Deadliest Catch epizodlari ro'yxati - List of Deadliest Catch episodes

Deadliest Catch a hujjatli teleseriallar tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan Asl ishlab chiqarishlar uchun Discovery kanali. Bu tasvirlangan haqiqiy hayot kemadagi voqealar baliq ovlash kemalari ichida Bering dengizi davomida Alaska shohi qisqichbaqasi, malika Qisqichbaqa, va qor qisqichbaqasi baliq ovlash mavsumi. The Aleut orollari porti Dutch Harbor, Alyaska, uchun operatsiyalarning asosidir baliq ovi floti. Ko'rgazmaning nomi ish bilan bog'liq bo'lgan yuqori darajadagi jarohatlanish yoki o'lim xavfidan kelib chiqadi.

Deadliest Catch Premyerasi Discovery Channel-da 2005 yil 12 aprelda bo'lib o'tdi va hozirda shou butun dunyo bo'ylab namoyish etilmoqda. Birinchi mavsum o'n qismdan iborat bo'lib, final bosqichi 2005 yil 14-iyunda namoyish etildi. Keyingi mavsumlar 2005 yilgi asl mavsumdan boshlab har yili bir xil aprel-iyun yoki iyul jadvallarida namoyish etilmoqda.

Seriyalar haqida umumiy ma'lumot

FaslQismlarDastlab efirga uzatilgan
Birinchi efirga uzatildiOxirgi eshittirish
1102005 yil 12 aprel (2005-04-12)2005 yil 14 iyun (2005-06-14)
2122006 yil 28 mart (2006-03-28)2006 yil 13 iyun (2006-06-13)
3122007 yil 3 aprel (2007-04-03)2007 yil 19-iyun (2007-06-19)
4162008 yil 15 aprel (2008-04-15)2008 yil 22-iyul (2008-07-22)
5162009 yil 14 aprel (2009-04-14)2009 yil 28-iyul (2009-07-28)
6162010 yil 13 aprel (2010-04-13)2010 yil 27 iyul (2010-07-27)
7162011 yil 12 aprel (2011-04-12)2011 yil 26-iyul (2011-07-26)
8162012 yil 10 aprel (2012-04-10)2012 yil 24-iyul (2012-07-24)
9162013 yil 16 aprel (2013-04-16)2013 yil 30-iyul (2013-07-30)
10162014 yil 22 aprel (2014-04-22)2014 yil 5-avgust (2014-08-05)
11182015 yil 14 aprel (2015-04-14)2015 yil 18-avgust (2015-08-18)
12182016 yil 29 mart (2016-03-29)2016 yil 2-avgust (2016-08-02)
13202017 yil 11-aprel (2017-04-11)2017 yil 29-avgust (2017-08-29)
14192018 yil 10-aprel (2018-04-10)2018 yil 28-avgust
15222019 yil 9 aprel2019 yil 10 sentyabr
16232020 yil 7-may2020 yil 22 sentyabr


1-fasl (2005)

umuman olganda
Yo'q yilda
SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
11"Greenhorns"2005 yil 12 aprel (2005-04-12)
Kema ekipajlari bilan tanishish va ba'zi kemalarda birinchi marta ish olib boradigan yam-yashil shoxlar uchun kelib chiqishlar, shuningdek, ba'zi qayiqlarning yashil o'simliklar bilan ishlash an'analari - Sig Sansen, sardor Shimoli-g'arbiy, greenhorn Bredford Devisni kemada qanday ishlashini ko'rmaguncha salomlashishdan yoki uni tan olishdan bosh tortadi. Kemalar dengizga jo'nadilar qirol qisqichbaqasi mavsum.
22"Uzoq uyqusiz tunlar"2005 yil 19 aprel (2005-04-19)
Kema ekipajlari barcha Qisqichbaqa idishlarini o'rnatdilar va ularni olishlarini kutishdi. Yashil shoxlar faqat bir kechadan so'ng charchoqni his qila boshladilar. The Shimoli-g'arbiy Grenxorn, Bredford, o'zining birinchi qirol qisqichbaqasini ko'rganidan bezovtalanmadi - "ular o'zga sayyoraliklarga o'xshaydi", - dedi u, lekin kemaning boshlig'i Edgar Xansen tuzatdi: "Ular ajoyib! Xuddi ulkan dollarlik veksellarga o'xshab ko'ring!" Ba'zi kemalarda darhol katta qisqichbaqalar ushlandi - ular Shimoli-g'arbiy suv ostidagi omborxonada ikkita "chavandoz" o'zlarining tanklariga qo'shilishlari uchun birinchi rasmiy idishlarini tortib olishdan oldin qo'shib qo'yishgan, boshqalari ikkala jihoz bilan bog'liq muammo va qisqichbaqalarni topishda muammoga duch kelishgan.
33"Lady Luck"2005 yil 26 aprel (2005-04-26)
Ekipaj o'zlarining qisqichbaqasimon kostryulkalarini har xil natijalar bilan o'rnatishda davom etishdi - shunga o'xshash yuqori chiziqli qayiqlar Shiddatli sadoqat va Shimoli-g'arbiy kutilganidan kamroq raqamlarni tortib olishdi; The G'arbiy Viking nihoyat juda yomon birinchi ipdan keyin qisqichbaqani topdi. The Alyaskaning baliq va ov bo'limi faqat 2 kundan keyin mavsum tugaganini e'lon qildi va kapitanlar foydali bo'lish uchun etarli darajada qisqichbaqani ushlay olmasligimizdan xavotirga tushishdi.
44"Soatni ur"2005 yil 3-may (2005-05-03)
Filo so'nggi daqiqada qozonlarni joylashtirishni davom ettirish yoki ularning barcha jihozlarini tortib olish va qonunchilikni buzmaslik o'rniga qisqa mavsumda yo'qotishlarini kamaytirish to'g'risida qiyin qarorlar qabul qilishga majbur. Birodarlar Xansenlar Shimoli-g'arbiy boshqa kostryulkalarni ishga tushirmaslikka qaror qiling va uning o'rniga shim "qirol baland Sally" deb nomlagan shimoliy qirol Qisqichbaqa suvlarida bir qator qozonlarning orqasidan boring; bu kostryulkalar ulkan imkoniyatga ega bo'lsa, qaror mukofotlanadi Shimoli-g'arbiy yakuniy King Crab Derby unvonini yutish uchun. Ekipajlar mavsum uchun qisqichbaqa idishlarini oxirigacha tortib olishga shoshilishadi va orqaga qaytishadi Gollandiya porti Qisqichbaqa protsessoriga navbat olish uchun. Yashil daraxtlar yangi ishlarini davom ettirish yoki hayotlarini davom ettirish to'g'risida qaror qabul qilishadi. Da juda muvaffaqiyatli tushirishdan so'ng Shimoli-g'arbiy an'anaviy o'chirish porti, Akutan, Bredford, Shimoli-g'arbiy greenhorn, mehnatsevarligi va yaxshi munosabati uchun dekhand ulushining 10% miqdorida mukofotlanadi - taxminan 1600 dollar - va nihoyat kapitan Sig Xensendan salomlashish va qo'l siqish oladi.
55"Qishning o'ligi"2005 yil 10-may (2005-05-10)
Kemalar Gollandiyalik portdan halokatli odamga jo'nab ketdi opilio qisqichbaqasi mavsum, derbi uslubi qoidalari ostida o'tkaziladigan oxirgisi. Ob-havo xiyonatkor edi, kuchli bo'ronli ogohlantirishlar va ochiq dengiz bashorat qilingan. The Lady Alyaska elektr muammolari sababli portga qaytishga majbur bo'ldi, bu ularga qisqa mavsumning bir kunini sarf qildi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy Rossiya chegarasi yaqinidagi uzoq shimoliy Opilio baliq ovlash maydonchalariga yo'l oldi. Qolgan qayiqlar baliq ovi maydoniga yaqinlashganda, a Sohil xavfsizligi flotga ogohlantirish berildi: An EPIRB, F / V ga tegishli Katta vodiy, faollashtirilgan edi, va hech kim Katta vodiy radio do'llariga yoki sun'iy yo'ldosh telefonlariga javob berayotgandi. Uchta baliq ovlash kemalari, shu jumladan Mavverik va Korneliya Mari, qidiruvni boshladi, tong otishidan oldin Sohil Xavfsizlik vertolyoti tomonidan qo'shildi, ammo EPIRB tomonidan ko'rsatilgan joyda hech narsa topilmadi. Tong otishi bilan chiqindilar Katta vodiy faqat qayiqning cho'kib ketganligini aniq ko'rsatib turibdi. Dan bitta hayot sal Katta vodiy ichida bitta tirik qolgan, pastki boshlig'i Kesh Seel bo'lgan. Dengizga tashlanishidan oldin tirik qolish kostyumiga kirishga muvaffaq bo'lgan Seel, buni tasdiqladi Katta vodiy ag'darilib, tezda pastga tushdi; uch kishi dengizda omon qolish uchun kostyumlarsiz qulaganidan ko'p o'tmay vafot etdi. Sohil xavfsizlik xizmati tirik qolish uchun kostyum kiygan yana bir odamni topdi va uni suvdan olib chiqdi, ammo ko'p o'tmay uni o'lgan deb e'lon qildi.
66"Haddan tashqari odam"2005 yil 17-may (2005-05-17)
Oxirgi odam topilgan Katta vodiy halokat, qurbonlar sonini besh kishiga etkazdi, faqatgina Kesh Seil omon qoldi. Nihoyat, parkning qayiqlari bir kunlik kechikishdan keyin kostryulkalar tashlashni boshlashdi. Biroq, ish boshlaganidan ko'p o'tmay, bir kishi bortdan bortga qulab tushdi Sulton. Kema uni qutqara olmadi, birinchi 24 soat o'tmay qurbonlar soni oltitaga etdi. Billikin kapitani Jeff Uiks ekipajning vafot etganini tushunadi Sulton o'z ekipajlaridan birining do'sti, u ilgari uning do'sti o'lgan emas deb umid qilgan. Haftalar uning ekipajiga mavsum tugashi bilan xabar berishga qaror qildi; o'zini kemada o'zini xavf ostiga qo'yish uchun odamni chalg'itishi kerak emas.
77"Yuqori umidlar"2005 yil 24 may (2005-05-24)
The Bering dengizi opilio Qisqichbaqa mavsumiga bir kundan kamroq vaqt ichida olti baliqchining hayotini olib ketdi. Qisqichbaqa kostryulkalari 12 soat davomida ho'llangan edi, ammo odam nobud bo'lishiga qaramay, ekipaj kostryulkalar tortishni boshladi. Ob-havo yana o'zgarishi bilan umidlar baland edi, yaxshi tomonga. Ushbu mavsumda birinchi marta baliq ovlash osonroq kechdi.
88"Yaxshi baliq ovlash"2005 yil 31 may (2005-05-31)
Tinch dengizlar va g'ayrioddiy iliq ob-havo sharoitida parkning uch kunlik rekord ko'rsatkichlari ekipajda dollar belgilarini ko'rdi. Bitta qayiqda Bering dengizida ularni himoyasiz qoldiradigan ulkan muammo yuzaga keldi; ular baliq ovlashga qaytish uchun tirishishdi. Opilio mavsumining to'rtinchi kuni boshlandi, hali ham ko'p sonli raqamlar kelmoqda, mish-mishlar erta yopilish haqida gapirishdi. Kapitanlar kvota qachon bajarilishini va mavsum yopilishini taxmin qilishdi.
99"Soat tikmoqda"2005 yil 7-iyun (2005-06-07)
Opilio Qisqichbaqa mavsumi sakson to'rt soat bo'lgan va "Alaskan Gold" ni ovlash mavsumni yopish haqida mish-mishlar tarqalishi bilan kuchaygan. Ushbu mish ekipajni yanada qattiqroq turtdi, shuning uchun qayiqlar qo'shimcha qisqichbaqani qaerga qo'yishni o'ylaydilar. Hozirgina boshqa qayiqlar shirin joyni urishdi va yo'qotilgan vaqtni qoplash uchun harakat qilishdi. Mavsum tugashi haqidagi xabar kelgach, baliq ovlash joylarida ishlash uchun kemalarga atigi 36 soat vaqt berilib, charchagan ekipajlar qolgan vaqt ichida imkon qadar ko'proq ishlashga majbur qilinmoqda. Alyaskada qisqichbaqalar bilan baliq ovlash odatda derbi uslubidagi musobaqada amalga oshiriladi, bu erda ekipajlar mavsum davomida iloji boricha ko'proq qisqichbaqani ushlaydilar; 2005 yilgi Opilio mavsumi bu kabi baliq ovining so'nggi yili bo'ladi va natijada IFQ (individual baliq ovlash kvotasi) tizimi ko'plab kichik qayiqlarni (masalan, Lady Alyaska) biznesdan tashqarida. Barcha sardorlar ushbu so'nggi yugurishni eng yaxshi qilish uchun katta xohish bildiradilar; The Mavverik qisqa vaqt ichida o'z tanklarini ikkinchi marta to'ldirishga shoshilishadi.
1010"Yakuniy yugurish"2005 yil 14 iyun (2005-06-14)
Ushbu opilio mavsumi o'lim bilan yakunlandi Katta vodiy ekipaj va ekipaj a'zosi Sulton bir necha soatdan keyin dengizdan qulab tushgan. Qayiqlar o'zlarining sig'im sig'imiga, ekipajlari esa aqliy va jismoniy chegaralariga etishar edi, ammo avtoulov parki qolgan 24 soat ichida yillik ish haqini ushlab qolish uchun harakatlarni davom ettirdi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy "pastki yuk" ni, ishlov beruvchilarga etib borguncha uzoq vaqt omon qolishlarini umid qilib, suvdan o'tib ketadigan so'nggi qozonlaridan qisqichbaqani saqlash uchun ushlab turuvchi qalamni yaratadi. So'nggi bir necha soat vaqtni belgilab qo'yganida, poyga ikkinchi bosqichi, qayta ishlash korxonalari poygasi boshlandi. Yukdan tashqari yuklash birinchi navbatda amalga oshiriladi va mavsumni muvaffaqiyatli o'tkazish uchun portga qachon qaytish kerakligi to'g'risida qaror qabul qiladi. Sig Xansen Shimoli-g'arbiy, pastki qismidagi yukni bilish ob-havo sharoitida uzoq davom etmaydi, oxirgi idishlarini yig'adi va protsessorlarga yo'nalishni belgilaydi. Protsessorga sayohat sayohatning eng xavfsiz qismi bo'lishi kerak bo'lsa-da, Xansen voqeani aytib beradi Aziz Patrik, ekipaj kemasi 1981 yil dekabrida Kodiakdan bir necha mil uzoqlikda kemasi suvga ko'tarilayotganda tashlab ketgan; ekipajning atigi ikki a'zosi omon qoldi, bu zararni bilgan holda yanada ayanchli holga keltirdi Aziz Patrik ekipaj kemani tashlab yuborganidan keyin o'zini o'nglashga muvaffaq bo'ldi va u muvaffaqiyatli portga olib kelinganidan bir necha kun o'tgach cho'kmadi. Nasib qilsa, the Shimoli-g'arbiy protsessorlarga etib kelgan birinchi qayiqlardan biriga aylanadi va ularning pastki yuki sayohatni yaxshi o'tkazdi; ammo, ekipaj ekipaj a'zosining yomon kuzatish qobiliyatlarini minishdan juda mamnun, uning qisqichbaqa funtining miqdori rasmiy yig'indiga 20000 funtdan oshmasa. Qisqichbaqa qayiqda abadiy qolmasligi sababli, protsessorga etib borish uchun Qisqichbaqa qayig'ining o'rni juda muhimdir; protsessorga kirish cheklangan va kutish bir necha soat yoki hatto kunlar bo'lishi mumkin. Kunlar minglab o'lik Qisqichbaqa halok bo'lishiga olib keladi; Qisqichbaqa qayiqda o'lib qolganda, ularning vafot etgan tanalari zaharli moddalarni barcha Qisqichbaqa ta'sir qiladigan qismga tashlaydi, natijada o'lim zanjir reaktsiyasi natijasida katta miqdordagi "o'lik halok" hosil bo'ladi yoki qayta ishlanmaydigan o'lik qisqichbaqalar. The Mavverik protsessor uchun navbat kutish dengizda qo'shimcha haftaga aylanganda yukning bir qismini yo'qotish uchun yo'qotishdi, ammo qolgan yuklari yaxshi ushlab turildi va qayiq yaxshi foyda keltirdi va to'ldirilgan kam sonli kemalardan biriga aylandi qisqa muddatli Opilio mavsumida ularning saqlash tanklari ikki marta. The Shimoli-g'arbiy 2005 yilgi Derbida Alaskan qisqichbaqasi mavsumining ikkala yarmida ham eng ko'p yig'ilganlar soni bo'yicha g'olib bo'ldi (King va Opilio). Yangi IFQ uslubidagi baliq ovi uchun qaytib kelmagan kapitanlar o'zlarining ekipajlarini portga qaytish bilan xayrlashadilar; ostida bo'lgan boshqa kapitanlar IFQ Qisqichbaqa baliq ovlash, ular bilganidek, Derbi davri tugashi bilan abadiy o'zgarib borishini tan oldi.

