga javob berishi kerak.

Vaqtinchalik sug'urta shartnomasi, oraliq shartnoma tuzilgandan so'ng yakuniy sug'urta shartnomasidan ajralib turadi va unga bog'liq emas, garchi u yakuniy shartnomaning ayrim yoki bir nechta shartlarini baham ko'rishi mumkin. Agar da'vo oraliq shartnomaning valyutasi paytida yuzaga kelsa, u yakuniy shartnoma bo'yicha emas, balki oraliq shartnomaning o'zi nuqtai nazaridan ko'rib chiqilishi kerak. Noto'g'ri ma'lumot berish yoki boshqa noqonuniy xatti-harakatlar tufayli vaqtinchalik shartnoma emas, balki faqat yakuniy shartnoma bekor qilinadigan bo'lsa, shuningdek, ikkita shartnomaning shartlari farq qiladigan bo'lsa, bu juda muhim bo'lishi mumkin.

Vaqti-vaqti bilan sug'urta qilish yo'li bilan sug'urta qoplamasini berish sug'urtalovchini doimiy ravishda qoplash majburiyatini olmaydi. Xuddi shu tamoyilga binoan, oraliq qopqoqdan foydalangan kishi sug'urta qildiruvchidan faqat vaqtinchalik qopqoqni qabul qilganligi uchun doimiy qopqoqni olishga majbur emas.

Muqova yozuvlari

Vaqtinchalik sug'urta shartnomasi odatda "odatda" deb nomlanuvchi hujjatda mujassamlanadi.muqovadagi yozuv, "Ammo boshqa iboralar -" himoya eslatmasi "," vaqtinchalik siyosat "," vaqtinchalik siyosat "va noo'rin ravishda" vaqtinchalik kvitansiya "ham mavjud.

Vaqtinchalik sug'urta ba'zan mavjud bo'lgan sug'urta shartnomasini yangilash to'g'risida eslatma sifatida beriladi va har xil boshqa hujjatlarda ham uchraydi. Vaqtinchalik sug'urta shartnomasi shartlarini yozib olgan hujjat bunday shartnomaning eksklyuziv yodgorligi sifatida qaralishi tomonlarning niyatiga bog'liq.

Muqova yozuvi odatda so'zning oddiy ma'nosida "siyosat" sifatida qaralmasligi mumkin. Shunga qaramay, uzoq muddatli sug'urta qonuni va qisqa muddatli sug'urta qonunchiligidagi turli xil "siyosat" ning ta'riflari qopqoq yozuvlarini va sug'urta qoplamasini qayd etuvchi boshqa barcha hujjatlarni o'z ichiga oladigan darajada kengdir.

Sug'urtalanadigan qiziqish

Sug'urtalangan shaxs buni isbotlashi kerak sug'urta qilinadigan qiziqish yo'qotishlarni isbotlash uchun mavjud edi. Sug'urta qildiruvchi sug'urta qildiradigan hodisa ro'y bergan taqdirda, moliyaviy zarar ko'radimi yoki kutilgan moliyaviy foyda ololmaydimi, sinovdan o'tkaziladi. Aslida sug'urta ob'ekti sug'urta xavfi yuzaga kelgan paytda mavjud bo'lishi kerak. Agar sug'urta qildiruvchi sug'urta hodisasi yuz berganda uning manfaati bo'lmasa, u hech qanday yo'qotish yoki zarar ko'rishi mumkin emas. Sug'urtalanadigan foizlarning vazifasi sug'urtalanuvchining zarar ko'rganligini aniqlashdan iborat bo'lganligi sababli, sug'urta qildiruvchining manfaatlari, shartnoma shartlariga binoan, sug'urta qildirilgan xavfni amalga oshirish paytida bo'lishi kerak. Agar o'sha muhim vaqtda sug'urtalovchining manfaati bo'lmasa, sug'urta bilan ta'minlanadigan ob'ekt yo'q. Binobarin, sug'urta qildiruvchi etkazilgan zarar uchun shartnoma bo'yicha da'vo qila olmaydi.

Agar sug'urtalangan shaxs ushbu ob'ektga nisbatan sug'urta qildiradigan manfaatga ega bo'lmasa, shartnoma bekor qilinadi va ijro etilmaydi va asosan qimor yoki garov sifatida qaraladi. Sug'urtalanadigan foizlar talabining maqsadi sug'urtani garov o'ynashdan farqlashdir. Sug'urtalashning asosiy printsipi yo'qotishlardan himoya qilishdir; bu spekulyativ daromad olish imkoniyatlarini yaratish bilan bog'liq emas. Sug'urta qonunchiligining shakllangan kunlarida ishlar umuman boshqacha edi; sug'urta aslida ko'pincha qimor o'ynashdan farq qilmas edi. Haddan tashqari narsalar XVI va XVII asrlarda hayotni sug'urtalashni mutlaqo taqiqlashga olib keldi, masalan, Frantsiya, Gollandiya Respublikasi va Shvetsiyada. Sug'urtani sotib olishning zaruriy sharti sifatida sug'urta qilinadigan qiziqishni talab qiladigan yanada oqilona yo'nalish Angliyada kashshof bo'lib, sug'urtani shunchaki tasodifiy o'yin emas, balki sug'urta sanoatining obro'sini yaxshilaydi (ilgari aleatoriya shartnomasi sifatida yomon ko'rilgan), va buni yanada kengroq qabul qilish. Ko'rib turganimizdek, Janubiy Afrika rasmiy ravishda sug'urtalanadigan foizlar to'g'risidagi doktrinani Angliyadan olib kirdi, ammo 1977 yilda qonun chiqaruvchi bunga erishgan mustamlakachilik farmonlarini bekor qildi. Apellyatsiya bo'limi, yilda O'zaro va federal v Oudtshoorn munitsipaliteti, ularning bekor qilinishini Rim-Gollandiya sug'urta qonuni endi sug'urta uchun umumiy qonun ekanligini anglatishini oldi.

"Sug'urtalanmaydigan manfaat deb ataladigan ehtiyojni belgilaydigan Janubiy Afrikadagi nizom yo'q" va Rim-Gollandiya qonunchiligida sug'urta qilinmaydigan manfaat to'g'risida alohida doktrin yo'q edi. Shunga qaramay, Rim-Gollandiya qonunchiligi sug'urta shartnomasini sug'urtalovchining homiyligiga tahdid soladigan xavfni o'tkazadigan sug'urta shartnomasini belgilaganligi bilan bog'liq deb aytish mumkin edi. Rim qonunchiligi garov tikishni ham taqiqlagan.

Sug'urtalanmaydigan manfaatni tashkil qilish uchun bilvosita iqtisodiy manfaatdorlik etarli emasmi yoki yo'qmi, shunchaki pul tikish farqli o'laroq, har bir ishning haqiqatiga bog'liq bo'ladi.