2-fasl (2006)

umuman olganda
Yo'q yilda
SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
111"Dengizga chiqish"2006 yil 28 mart (2006-03-28)
Ekipaj 2005 yil oktyabr oyida Shaxsiy baliq ovlash kvotasi ("IFQ") qoidalariga binoan birinchi King Crab mavsumining boshlanishi uchun qayiqlariga qaytib kelishdi. Yangi qoidalar va kvotalar tufayli parkning yarmidan ko'pi qisqartirildi; ammo, Bering dengizidagi yomon sharoitlar buzilishi mumkin bo'lgan kichik bir vaqt davomida qayiqlarni baliq ovlashga majburlamaslik orqali, Qisqichbaqa baliqchiligini xavfsizroq qilish maqsadida mavsum ham uch haftaga uzaytirildi. Qaytgan kapitanlar UniSea barida an'anaviy mavsumoldi kechki ovqatda bir-birlarini tushirdilar. Korneliya Mari va Berling dengizidagi Xansensning 20 yoshdan oshiq raqibi "u mag'lub bo'lishni sog'inayotganini (Shimoli-g'arbiy Kapitan Sig Xansenning eshaklari "yangi IFQ tizimida, unga Sig Xansen" mag'lubiyatga uchragan eshak "bo'lganidan xursand bo'lganligi uchun javob berdi. 2005 yilgi Qirg'iz Qisqichbaqa mavsumi 2005 yil 14 oktyabrda boshlanishi kerak edi; ammo ko'pgina qayiqlar qaror qilmadilar Ikki sababga ko'ra portni tark etish: baliq ovlanadigan joylarda ob-havoning bashorat qilinishi va "Omadsiz juma" ga xurofot. Vaqt qaroqchisi xurofotga qarshi chiqdi va baribir chiqib ketdi, lekin uning dastlabki qozonlari deyarli bo'sh edi. Baliq ovlash uchun yig'ilgan Vaqt qaroqchisi oxir-oqibat. The Korneliya Mari kostryulkalarini o'rnatishni boshlagan edi, ularning asosiy dvigateli bosh prokladkasini pufladi. Kelajakdagi yomon ob-havoni yodda tutgan kapitan Fil Xarris o'z ekipajiga idishlarni iloji boricha tezroq tushirishni buyurdi, shunda ular bo'sh kemada Gollandiyalik portga qaytib kelishlari mumkin edi. Dutch Harbor-da to'xtab qolishdi Mavverik, Sohil Xavfsizlik xavfsizligi tekshiruvidan o'ta olmagan; chunki cho'kish Katta vodiy 2005 yil yanvar oyida hech bo'lmaganda qisman idishni yukini e'lon qilingan idishning og'irligidan 30% ga ko'targanligi bilan bog'liq edi, barcha qayiqlar o'zlarining qozon yuklarini qo'shimcha tekshirdilar va Mavverik USCG qoidalari bo'yicha xavfsiz deb hisoblanganidan 30 ta ko'proq idish olib yurgan. Mavverik kemaning boshlig'i Bleyk Peynterga qirol Qisqichbaqa mavsumining o'rtalarida kapitan lavozimiga ko'tarilish va'da qilingan edi; Sohil Xavfsizlik xizmati tomonidan qayiqni tozalash bu hozirgi kapitan Rik Kvashnikning Bleykga buyruq berishga tayyorligini o'lchash uchun bergan birinchi sinovi edi. Yangi IFQ tizimi har bir qayiqqa Qisqichbaqa tutish uchun kvota (ko'pincha parkning parchalanishi sababli qayiqlarning avvalgi qabulidan kattaroq) va ularni ushlab qolish uchun ko'proq vaqt berdi; Shunday qilib, dengizga chiqib, ob-havo og'ir bo'ronlar kelishi haqida ogohlantirish bilan yomonlashganda, kapitanlar bo'ron orqali baliq tutishni davom ettirish to'g'risida qaror qabul qilishlari kerak edi (derbi tizimida bo'lgani kabi) yoki ob-havo aniq bo'lgunga qadar xavfsiz portni topish .
122"Lyuklarni bosish"2006 yil 4 aprel (2006-04-04)
Bir juft bo'ronli tizim baliq ovi maydonlarida birlasha boshlagach, bir nechta qayiqlar ob-havoning yomonligi tufayli yanada xavfli bo'lgan asosiy mexanik muammolarga duch kelishdi. The Rollo eski baliq ovlash kemalari uchun umumiy bo'lgan bir qator muammolar mavjud edi: Kranda gidravlik liniyalarning oqishi; burama blokdagi singan shlanglar; ikkita eski arqon ikkita alohida qozonga yo'l berib, idishlarni ham, undagi qisqichbaqalarni ham yo'qotishiga olib keladi; va sindirilgan kompyuter. The Korneliya Mari kutilganidan ham yomonroq bo'lgan, boshi shilingan qistirma bilan Golland portiga qaytdi; ehtiyot qismlar Alyaskaning materikidan buyurtma berilishi kerak edi, bu ekipaj vaqtiga va puliga sarflangan. The Mavverik nihoyat Sohil Xavfsizlik tekshiruvidan o'tdi, ammo ob-havo sharoiti tufayli Golland Makonida qoldi. Ekipaj a'zolari Mavverik Bleykning mavsum o'rtalarida kapitan lavozimini egallash haqidagi og'zaki hayajonidan noroziligini bildirdi va hatto kapitan Rik Kvashnik ham shubha bilan qaradi. Ob-havo o'zgarishi bilan Mavverik nihoyat Golland Makoni tark etib, parkning qolgan qismiga qo'shilish uchun Shimoli-g'arbiy, aka-uka Hansenlar o'rtasidagi og'ir muhokamalardan so'ng, ortda turgan bo'ronlardan panoh izlashga qaror qildilar Amak oroli.
133"Qisqichbaqada"2006 yil 11 aprel (2006-04-11)
Ekipaj bortga qisqichbaqa olib kelishga muvaffaq bo'ldi va yanada og'ir ob-havo bilan kurashdi. The Mavverik ekipajning ikkita masalasi bilan shug'ullangan: Bleyk kapitan stuliga ko'tarilishini karnay-surnayda davom ettiradi, mavsum davomida kapitan Kvashnik unga og'zaki ravishda va'da bergan edi; va g'azablangan faxriysi ekipaj a'zosi Xiram Mavverik o'zining ko'plab do'stlari, ko'proq tajribaga ega bo'lgan Qisqichbaqa faxriylari, IFQ tizimi tomonidan ishdan bo'shatilgan paytda (bu kemada to'liq kostryulkalar kelishini ko'rishdan juda xursand bo'lgan) greenhorn ishlayotgan edi. Qayiqning onasi Donna Kvashnik maslahat berdi Mavverik ekipaj Xiramga chiqish uchun vaqt berish uchun, va ertasi kuni ertalab ekipaj ishiga qaytganida janjal unutilganga o'xshaydi. The Korneliya MariDutch Harbour-da dvigatelni keng miqyosda ta'mirlashni boshlash, baliq oviga yetib kelib, xuddi shu dvigatel piston uloqtirganda bir necha kun davomida ho'l bo'lib qolgan idishlarini olib ketishni boshladilar, bu esa dvigatelning halokatini yanada kuchaytirdi va kapitan Xarrisni qayiqqa chiqishga majbur qildi. yana Gollandiyalik portga qaytib boring. The Shimoli-g'arbiy baliq ovlash uchun ajoyib joylarni boshqa qayiqlardan uzoqlashtirib, har yili o'rtacha 70 ga yaqin qisqichbaqa bilan qozonlarni tortib olish bo'yicha yillik an'analarini davom ettirdilar, ammo yana bir kuchli bo'ron flotga yaqinlashganda, Hansenlar Arktikaning zarbasidan omon qolish uchun deyarli to'liq tanklarining imkoniyatlarini tortishdi. jiddiy o'lik holda squall va yomon ob-havo urishidan oldin protsessorlarga borishga va ularning yuklarini naqdlashtirishga qaror qildi. The Rollo uskunalar bilan bog'liq jiddiy muammolarni davom ettirdi, qor bo'roni paytida yarim tunda GPS ko'rsatkichini yo'qotdi.
144"Tugatish chizig'i"2006 yil 18 aprel (2006-04-18)
Ko'pgina ekipajlar, shu jumladan Shimoli-g'arbiy va Mavverik, shimoliy IFQ aktsiyalarini tushirish uchun Sankt-Pol oroliga yo'l oldi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy tutish kutilganidan kichikroq bo'lib, Sig Xansenni umumiy kvotasini sezilarli darajada ortda qoldirdi; ammo, hech biri Shimoli-g'arbiy ekipaj o'z kapitanining baliq ovlash instinktlarini maqtashdan boshqa hech narsa aytmadi. Edgar Xansen, Shimoli-g'arbiy Deck Boss va Signing ukasi "u odam menga orzu qilganimdan ko'proq pul ishlab topdi va shu bilan u bizni xavfsizligini ta'minladi - hech qanday o'lim, jiddiy jarohatlar va o'tinni taqillatish" dedi. Sifatida Mavverik Sankt-Poldagi protsessorlar tomon yo'l oldi, kemaning boshlig'i Bleyk Peynter kemaning kapitani lavozimini egallashini kutib, oxirgi marta umid qilgani uchun pastki moylarini osib qo'ydi. Mavverik bir marta Mavverik Sankt-Pol oroliga etib bordi. Biroq, kapitan Rik Kvashnik o'z kemasini yangi kapitanga Qisqichbaqa mavsumi o'rtalarida qoldirish haqida ikkinchi fikrga kela boshladi, ayniqsa Bleykning lavozimini ko'tarish bilan vaqtincha kemaning boshlig'i bo'ladigan ekipaj a'zosi Bleykda ishlash o'rniga ishdan ketishga va'da bergan edi. Kvashnik hech bo'lmaganda ushbu qirol Qisqichbaqa mavsumi oxirigacha nafaqasini tark etish uchun qiyin tanlovni amalga oshirdi va "to'rt yoshimdan beri orzular ortidan quvib yurgan Bleykni g'azablantirdi ... men xohlaganim - bu kapitan qizil qisqichbaqa qayig'i. " Bleykning kapitan lavozimiga bo'lgan ishtiyoqini ko'rish va shunchaki qo'shimcha pulga bo'lgan ishtiyoqni ko'rish Xiramga ta'sir qiladi, u nihoyat Bleykning eng qattiq tanqidchisidan uning kuchli himoyachilaridan biriga aylanadi; "U baliq ovida iz qoldiradi, shubhasiz. Shu qadar yosh va etuk bo'lish uchun ... u yaxshi sardor bo'ladi." The Rollo nihoyat, ob-havo sharoitida ham, Qisqichbaqa ovida ham tanaffusni qo'lga kiritdi va mavsum uchun o'zlarining IFQ aktsiyalarini olishga erisha boshladi. USCG kreyser kapitanni kutib oldi va mavsum o'rtalarida kutilmagan tekshiruvga chiqishlarini e'lon qildi. Ham kapitan, ham ekipaj Rollo juda asabiy edilar, ayniqsa 9 kishilik inspeksiya guruhi asosan qayiqni keyingi uch soat davomida egallab oldi, ammo nihoyat USCG ularni "to'liq muvofiq" deb e'lon qildi va jo'nab ketdi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy protsessorlarga yonma safari oldidan choynaklarni ho'llab qo'ygan joyga qaytib kelishdi va barcha idishlar to'lgan holda topishdi; ammo, ularning quvonchi, ishga tushirgichdagi gidravlik qo'llardan biri ulagich pimini urib, uni foydasiz holga keltirganda qisqartirildi. Signi ta'mirlash - asosan bolg'a yordamida pnevmatik silindrga yangi pim bilan haydash - 10 soniya davom etdi; Edgar ishga tushirgichni yopmoqchi bo'lganida, ulagich va pin harpun kabi uchirgichdan otilib chiqdi. Xansenslar ishga tushirgichni bitta gidravlik ko'targichda ishlatish xavfini tug'dirishga qaror qildilar va tortiladigan qozonlarga qaytishdi. Bortida Aleut Ballad, Greenhorn Bering dengizining o'ta og'ir sharoitlaridan shunchalik bezovtalanadiki, u qayiqdan o'sha erda sakrab tushib, o'zini o'ldirish bilan qo'rqitdi va kapitan Korkiy Tilleyni asab kasalligi chekkasida yigit bilan Gollandiyalik portga qaytishga majbur qildi. butun yo'l. An Unalaska Politsiya xodimi greenlandni shaxsan Dock bandargohidan aeroportga kuzatib qo'ydi, chunki u boshqa hech qanday hodisalarsiz ketishini ta'minlash uchun. Vaqt bilan Aleut Ballad dengizga qaytib, bo'ronning ko'tarilishi har qachongidan ham shafqatsiz edi va a yolg'onchi to'lqin urish Aleut Ballad, uni deyarli 90 daraja ag'darib tashladi va g'ildiraklar uyini axlatga tashladi.
155"Do'stlar va raqiblar"2006 yil 25 aprel (2006-04-25)
The Aleut Ballad, qaroqchi to'lqin tomonidan ag'darilib, o'zini o'nglab olishga muvaffaq bo'ldi, ammo bir nechta ekipaj a'zolari, shu jumladan kapitan Tillining o'z qizi Nikol ham jarohat oldi, shuningdek uning kompyuterlari safga qaytmadi, nogironlar uyi va pastki buzilib qoldi, kapitan Tilli qaytishga qaror qildi. bo'ronlarda ko'proq zarar etkazish o'rniga, ta'mirlash uchun portga. Kapitan Fil Xarris Korneliya Mari o'z kemasining greenhorn bilan navbatchilik o'zgarishini muhokama qildi - Xarrisning kenja o'g'li Yoqub - va Jeyk nihoyat butun mavsum davomida Jeykning maqsadi bo'lgan kapitan bir oz dam olishi uchun nogironlar aravachasida navbatchilik qilishga tayyor bo'lishi mumkinligini aytdi. . Baliq ovlash kemada to'liq tezlikda davom etar ekan Shimoli-g'arbiy, Edgar Xansen mavsumning so'nggi kostryulkalarining ochilishini an'anaviy Norvegiya taomlari bilan pishirilgan holda nishonlashga qaror qildi tuz cod, Kapitan Signing sevimli taomlari. The Rollo kofe inqirozi bilan shug'ullangan - yarim qutidan kamroq vaqt qolganida, ular hali mavsum oxirigacha tortib olish uchun uzun bo'yli kostryulkalarga ega edilar, shuning uchun qolgan kofe oxirgi idish tortilguncha ratsionlangan; ekipaj o'zlarining mavsum yakunlarini oxirgi kofe qolgan qahva bilan nishonladilar. Bleyk Peynter, kapitanning ishiga topshirilishidan hanuzgacha xafa Mavverik, u hali ham uchuvchiga etib borishiga umid bildirdi Mavverik yaqinda, ehtimol yaqinlashib kelayotgan Opilio mavsumida. The Korneliya Mari, hali ham katta kvotasini to'ldirish uchun Qisqichbaqa tutish kerak, tomonidan ovlanadigan maydonga yaqinlashdi Shimoli-g'arbiy. Sig Xansen a ni ko'rganida Korneliya Mari u kamonni yopib qo'ydi, u o'z ekipajiga Filipp Xarrisning yangi IFQ qoidalariga binoan "urish (Signing) eshagini" sog'inib yuborishi haqida yozgan mavsumdan oldingi izohi uchun "bu bilan aralashishlarini" taklif qildi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy ekipaj qozonni ko'tarib chiqdi - "Ularda bizdan ko'ra ko'proq qisqichbaqa bor!" Edgar kuzatib turdi - keyin baliq ovi uchun qo'lqop va ingichka ichki kiyimni o'lja ilgagiga ildi va potani okeanga qaytarishdan oldin eshikni yopib qo'ydi. Kechasi baliq ovlanadigan joylar ustiga tushganida Korneliya Mari qozonni oldi va payvandlangan eshik, shuningdek, qozonda "ziyofat bolasi" ichki kiyimlari bilan sirlangan edi; Fil Xarris "mening semiz kichkina do'stim Rik (Quashnick, of.) Mavverik) "masxarabozlikni tortib oldi va Mavverik tasdiqlash uchun. Kapitan Rik Kvashnik uning ishtirokini rad etdi; ammo, Sig radio orqali suhbatni tingladi va Xarrisga qo'ng'iroq qilib, Xarris haqiqatan ham kim bu pankartni tortib olganini tushunib yetguncha qancha vaqt ketishini ko'rishga qaror qildi. Bir marta Fil Signing bunday xayollarga berilishini rad etganidan haqiqatni anglab etdi - "Men qilardim hech qachon bunday ishni qil - bu noqonuniy bo'lar edi! "- deb ta'kidladi Sig. - ikkalasi masxarabozlik bilan kulishdi, lekin Xarris oxirgi so'zni tortib oldi Shimoli-g'arbiy qozon va uni axlat bilan to'ldiring, so'ngra "o'q" ning bir qismi ustiga temir trubani o'rnatib qo'ying (arqon uzunligi) Shimoli-g'arbiy qidiruv blokini va qayiqning yon tomoniga osilgan yarim tonna o'lik vaznini bering. Sifatida Shimoli-g'arbiy ekipaj so'nggi qozonlarini tortib olishdi, ular o'zgartirilgan idishni topdilar; Edgar qidiruv blokini qanday chetlab o'tib, qozonni arqon atrofidagi trubka bilan tortib olishni o'ylab topdi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy Keyin ekipaj ularning barcha qisqichbaqalari qozondan chiqarilganini va idish axlat bilan to'ldirilganligini aniqladilar Korneliya Mari; Sig raqibiga salom beradi va arqon orqali nayrangni amaliy hazil miqyosida "9" beradi. Qayiqlar mavsum oxirida yuk ko'tarish uchun Holland Harborga qaytib keldi, bu o'lim qayd etilmagan yillardagi birinchi mavsumlardan biri.
166"Yangi ov boshlanadi"2006 yil 2-may (2006-05-02)
Opilio Qisqichbaqa mavsumi rasman boshlandi, ammo shamol va kuchli muzliklarga oid bashorat, bu kemalarni og'irlashtirishi mumkin, ko'plab kapitanlarni Gollandiyalik portda bo'ronni kutishga majbur qildi. Qirol Qisqichbaqa mavsumida bo'lgani kabi Vaqt qaroqchisi shamolga ehtiyotkorlik bilan tashladi va erta ketdi. The Rollo baliq ovlanadigan joylar uzoq vaqt tashlandilar va mavsum davomida yaroqsiz bo'lgan, faqat tan tanqisligi qisqichbaqasi bo'lgan bir nechta idishlardan so'ng, ular bir qator qozonlarni kerakli miqdordagi qisqichbaqalar bilan tortib oldilar. The Mavverik yaqin qarindoshining o'limi va boshqa oilaviy muammolarni hal qilish uchun mavsumni olib tashlagan uzoq vaqtdan beri kemaning boshlig'i Bleyk Peyntersiz dengizga qo'yildi. Ustida Shimoli-g'arbiy, Kapitan Sig Xansen qisqichbaqa ovlash o'rniga, o'sha paytda yuqori narxlarga ega bo'lgan cod baliqlarini ovlashni rad etdi.
177"Suvdagi tutun"2006 yil 9-may (2006-05-09)
The Mavverik va Rollo qozonlarini tushirish uchun poyga qildilar va boshpana izladilar Sankt-Pol oroli bo'ron kelishidan oldin. Tezda kengayib borayotgan qutbli muz to'plami haqida xavotirlar kuchaygan. Bortida Vaqt qaroqchisi, Qisqichbaqa miqdori pastligi uchun qilingan yomon o'lja; yaxshi baliq ovlash uchun qilingan yangi tutilgan o'lja. The Shimoli-g'arbiy cod uchun baliq ovlashni davom ettirdi. The Korneliya Mari Qisqichbaqa baliq oviga borish uchun Gollandiyalik Makoni tark etdi.
188"Inson muzga qarshi"2006 yil 16-may (2006-05-16)
Uzoq kunlar va muzlash haroratlari asab tizimidagi asablarni buzdi Mavverik va Rollo. The Vaqt qaroqchisi kemada hosil bo'lgan muz bilan kurashgan. The Shimoli-g'arbiy cod uchun baliq tutishni davom ettirdi.
199"Yon tomonda"2006 yil 23-may (2006-05-23)
The Vaqt qaroqchisi muz to'plami bo'ylab baliq ovlangan. The Mavverik maxfiy sandbarda Qisqichbaqa ustida edi. Yomon omad o'sha kuni ham davom etdi Korneliya Mari. The Shimoli-g'arbiy nihoyat cod baliq ovini tugatdi va Qisqichbaqa baliq ovlashga borishga tayyorlandi.
2010"Pribilof Stare"2006 yil 30-may (2006-05-30)
The Vaqt qaroqchisi muz to'plami bo'ylab muz yig'ilishi bilan shug'ullangandan so'ng, ko'p miqdordagi qisqichbaqani tortib oldi. The Aleut Ballad muz to'plami ostida 80 ta idish bor edi. Bortida Mavverik, idishlarni dengizdan olib chiqish uchun ishlatiladigan blokning qattiq qo'li sinib ketdi. The Rollo yaxshi idishlarni olib kelishda davom etdi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy birinchi kostryulkalarini tarbiyaladi va ekipaj a'zosi uydagi oilaviy kasallikdan chalg'itdi. Bortida Korneliya Mari, Deckhand, Deyv Millman, to'pig'idan jarohat olib, Sankt-Pol oroliga qaytishni talab qildi.
2111"Muzga qarshi poyga"2006 yil 6-iyun (2006-06-06)
Bortda uzoq soatlar Shimoli-g'arbiy kapitan va ekipaj o'rtasida keskinlikni keltirib chiqardi; Edgar odamlarning bundan buyon davom eta olmasligiga ishontirganida, kapitan Sig ekipajga bir qator uzun iplardan so'ng dam olishga ruxsat berdi, ammo ertasi kuni ertalab ob-havo ancha sovuqlashganda, Sig odamlarni faqat uch soat uxlaganidan keyin uyg'otdi va muz to'plami ularga etib kelmasdan ishlariga qaytishlarini talab qildi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy ekipaj Signing talabchan baliq ovlash tezligidan unchalik mamnun emas edi, shuning uchun yaxshi niyat imo-ishorasi bilan Sig ekipaj o'z shikoyatlarini etkazishi uchun kafelda "Taklif qutisi" deb yozib qo'ydi. Bortida Rollo, ekipaj har bir yirtqichlardan ushlangan qisqichbaqalar sonini birlashtirdi; IFQ tizimida kvotalar janubiy va shimoliy aktsiyalar o'rtasida taqsimlanadi, shuning uchun qachon Rollo Sankt-Pol oroli yaqinidagi protsessorlarga etib keldi (u erda shimoliy ulush protsessorlari joylashgan) va ularning markaziy tanki ochilgan, tankdagi Qisqichbaqa miqdori ajratilgan shimoliy ulushdan ancha katta bo'lgan va kapitan Erik Nyammer o'tib ketganligi uchun katta jarimaga tortilgan. kvota. Erik o'z ekipajiga jarimalarni ekipaj maoshidan olib qo'yayotganini e'lon qildi, chunki ular qisqichbaqani noto'g'ri hisoblaganlar. Sifatida Rollo janubiy baliq ovlash joylariga qaytish uchun Sankt-Polni tark etmoqchi edi, ular bortga o'tirdilar Alyaska savdo vazirligi politsiya va IFQ qoidalariga ko'ra, ular o'zlarining barcha tanklarini, shu jumladan janubiy baliq ovlanadigan joylardan Qisqichbaqa bilan to'ldirilgan tanklardan birini bo'shatmaguncha, Sankt-Polni tark eta olmasliklari haqida xabar berishdi, bu esa Erikni bortdagi qisqichbaqalarni bozor narxlari bo'yicha sotishga majbur qildi . Jarohat olgan ekipaj a'zosi Korneliya Mari oyoq Bilagi zo'r shilinishi tashxisi qo'yildi va qayiq kapitan Fil Xarrisning o'g'li, greenhorn Jeyk bilan bo'shashgan holda stenografi bilan baliq ovi joyiga qaytishga majbur; bortda beshinchi odamning etishmasligi kemalar ekipajining tezligini deyarli 50 foizga sekinlashtirdi. The Mavverik Qumtepada baliq ovlash paytida to'liq idishlarni tortishda davom etdi, ammo muz yaqinlashganda kapitan Rik tishli qutilarning qolgan qismini joyida qoldirib, shimoliy ulushini avliyo Polga olib borib, qisqichbaqalarni yo'qotish xavfini emas, balki qisqichbaqani tashlab yuborishga qaror qildi tankda ikki hafta davomida bo'lgan.
2212"Naqd pul"2006 yil 13 iyun (2006-06-13)
The Vaqt qaroqchisi O'rtacha natijalar bilan qozonlarning so'nggi ipini oldi. The Mavverik muz idishida ikkita kostryulni yo'qotdi. The Korneliya Mari muloyimlik bilan muz to'plamining chetidan o'tib, Fil Xarrisning qon bosimini osmonga ko'targan, ammo oxir-oqibat ular uni yana suvga qaytarishdi. Ustida Rollo, katta miqdordagi Qisqichbaqa olib kelingan. Ota va o'g'il bir qatorda saralash bo'yicha musobaqa o'tkazdilar Korneliya Mariva Fil o'g'li Jeykni qo'l bilan urib yubordi. Ekipaj a'zosi Mavverik. Qayiqlar yukni ko'tarish uchun Sent-Pol va Gollandiyalik portga qaytib kelishdi, ish haqlarini yig'ishdi va oilalari bilan uchrashishdi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy ikkita muvaffaqiyatli mavsumni bitta - cod va opilio crab-da yakunladi va Sig Hansen "takliflar qutisini" ochdi va yozuvlarni katta zavq bilan o'qidi ("" Skipper oyiga bir martadan ko'proq dush qabul qiladi "- bu Edgar yozganmi?"). The Shimoli-g'arbiy o'z portiga qaytdi Sietl va baxtli xotinlari va bolalari bilan muvaffaqiyatli mavsumni nishonladilar.

3-fasl (2007)

umuman olganda
Yo'q yilda
SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
231"Fojiali boshlanish"2007 yil 3 aprel (2007-04-03)
Qayiqlar qirol qisqichbaqasi mavsumi boshlanishiga tayyorlanmoqda. Bortda Korneliya Mari, o'tgan mavsumning greenhorn kompaniyasi Jeyk Xarris dekhand lavozimiga ko'tarildi; kemaning yangi yashil shoxi Joshu Xarris, Jeykning akasi va Filning to'ng'ich o'g'li. Bortda yangi qo'l Shimoli-g'arbiy Sten Xansen, aka-uka Xansenlarning amakivachchasi; bu orada Farwest rahbari kapitanning rafiqasi Ragnhild Monkrieni yangi greenhorn / oshpaz / den onasi sifatida olib keladi. The Mavverik Endi Bleyk Peynterning nazorati ostidadir va uning ekipaji deyarli barcha qirol-qisqichbaqasimon do'stlari, kemaning boshlig'i sifatida faqat bitta tajribali pastki qo'li ishlaydi. Ekipajlar o'zlarining mavsumdagi ekipaji uchun xarid qilish uchun borishadi va har safar uchun 5500 dollar sarflashadi. Jonatan Xillstrand mavsumoldi sardorlarning kechki ovqatida qayiqlar o'rtasida derbi uslubida musobaqa o'tkazishni taklif qildi: 100000 funt qisqichbaqani tortib olish uchun eng kam qozon kerak edi. Sig Xansen g'olibga beriladigan sovrin uchun har bir kapitanning 100 dollarlik zarbasini taklif qilib, yuqoriga ko'tarildi va UniSea Bar 900 dollarlik mukofotni himoya qilishga rozi bo'ldi. Kechki ovqatdan so'ng, aka-uka Xansenlar kapitan stulining ostiga o'lja baliqlari sumkasini tashlab, mavsumning birinchi o'yinlarini boshlashga qaror qilishdi. Mavverik. The Korneliya Mari Golland Makoni ikkita bo'ron o'rtasida tanaffus qilishni umid qilib, boshqa qayiqlarni dockga bog'langan bo'ronlardan tashqariga chiqish uchun qoldirdi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy tobora kattaroq Qisqichbaqa kostryulkalarining yangi strategiyasini sinab ko'rdi, dastlabki safarda 150 ta idish olib, maydonga chiqib, keyin yana 150 ta idish uchun Gollandiyalik Makonga qaytib, ularning juda katta kvotali ulushlarini tezroq qo'lga kiritishning bir usuli sifatida. Bir necha kapitan Bering dengizida Qisqichbaqa kostryulkalarini o'rnatish strategiyasini tushuntirdi - Sig Xansen tarixga nazar tashlaydi, Alyaska baliqlari va o'yinlari to'g'risidagi rasmiy hisobotlarni tekshiradi, so'ngra uzoq vaqt namlash uchun idishlarni o'rnatadi va sinov idishlarida ushlangan Qisqichbaqa naqshlarini baholaydi; sehrgar Kapitan Kit Kolbern tarix va davlat hisobotlari o'rtasidagi eng yaxshi muvozanatni aniqlashga urinib ko'rdi, chunki ko'plab kapitanlar vaqtni "o'tgan yilgi qisqichbaqani ta'qib qilish" bilan o'tkazadilar va sinov idishlarini ishga tushirish va trendlarni tomosha qilish uchun vaqt etarli emas; Korneliya Mari Kapitan Fil Xarrisning ta'kidlashicha, suv iliqroq bo'lganda, Qisqichbaqa shimolga qarab siljiydi, ammo suv umuman sovuqroq bo'lsa, Qisqichbaqa sayozlikda qolishga moyil bo'ladi va sayozlik juda sayozligini aniqlash qiyin bo'lishi mumkin. Roki kapitani Bleyk rassomi Mavverikkapitanlarning kechki ovqat paytida o'z-o'zidan qisqichbaqani topishga qodir ekanligiga juda ishongan, bir marta qozonlarini qaerga tashlash kerakligi to'g'risida ikkilanib qoldi. Mavverik baliq ovlanadigan joylarga etib kelib, birinchi kunning ko'p qismini dengizda "radio qirg'in qilish" bilan o'tkazishdi - boshqa kapitanlarni qayerdan topish mumkinligi haqida maslahat olish uchun chaqirish - bu Bleykni bu narsadan ogohlantirgan bir necha faxriylarni bezovta qildi. Birinchi kecha davomida Ocean Challenger ag'darilib, qayg'uli qo'ng'iroqni o'chirgan va tong otguncha ekipajning to'rt a'zosidan bittasi faqat tirik qolish kostyumida topilgan.