Yilda Littlejohn - Norvich ittifoqi yong'in sug'urtasi jamiyati, er o'z nomiga yong'inni sug'urtalashni xotiniga tegishli do'konning mazmuni bo'yicha amalga oshirgan. (Ular uylanmagan mulk hamjamiyati.) Sud uning sug'urta qildiradigan manfaatiga ega ekanligini aniqladi, chunki u, albatta, xotinining mol-mulki yoqib yuborilgandan so'ng, oilaviy ma'noda yomonroq ahvolga tushib qoladi.

Yilda Fillips v Baxtsiz hodisalardan umumiy sug'urta, sud erning xotiniga nisbatan sug'urta qildiradigan manfaati bor deb topdi zargarlik buyumlari, garchi uni almashtirish majburiyati bo'lmagan bo'lsa ham.

Yilda Sovutgichli yuk tashish v Zive NO, transport vositasi egasi uning transport vositasini uning roziligi bilan boshqargan shaxslarning javobgarligini sug'urtalashda sug'urta qilinadigan manfaatdorligi aniqlandi.

Yilda Lorcom Thirteen v Tsyurix sug'urtasi, Lorcomning "Buccaneer" baliq ovlash kemasiga bo'lgan sug'urtasi qiziqishi uchun quyidagilar asos bo'ldi:

  • Lorcom yagona edi aktsiyador kema egasining.
  • Sotib olish shartnomasi bo'yicha Lorcom "kuchga kirgan sanada" egasiga aylanadi, ya'ni to'liq to'lov amalga oshirilganda.
  • Lorcom kemadan foydalanish huquqiga ega edi.
  • Lorcom baliq ovlashga ruxsatnoma.

Quyida sug'urtalanadigan qiziqishning yana bir necha misollari keltirilgan:

  1. Egasi mulk ushbu mulkning to'liq qiymatiga sug'urta qildiradigan manfaatdorlikka ega.
  2. Ijro etish huquqiga ega bo'lgan shaxs ushbu da'vo bilan sug'urta qilinadigan manfaatga ega (bajarmaslik xavfidan sug'urta qilish uchun).
  3. Mulkga ega bo'lmagan, lekin unga vijdonan egalik qiladigan shaxs (u ushbu mulk egasi ekanligiga ishongan holda), ushbu mulkning to'liq qiymatiga sug'urta qilinadigan manfaatdor.
  4. Shaxs majburiyatlarning ko'payishini cheklashda sug'urta qilinadigan manfaatdor. Masalan, kompaniya direktorlari beparvolik bilan qabul qilgan qarorlariga nisbatan tovonni sug'urtalashi mumkin.
  5. Inson o'z hayotiga cheksiz qiziqishi va tana yaxlitligi.
  6. Sug'urtalovchining hayoti davomida sug'urta qilinishi mumkin turmush o'rtog'i cheksiz miqdorda.
  7. Ota-onalar va bolalar bir-birlarining hayotini sug'urtalashga ba'zi cheklovlar bilan kirishga ruxsat beriladi: agar bola olti yoshga to'lmagan bo'lsa, 10 000 RV dan, o'n to'rt yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun 30 000 RP dan oshmasligi kerak.
  8. Aksiyadorlar, direktorlar va sheriklarga o'zlarining sheriklari yoki sheriklari hayotida "asosiy odam" sug'urtasini amalga oshirishga ruxsat beriladi.

Sug'urta shartnomalarining amal qilish muddati

Sug'urta shartnomalari ma'lum yoki muddatsiz bo'lishi mumkin. Odatda muddati sug'urta shartnomasida yoki sug'urta hujjatida belgilanadi. Shartnoma bekor qilinishi yoki bekor qilinishi mumkin, chunki bu holat quyidagicha bo'lishi mumkin:

  • rekvizitni berish orqali e'tibor bering uchun bekor qilish;
  • to'lashdan keyin (masalan vaqf siyosat yoki hayotni sug'urtalash);
  • sug'urta qildiruvchi to'lagan mol-mulk butunlay yo'q qilingan taqdirda;
  • agar sug'urtalanuvchi shartnomani uzaytirish uchun saylov o'tkazsa va shu bilan yangi shartnomani tug'dirsa; va
  • agar mukofotlar o'z vaqtida to'lanmasa, bu holda siyosat bekor qilinadi.

Moddiy faktlarni oshkor qilish vazifasi

Axborotni oshkor etish doktrinasi vijdonli umumiy ta'limotga asoslanadi. Odatda, taklif shaklining oxirida "deklaratsiya" mavjud bo'lib, taklif shaklidagi savollarga javoblar siyosatning asosidir. Taklif etuvchidan odatda javoblarning to'g'riligini kafolatlash talab qilinadi. Taklif rasmiy siyosat tarkibiga kiritilgan.

Agar sug'urta qildiruvchi moddiy faktni noto'g'ri talqin qilsa yoki u muhim faktni oshkor qilmasa, sug'urta qildiruvchi shartnoma bo'yicha javobgarlikdan qochishga haqlidir. Boshqacha qilib aytganda, vijdonli burchni buzish shartnoma tuzadi bekor qilinadi sug'urtalovchining topshirig'iga binoan, u oshkor etilmasligi to'g'risida xabardor qilinganidan keyin.

Ham ijobiy, ham salbiy noto'g'ri ma'lumot sug'urta shartnomasidan qochish uchun asos sifatida tan olinadi.

Ijobiy noto'g'ri ma'lumotlar

Bolmoq noqonuniy yoki nohaq, ijobiy noto'g'ri bayonotni tashkil etadigan bayonot butunlay yolg'on yoki hech bo'lmaganda noto'g'ri bo'lishi kerak. So'zning yolg'on yoki noto'g'riligi, yakuniy tahlilda, unga muvofiq baholanishi kerak jamiyatning e'tiqodi. Bu nohaqlikni o'rnatishning umumiy mezonidir.

Agar bayonot butunlay yolg'on bo'lsa va shu bilan umuman yolg'on bo'lsa, masala nisbatan sodda. Agar, masalan, avtotransport vositalarini sug'urtalash bo'yicha taklif beruvchi taklif shaklida berilgan savolga so'nggi uch yil ichida avtohalokatga duch kelmaganligini aytgan bo'lsa, aslida u bo'lgan, bayonot mutlaqo yolg'ondir. Yong'in sug'urtasi bo'yicha taklifda sug'urta qilinadigan binolarni ma'lum bir shaxs egallaydi, ammo ular bo'lmaganligi to'g'risida bayonotda ham xuddi shunday bo'lishi mumkin; yoki ilgari shunga o'xshash sug'urta bo'yicha hech qanday taklif rad qilinmagan bo'lsa-da, aslida u shundaydir.