242"Kechirimsiz dengiz"2007 yil 10 aprel (2007-04-10)
Ekipajini qidirish Ocean Challenger davom etdi havo va USCGC Duglas Munro.[1] Ikki ekipaj a'zosining jasadlari, omon qolish uchun kostyumlarsiz, to'rtinchi ekipaj a'zosi dengizga yo'qolgan. Tirik qolgan Kevin Ferrell qirg'oq qo'riqchilariga o'z hikoyasini aytib beradi. Filo yo'qolishiga munosabat bildirdi Ocean Challenger. The Shimoli-g'arbiy gidravlik uchirish moslamalarida singan shlang bilan muomala qilayotganda 150 qozondan iborat ikkinchi yukini o'rnating. Kema boshlig'i Edgar Xansen karmikni amalga oshirdi uydirma tortilishidan oldin ularning ovlanishini taxmin qilish. The Vaqt qaroqchisi nihoyat yordamida kostryulkalarini o'rnating seld o'rniga cod yomon natijalar bilan o'lja osilganligi uchun. Sekin boshlangandan so'ng Mavverik to'liq kostryulkalarni tortib olib, yukni tushirish uchun Sankt-Polga qaytib keldi. The Korneliya Mari tun bo'yi tez sur'atlar bilan baliq ovlandi. Dag'al dengizlar Farwest rahbari Grinxorn Ragnhildni kasal qilib qo'ydi, lekin u mavsumning birinchi qozonida tortilgan qisqichbaqalar soniga garov yutqazgandan so'ng u kemani tortib oldi va ishladi; Garchi u o'lja stantsiyasida kostryulkalar uchun o'lja chelaklarini yuklay boshlagan bo'lsa-da, u asta-sekin shoshilinch qirg'oqdan qo'rqib, saralash stoliga o'tib, qisqichbaqalarni saralash va sanash jarayoniga ko'maklashdi.
253"Og'riq va to'lovlar"2007 yil 17 aprel (2007-04-17)
The Shimoli-g'arbiy Ikkinchi ipi 150 kostryulkalar bilan omadsizlikka uchradi va omad keltiradigan birinchi kostryulkalar to'plamiga yaqinroq baliq tutishga qaror qildi. Shimoli-g'arbiy deckhand Matt Bradley finally confessed to Captain Sig Hansen that he was due to be in court before the official end of the season for an outstanding criminal case that could land him up to eight months in jail; Sig chastised Matt for waiting so long to tell him of this important deadline, reminding him that there was no way to predict when the boat would catch enough to reach its quota. Rough seas caused a crewmember aboard the sehrgar to have his finger crushed between two pots, which required professional medical attention at Dutch Harbor, a return to port which Captain Keith Colburn admitted was going to cost the crew thousands of dollars in lost fishing time but was necessary to avoid costing crew member Lenny Lekanoff his finger. Qachon Time Bandit pulled in low crab counts after having to move their greenhorn to the rail due to an injury to veteran crewmember Russ Newberry, the Hillstrand brothers decided to have a little fun at the expense of the greenhorn with a "flour pot"—a pot with several trash bags full of flour tied to the rope, which would burst when pulled up through the hydraulic block; the trick worked to perfection as greenhorn Nate put the sabotaged pot's rope into the blocks, only to be covered in exploding white powder seconds later. Captain Blake Painter of the Mavverik received a tip on a hot spot to fish from Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie, but Phil made him promise not to share it with anyone else; however, Blake decided to share the tip with Captain Corky Tilley of the Aleutian Ballad as a sign that he was willing to give information and not merely take it from other captains, not realizing that Phil was listening in on the same communication band Blake was using. An annoyed Phil got his revenge on Blake's betrayal by sabotaging one of the Maverick's pots, doing a variation on the Shimoli-g'arbiy welded door trick: The Cornelia Marie crew emptied all the crab out of the pot ("Thanks, Blake!" crew members declared on-camera as they put 50-something keepers in their tanks), put Cornelia Marie bait boxes into the pot, welded the door shut, turned the pot around backwards and re-strung the "bridle" (the loop to which the pot shots are tied for retrieval) through the welded door, then relaunched the pot, with Phil declaring "That's how you {#bleep#} with somebody, Cornelia Marie style". The Farwest Leader had declining numbers of crabs in their pots, leading Captain Greg Moncrief to challenge his wife Ragnhild Moncrief to pick a better spot for fishing; Ragnhild picked a spot to the northwest of their current position, and was rewarded with a number of full pots pulled in return, prompting the crew to dub her "Captain Ragny". The Farwest Leader crew painted a grappling hook bright pink in honor of Ragnhild's increasing confidence in crabbing, and she got to toss the hook to retrieve one of the pots, snagging the line on her second try. The Cornelia Marie broke off a part of one her propellers and went to King Cove for emergency repairs.
264"Cheating Death"2007 yil 24 aprel (2007-04-24)
The fishing aboard the Shimoli-g'arbiy was excellent and the crew filled their tanks to the brim, though the repetitive nature of fishing 300 pots became exhausting for the crew; on their way to another string of pots, Captain Sig Hansen and his crew discussed whether or not to take a break, with the decision by Sig to keep going, leaving Edgar to comment, "If Sig had any people skills, they were lost long ago. Only thing that keeps us going is the money." A replacement propeller was flown in for the Cornelia Marie, but repairs were delayed because the propeller is left handed, while the Cornelia Marie's propellers are right handed. Several days later, a second propeller arrived and is installed, allowing the boat to return to fishing, but not before Captain Phil Harris discovered his blood pressure was up in the 180/120 range; when Phil discovered that Jake and Josh had been charging shopping at Dutch Harbor to Phil's accounts, he cut off credit for both of them and blew his stack at them for spending his money so indiscriminately after Phil had just spent thousands of dollars on boat repairs. Jake and Josh both shrugged off Phil's anger, and Jake gave the captain a back massage as a peace offering. Aboard the Mavverik, Captain Blake Painter fabricated a temporary fix for a broken it on the pot launcher, then retrieved their sabotaged pot moments later; Blake declared the prank pot "lame". On their way to Akutan to offload, Blake spotted a Cornelia Marie pot and decided to take revenge by sabotaging the pot with backwards bridles and garbage offloads, but it caused little reaction on the Cornelia Marie when they retrieved it. Ustida Farwest Leader, a junior deckhand at the hydraulic controls caused an accident after failing to secure a pot and then broke the crane line, leaving Captain Greg Moncrief to comment to his wife that such accidents were why it was not safe to stand around the sorting tables while the pots were being emptied onto it. After poor results with their test pots, the Time Bandit pulled all their pots out of their current fishing grounds, changed strategy, and moved north. On the way to the northern end of the fishing grounds, Captain Johnathan Hillstrand observed a deckhand on another boat tying a pot stack off the side of another vessel, the Trailblazer. After the crew of the Time Bandit headed below for some rest, the man tying the stack was overwhelmed by the 30-foot swells and disappeared into the waves. Captain Hillstrand and his crew worked quickly to save the fisherman who fell into the sea. Their quick action saved the man from certain death, and the fisherman was overjoyed by the swift rescue efforts of the Time Bandit va uning ekipaji. Johnathan and the rescued fisherman were both overwhelmed with emotions after the rescue—ten years earlier, the Time Bandit had rescued a fishing boat crew in a similar situation but was unable to save one of the fishermen, and the memory had haunted the Hillstrands for years afterward; with this successful save, the Hillstrand brothers said they felt they had finally settled the score with the past for the loss of that fisherman.
275"Bering Sea Salvation"2007 yil 1-may (2007-05-01)
Good fortune smiled upon the Time Bandit after the rescue of the man overboard as they pulled up very full pots in a once-in-a-lifetime season. The Shimoli-g'arbiy continued to have good luck after offloading nearly $800,000 in crab, though deckhand Matt Bradley was continuing to struggle with the uncertainty about making his upcoming court date. Edgar Hansen painted prison stripes on Matt's oilskins as payback for Matt's continued complaints about not wanting to spend Christmas in jail—"don't do the crime if you don't want to do the time," Edgar reminded the deckhand. Aboard the Mavverik, Captain Blake Painter decided to risk striking out on his own and picked a spot to fish without any advice from other captains, resulting in full pots. Lenny, the injured engineer aboard the sehrgar, returned to work the deck for the last strings. The Farwest Leader pulled up empty pots, but pulled up decent pots after receiving a tip from Johnathan Hillstrand on the Time Bandit.
286"The Last Lap"2007 yil 8-may (2007-05-08)
The boats rushed to pull up their last pots in order to meet their delivery deadlines at the processing plants. The Farwest Leader had one of their best seasons ever, and Raghnild Moncrief celebrated getting over her fear of the big king crabs by holding up one of the biggest crabs for the cameras during the offload at Akutan. Sig Hansen, knowing that the price of king crab will go down in a day, rushed the Shimoli-g'arbiy to Akutan to empty its tanks, pulling in over $1M for his quota shares; more importantly, by getting to port ahead of schedule, Matt Bradley was able to catch a plane that night back to Seattle to avoid missing his court date. Captain Johnathan Hillstrand of the Time Bandit won the bet between the captains on the fewest pots pulled to 100,000 lbs. by averaging 70 crabs per pot; upon receiving his prize at the UniSea Bar, Johnathan donated a portion of the money to the Seafarer's Memorial fund, and Captain Keith Colburn of the sehrgar matched it. The Mavverik, which had been ahead in the crab-per-pot race the entire season until the Time Bandit went on their hot streak, "rail dumped" several pots thinking that they had reached their quota, only to find out they were actually 4,000 lbs. under quota when they offloaded at Kodiak. Blake was very upset and confused by his miscalculation of the load, and, since he was not returning for Opilio season, would have to wait to have a shot at redemption.
297"Yangi boshlanishlar"2007 yil 15-may (2007-05-15)
The fleet began the opilio crab season. Shimoli-g'arbiy deckhand Matt Bradley, who made his Seattle court date in time to avoid a lengthy jail sentence, returned to the Shimoli-g'arbiy crew with his legal troubles behind him. The Shimoli-g'arbiy added a new crew member, greenhorn Jake Anderson, from a multi-generational Norwegian fishing family, anxious to prove himself "a man" aboard the most respected ship in the fleet; Sig refused to greet him, as is his tradition with greenhorns. The sehrgar also picked up a new greenhorn, Nick, to learn from greenhorn Crosby. After taking on Jake, the Shimoli-g'arbiy went to pick up their pots stored near St. Paul Island and St. George Island and found that many of their buvilar had been damaged by playful dengiz sherlari. The Time Bandit, captained by Andy Hillstrand, headed to a secret opilio fishing spot known only to the Hillstrand family. Out at sea, the Shimoli-g'arbiy crew celebrated Matt Bradley's return to the boat by burning the prison-striped oilskins they made for him during King crab season; Sig was in a considerably less celebratory mood, noting to the cameras that as far as he was concerned, he had done Matt a huge favor by getting him back in time to go to court in the first place, adding that Matt needed to show some respect and gain some maturity. At Dutch Harbor, the Farwest Leader loaded up on provisions while waiting for the Coast Guard to conduct their inspections and drills. The fish processing boat Stellar Sea's engine room caught on fire, causing it to be towed to Dutch Harbor for repairs.[2] The fire forced the Cornelia Marie va Time Bandit to change their plans as they were contracted to deliver to the Stellar Sea. Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie decided to dock at St. Paul to wait until the stricken Stellar Sea was repaired, while Captain Andy Hillstrand of the Time Bandit decided to switch to fishing bairdi crab which could be delivered to another processor. A Coast Guard HH-60 Jayhawk from USCG Air Station Kodiak was dispatched to rescue a seriously ill crew member from a fishing boat.
308"Caught in the Storm"2007 yil 22-may (2007-05-22)
The fleet dealt with a storm. The Time Bandit continued to fish for bairdi with poor results. The Farwest Leader loaded aboard 30 more pots at St. George, departed before the storm hit, and went fishing for bairdi crab. Aboard the Shimoli-g'arbiy, the crew thought their luck had changed when they pulled up full pots, but a mechanical problem with the engine forced them to go to St. Paul for repairs. The Stellar Sea was repaired and the Cornelia Marie went out to fish. The sehrgar headed to port for repairs after a wave sheared the gears in the transmission of the forward crane.
319"Chiziqni kesib o'tish"May 29, 2007 (2007-05-29)
The Shimoli-g'arbiy pulled up full pots as the crew tried to make up for lost time. Garchi Shimoli-g'arbiy greenhorn, Jake, was becoming more accepted by the crew due to his eagerness to learn and his rapidly advancing skills, he learned the hard way that playing pranks on the deck boss is never a good idea; in response to Jake's snapping him with a spring-loaded bait hook, Edgar Hansen used cable ties to wrap Jake's oilskins into a compact bundle, causing Jake to be late getting back out on deck for the next pot run. The deck crew of the Cornelia Marie va Time Bandit were battered by huge waves. Captain Keith Colburn handed over the sehrgar to his brother, Monte, after having to return home due to a family emergency. The boat also picked up a new greenhorn—Guy, a former rodeo cowboy—after greenhorn Nick injured himself and had to leave the boat, but greenhorn Guy found the work difficult. A wave caused a line to tangle around the starboard shaft of the Time Bandit, forcing the boat to return to port for repairs.
3210"Trials of the Greenhorns"2007 yil 5-iyun (2007-06-05)
In rough seas and cold weather that causes ice to build up, greenhorn Guy on the sehrgar hit his breaking point and walked off the deck, leaving the rest of the crew to pick up his duties. Guy complained about a lack of respect from the crew and that there was "no call" for taunts that he "pushes like a girl" from the more experienced crew members, but Captain Monte chastised him that walking off the deck signaled that Guy was a "quitter" who "couldn't handle the job" he'd volunteered to do one day earlier. The other greenhorn on the sehrgar, Crosby, was amazed by Guy's retreat: "He didn't even last 24 hours! Come on—you can do anything for 24 hours!" The Cornelia Marie hurried to pull up her pots before a severe storm with gale-force winds was due to hit. While pulling full pots, but with mostly rejects, the Farwest Leader's port engine broke, forcing the crew to shut down the engine and chain the shaft so that the propeller turning from the force of the water itself would not burn out the drive shaft. Captain Moncrief of the Farwest Leader decided to continue fishing with one engine, but switched from fishing bairdi to opilio crab. Pulling full pots that were set back on the same spot inspired Captain Sig Hansen of the Shimoli-g'arbiy to swap jobs with his brother Edgar and work the deck, something he had not done for over twenty years; each man lasted only a short time at the other's job before both admitting they'd rather be in their regular slots, and switched places once more after Sig successfully pulled fifteen pots. Ayni paytda, Shimoli-g'arbiy greenhorn Jake tried to prove himself by working the rail under "Sig Rules"—that is, every miss cost him an article of clothing—and successfully pulled in a string of thirteen pots, though his many misses resulted in him wearing little more than a sweatshirt and long johns by its completion; Jake's willingness to continue learning to throw the hook and retrieve pots earned him respect from both Sig and Edgar. However, Jake then pushed it too far and then learned a lesson on fishing "old school style" with no hydraulics and no automated conveyor belts transporting crab to the tanks after Edgar heard him complaining about his aching hands. At Dutch Harbor, Captain Andy Hillstrand cleared a tangled line from the shaft of the Time Bandit. While the work was being done, greenhorn Nate was arrested for an outstanding warrant by the Unalaska Police and taken to jail; Johnathan and the rest of the crew headed for the nearest ATM to withdraw enough cash to pay Nate's bail so that he could return to fishing.
3311"Ice and Open Water"2007 yil 12 iyun (2007-06-12)
After heading north to scout for the January pack ice—and having Edgar leave snow angels and the Shimoli-g'arbiy logo on one of the larger floes of pack ice they encountered—Captain Sig Hansen of the Shimoli-g'arbiy hurried southward to pull his pots before the pack ice reached them. The disgruntled greenhorn Guy on the sehrgar realized that it was not fair to his shipmates to stay inside, while the rest of the crew froze outside, chipping ice from the boat, so he returned to work. The increasingly cold weather and long working hours affected the Shimoli-g'arbiy greenhorn, Jake, and he reached his breaking point, leading to a rare "pep talk" of sorts from Sig, which reminded Jake to keep focused on his goals. Fishing on one engine slowed the Farwest Leader, but the boat brought up full pots. However, the captain's decision to carefully sort the crab caused the deck boss, Chilly, to become grumpy, forcing Captain Greg Moncrief to have to face-to-face discipline with Chilly. Captain Andy Hillstrand turned over the Time Bandit to his brother Johnathan after an emergency required Andy to return to his horse farm in Indiana. With Johnathan at the helm, the boat pulled up huge numbers of crab, and the crew restacked the gear in preparation for the end of the season after successfully retrieving their quota. Aboard the Cornelia Marie, greenhorn Josh gained new respect for tossing the hook and working the rail after he discovered it is not as easy as it looks. Ustida Farwest Leader, greenhorn Raghnild cut her hand in the galley and Deck Boss Chilly hurried downstairs with Captain Greg to help her; the distracted crew failed to notice that the launch signal had not been given and launched a crab pot. Unintended launches often cause pots to get accidentally dragged under fishing vessels due to the captain not being able to steer the boat away from the waves near the launch position; when Captain Greg discovered the launch, he had his crew keelhaul a line from bow to stern to confirm that no pots had gotten tangled underneath. Ayni paytda, Time Bandit quickly made up time lost due to their own tangled pot line and headed for St. Paul for their final offload, only to run headlong into the dangerous January pack ice.
3412"A Frozen Finish"2007 yil 19-iyun (2007-06-19)
The Time Bandit carefully made its way through the pack ice to the processing boat Mustaqillik at St. Paul Island. As the boat tried to leave St. Paul, it ran into too much ice and was forced to return to St. Paul and spend a tense night near the beach where the Alaskan Monarch ran aground in 1990 in the same conditions. As the pack ice tightened and bay rollers began shoving the boat toward the beach during the changing of the tide, Captain Johnathan Hillstrand sounded the emergency alarms to awaken his crew and ordered all of them to take ice watches—including going down into the holds to watch the ship's walls for puncture marks from the huge ice floes—as he struggled to find a way back to open water. Tongga qadar Time Bandit finally spotted open water and made their way out of the remaining pack ice; the ship's hull was creased and dented but remained intact, and the Time Bandit headed back to Dutch Harbor. Aboard the sehrgar, greenhorn Guy continued to lag behind and left the deck for the second time after being reprimanded by the captain, angrily cursing out the captain and crew and quitting the job for good, voicing his intention to "jump off the boat" as soon as they returned to Dutch Harbor. After greenhorn Crosby picked up the slack left by Guy's defection, Captain Monte Colburn decided to give him a 0.5% bonus out of his own share. The Farwest Leader had a lot of deadloss due to their bad engine slowing their pace—some of their crab had been in the hold for 14 days—but still managed to have a good season. Greenhorn Ragnhild Moncrief of the Farwest Leader decided that there was no place on a crab boat for a woman because there were so few jobs women could do, and declared she felt as if she had been a "wasted space" the entire season despite her notable contributions to the season's success. Aboard the Cornelia Marie, Captain Phil Harris and his two sons had their annual line coiling contest and the surprise winner was Josh, the boat's greenhorn. The Cornelia Marie had a record-breaking season, catching over one million pounds of crab. The Shimoli-g'arbiy packed her holds full of crab—including dumping their entire sea water load to make more room for their last pots of crab—and once again won the dollars earned title, but then busted a hydraulic line on their crane as they worked to restack their last pots. After offloading at Akutan, the Shimoli-g'arbiy crew decided that greenhorn Jake had earned the boat jacket that was his goal for the season, and Captain Sig Hansen gave Jake the jacket off his back and finally gave him the long-overdue greeting and praise for his work, adding that the jacket didn't make Jake a man, but "it does make you cool!" The Shimoli-g'arbiy qaytib keldi Puget ovozi at the end of the opilio season and were greeted by happy family members.

Season 4 (2008)

umuman olganda
Yo'q yilda
SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
351"Get 'Em Back Safe!"2008 yil 15 aprel (2008-04-15)
On the way to Dutch Harbor from Sietl, Vashington, sehrgar had a 6-inch (15 cm) hole torn into the hull after being hit by a 40-foot (12 m) rogue wave. Relief Captain Monte Colburn had a temporary patch put in place until the sehrgar could be returned to a shipyard for permanent repairs. Captain Johnathan Hillstrand's son Scott joined the crew of the Time Bandit. In addition to their usual load of supplies and fishing pots, the crew of the Time Bandit loaded a rusted old truck as a practical joke for Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie. Before the vessels departed for the start of the season, the captains met at the local watering hole to discuss the upcoming season and the Wizard's close call on the trip to Dutch Harbor. For this season's bet between the captains, whomever hauls in the highest average on a designated 25 pot string will win that week's wager of $100 per captain. Ustida sehrgar, Captain Keith Colburn decided to take on two greenhorns, Jason Moilanen and Lynn Guitard, instead of the usual one, as well as re-hiring last season's resilient greenhorn Crosby LeVeen, who is quick to express appreciation for no longer being the greenest hand on deck. On board the Shimoli-g'arbiy, Edgar Hansen oversaw repairs on a bent propeller shaft and bad bearings while the remaining crew members—Norman Hansen, Nick Mavar, Matt Bradley, and returning greenhorn Jake Anderson—stack pots and load gear, but the tension about losing precious fishing time to needed repairs causes the normally friendly group to snap at each other. In a repeat from his antics from the 2006 King crab season, Captain Phil's son Jake went on an unauthorized spending spree with Captain Phil's credit card and buys a flat screen TV, which does not go over well with Captain Phil. With five hours to go before the start of the season, the Hillstrands made the traditional call to their mother, but she tells them that she had a premonition that tragedy would strike the Time Bandit bu mavsum. The truck aboard the Time Bandit caused delays in setting their first pots of the seasons. Captain Keith Colburn being unable to follow his superstition about not having an empty Kubok makaronlari container to use as a spittoon delayed their start of the season. The repairs to the Shimoli-g'arbiy prompted Captain Sig Hansen to dig into his archives and try a different strategy and fish further south than the rest of the fleet, but just as the boat is ready to push off from the dock and head out to sea, Captain Sig realizes Jake Anderson is missing. Sig decides to give the young deckhand "two more minutes" to return before heading out without him. Jake, whose goal this season is to become a full-share deckhand, races to the docks only to find the Shimoli-g'arbiy has already started to pull away; however, Captain Sig spots him on the docks and maneuvers back to pick up his wayward deckhand (Captain Sig: "You're lucky I can still back up to get you—where were you?" Jake: "Making a phone a girl." Captain Sig: "That was almost a real expensive piece of {expletive}!"). The Cornelia Marie's prospect strings come up nearly empty even though they were placed in normally reliable fishing grounds, leaving an already nervous and overstressed Captain Phil now reeling from the loss of his "honey hole".
362"Striking Out"2008 yil 15 aprel (2008-04-15)
A storm front forced the Shimoli-g'arbiy to drop their pots 50 nautical miles (93 km) short from their planned target in rough seas. The Time Bandit set their prank on Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie by replacing one of the Cornelia Marie's pots with the junk truck. When the crew of the Cornelia Marie pulled up the truck, they get a good laugh and then dump the truck overboard. Captain Phil called Captain Johnathan Hillstrand over the radio and gave him an "A+" for the prank. Captain Rick Fehst of the Early Dawn hurried to finish fishing for brown king crab so that he could switch to red king crab. The vessel ended the season catching 784,000 pounds (356,000 kg) of brown crab worth $1.9 million. The sehrgar picked up another 150 pots from storage, which caused more work for the greenhorns and pushed Jason Moilanen to his breaking point. The Northwestern's gamble to fish further south did not work out and the crew pulled up nearly empty pots. After pulling up all of this pots, Captain Sig moved north to a different old family fishing grounds. He reminded Edgar Hansen of his ritual of biting the head off a seld for good luck and hoped following the ritual would bring better luck. The Time Bandit also had poor luck with their pots, pulling up few crabs per pot. The Wizard's plan to fish at the northern tip of the fishing grounds paid off with good prospect pots and they dropped their entire 150 pots.
373"A Numbers Game"2008 yil 22 aprel (2008-04-22)
The family fishing grounds produced results for the Time Bandit as they pulled an average of 60 keepers per pot for 12 hours. After 19 days of fishing, the Time Bandit was the first vessel to head to Dutch Harbor to offload. On the way back, greenhorn Scott Hillstrand contemplated his future as a fisherman. The Northwestern's traditional family ground also produced good results, but greenhorn Jake Anderson's sloppy crab counting angered Captain Sig Hansen. Deck Boss Edgar Hansen scolded the deck crew over not carrying an emergency knife should anybody get caught in a line. As punishment, he makes Jake wear a dead cod on his back. The sehrgar was also on the crab with a string of 300 pots in a 1 square mile (2.6 km2) maydon. However, Captain Keith Colburn noticed that another fishing vessel had navigated a loop around one of his pots and pulled it up to sneak a look at his catch. Captain Keith's call to the suspect vessel went unanswered and he threatened the other captain to not mess with his equipment. Two weeks behind the rest of the fleet because of fishing for brown king crab, the Early Dawn tried to catch up by dropping 100 pots along a 50 nautical miles (93 km) string, but this prospect line only pulled up a few cod per pot, causing a drop in morale on deck. After two weeks of poor fishing, staying awake for three straight days, and a 19-hour shift at the wheel, fatigue caught up with Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie and he fell asleep, causing the boat to miss two pots. After the crew wondered about two consecutive missed pots, they call up the wheelhouse and wake up Captain Phil. The picking hook's pulley breaks on the Shimoli-g'arbiy, which required Edgar to ride the crane up to replace the broken block. Mechanical problems also plagued the sehrgar when a hydraulic line sprung a leak, but a patch was quickly installed by Engineer Lenny Lekonoff.
384"Unsafe and Unsound"2008 yil 29 aprel (2008-04-29)
Ekipaji sehrgar worked a 9-nautical-mile (17 km), 55 pot string that Captain Keith Colburn called a "man killer". When greenhorn Jason Moilanen was not on deck for the start of the string, Captain Keith gave him some advice on how to cope with the long shifts. After three weeks of bad fishing and with 3 days to catch 88,000 pounds (40,000 kg) of crab for a scheduled delivery, Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie made radio calls to other captains to get some help on where to drop his pots, but received no answer. With no advice available, Captain Phil gambled on dropping a full load of pots in untested waters. Greenhorn Josh Harris and Deckhand Freddy Maugatai tried to change the boat's luck by shaving their heads into a mohawk, but the sacrifice proved ineffective and the Cornelia Marie continued to pull pots with low counts, and the stress of a bad season began to noticeably affect Phil's demeanor and already high stress levels. On board the Shimoli-g'arbiy, Captain Sig Hansen and Deck Boss Edgar Hansen challenged each other over who could stay awake the longest without breaking. Captain Sig finally offered a truce after he nodded off at the wheel after staying awake for over 47 hours; in response, Edgar led a celebration on deck: "We broke the skipper!". At Dutch Harbor for their first offload of the season, the Time Bandit lost a crew member when Captain Johnathan Hillstrand's son, Scott, decided that family was more important to him than fishing and he left to fly home; Scott made the distinct point that Johnathan had been gone for almost all of Scott's childhood, and Scott wanted better for his own children, which wounded Johnathan's pride greatly. A flashback to three weeks earlier detailed a freak accident where Johnathan Hillstrand fell overboard while the Time Bandit was docked at Dutch Harbor. Time Bandit Deckhand Eddie Uwekoolani was taken to the emergency clinic where he was diagnosed with a chipped bone in his ankle that required a cast, requiring Johnathan to have to rotate Eddie to a position requiring less mobility while his boat was already a crewman down.
395"Shavqatsiz"May 6, 2008 (2008-05-06)
On board the sehrgar, the "man killer" strings continued to produce good numbers with an average of 90 crabs per pot. Captain Keith Colburn decided to push ahead and told his brother, Monte Colburn, to skip his turn at the wheel and go on the deck as soon as he woke up. This caused tension between the brothers and resulted in an argument over Monte's attitude bringing the morale of the deck crew down. In the end, the string filled the Wizard's hold with 183,000 pounds (83,000 kg) of crab and the boat headed back for their first offload of the season. The Time Bandit finished her first offload of the season and headed on a 28-hour run to a string they left out while they offloaded. A quarter mile from the first pot, the balast panel on their sodium lights was ripped from the wall and caused a ship-wide power outage. The crew was able to repair the ballast and pick up their string, which had good numbers of crab. Also at Dutch Harbor, Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie decided to delay the start of his second run due to his superstition about not leaving on Friday. The first string of the second run proved more productive that any string on the first run when the boat pulled in 34,000 pounds (15,000 kg) of crab on this single string. Tensions on board the Shimoli-g'arbiy came to a boil when greenhorn Jake Anderson and Deckhand Matt Bradley came to blows after Matt felt threatened by Jake's eagerness to learn new jobs on deck. Ustida Early Dawn, Captain Rick Fehst instituted a 20-hour-on/4-hour-off work schedule after having several days of poor numbers. This took a toll on the deck crew, especially greenhorn Bryan Mezich, son of the boat's owner. After pulling up a string, Bryan took a turn at wheel watch in 25-foot (7.6 m), 60-knot (111 km/h; 69 mph) seas while the rest of the crew went to sleep. Bryan dozed off after 10 minutes and the boat was jolted by a wave while he was asleep, waking the crew. An upset Captain Rick wanted to terminate Bryan for this infraction, but was overruled by Bryan's father and he was only given a $500 fine.