Lavozim har doim ham shunchalik sodda emas. Masalan, bayonot noto'g'ri bo'lishi mumkin, chunki u to'liq emas va shu sababli haqiqatning bir qismini bostirish orqali shartnomaning boshqa tomonini yo'ldan ozdiradi. Shunday qilib, taklif yoki sug'urta hech qachon rad qilingan yoki bekor qilinganmi yoki yo'qmi degan savolga javob berganda, taklif qiluvchi hech qachon hech qanday taklif rad etilmaganligini aytishi mumkin, shu bilan haqiqatni aytadi, lekin shartnoma bekor qilinganligini aytishni qoldiradi. Taklifning pasayishi bilan bog'liq holda, bu so'zma-so'z va to'liq haqiqat bo'lishiga qaramay, bu juda noto'g'ri bayonot.

Agar boshqa sug'urtalovchilarga takliflar kiritilgan yoki qilinmaganligi haqidagi savolga javob beradigan bo'lsa, u boshqa bir qator sug'urta kompaniyalariga o'z takliflarini taqdim etgan holda, taklif qiluvchi "Ha, XYZ kompaniyasiga" deb javob bersa, javob bo'lishi mumkin. qisman to'g'ri, ammo juda noaniq deb aytilgan. Xuddi shunday, avvalgi zararlar, da'volar yoki sug'urta shartnomalari to'g'risidagi ma'lumotlar uchun sodda va malakasiz so'rov, printsipial jihatdan barcha shu xususiyatlarning taqdim etilishini anglatadi. Taklif etuvchi savollarga nafaqat aniq, balki jamiyatning ishonchiga ko'ra oqilona javob beradi.

Salbiy noto'g'ri ma'lumotlar

Salbiy noto'g'ri ma'lumot yoki noto'g'ri ma'lumot har bir kamchilik, sug'urta shartnomasi taraflaridan birining shartnomadan oldingi muzokaralar davomida ma'lum bo'lgan faktlarni oshkor qilmasligi. As a result, the other party is induced to enter into the contract, or to agree to specific terms thereof, whereas he would not have done so had those facts been disclosed. The failure may be accompanied by fault; it may even be completely innocent.

It is the nature of the act or conduct involved which distinguishes this type of misrepresentation from positive misrepresentation. Although it may also by typified as a statement of fact, the act creating the wrong impression is not a positive one; it is negative, in that it fails to remove an existing wrong impression by not disclosing facts which would remove that impression. The failure or omission may take the form of active concealment—that is, it may be intention—or inadvertent non-disclosure, which means that it may be negligent or even innocent.


The distinction between a positive misstatement and a negative non-disclosure is not always clearcut. In many instances, the same conduct may qualify as both. A failure to state all the material facts in answer to a question may amount to both a negative and a positive misrepresentation, inasmuch as the incomplete answer may create the impression that all the facts have been furnished.

Eng yaxshi niyat

In modern case law and literature, insurance contracts have been classified as contracts “of the utmost good faith” (contracts uberrimae fidei). In general, contracts of this type have been said to impose a duty on the contracting parties to display the utmost good faith towards one another

  • during the course of their negotiations preceding the contract; and also (albeit exceptionally, and in circumstances less clearly defined)
  • during the existence of the contract itself.

The duty of utmost good faith (or its companion, an exceptionally high degree of good faith) appears in the case law and literature in connection with contracts which are typified by a relationship of close trust between the contracting parties.

The notion of utmost good faith, and the view that the insurance contract, or for that matter any other contract, may be a contract of the utmost good faith, was rejected in Mutual and Federal v Oudtshoorn Municipality.[13] Acknowledging that the origin of the phrase “uberrima fides” was doubtful, but noting that it apparently made its appearance in English law in 1850, the court was “unable to find any Roman-Dutch authority in support of the proposition that a contract of marine insurance is a contract uberrima fidei”. The court rejected the expression as “alien, vague [and] useless [... and] without any particular meaning in law,” explaining

  • that “there is no magic in the expression;”
  • that “there are no degrees of good faith;”
  • that “it is entirely inconceivable that there could be a little, more or most (utmost) good faith;” va
  • that “there is no room for uberrima fides as a third category of faith in our law.”

Despite these remarks, and despite the fact that the Lordlar palatasi has subsequently, with reference to them, noted that “the concept of uberrima fides does not appear to have derived from fuqarolik qonuni and [that] it has been regarded as unnecessary in civilian systems,” Reinecke observes that "old habits die slowly," and that insurance contracts are still occasionally referred to as "contracts of the utmost good faith." This usage, he urges, "must be deprecated," at least insofar as it suggests that the distinction between utmost good faith and good faith involves a difference of principle rather than merely one of degree.

Yaxshi niyat

Contracts of insurance, like all other types of contract, are therefore contracts of good faith. The feature of good faith is not an essential or distinguishing feature of the insurance contract.

Despite rejecting the notion of utmost good faith, the court in M&F v Oudtshoorn did not set out the content of the requirement of good faith as it pertains to insurance contracts. Accordingly, past authority which dealt with the content of the notion of utmost good faith must still be consulted for guidance, while bearing in mind that, in principle, any duty concerned is not a duty of exceptional good faith, but simply one of good faith.

The facts of M&F v Oudtshoorn were these: A light aircraft collided with pole carrying electric power lines just outside the boundary of the Oudtshoorn aerodrom. The owner of the aircraft successfully sued the Municipality for the value of the aircraft. The Municipality tried to recover the amount from its insurers (Mutual and Federal ), but the insurers successfully resisted the claim: When the policy had been negotiated, the Municipality had failed to disclose the close proximity of the aerodrome to pole and power lines, which constituted a hazard to aircraft using the aerodrome at night.

The court held that there is a duty on the insured and the insurer to disclose to each other, prior to the conclusion of the contract of insurance, every fact relative and material to the risk or to the assessment of the premium. The duty of disclosure relates to material facts, of which parties had actual or constructive knowledge prior to the conclusion of the contract of insurance. Breach of the duty of disclosure amounts to mala fides or fraud, and the aggrieved party may avoid contract.

Materiality test

A representation relating to material facts cannot be wrongful. The test for materiality is, in principle, an objective test. Yilda M&F v Oudtshoorn, the Appellate Division formulated it thusly: whether or not, having regard to the circumstances, the undisclosed information is reasonably relevant to the risk, or to the assessment of the premium. In other words, are the facts of such a nature that knowledge of them would, objectively seen, probably influence a represent in deciding whether or not to conclude the contract, and on what terms to do so? The question, then, is a question of the effect of the non-disclosure: Would disclosure influence

  • the decision of an insurer to accept a risk;
  • the terms of risk acceptance; va
  • the amount of the premium?