406"Racing The Clock"2008 yil 13-may (2008-05-13)
After offloading 180,000 pounds (82,000 kg) of crab worth $756,000, the Shimoli-g'arbiy raced back to the fishing grounds in order to catch the remaining 19,000 pounds (8,600 kg) of their quota in the nine days before their quoted price drops. Although they averaged 60 crab per pot, Captain Sig Hansen, concerned about the volume of crab, decided to follow his hunch and moved to different fishing grounds. The move turned out to be a poor one when the pots in the new territory produced low numbers of crab, causing the deck crew to grumble that they should not have moved. A pin broke in the picking hook pulley aboard the Time Bandit. The broken pulley dropped a steel cable on deck, nearly hitting greenhorn Shea Long. After replacing the pulley, Deckhand Neal Hillstrand had to climb the mast to secure the safety chain to the boom; a task all the more difficult since the Time Bandit was in 25-foot (7.6 m) seas. After low numbers caused low morale on the deck of the Early Dawn, Engineer Mike Fish decided to give greenhorn Bryan Mezich a lesson in humility by letting Bryan tend the rail for the first 20 pots of a 300 pot string that had been soaking for 18 hours. Bryan's first attempts at throwing the hook were off the mark and Captain Rick Fehst put the boat into reverse, an insult to the hook thrower, after three failed attempts. Only after the sixth throw was Bryan able to hook the line. Despite the troubles picking up the first pot, the string proved to be a good one when the pots produced good numbers and the deck crew's morale rose as more crab were brought on board. Six weeks into the season and after convincing his father to allow him to fish for king crab, Captain Sten Skaar and the Shimoliy Amerika returned to Alaska after a three year hiatus. Captain Sten hired aboard Captain Erik Nyhammer of the Rollo (last seen in Season 2) as a deckhand and his crab fishing pots to make this return to king crab fishing. By using borrowed crab pots, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game only allowed Captain Sten two weeks to fish. At Dutch Harbor, the sehrgar offloaded 183,000 pounds (83,000 kg) of crab worth nearly $800,000. Before the crew headed back out, Captain Keith Colburn took the crew out for a drink and to pick up a porta-potty in order to play a prank upon the Shimoliy Amerika. In previous fishing seasons, the sehrgar leased the North American's fishing quota and Captain Keith felt it necessary to play a prank upon Captain Sten when he took back his quota. Captain Keith hauled up one of the North American's pots and attached the porta-potty to it before dropping it back overboard. The Shimoliy Amerika pulled low numbers on their test pots and strings, but thought that their luck had changed after picking up the porta-potty prank. The full pots turned out to be full of female and juvenile crab, which must be returned to the sea, and only a few keepers were in each pot.
417"Seeking the Catch"2008 yil 20-may (2008-05-20)
Heavy seas, lack of proper equipment (no forward-facing sodium lights or crab sorting table), and the crew's inexperience from being away from king crab fishing for three years, made for difficult fishing on board the Shimoliy Amerika while it tried to catch 22,000 pounds (10,000 kg) of crab to fill their tanks. Under pressure to catch their quota in a limited time, Deck Boss John Skaar's orders to launch pots faster caused conflict on deck when the rest of the crew became concerned that cutting corners was compromising crew safety. Captain Keith Colburn of the sehrgar decided to try his luck in an area, called the "Slime Bank" for the multitude of meduza, that he had not fished in over 30 years, but the 60 pot string produced no crab and Captain Keith returned to more conventional fishing grounds. A repaired coiler broke again, forcing the crew to hand coil the lines, but they continued to pull up good numbers in the new fishing grounds. The Time Bandit's' luck at fishing remote, seldom fished grounds was better when the boat brought up 35,000 pounds (16,000 kg) of crab in 12 hours, led by perfect hook throwing by veteran deckhand Russell Newberry. When an injured kormorant landed on deck, Captain Johnathan Hillstrand took him in until the boat returned to Dutch Harbor where wildlife rescuers could tend to him, but the bird disappeared after the crew finished pulling the string. On board the Cornelia Marie, the crew pulled up full pots, but the stress of fishing and a tight deadline for a changed offload date took its toll on Captain Phil Harris and he became ill, much to the concern of his oldest son, Josh. The Shimoli-g'arbiy continued to grind through their pots in heavy seas. When greenhorn Jake Anderson hooked another boat's buoy, Deckhand Matt Bradley saved the day by making a Hail Mary toss of the hook from the stern of the boat.
428"No Season for Old Men"2008 yil 27 may (2008-05-27)
After a quick offload, the Time Bandit headed back out to sea with Captain Johnathan Hillstrand's son, Scott, back on board after Andy Hillstrand had to return home to attend to personal business. Poor numbers narrowed the contenders for the final week of the Captain's wager made at the beginning of the season to just the Time Bandit va sehrgar. Battling head-to-head up to the final pot, Captain Johnathan Hillstrand of the Time Bandit triumphed over Captain Keith Colburn of the sehrgar with a 75 crab per pot average versus a 65 crab per pot average, respectively. Ekipaji Shimoli-g'arbiy kept up their grinding schedule of 20 hour days for the past four weeks up until the very last pot. Deck Boss Edgar Hansen was hit in the head by the picking hook when the boat rolled in the waves and Greenhorn Jake Anderson was unable to grab the hook in time. However, Edgar shrugged off the injury and completed the traditional flaming hook toss to end the season. Mavsumga 24 soat qoldi va ularning kvotasining 11000 funt (5000 kg) ni ushlab qolish uchun qoldi Shimoliy Amerika sinov potasi yaxshi natija berganidan so'ng, 100 ta kostryulkalarini kichik maydonchaga tashlab, Xel Meri o'yinini o'tkazdi. O'yin ishlab chiqilgan va Shimoliy Amerika ularning 83000 funt (38000 kg) kvotasini ikki hafta ichida qo'lga kirita oldi. Bortda Erta tong, raqamlarning pastligi ekipajning qayiq egasiga qo'ng'iroq qilishiga sabab bo'ldi, chunki u grenxorn va egasining o'g'li Bryan Mezich bilan baliq ovining yomonligi to'g'risida shikoyat qildi va "ekipaj agar kvotani ijaraga olgan bo'lsangiz, afzal ko'rasiz" deb aytdi. Qayiq egasi kapitan Rik Fehstga qo'ng'iroq qilib, qayiqning mavsumiy kvotasining yakuniy 75000 funt sterlingi (34000 kg) ijaraga berilganligini aytganda, ekipaj ularning xohishini oldi. Uchun mavsumning so'nggi mag'lubiyati Korneliya Mari kran ustidagi gidravlik liniyadagi singan armatura bilan uzilib qoldi. Kranni ta'mirlash uchun muhandis Murray Gamrath yog'da silliqlangan kranga qor yirtqichlardan ko'tarilishi kerak edi. King Qisqichbaqa mavsumi tugashi bilan, aka-uka Xilstrandlar o'zlarining portlarida to'plandilar Gomer, Alyaska dengizga qaragan tog 'yonbag'rida dafn etilgan vafot etgan otasini nishonlash va hurmat qilish.
439"Dovul fasli"2008 yil 3-iyun (2008-06-03)
2008 yilgi opilio qisqichbaqasi mavsumi Korneliya Mari off mavsumi davomida dvigatelni asosiy ta'mirdan o'tkazgandan keyin qaytib, butun ekipaj Shimoli-g'arbiy bilan og'rigan gripp faqat greenhorn Jeyk Anderson va kapitanlarning odatdagi o'zgarishi bundan mustasno Vaqt qaroqchisi Jonatan Xillstranddan ukasi Endi Xillstrandga. Jonatanning o'g'li Skott opilio mavsumiga qaytdi. Filo bo'ron oldidan Gollandiyalik Makoni tark etdi, ammo sehrgar orqada qoldi, chunki u chiqishdan oldin yonilg'i quyishi kerak edi. An'anaviy ravishda seldning boshini tishlash Shimoli-g'arbiy kapitan Sig Xansen o'zlarining Qisqichbaqa kostryulkalarini oilaviy baliq ovlash joylariga tushirishidan oldin, Matt Bredli tomonidan dekhand tomonidan bajarilgan. 8 soat davomida namlangandan so'ng va kapitan Endi sinov ipining dastlabki ikki qatori yomon natija berganidan keyin harakat qilishni o'ylayotganda Vaqt qaroqchilari uchinchi qator yaxshi raqamlarni ishlab chiqardi. Bilan Sehrgarning Kechki mavsum boshlanganda, qayiq kapitan Keyt Kolbernga qayiq qayiqqa etib borishi bilanoq 100 ta idishni tashlamaguncha, kemada to'liq idish bilan 40 metrlik (12 m) dengizdan chiqib ketishga majbur bo'ldi. kontinental tokcha. Keyin sehrgar Oddiy opilio baliq ovlash joylariga etib bordi, buzilgan gidravlik tizim qayiqning qolgan 150 ta idishini tashlab qo'yishiga to'sqinlik qildi. The Shimoliy Amerika Darrell Labay singari opilio krabini baliq ovlash usullarini buzdi. Bortda Korneliya Mari, 180 ta idishdagi 8 soatlik namlash juda ko'p sonni keltirib chiqardi, ammo yangi ta'mirlangan dvigatelidagi ikkita dvigatel ogohlantiruvchi chiroq qayiqni Gollandiyalik portga qaytishga majbur qildi. Qo'shma Shtatlar sohil xavfsizligi HH-60J Jayhawk Kodiak aeroportidan baliqni qayta ishlash kemasidan ekipaj a'zosini medevatsiya qilish uchun jo'natildi. Island Enterprise. Vertolyotga uchish buyurilgan Kold-Bay (Alyaska) kutayotgan samolyot bemorni qaerga olib borishi kerak edi Anchorage, Alyaska, ammo yomon ob-havo sharoiti ekipajni muqobil parvoz rejasini talab qilishga majbur qildi.
4410"Portlatib"2008 yil 10-iyun (2008-06-10)
Sohil xavfsizlik vertolyotining ekipaji, Baliqni qayta ishlash kemasidan qutqarilgan bemor bilan Sovuq ko'rfazga yo'l olgan Island Enterprise, ularning qo'mondonlik markazi bilan bog'lana olmadi. Muz xavfi va yonilg'ining tez kamayib ketishi bilan uchuvchilar yo'nalishni o'zgartirib, Sent-Polga qaytishga qaror qilishdi. Ikki soat kutgandan so'ng, xususiy yuk samolyoti bemorni olib ketdi Anchorage, Alyaska. The Korneliya Mari Sankt-Pol orolidagi Zolotoy ko'rfazining xavfsizligiga yaqinlashayotgan bo'ron oldidan chiqish uchun bitta yaxshi dvigatelda oqsoqlanib. Kecha davomida kemadagi zo'riqish ankraj chizig'ida xavfli kurashni keltirib chiqardi. Kapitan Fil Xarris ekipaj zararni baholashi uchun kabeldagi kuchlanishni yumshatish uchun yomon dvigatelidan foydalanishga majbur bo'ldi. 36 soatlik yugurishdan so'ng Korneliya Mari Dutch Harborga tortildi, u erda ekipaj tezda eskirgan anker kabelini almashtirdi. Mahalliy dvigatel mexanikasi dvigatelning nosozligini aniqlay olmadi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy mavsumning birinchi kostryulkalari ob-havo yaqinlashib kelayotgani sababli ko'r-ko'rona tushish edi, ammo qayiq omadga erishdi va yaxshi raqamlarni yig'di. Hududni ishlashdan atigi 24 soat o'tgach, Shimoli-g'arbiy butun oldinga mo'ljallangan idishini 70000 funt (32000 kg) qisqichbaqa bilan to'ldirdi. The Vaqt qaroqchisi kapitan Jonatan Xillstrandning taklifiga binoan joylashtirilgan bir qator qozonlarda ishladi. Kastryulkalar kambag'al raqamlarni ishlab chiqarganda, kapitan Endi Xillstrand ularni harakatga keltirdi Vaqt qaroqchisi "laqabli eski oilaviy baliq ovigaJanob Magoo ". Idishlar uchun uzoq vaqt o'tirgandan so'ng, ekipaj kapitan Endi-ni xursand qilgan holda juda ko'p sonlarni tashiydi. Bortda sehrgar, ekipaj ko'p miqdordagi "iflos" Qisqichbaqa (panjara bilan qoplangan qisqichbaqa) bo'lgan idishlarni tortib olib, ekipajni ovning katta qismini tashlashga majbur qildi. Pastki ekipajning kam sonli va g'ayratli ko'rinmasligi kapitan Ket Kolbernning salqinlashishiga olib keldi. Ekipajni chaqirib, u ularga kemani muvaffaqiyatli bajarish uchun qancha mehnat qilganligi to'g'risida ma'ruza qildi va har bir a'zoni etarli kuch sarf qilmagani uchun tanbeh berdi. Keyinchalik, tinchlanishdan keyin kapitan Kit Lenni portlashi uchun kechirim so'rashga chaqirdi. Biroq, greenhorn Jeyson Moilanen, hali ham kapitanning tanqididan g'azablanib, kapitan Kitga qanday munosabatda bo'lganligi to'g'risida duch keladi va kapitanni hech qachon shubha ostiga qo'ymaslik uchun, Qisqichbaqa baliq ovining oltin qoidasini buzadi. G'azablangan kapitan Kit uni tashqariga chiqarishni buyuradi.
4511"Katta ob-havo, katta muammo"2008 yil 17-iyun (2008-06-17)
Yaqinlashayotgani haqida ob-havo haqida favqulodda ogohlantirish bo'ron flotga uzatildi. Dutch Harborda kapitan Fil Xarris Korneliya Mari Mavsumning qolgan qismini o'tkazish uchun dvigatellaridan biriga arzonroq va osonroq ta'mirlash vositasini tanladi va keyin baliq ovi joylariga qaytib ketdi. Og'ir dengizlar ekipajini yiqitdi sehrgar. Bortda Shimoli-g'arbiy, qayiqning qisqichbaqasimon protsessori kapitan Sig Xansenga qo'ng'iroq qilib, qayiqni etkazib berish sanasini ikki kunga ko'targanini va katta etkazib berishni xohlaganligini aytdi. Kapitan Sig ekipajga u butun tunni ketma-ket ikkitadan tortib olishiga yo'l qo'ymasligini aytgan bo'lsa ham, kapitan Sig yangi etkazib berish sanasiga rozi bo'lib, ekipajni ikkinchi kechada ishlashga majbur qildi. Charchagan ekipaj ishga tushirgichdagi qozonni itga urib qo'ymagach, o'lik xatoga yo'l qo'ydi va u siljib, greenhorn Jeyk Andersonni saralash stoliga bog'lab qo'ydi. Ekipaj tomonidan olib borilgan tezkor ish Jeykni 1000 kilogramm (450 kg) idish bilan ezishdan oldin ozod qildi. Ustida Vaqt qaroqchisi, Jonatan Xillstrand bo'ron urilishidan oldin simni ishlash uchun kemaning ustiga chiqishga qaror qildi. Qo'l ostidagi ilmoqni uloqtirayotganda, Jonatan o'tkazib yubordi va ilgak uning yuziga urib, burni ustidagi kichkina kesmani ochdi. Idishlarni sinash uchun yugurish o'rtasida kapitan Fil Xarris Korneliya Mari Jeykning ish axloqi bo'yicha o'g'li Jeyk bilan to'qnashdi. Bo'ronning chekkasida, qayiq 40 metrlik (12 m), 100 tugunli (185 km / soat; 115 milya) dengizlarda baliq tutdi va har bir qozonga o'rtacha 800 ta qo'riqchini jalb qildi. Ammo ob-havoning yomonlashishi kapitan Filni qozonlarini tezda tashlab, yashirinish uchun qochishga majbur qildi. 35 to'g'ri baliq ovidan keyin Shimoli-g'arbiy yangi etkazib berish muddatini bajarish uchun qayiqning barcha tanklarini o'z vaqtida to'ldirishga muvaffaq bo'ldi.
4612"Mortal Men"2008 yil 24-iyun (2008-06-24)
Baliq ovlanadigan joylarda uchta arktik bo'ron birlashib, ko'plab qayiqlarga katta zarar etkazdi. Ekipajlar yana bir kuchli bo'ron yaqinlashganda qayiqlarini ta'mirlash uchun poyga qildilar. Ustida Korneliya Mari, Kapitan Fil Xarris bo'ron paytida yotgan joyidan uloqtirilganidan keyin qovurg'alarini jarohatlagan. Kapitan Fil qovurg'alarini bog'lab qo'ygandan so'ng, rejalashtirilgan etkazib berish uchun qolgan 34000 funt (15000 kg) ga baliq tutishni davom ettirish uchun nogironlar aravachasiga bordi. Ekipaj ko'p sonli transport vositalarini olib ketishdi, ammo kapitan Filning qoni yo'tala boshlaganda uning ahvoli yomonlasha boshladi. Kapitan Fil buni ekipaj a'zolaridan sir saqlashga qaror qildi. Ustida sehrgar, ekipaj ko'p sonli odamlarni jalb qildi va kapitan Ket Kolbern tishli uzatmani o'sha joyda orqaga qaytarishga qaror qildi. Bu ekipajdan ish tezligini oshirishni talab qildi, ammo greenhorn Jeyson Moilanen o'z ishini davom ettirdi. Kapitan Keyt Jeyson Moilanenga etarlicha ega bo'lganiga qaror qilib, akasi Monteni yangi greenhorn uchun intervyu o'tkazish uchun nogironlar uyiga chaqirdi va Cooper Weatherbyni yollashga qaror qildi. Sifatida Vaqt qaroqchisi Sankt-Pol orolida 220 ming dollarlik 135000 funt (61000 kg) qisqichbaqani tushirib yubordi, hamkapayanlar Endi va Jonatan Xillstrandlar ukasi Nilni ko'p yillik xizmatlari uchun mukofotlashga qaror qildilar, chunki u endi kemada ishlashni talab qilmayapti. Ustida Korneliya Mari, Kapitan Fil ichki jarohat olishidan xavotirlanib, muhandis Myurrey Gamratga qo'ng'iroq qildi va uning ahvoli to'g'risida unga ishondi. Murray tibbiy yordam ko'rsatganiga qaramay, Filning ahvoli yaxshilanmadi va kapitan Fil Anchorage kasalxonasini chaqirib, unga tez tibbiy yordam ko'rsatishni tavsiya qildi. Kapitan Fil tavsiyani e'tiborsiz qoldirib, baliq tutishni davom ettirishga qaror qildi. Kapitan Filning ahvolini bundan buyon sir tuta olmagan Murrey buyruqlarga bo'ysunmadi va kapitan Filning o'g'illariga otalarining holati to'g'risida gapirib berdi. Kapitan Filning o'g'li Josh uni portga borishga va tibbiy yordam olishga ishontirishga urindi. Kapitan Keyt sehrgar kapitan Filga baliq ovlash bo'yicha maslahat so'rab qo'ng'iroq qildi, ammo buning o'rniga kapitan Filning ahvoli to'g'risida gaplashdi va kapitan Keyt tibbiy yordamga murojaat qilishni takrorladi. Marreyning tashvishi uni seriyali prodyuser Todd Stenliga kapitan Filni nogironlar uyida tomosha qilishni va agar kapitan Filning ahvoli yomonlashgan taqdirda unga qo'ng'iroq qilishni buyurishiga olib keldi. Jarohatdan ikki kun o'tgach, kapitan Fil uning ahvoli yaxshilanmayotganini tan oldi va uskunalar o'rnatilgandan so'ng ekipaj bilan Sankt-Polga borishga kelishib oldi. Qachon Korneliya Mari avliyo Polga etib keldi, bo'ron ko'tarilib, qayiq portga kira olmadi va ular orolni aylanib o'tishga majbur bo'ldilar. Kapitan Filning ahvoli haqidagi xabar flot bo'ylab tarqaldi. Boshqa sardorlar kapitan Filni chaqirishga urinishdi, ammo u qo'ng'iroqlarni e'tiborsiz qoldirishni tanladi. Yaralanganidan oltmish soat o'tgach, bo'ron buzildi va Korneliya Mari avliyo Poldagi portga kirishga muvaffaq bo'ldi. Bir qator X-nurlari kapitan Filning ahvoli qovurg'alari singanidan va o'pkaning teshilishi mumkin bo'lganidan og'irroq ekanligini va u mutaxassis tomonidan tekshiruvdan o'tishini talab qildi.
4713"Yangi qon"2008 yil 1-iyul (2008-07-01)
Oxirgi sigaretadan keyin kapitan Fil Xarris Korneliya Mari o'zini tekshirib ko'rdi favqulodda yordam xonasi da Providence Alaska tibbiyot markazi soat 3:00 da. The Shimoli-g'arbiy kema avvalgi kecha bo'ronda qulab tushganidan keyin ekipaj kemaning langarini olishga harakat qildi. A dan foydalanish hakamlar hay'ati soxtalashtirilgan tortish kancasi, ekipaj og'ir langar zanjirini mustahkamlashga urindi, ammo kema kuchli oqimda siljiy boshladi, bu esa Shimoli-g'arbiy chetga xavfli ravishda ro'yxatlash. To'rt keskin soatdan keyin ekipaj langarni tikladi. The Vaqt qaroqchisi yangi greenhorn Earon Oversonni olish uchun Sankt-Pol oroliga tortildi. Keyinchalik ekipaj navbatdagi kostryulkalarini tortib olishni boshlaganida, katta dekand Rassel Nyuberi yangi ekranda kemada qanday ishlashni va qisqichbaqani ajratishni o'rgatdi. Yuk tushirish tugagandan so'ng Korneliya Mari muhandis Murray Gamrath bilan yordam kapitani va yangi dekhorn Dan Decker sifatida yo'lga chiqdi. Yuk ko'tarish uchun Dutch Harborga ketayotganda, keyin Qisqichbaqa tankini toza suv bilan oziqlanadigan quvur yorilib ketdi sehrgar. Ekipaj quvurlarni dvigatel xonasini suv bosmasdan oldin yamoqlash uchun birgalikda ish olib bordi. Bortda kapitan Fil Xarrissiz va ekipaj uxlab yotgan holda birinchi ipni ishlagandan so'ng, yordam kapitani Murray kapitan Filni uning holatini tekshirish uchun chaqirdi. Kapitan Fil Murriga unga a kasalligi qo'yilganligini aytdi qon pıhtısı oyog'ida bo'shashgan va yuragi orqali o'pkasiga o'tib ketgan, shart shifokorlarning aytishicha, uni o'ldirishi mumkin edi. Dutch Harbour-da, sekin tushishdan so'ng, ekipaj Shimoliy Amerika uch kun oldin qo'pol to'lqin tufayli orqa kemaning katta zararini tiklash uchun bir kun sarfladi. Dengizga qaytib, kapitan Sten Skaar greenhorn Darrell Labayga temir yo'l bilan ishlashga ruxsat berdi, ammo qolgan ekipaj kapitanlarning tajribasiz ekipaj a'zosiga temir yo'l bilan ishlashga ruxsat berish to'g'risida qarorini so'roq qildi. Darrel tutib turolmagach, ekipaj unga bo'lgan hurmatni yo'qotishda davom etdi. Bortda Vaqt qaroqchisi, ularning greenhorn Earon ishi yaxshilandi, garchi u dengiz kasalligi bilan kurashgan. Gollandiyalik portga etib borgach, kapitan Kit Kolbern greenhorn Jeyson Moilanenni kemada hech qachon qayiq kapitanini so'roq qilmaslik qoidasini buzgani uchun ishdan bo'shatdi. Aka-uka Kolbernlar Jeysonning o'rnini bosgan Kuper Uayterbi bortida, kapitan Keytga ikkita kubik makaron sovg'asini olib kelishdi.
4814"O'zgarish oqimlari"2008 yil 8-iyul (2008-07-08)
The Shimoli-g'arbiy Sankt-Pol orolida 184000 funt (83000 kg) Qisqichbaqa yukini tushirdi, ammo portda muzning o'sib borishi dockni tark etishni qiyinlashtirdi. Kapitan Sig Xansen eng shimoliy qozonlariga tez yaqinlashib kelayotgan muz to'plami yopishdan oldin etib borishni xohladi. Dutch Harbor-da sehrgar 407,000 funt (185,000 kg) qisqichbaqani yukini tugatdi va dengizga qaytib ketdi. Ammo bu safar kapitan Keyt Kolbernning akasi Monte u bilan nogironlar aravachasida yengillik vazifalari to'g'risida bahslashganda achchiq yozuv bilan boshlandi. The Vaqt qaroqchisi "janob Magoo" laqabli baliq ovlash maydonchasida uch kun davomida taxminan 270 ming funt (120,000 kg) qisqichbaqa olib kelishdi. Muhandis Nil Xillstrand kemaning ishlashidan nafaqaga chiqqanligi sababli, Skott Xillstrand gidravlikani boshqarishni o'z zimmasiga oldi. Skottning boshqaruvni tajribasizligi sekin ishlashga olib keldi va u qisqichbaqasimon idishni etakchiga to'g'ri it bilan urib yubormaganligi sababli, rokki xatoga yo'l qo'ydi, bu esa idishni pastki qismida ag'darib yubordi va deyarli ekipaj a'zosiga tegib ketdi. Josh Xarris otasi bilan ertalab ro'yxatdan o'tayotganda kapitan Filning baliq ovi kemasi sardori sifatida kelajagi to'g'risida savollarini eshitdi. Yangiliklar qayiqdagi ruhiy tushkunlikni pasaytirdi, ammo ekipaj 200 soatlik qisqichbaqalarni ko'tarish uchun 36 soatlik smenaga yig'ildi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy muz to'plamidan oldin o'z qozonlariga etib kelishdi va sakkiz soat davomida idishlarni tortib, muzni sindirishdan so'ng, ekipaj 130 ta qozonning 65 tasini olishga muvaffaq bo'ldi va 20000 kg (4500 funt) qisqichbaqani tortib oldi. Har bir potda o'rtacha 750 ta qo'riqchi bo'lgan kapitan Sig Xansen hamma terilganidan keyin joyni tark etishga majbur bo'lganidan afsuslandi, ammo idishlarni muz to'plamida yo'qotish xavfi juda katta edi. Aka-uka Kolbern kemaning yo'llariga yo'naltirilgan yangi greenhorn bilan ular orasidagi narsalarni yamab qo'ygandan so'ng, ekipaj a'zolari sehrgar baliq ovini davom ettirdi, lekin bo'sh joylarni tortdi. Bortda Vaqt qaroqchisi, ekipaj 72 soatlik silliqlashni tugatdi, biroq bir nechta kostryulkalar temir yo'l bilan tashlanishi kerak edi, chunki ularda faqat ayol va balog'atga etmagan baliqlar bor edi, ular qonuniy ravishda baliq ovlanishi mumkin emas. Kattaroq shishlar paydo bo'lganda, hamkasblar Jonatan va Endi Xillstrandlar Skott Xilstrandning gidravlika bilan ishlashini kuzatish uchun kemaga chiqishdi. Qayiq rulonni olib ketganda, Skott qisqichbaqa idishini boshqarish imkoniyatidan mahrum bo'ldi va u deyarli greenhorn Earon Oversonning bosh suyagini ezdi. The Korneliya Mari 72 soatlik doimiy baliq ovidan so'ng 120000 funt (54000 kg) qisqichbaqani tortib oldi. Deckhand Freddie Maughtai o'zining ikkinchi 36-soatlik smenasida ishlagani uchun mukofot sifatida birinchi marotaba Denn Dekerga qisqichbaqa ilgagini tashlashga ruxsat berdi.
4915"Qanday qo'lga olish mumkin bo'lsa, xuddi shunday tuting"2008 yil 15-iyul (2008-07-15)
Bortda sehrgar, ekipaj 27 soat davomida yangi baliq ovlanadigan joylarda cho'milishga ruxsat bergandan keyin to'liq idishlarni tortib oldi. 36 soatlik ishdan so'ng, ekipaj Shimoli-g'arbiy yaqinlashib kelayotgan muz to'plamidan oldin o'z kostryulkalarini qutqarishni tugatdi. Kastryulkalarni xavfsizroq joyga ko'chirgandan so'ng, kapitan Sig Xansen yana qisqichbaqada edi va qayiq ko'p sonli odamlarni tortdi. Idishni kemada olib ketishayotganida, idishdagi singan jilov, Decxand Nik Mavar Jr.ning oyog'ini okean tubiga qaytib tushganda, uning oyog'ini ushlashiga olib keldi. Deck Boss tomonidan tezkor ish Edgar Xansen bo'shashgan chiziqni chetga uloqtirganda va chiziqning dumini blokka qaytarib qo'yganda potani saqlab qoldi. Relief kapitan Myurrey Gamrath kemaning ekipajini mavsumdan tashqari kuzdan keyin bir yildan ko'proq vaqt parkda bo'lmagan Mark Andersonni yollashga qaror qildi. Mark gidravlika boshqaruviga ishga joylashtirildi, ammo tanaffus uni boshqaruv qismida biroz pasga aylantirdi va u idishni pastki qismida tortib olayotganda idishni silkitib yubordi. Sinovdan o'tkazilmagan maydonlarda baliq tutish va 36 soat davomida 190 ming funt (86000 kg) qisqichbaqani qo'lga olish uchun kapitan Endi Xillstrand Vaqt qaroqchisi ekipajini qayiq to'lguncha to'rt kunlik silliqlash orqali itarishni rejalashtirgan. Kastryulni tortib olayotganda kutilmagan to'lqin chiziqni to'siqdan bo'shatib, Deckxand Shea Longning boshi va orqasidan yuqoriga ko'tarilishiga olib keldi, ammo uning tezkor reaktsiyasi uni chiziqdan jarohat olishiga to'sqinlik qildi. 30 soatlik bug'dan keyin Shimoliy Amerika Gollandiyalik Makonga 150000 funt (68000 kg) qisqichbaqani olib tashlash uchun kelgan. Ekipaj bilan maslahatlashgandan so'ng, kapitan Sten Skaar yangi Qisqichbaqa mavsumi boshlanishidan oldin greenholn Darrell Labayni qo'yib yuborishga qaror qildi. O'rtacha baliq ovlari sabab bo'ldi sehrgar kemaning ekipajining ruhiy holati pasayishiga va Greenhorns Lin Lin Guitard va Cooper Weatherby o'rtasidagi ziddiyatga olib keladigan so'nggi qisqichbaqa tankini to'ldirish uchun kurashish.