If the answer is in the affirmative, the undisclosed information or facts are material. The court applies a version of the reasonable-person test: that is, whether a reasonable person would have regarded the particular facts as relevant to the decision of an insurer concerning the assessment and underwriting of the risk. Some decisions use the standard of the reasonable insurer, others the reasonable proposer. Reinecke argues that the two are not incompatible: "A single combined test for materiality would be whether, according to the opinion of a reasonable person in the position of the particular proposer for instance, the facts in point are likely to influence the decision of a reasonable insurer when it comes to assessing the risk."

Ga binoan M&F v Oudtshoorn, the "reasonable man test" is applied to determine whether or not, from the point of view of the reasonable man, or of the average prudent person, the undisclosed facts or information is reasonably relative to the risk or the assessment of the premium. The test, then, refers to those facts which are objectively and reasonably related to an insurer's decision when all the circumstances of the case are taken into account.

In terms of section 59(1)(b) of the Long-Term Insurance Act, and section 53(1)(b) of the Short-Term Insurance Act,

The representation or non-disclosure shall be regarded as material if a reasonable, prudent person would consider that the particular information constituting the representation or which was not disclosed, as the case may be, should have been correctly disclosed to the insurer so that the insurer could form its own view as to the effect of such information on the assessment of the relevant risk.

It is, according to the Appellate Division in President Versekeringsmaatskappy v Trust Bank,[14] a matter of perspective. The question is not whether a reasonable person would regard the information as affecting the risk, but whether a reasonable person would have considered that the information should be disclosed so that the insurer could take it into account and come to its own decision concerning the risk.

Content of the duty

The contract is voidable at the instance of the insurer if the insurer can prove

  • that the non-disclosed fact was material;
  • that it was within the knowledge of the insured; va
  • that it was not communicated to the insurer.

The duty to disclose includes

  • answering all questions on the proposal form correctly; va
  • disclosing all material facts.


It has been said that the duty in question "is a duty to disclose, and you cannot disclose what you do not know," and that the "obligation to disclose, therefore, necessarily depends on the knowledge you possess." This implies that the duty imposed is merely to disclose facts already within that party's knowledge; apparently, on this dictum, it does not include an obligation to collect information so as to become able to disclose it.

South African law, however, long appeared to favour the view that only material facts within one's actual or personal knowledge were included in the duty of disclosure. Yilda M&F v Oudtshoorn, however, the court stated in passing that constructive knowledge—that is to say, knowledge which is imputed or presumed—is also included in the duty of disclosure.

Knowledge is constructive, and is imputed to an insured,

  • if he ought to have had that knowledge—that is, if he ought to have known of it—in the ordinary course of business;
  • if he would have ascertained or acquired that knowledge if he had made such inquiries as a reasonable business person would make; va
  • if his employee acquired actual knowledge of facts in the course of his employment, and was under a duty to communicate this knowledge to the insured.

Reinecke considers that "this broad view of the duty of disclosure may arguably extend it unjustifiably and impose an unreasonable burden on the insured."

Yilda Anderson Shipping v Guardian National Insurance,[15] a vehicle owned by Anderson Shipping was involved in an accident with another vehicle, whose owners claimed damages from Anderson Shipping. The driver of Anderson Shipping's vehicle had previously been found guilty of mast holda transport vositasini boshqarish. Guardian National Insurance denied liability on the basis that Anderson Shipping had failed to disclose that its procedure for employing drivers did not require applicants to produce their drivers’ licenses tekshirish uchun.

The question to be answered was whether Anderson Shipping had constructive knowledge of the undisclosed fact. It was argued

  • that Anderson Shipping could have ascertained the fact if it had made such enquiries as reasonable business prudence required it to make; va
  • that the knowledge of Anderson Shipping's operations manager, who had hired Anderson Shipping's drivers, had to be imputed to Anderson Shipping.

The court rejected both arguments and held

  • that ordinary business prudence merely required Anderson Shipping to ascertain whether its system of hiring drivers was working satisfactorily, and that it was not incumbent on Anderson Shipping to carry out a detailed investigation as to the manner in which the system operated; va
  • that, although Anderson Shipping's operations manager knew that his system of employing drivers did not require the production of a driver's license in every case, he was merely an agent to employ drivers, and was therefore under no duty to communicate this knowledge to Anderson Shipping.

Although, then, the Appellate Division in Anderson Shipping v General National Insurance refrained from deciding the point, it assumed that an insured (at least, a corporate insured like Anderson Shipping) should be deemed to know every circumstance which, in the ordinary course of business, ought to be known by it.

Material facts

Information that could affect the insurer's decision—whether or not to enter into the contract of insurance, or to charge a higher premium—may include the following:

  • that the subject matter is exposed to a higher degree of danger than normal;
  • that the liability of the insurer is greater than normal;
  • that the insured may cause harm to occur through his own conduct;
  • that the value of the insurer's rights of subrogation would be reduced; va
  • that the insured is in financial difficulty and may have trouble paying the insurance premiums.

The insurance record of the proposer may also be salient.

Non-material facts

Non-material facts include

  • any circumstance that reduces the risk;
  • any circumstance that is known, or presumed to be known, by the insurer;
  • any circumstance that is not necessary to disclose as a result of an express or implied warranty; va
  • any circumstances regarding which the insurer has waived its right to disclosure.

Yilda Qilingele v South African Mutual Life,[16] an applicant for life insurance did not want to undergo a medical examination. To avoid it, he applied for three separate life-insurance policies with three insurance companies for small amounts which, when added together, would otherwise have required him to undergo a medical examination. Asked in a proposal form whether any other insurance company was considering offering him life cover, he falsely answered, “No.” The applicant also signed a warranty that he had not made any other application to any other insurer.

The court considered whether the falsehood of the misrepresentation was such that it probably would have affected the assessment of the risk undertaken by the particular insurer. This was done by comparing an assessment of the risk on the basis of facts distorted by the misrepresentation with what the assessment would have been on the facts had they been truly stated. The court found that the disparity would be significant if the insurer, had it known the truth,

  • probably would have outright declined to undertake the particular risk; yoki
  • probably would have undertaken the risk on different terms.

Yilda Fine v General Accident Fire & Life Assurance,[17] one question on the proposal form was this: “Has the insurance now proposed been declined in any other office?” The proposer answered, “No”—even though a fire policy over the same property had been issued, and subsequently cancelled, by another insurance company. The statement that the proposed insurance was literally correct, but the insurance company repudiated the claim based on a breach of the duty to disclose material facts. The court held that the cancellation of a previous policy is indeed a material fact that the insured should disclose, since it might well influence the insurer in deciding whether or not it will take the insurance risk, and at what premium.

Yilda Commercial Union v Lotter,[18] the buyer of a luxury motor vehicle did not disclose to the insurer that the vehicle had been stolen from another country. When the vehicle was stolen again, the insurance company repudiated the claim. The court upheld the company's repudiation on the basis that material facts had not been disclosed. The insurance company argued that its right of subrogation was diminished by the fact that the vehicle in question was a stolen vehicle when the insurance policy was taken out: The insured had no title to the vehicle, so the insurance company could not sue a negligent third party, in terms of its right of subrogation, for the full costs of repairing any damage to the vehicle.

Yilda Santam v Van Schalkwyk,[19] a father in Kroonstad lent his son in Florida the deposit for a motor vehicle. The father took out an insurance policy, the car was subsequently stolen, and the insurer repudiated due to father's failure to disclose

  • that the vehicle had been bought by the son;
  • that the vehicle was used exclusively by the son; va
  • that the vehicle was kept in Florida, not in Kroonstad.

The court held that a proposer has a legal duty to disclose to his insurer all facts within his knowledge which a reasonable person would consider material to the assessment of the risk or the premium. On the facts, and in the opinion of a reasonable person, the undisclosed information would have impacted the risk assessment. Expert evidence was led to show that the risk of theft was much greater in Florida than in Kroonstad.

Yilda Mutual & Federal v Da Costa,[20] an insured vehicle was described as a “1991 model Mercedes Benz 230E,” when in fact it was a built-up vehicle consisting of a combination of a 1998 model Mercedes Benz 200 and a 1990 model Mercedes Benz 230. Da Costa claimed indemnification under his insurance policy, but O'zaro va federal argued that it was liable under the policy only for a car that matched the description contained in the policy; the mismatch, according to the insurance company, amounted to a material misrepresentation or non-disclosure.

The SCA found that, without any evidence on materiality, a court could assume that a misstatement of the year of manufacture of a motor vehicle is o'z-o'zidan a material misstatement. The SCA did allow for an exception, however: A misstated fact will be taken as a material fact, without any evidence having been led on the point, if the “facts speak for themselves.” The court held that the present dispute was not such a case, and therefore found for Da Costa.

Yilda AA Mutual Life v Singh,[21] the policy in question was a ten-year endowment policy, coupled with life cover. AA reklama qilingan the policy as including “free life cover [...] available free of medical evidence [...] no medical questions whatsoever.” AA instructed its brokers to market the policy on this basis, and to sell it to applicants who were actively engaged in their usual occupations and fit enough to lead normal lives. AA's broker told Singh, the insured casu-da, that she did not have to disclose anything about her health, and that the proposal form which she signed did not require her to provide medical details. AA subsequently sought to avoid liability on the ground that the insured had failed to disclose that she was suffering from bachadon bo'yni saratoni. The court held that AA had voz kechdi any right which it had to have the insured's state of health disclosed.


Insurance warranties are strict contractual undertakings by the insured

  • that, in the case of affirmative warranties, certain representations are accurate; or Chicken feet
  • that, in the case of promissory warranties, certain duties will be performed.

No particular formal or technical wording is required to establish a warranty. There are, however, a few general requirements. In order to establish that a term in an insurance contract is an insurance warranty, it must be proved

  • that the term was intended to form part of the contract (in other words, that it was not a “mere representation”); va
  • that the term is in the nature of a strict undertaking, with the debtor agreeing to be bound, come what may.

Both these requirements for an insurance warranty may be reconciled with the requirements laid down by the law of contract for other, non-insurance warranties.

According to English insurance law, a term will qualify as an insurance warranty only if it is a "vital term," entailing a right to cancel. English law in this respect is at variance with the South African law of contract, according to which non-vital terms may also qualify as warranties. Nevertheless, it is the English view that has been received in the South African case law on insurance.

A term may be "vital," first and foremost, because of the importance of its subject matter. If the subject matter of a term in an insurance contract is material to the assessment of the risk, it will be regarded as a vital term, and may, therefore, qualify as a warranty. Breach of a vital term will amount to a serious form of positive malperformance, justifying cancellation of the contract.

Affirmative Warranties

In the case of affirmative warranties, the insured warrants the truth of a representation relating to the present or the past. Affirmative warranties may be sub-divided into

  • warranties of fact;
  • warranties of knowledge; va
  • warranties of opinion.

Warranties of fact have the effect of warranting that a state of affairs either does or does not exist, irrespective of insured's knowledge thereof.

A warranty of knowledge is a guarantee that, to the insured's knowledge, a state of affairs does or does not exist. Forgetfulness would not necessary excuse the insured; he must apply his mind.

Warranties of opinion should be distinguished from warranties of fact and knowledge. In the case of warranties of opinion, the insured provides estimates or other information typical of an opinion. Where a proposer for insurance in respect of a stack of hay stated that the stack was estimated to yield a certain quantity of wheat and chaff, and warranted his answers, the court held that he did not warrant that the stack would in fact yield the quantities stated, and that the insured did not commit a breach of warranty if his estimate was fair and reasonable. The insured, in other words, did not warrant the existence of certain facts, or his knowledge concerning such facts; he gave a warranty only in respect of his opinion.

It is not always easy to determine whether a warranty relates to a state of affairs (and thus to a fact), or to the insured's opinion about certain matters. Ultimately, it depends on how the question is construed. A tendency identified on the part of English courts has been to treat questions apparently eliciting the insured's opinion as demanding statements of fact; the same appears true of local decisions.

Promissory warranties

Promissory warranties are also known (more correctly, since all warranties are promissory, involving as they do a promise or obligation to perform) as “continuing warranties.” They are undertakings by the insured pertaining to his future conduct during the period of the insurance policy. Yilda Cole v Bloom,[22] the insurer avoided liability in respect of a policy containing a promissory warranty that all doors, windows and roofs of a salesman's vehicle (used to convey samples) would be closed and locked when the vehicle was left unattended.the courts apply the strict approach when it comes to promissory warranties as they are not governed by the statute of Insurance Act.

Breach of warranties

Breach of a warranty amounts to breach of contract. The burden of proof lies with the insurer. Breach of warranty is irreversible; it cannot be undone by subsequent conduct. It is important to distinguish between relative and absolute warranties. This amounts to an issue of interpretation.

Relative warranties

Relative warranties are general in their content; they are not specific statements of what is required of the insured. The “reasonable person” is used as a yardstick to measure the insured's conduct in relation to an alleged breach of warranty. An example of a general warranty is the "iron-safe clause," which is frequently included in fire-insurance policies. In terms of an iron-safe clause, the insured warrants that he will keep a complete set of books, showing a true and accurate record of all business transactions and stock-in-hand, and that the books will be locked in a fire-proof safe or removed to another building at night and at all times when the premises are not open for business. Yilda Kliptown Clothing v Marine & Trade Insurance[23] the plaintiff, a retail general dealer, obtained a burglary policy from the defendant. Subsequently, the plaintiff suffered burglaries. In an action claiming a declaration that the defendant was obliged to make good the loss, Marine & Trade Insurance pleaded breach by the plaintiff of a warranty

that the insured keeps, and during the whole of the currency of the policy shall keep, a complete set of books, accounts and stock sheets or stock books, showing a true and accurate record of all business transactions and stock in hand, and that such books, accounts and stock sheets or stock books shall be locked in a fire-proof safe or removed to another building at night and at all times when the premises are not actually open for business.

Marine & Trade Insurance alleged

  • that there was no (or alternatively no complete or accurate) record of the articles or goods sold by the plaintiff, or of the cost thereof;
  • that the plaintiff had failed to keep stock sheets or stock books showing a true and accurate record of stock in hand; va
  • that the plaintiff had failed to keep a true or accurate record of all business transactions.

The Appellate Division held that the warranty meant

  • that the insured had guaranteed that his practice was, and would continue to be, to keep a complete set of books, annual accounts and annual stock sheets or stock books;
  • that he was not obliged, because of the insurance, to bring into existence such books, etc., at any earlier date or in any different form, whether in respect of contemporaneity or in respect of the details recorded, than was required by proper accountancy practice; va
  • that he was not obliged to keep, in a safe or at all, any records other than those expressly mentioned in the warranty.

As the defendant had failed to prove either a general breach of the warranty arising out of what the plaintiff had failed to keep in a safe, or a particular breach based on the recording in the books of the purchase of certain articles, the court found for the plaintiff.

Absolute warranties

Absolute warranties provide a specific or express indication of what is required of the insured, who must comply exactly; if he does not, breach of the warranty will occur. “Substantial performance” is not enough; there must be exact performance. Yilda Jordan v New Zealand Insurance, for example, the plaintiff had stated, in the proposal form for the insurance of a motor car, his age at his next birthday as twenty-two, when in fact it would be twenty-three. The court held that there was no room for the contention that the incorrectness of the answer was not material; nor was there any room for the application of the doctrine of "substantial performance" in considering the truthfulness or otherwise of the answers.

Insured’s defences against breach of warranty

The insured may have the following defences against a claim that he has breached a warranty:

  • The insurer may have waived compliance with the warranty.
  • The insurer may be estopped from relying on breach of warranty.
  • There may have been a change in circumstances that has the effect that the warranty is no longer relevant or applicable.
  • The warranty may not be lawful.

Remedies for breach of warranty

In principle, the same remedies exist for breach of warranty as exist for breach of any contract. One must, however, distinguish the effects of breach of warranty from those of breach of contract through misrepresentation:

  • Cancellation of the contract on the basis of a breach of warranty does not render the entire contract a nullity. Depending on divisibility, cancellation merely extinguishes a vested claim of the insured, or even the insurer's basic obligation to indemnify the insured. Accordingly, the insurer may still rely on terms unaffected by the cancellation: an arbitration clause, for example.
  • In the case of a reliance on misrepresentation, on the other hand, the insurer avoids entire contract, and accordingly cannot rely on any of its terms.


The strict common-law approach, which requires exact performance of an undertaking that has not necessarily been established as a “material” aspect of the contract (and risk assessment), and entitles the insurer to cancel a contract on the basis of a breach of warranty despite the fact that the representation complained of concerns an immaterial inaccuracy, or a matter with no bearing at all on the risk insured against, has led to absurd results in some cases. Jordan v New Zealand, discussed above, is one such example: Jordan stated that his age at his next birthday would be twenty-two, whereas in fact it would be twenty-three. Since this statement was warranted, the insurer was entitled to repudiate liability, in spite of what most would regard as the immateriality of the inaccuracy, and where, in fact, it "was actually to the advantage of the insurer."[24]

Statutory Curtailment

As a result of such absurd results, and the potential for more, statutory reform introduced certain curtailments regarding remedies for breach of warranties. Section 63 of the Insurance Act[25] (the governing legislation at the time) was amended in 1969. The effect of the amendment was that the insurer was not permitted to set aside a contract on the grounds of breach of an affirmative warranty unless the insurer could prove that the correctness of the statement (or representation or warranty) was material to the assessment of the risk at the time the policy was issued or renewed. The purpose of the amendment was to protect the insured against repudiations by insurers based on inconsequential inaccuracies or trivial misstatements in insurance proposal forms, even if they were warranted to be true.

In 1989, the Insurance Act of 1943 was repealed. Its section 63(3) was re-enacted, without any amendment as to substance, in section 59(1)(a) of the Long-term Insurance Act and section 53(1)(a) of the Short-term Insurance Act, which provided

  • that the policy shall not be invalidated;
  • that the obligation of the long-term insurer shall not be excluded or limited; va
  • that the obligations of the policyholder shall not be increased,

on account of any representation or failure to disclose information made to the insurer which is not true, whether or not the representation or disclosure has been warranted to be true and correct, unless that representation or non-disclosure is such as to be likely to have materially affected the assessment of the risk under the policy concerned at the time of its issue or at the time of any renewal or variation thereof.

Intention of the legislature

The Act tries to prevent insurers from exploiting warranties made by the insured in order to avoid paying out on claims. The Act is intended to ensure that an insurer will have no remedy on account of an immaterial incorrect representation, whether that representation was warranted or not.

Effect of the statutory reform

The insurer is now still liable to pay out on a claim if the breach of warranty relates only to inconsequential inaccuracies. The insurer is not liable, however, if the breach of warranty relates to facts that are material to the risk. The test for misrepresentation will apply:

  • For misrepresentation by omission, the assessment of the risk is based on the objective standard of the "reasonable person."
  • For misrepresentation by commission, or positive misrepresentation, the assessment of the risk is based on the subjective standard of the particular insurer.

Scope of the amendments

Instead of “warranties,” the Acts use the expressions “representations,” “non-disclosure” and “failure to disclose.” The meaning of these words is important:

  • A “representation” is a statement, made to the insurer, before the contract is entered into. It is not a term of the contract; it does not become part of the contract.
  • “Non-disclosure” or “failure to disclose” is also a pre-contractual omission to provide information.

If, then, the warranty is not based on a “representation,” or “failure to disclose” or “non-disclosure,” the insurer will still be able to avoid liability under the contract.

As a general rule, the words “representation,” “failure to disclose” and “non-disclosure” refer to existing facts as well as to future events.

The controversy of granting damages for misrepresentation of a future event has generally been removed by statutory reform. The question of materiality is of assistance here.[26]


Subrogation is the right of the insurer, having indemnified the insured in terms of the policy, to receive the benefit of all the rights of the insured against third parties. The insurer may take charge of litigation against third parties liable for loss to the insured. The proceedings are in the name of the insured, with the insurer as dominus litis. Subrogation, then, is essentially a right of recourse without transfer of rights.

The objectives of subrogation are as follows:

  • to prevent the insured from receiving double satisfaction (that is, from recovering both from the insurance company and from a third party in respect of the same loss); va
  • to enable the insurance company to recoup what was paid out to the insured. By affording the insurer a right of redress, the cost of insurance to the public is kept down, since the insurer may recoup its loss from a source other than premium income. This, indeed, is the main purpose of subrogation.
  • to make sure the 3rd negligent party does not go scott-free.


The following are the requirements of subrogation:

  • A valid insurance contract must be in existence.
  • The insurer must have indemnified the insured.
  • The loss of the insured must have been fully compensated by the insurer.
  • The right must be capable of being subrogated.

Rights of the insurer

The insurer has a right of recourse against a third party for loss where the insurer has paid the insured the cover for such loss. The insurer may institute a claim against the third party on behalf of the insured as dominus litis.

The insurer also has a right to information and assistance from the insured, together with a right to preservation of the claim, which usually takes the form of a clause in insurance contracts which requires the insured to take the necessary steps to protect the insurer's right to subrogation (even if the requirements for subrogation have not yet been met in full).

Yilda Commercial Union v Lotter,[27] the court held that the fact that the insured vehicle was a stolen vehicle compromised the appellant's right of subrogation. Having satisfied the claim of the insured, the insurer was entitled to be placed in the insured's position in respect of all rights and remedies against other parties which were vested in the insured in relation to the subject-matter of the insurance. In a case such as the present, however, where the insured vehicle was a stolen one, an action instituted by Commercial Union (against a negligent third party who had damaged the vehicle) could be successfully resisted on the basis that Lotter (and thus Commercial Union under its right of subrogation) had no title in the vehicle.

Difference between subrogation and cession

Subrogation allows the insured to retain his personal right. This is not the case with cession, which involves a transfer of the right in terms of an actual agreement.

The effect of this difference or distinction is that, if the insured waives his right to claim against a third-party wrongdoer, the insurer would not be able to claim against the wrongdoer, as the latter is absolved of duty to pay. With cession, in contrast, the insurer acquires all of the rights of the insured to proceed against the third party, and has to sue in its own name.

Qayta tiklash

If a reinstatement clause exists, and if loss occurs, the insurer has the option either

  • of indemnifying the insured in money; yoki
  • of replacing or repairing the damaged property. This is what is known as "reinstatement."

This election lies entirely with the insurer; the insured has no say in the matter. If the insurer elects reinstatement, it has the further option either

  • of replacement of the object with a similar object; yoki
  • of restoration of the object to its condition before accident or risk occurred. If the insurer elects to restore an object, it would appear also to have the right to choose who will undertake the restoration or repairs.

When the insurer decides to reinstate, it must notify the insured, after which the election is binding; the insurer may not thereafter change its mind. Notice is to be given within the time allowed by the contract, or within a reasonable time:

  • If notice is not given in terms of the contract, or within a reasonable time, the insurer must indemnify the insured with money.
  • If notice is given, but the insurer is in mora (i.e. has delayed), the insurer is in breach of its duty to reinstate, and therefore in breach of contract (as debtor). The usual contractual remedies apply.

The insured has a duty to cooperate with the insurer in order to effect the reinstatement. Failure to cooperate would amount to breach of contract (as creditor).

Reinstatement may therefore be described as "direct compensation", because the purpose of reinstatement is to put the insured in the same or similar position as before the loss occurred.

Qayta sug'urtalash

One insurance company may purchase insurance from another insurance company for the purposes of risk management. Qayta sug'urtalash has the effect of transferring the risk—that is to say, the "insured risk"—from the insurer to the reinsurer. This allows the insurer to increase its policy limits, taking on a higher risk, since the risk is partly carried by the reinsurer.

The two main categories of reinsurance arrangements are

  1. facultative reinsurance; va
  2. treaty reinsurance.

Within these two categories, furthermore, there are two main kinds of coverage:

  1. proportional reinsurance; va
  2. non-proportional reinsurance.

Both facultative and treaty reinsurance can be written on a proportional or non-proportional basis. Both these bases occur in a variety of often highly involved permutations.

Facultative reinsurance

Facultative reinsurance is the reinsurance of a particular risk under a single policy (for a single or specific risk). It is facultative in the sense that the reinsurer has the choice to accept or reject the particular risk in question. This type of reinsurance arrangement is "cumbersome," writes Reinecke,[28] because a separate negotiation is required for each separate risk which an insurer wishes to pass on to a reinsurer.

Treaty reinsurance

Treaty reinsurance is an arrangement between the insurer and the reinsurer in terms of which the latter agrees to take over all or part of the former's risk of a particular class or description for a specified period of time.

Proportional reinsurance

Proportional reinsurance, which may arise in both facultative and treaty reinsurance, refers to a mutanosib sharing of risks and losses, and premiums and income, between the primary insurer and the reinsurer.

Non-proportional reinsurance

In the case of non-proportional reinsurance (or "excess" reinsurance), the reinsurer bears that part of insurer's loss which exceeds an agreed threshold, while the insurer retains the risk or loss below the threshold, or else reinsures this with a different reinsurer.

Terms and benefit details

In respect of the terms and benefit details contained in the reinsurance agreement, the same principles apply as for ordinary insurance contracts.


Reinsurance companies may also themselves purchase reinsurance. This is known as "retrocession." The "retrocessionair" grants reinsurance to the "retrocedent."


Under-insurance occurs where the sum insured is less than the amount of the loss that the insured would suffer if the risk should materialise. For example, a house is insured for R100,000, but its market value is R150,000. A person in such circumstances may only recover loss

  • that is actually suffered; va
  • up to the sum that is insured.


Over-insurance occurs when the sum insured is greater than the loss that the insured would suffer if the risk materialises. For example, a house is insured for R200,000, but its market value is R150,000. Even here, the insured may not recover more than the loss he actually suffers.

Double Insurance

It is possible to insure the same interest against the same risk with two or more insurers. Double insurance does not amount to over-insurance, unless the total of all the insurances is more than the total value of the interest.

If loss occurs, the insured may choose to recover his entire loss from one insurer, or a proportionate share from each insurer, as long as the total amount claimed is not greater than the loss actually suffered.


Most policies have a “contribution clause,” which means that, if an insurer pays more than its proportionate share to the insured, the insurer has a right to reclaim a contribution from the other insurers. This is because the insurer has the right to pay only its proportionate share of the loss.

Insurance contracts often contain clauses to the effect that the insured must disclose other existing or subsequent policies. In the absence of such a clause, the insured is under no obligation to disclose policies that he may have with other insurance companies.


The following are the requirements for the insurer's right to contribution:

  • The insurer claiming contribution must have discharged its liability to the insured.
  • The insurer claiming contribution must have paid more than its proportionate share of the loss. This applies both to total and to partial loss.
  • Sug'urtalovchining hissasi bo'yicha sug'urta qildiruvchini to'lash zararni yo'qotish paytida ikki tomonlama sug'urta ob'ekti bo'lgan foizlarga nisbatan bo'lishi kerak.

Mutanosib yo'qotishlarni aniqlash

Ikki tomonlama sug'urta holatida sug'urta shartnomalari deyarli barcha jihatdan (shu jumladan sug'urta miqdori) bir xil bo'lsa, zarar sug'urtalovchilar o'rtasida teng ravishda taqsimlanishi kerak.

Agar shartnomalar faqat sug'urta miqdori bo'yicha farq qilsa, barcha summalar qo'shilishi va zarar miqdori bilan taqqoslanishi kerak. Keyinchalik har bir sug'urtalovchi zararning bunday ulushi uchun javobgardir, chunki u tomonidan yozilgan mablag 'barcha shartnomalar bo'yicha sug'urta summasiga to'g'ri keladi.

Agar shartnomalar sezilarli darajada farq qiladigan bo'lsa, unda asoratlar bo'lishi mumkin. Masalan, bitta shartnoma umumiy ob'ektni boshqa ob'ektlar orasida sug'urta qilishi mumkin, bunda unga ma'lum miqdor ajratilmaydi. O'rtacha bandlar ham mavjud bo'lishi mumkin.[29]

Qonun zararni taqsimlashni tartibga soluvchi qoidalarga jim. Amalda tomonlar o'rtasida muzokaralar zarur.

Da'volar retsepti

Umuman olganda, fuqarolik da'volari qarz paydo bo'lgan paytdan boshlab uch yil o'tgach belgilanadi.

Ko'pgina qoidalar sug'urta qildiruvchidan sug'urta qildirilganidan keyin belgilangan muddat ichida talab qilishni talab qiladigan vaqtni belgilash qoidalarini o'z ichiga oladi. Agar sug'urtalovchi da'vo uchun javobgarlikni rad etsa, sug'urtalovchining o'ziga ma'lum muddat bor, bu muddat ichida sug'urtalovchiga qarshi chaqiruv berish kerak, bu holda sug'urtalovchi javobgarlikdan ozod qilinadi: ya'ni sug'urtalovchiga nisbatan da'vo tayinlanadi.

Taymer-bar qoidalarining maqsadi sug'urtalovchiga qonuniy ishonchni ta'minlashdir. Sug'urtalovchi da'voni rad etganidan keyin oqilona vaqt ichida sud jarayoni bilan to'qnash keladimi yoki yo'qligini bilishdan manfaatdor.

Yilda Barxuizen - Napier, qisqa muddatli sug'urta polisida sug'urta qildiruvchi da'vo rad etilgandan keyin to'qson kun ichida chaqiruv berilmasa, sug'urta qildiruvchi da'vo bo'yicha javobgar bo'lmaydi degan muddat qoidalari mavjud edi. Sug'urtalovchi da'vo rad etilganidan keyin ikki yil o'tgach, chaqiruv berildi. The Konstitutsiyaviy sud taym-bar bandini qo'llab-quvvatladi, ammo sug'urta qildiruvchining sudga kirish huquqini adolatsiz ravishda kamsitishi mumkinligi sababli ushbu bandlarni kelajakda sinchkovlik bilan tekshirish uchun eshik ochdi.[30]

"Adolat, adolat va mulohazakorlik" - agar bu muddat konstitutsiyaviy huquqni buzsa, shartnoma muddati (shu jumladan, muddat belgilash bandi) saqlanib qolishi kerakmi yoki yo'qligini aniqlash uchun mezon. Yilda Bredenkamp v Standard Bank,[31] masalan, Oliy Apellyatsiya sudi bankir va mijoz o'rtasida tuzilgan shartnomada bankirga bir tomonlama ravishda hech qanday sababsiz va mijozni tinglamay shartnomani bekor qilish huquqini beradigan band bilan duch keldi. Keyinchalik bankir mijoz mijozning obro'si uchun xavf tug'dirganligi sababli shartnomani bekor qildi. Sud ishonib topdi Barxuizen, shartnoma huquqlaridan foydalanishning odilligi to'g'risidagi savol, agar u davlat siyosati nuqtai nazaridan yoki konstitutsiyaviy qadriyatlarni o'z ichiga olmasa, paydo bo'lmaydi. Shuning uchun bekor qilish adolatsiz emas edi va ushbu shart bajarilgan edi.

Bundan tashqari, sud Barxuizen sug'urta qildiruvchi tomonidan belgilangan vaqtni belgilash qoidasini bajara olmaydigan holatlar e'tiborga olinishi kerak.

Shuningdek qarang


  • M Reinecke va boshq. Sug'urta huquqining umumiy tamoyillari (2002), LexisNexis Butterworths: Durban.
  • M Reinecke va boshq. WA Jubertdagi "sug'urta" (tahr.) Janubiy Afrikaning qonuni Vol 12 (2002), Butterworths: Durban.
  • DM Devis Gordon va Gets: Janubiy Afrikaning sug'urta qonuni (1993), 4-nashr, Juta: Keyptaun.


  1. ^ 1967 (3) SA 124 (V).
  2. ^ Raynek Umumiy tamoyillar 39-xat.
  3. ^ 1998 yil 52-akt.
  4. ^ 1998 yil 53-akt.
  5. ^ 2008 yil 27-akt.
  6. ^ 1990 yil 97-akt.
  7. ^ 2002 yil 37-akt.
  8. ^ 1998 yil 53-akt.
  9. ^ Umumiy tamoyillar 6.
  10. ^ 1939 yil TPD 9.
  11. ^ Raynek Umumiy tamoyillar 124-xat.
  12. ^ Raynek Umumiy tamoyillar 124-xat.
  13. ^ 1985 (1) SA 419 (A).
  14. ^ 1989 (1) SA 208 (A).
  15. ^ 1987 (3) SA 506 (A).
  16. ^ 1993 (1) SA 69 (A).
  17. ^ 1915 milodiy 213 yil.
  18. ^ 1999 (2) SA 147 (SCA).
  19. ^ 2002 (4) SA (1) 93 (O).
  20. ^ 2008 (3) SA 439 (SCA).
  21. ^ 1991 (3) SA 514 (A).
  22. ^ 1961 (3) SA 422 (A).
  23. ^ 1961 (1) SA 103 (A).
  24. ^ Raynek Umumiy tamoyillar para 367.
  25. ^ 1943 yil 27-akt.
  26. ^ Tushuntirish uchun Reinecke para 369-ga qarang.
  27. ^ 1999 (2) SA 147 (SCA).
  28. ^ Umumiy tamoyillar para 526.
  29. ^ O'rtacha qoidalar sug'urtalovchining sug'urta summasi chegarasida sug'urtalovchining zararining to'liq yoki qisman bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, sug'urta qildiruvchilarga zarar etkazmaslik uchun, ushbu sug'urta qildiruvchilarni ob'ektga bo'lgan qiziqishlarining to'liq qiymatiga qadar rag'batlantirish orqali xavf.
  30. ^ Konstitutsiyaning 34-moddasi.
  31. ^ 2010 (4) SA 468 (SCA).