5016"Oxirgi soat"2008 yil 22-iyul (2008-07-22)
145000 funt (66000 kg) qisqichbaqani ushlab qolish uchun qolgan, yordam kapitani Murray Gamrath Korneliya Mari qayiqni tushirish sanasi to'g'risida qo'ng'iroq oldi. Kutilganidan oldin yuk tushirish sanasi va sovuq havo deyarli baliq ovlashni to'xtatishi bilan, ekipaj mavsumdagi so'nggi idishlarini olishga shoshilmoqda. 4 soatgacha bo'lgan masofada Shimoli-g'arbiy mavsumning so'nggi mag'lubiyati, kemaning boshlig'i Edgar Xansen kapitan Sig Xansenga qarshi o'yin-kulgidek g'ildiraklar uyining yuqori qismini tashlab yuborish uchun ekipaj a'zosi sifatida kiyingan "pastki qo'g'irchoq" qilishga qaror qildi, ammo qayiq kemaga kelganida uning rejasi to'xtatildi. mag'lubiyat. Ustida sehrgar, ekipaj so'nggi 36 soat ichida 135 ta idish va 70000 ta qo'riqchini portni orqaga to'ldirishga harakat qildilar, ammo u oxir-oqibat paydo bo'lgan mavsumning eng so'nggi idishigacha ko'proq qisqichbaqa olishni davom ettirdi. Ekipaj o'z mavsumining yakunlanishini nishonladi, ammo ular uchun noma'lum, tank yana bir bor o'rnashib qoldi va endi u to'lmagan edi. Bortda Shimoli-g'arbiy, ekipaj mavsumning so'nggi zarbasi uchun an'anaviy alangali ilgakni amalga oshirdi. So'nggi idish tortilgach, pastki boshliq Edgar Xansen o'zining shafqatsiz rejasini amalga oshirdi, ammo kapitan Sig kemaning qo'g'irchoqning oyoqlari qiyshiq ekanligini va bu haqiqiy ekipaj a'zosi bo'lishi mumkin emasligini payqaganida muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchradi. Ekipaji Korneliya Mari so'nggi 180 ta idishni 95000 funt (43000 kg) qisqichbaqasi uchun olish uchun turli xil jarohatlar bilan ishlagan va yukni tushirish uchun Gollandiyalik portga yo'l olgan. Uydan tashqarida Sietl, Kapitan Fil Xarris qon pıhtısından xalos bo'lishni davom ettirdi va kelajagini baliq ovi kemasi kapitani sifatida tasavvur qildi. The Vaqt qaroqchisi mavsumni yakunlash uchun 42 soatlik harakatni tugatdi va yukni tushirish uchun Dutch Harbor tomon yo'l oldi. Kapitan Endi Xillstrand greenhorn Earon Oversonning mavsumdagi so'nggi ilgagini tashlashiga imkon berdi, chunki uning mehnati ekipajning hurmatiga sazovor bo'ldi. Sankt-Pol orolida sehrgar 425,000 funt (193,000 kg) qisqichbaqani tushirdi. Port orqasidagi tank bo'shatilgandan so'ng, Deck Boss Gary Soper aftidan tubsiz tankning sababini aniqladi; tankning tepasiga qarab tuynuk ochilib, dengizga qisqichbaqa qaytishini ta'minladi. Golland portiga qaytib, Deckhand Shea Long of the Vaqt qaroqchisi Skott Xillstrandning qayiqni egallab olish imkoniyatidan norozi edi. Jeyk va Josh Xarris Sietldagi otalari bilan uchrashishdi va kapitan Fil uning kasalligining jiddiyligi va kapitan sifatida kelajagi haqida suhbatlashdi. Mavsumga epilog sifatida, ta'kidlanishicha, 2008 yil 23 martda, Qisqichbaqa mavsumi tugaganidan ikki hafta o'tgach, baliqni qayta ishlash kemasi Alaska Ranger suv oldi va cho'kib ketdi, 47 ekipaj a'zolarini suvga kirishga majbur qildi. Qo'shma Shtatlar Sohil xavfsizlik xizmati va opa-singil kema tomonidan ekipajning 42 a'zosi qutqarildi Alyaska jangchisi. Ekipajning to'rt a'zosi halok bo'ldi va jasadlari tiklandi, ammo ekipajning bir a'zosi dengizda yo'qoldi.[3]

5-fasl (2009)

umuman olganda
Yo'q yilda
SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
511"Hammasi chiziqda"2009 yil 14 aprel (2009-04-14)
Mavsum kapitan Kit Kolbern uchun tibbiy muammolar bilan ochiladi sehrgar; u va mavsum o'rtasida turgan biopsiya. Kapitan Fil Xarris ko'prikka qaytadi Korneliya Mari sakkiz oy davomida yo'q bo'lganidan so'ng, Jeyk va Josh oldingi mavsumdagi qoplarni yo'qotib qo'ygandan keyin darhol yangi o'lja qoplariga 5000 dollar sarflaydilar. Kapitanlar an'anaviy kuyish bochkasida va barda to'planishadi, u erda yil kapitanining bahsini 4000 AQSh dollariga etkazishadi. Bu yilgi garov eng ko'p ajratilgan kapitanning beshta kostryulkasidan ushlab olindi. Ustida Vaqt qaroqchisi, Hillstrandlar, aka-uka Xilstrandlar nafaqaga chiqqanida qayiqni boshqarish istaklariga ega bo'lgan Mayk Förtnerni qayta ishga olishadi. Hillstrandlar unga qarshi ikki quti suv va unni to'kib tashlab, xush kelibsiz deb o'ynashadi. Ustida sehrgar, Kapitan Kit shifokoridan qo'ng'iroq qilib, biopsiya saraton kasalligi uchun salbiy, ammo ijobiy qaytganini aytdi epiteliya displazi. Flotning an'anaviy marhamati paytida kapitan Fil vrachidan qon pıhtısı holati to'liq tiklanmaganligi haqida qo'ng'iroq qiladi. Istamay, Fil Murray Gamrathga sardorlik o'rindig'idan voz kechishga qaror qildi. The Vaqt qaroqchisi birinchi bo'lib janubiy Qisqichbaqa maydoniga etib keldi, u erda kapitan Jonatan o'tgan yili samarali bo'lgan joyda ikkita 10 qozonli potani tushirdi. Xuddi sehrgar Kapitan Keytning rafiqasi mavsumdagi birinchi kostryulkalarini tashlab yuborish, mavsum davomida ta'mirlangan 400 ming dollar uning bank hisob raqamini nol qoldiq bilan qoldirganligi haqida xabar qilmoqda. Istiqbolli kostryulkalar deyarli bo'shaydi va kapitan Keyt davom etishga qaror qiladi. Ustida Shimoli-g'arbiy, Kapitan Sig Xansen rasm chizadi qisqa somon aslida qisqa bo'lsa ham galstuk taqish, an'anaviy ravishda seldning boshidan tishlashni amalga oshirish. Ustida sehrgar, chiziq uzilib qolganda idish yo'qoladi. Kapitan Keytning qirrasi gumon qilinmoqda rux anod chiziqlarni kesib tashlamoqda va ishonch hosil qilishning yagona usuli bu kapitan Keytning qayiq ostiga sho'ng'ishi yoki portga qaytishi. Kapitan Kit xavfli sho'ng'in qilish to'g'risida qaror qabul qildi, lekin qayiq ostidan ko'tarilayotganda qayiq dumalab ketdi; u boshidan jarohat oladi va hayot slingida orqaga ko'tarilishi kerak. O'tgan yilgi issiq joy Vaqt qaroqchisi bu yil ham xuddi shunday issiq, istiqbolli mag'lubiyatning birinchi po'stlog'i 96 ta qo'riqchini tortib oladi; bunday ajoyib natijalarni ko'rib, kapitan Jonatan barcha kostryulkalari bilan ko'rpa-to'shaklar maydonchasi.
522"Tongda qizil osmon"2009 yil 21 aprel (2009-04-21)
Ekipaji sehrgar kapitan Keyt Kerburnga intiladi, ammo boshini qayiqning pastki qismiga urib, jiddiy jarohat olganligini aytish juda erta. Yana bir sinov mag'lubiyati to'liq potga olib kelganidan so'ng, kapitan Jonatan Xillstrand Vaqt qaroqchisi butun mavsumda qozonlarning barcha yuklarini issiq joyga tashlaydi. Sakkiz soatlik uyqudan keyin sehrgar, Kapitan Keyt avtohalokat paytida sodir bo'lgan voqealarning ko'pini eslamagan bo'lsa-da, boshqaruvni egallaydi. Skiperlar buni payqaydilar ertalab qizil osmon va yirtqich bo'ronning etakchi qismi soat 10:00 da filoga etib boradi Shimoli-g'arbiy birinchi bo'lib urish. Kapitan Sig Xansenning rafiqasi 40-tugun (74 km / soat; 46 milya) va sharqdan esayotgan shamol haqida ob-havo ma'lumoti bilan qo'ng'iroq qilganida, uning ekipaji bo'ronning etakchisidan baliq tutishni davom ettiradi. Kapitan Sig bo'ron urishidan oldin bor kuchi bilan itarishga qaror qildi. The Vaqt qaroqchisi uning 197 ta yukini 0,5 kvadrat milga (1,3 km) birlashtiradi2) maydon. Relief kapitan Murray Gamrath boshqaruvni boshqaradi Korneliya Mari 48 soatlik ho'llashdan keyin 90 millik uzunlikdagi 15 millik (24 km) uzunlikdagi ipni yig'ish uchun, lekin u kutgan 60 ta o'rtacha qo'riqchining o'rniga har bir qozonga atigi bir nechta qisqichbaqa oladi. Bunday past raqamlar bilan kapitan Myurrey ekipajga tishli qutilarni yig'ishni buyuradi va shimoldan 32 km (32 km) uzoqlikdagi ikkinchi qatorga qarab yo'l oladi. Shuningdek, u kapitan Fil Xarrisdan telefon qilib, baliq ovining qanday o'tayotganini so'raydi va kapitan Myurreyga kapitan Jonatan haqida xabar beradi. Vaqt qaroqchisi har bir qozon uchun o'rtacha 80 dan 90 gacha qo'riqchilar edi. Bortda Shimoli-g'arbiy, singan idish chegara ustiga tashlanayotganda chiziqni ushlaydi, natijada ikkita idish chigallashadi, ammo ekipaj muammoni hal qilish uchun asta-sekin ishlaydi. The Korneliya Mari bo'ronning janubiy qirg'og'iga urilib, 60 ta idish shimolga tashlangan, ammo idishlar dastlab yaxshi ko'rinishga ega bo'lsa-da, qisqichbaqaning aksariyati urg'ochilar yoki balog'atga etmagan bolalardir. Ekipaj qisqichbaqa yo'qligi haqida g'azablantiradi va kapitan Myurrey boshqa qaerga borishni rejalashtirmagan. The Vaqt qaroqchisi yaxshi raqamlarni yig'ishda davom etmoqda, o'z tanklarini 30000 funt (14000 kg) qisqichbaqa bilan to'ldirdi, ammo 36 soatlik silliqlash Mayk Förtner va Rassel Nyuberi o'rtasida keskinlikni kuchayishiga olib keladi. Filo a-ning tropikdan keyingi qoldiqlari bilan uriladi tayfun 35 fut (11 m) dengiz va 60 tugunli (111 km / soat; 69 milya) shamol ishlab chiqaradigan Yaponiyadan. 2008 yil 22 oktyabr soat 12:37 da Qisqichbaqa floti a may kunidagi qo'ng'iroq dan Katmai, bortida 11 kishisi bo'lgan cod baliqchi, u cho'kib ketayotganini, ammo kema flotdan 900 mil (1400 km) g'arbda va kemachilar yordam berish uchun juda uzoqdir. The Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari sohil xavfsizligi ishga tushiradi MH-60 Jayhawk va ikkitasi C-130 Gerkules USCG Air Station Kodiak-dan joylashgan joyga Katmai's EPIRB. Etti soatlik parvozdan so'ng, MH-60 Jayhawk voqea joyiga etib keladi va EPIRB, alev, chiqindilar va bo'sh hayot salatini topadi, ammo tirik qolganlar yo'q. 13:00 da Jayhawk ekipaji suvda omon qolish uchun kostyumni ko'rdi, ammo suzuvchini qutqarish ekipaj a'zosi vafot etganligi haqida xabar beradi.
533"Diqqatingizni jamlang yoki o'ling"2009 yil 28 aprel (2009-04-28)
O'n etti soatdan keyin Katmai's EPIRB bir soniya ketdi MH-60 Jayhawk voqea joyiga etib kelib, qutqaruv salosidan omon qolgan to'rt kishini: kapitan Genri "Djo" Bleyk, pastki Boss Gay Shreder va Grinxorn Xarold "Rayan" Appling va Adam Fosterni olib ketishadi. Kapitan Jou, Rayan va Odam hayot qutqaruvidagi tirik qolish voqealarini aytib berishadi. Bo'ronning eng yomoni bilan yuzma-yuz keladigan sehrgar yangi o'lja kam va soatiga 75 mil (121 km / soat) 25 fut (7,6 m) ichida cod kostryulkalarini tortadi (12-kuch ) dengizlar. Bortda Shimoli-g'arbiy, Kapitan Sig Xansen yangiliklarni saqlab turadi Katmai ekipajning fojiasi. 36 soat uyqusiz yurgan kapitan Sig boshqaruvni kemaning boshlig'i Edgar Xansenga topshiradi va u boshqaruvni boshqaradi Shimoli-g'arbiy mag'lubiyatni o'rnatishda. 27 soatlik emdirilgandan so'ng, ip yaxshi raqamlarni tortib, ekipajning kayfiyatini ko'taradi. Ustida Korneliya Mari, Deck Hand Corey Eisenbarth, bundan 26 yil oldin tushgan baliq ovi kemasida greenhorn bo'lganidagi tajribasini aytib beradi. O'n to'qqiz soatdan keyin Katmai lavabolar, ikkita yaxshi samariyalik kemalar Jasoratli va Patrisiya Li ikki ekipajning jasadlarini dengizdan tortib oling.[4] Cho'kib ketganidan to'rt kun o'tib, Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari Sohil xavfsizlik xizmati yo'qolgan ikki ekipajni qidirishni to'xtatmoqda.[5]
544"O'chiring yoki yoping"2009 yil 5-may (2009-05-05)
45-daqiqada boshqa mag'lubiyatga yugurish paytida kapitan Jonatan Xillstrand Vaqt qaroqchisi konserva zavodidan uni etkazib berish muddati uch kunga ko'chirilganligi haqida qo'ng'iroq qiladi va qayiqni to'ldirish uchun 36 soat vaqt qoldiradi. Bortda sehrgar, Monte Kolbern Grinxorn Josh Uorner o'lja stantsiyasi yonida qiz do'sti bilan birga tushgan suratini joylashtirganidan xafa. Monte fotosurat ustiga o'lja soladi, bu Joshni kemadan chiqib ketishi va kapitan Keyt Kolbernga bu masala yuzasidan shikoyat qilishiga undaydi, ammo u unga hamdardlik bildirmaydi va ishiga qaytishini aytadi. Kapitan Ueyd Xenli va Liza Mari baliq ovining janubiy uchiga qolgan flotdan ikki hafta o'tgach keladi, chunki u bir oy davomida baliq baliq ovlagan. Uzunligi 78 metr bo'lgan (24 m) filodagi eng kichik qayiq atigi 40 ta idishni sig'dira oladi va uni istiqbolli magistralga tashlab yuboradi. Ustida Shimoli-g'arbiy, barqaror, ammo o'rtacha raqamlar kapitan Sig Xansenni xursand qiladi, ammo konserva zavodi uning etkazib beriladigan kunini kuniga ko'targanini aytganda qo'ng'iroq qilganda uning rejimi o'zgarib, 50 ming funt (23000 kg) qisqichbaqani ushlash uchun 72 soatdan kam vaqt qolmoqda. 17 soat davomida tinimsiz ishlagan pastki ekipajining charchoqlari ularning sekinlashishiga va xatolarga yo'l qo'yishiga sabab bo'lsa, uning kayfiyati qorayishda davom etmoqda. The Vaqt qaroqchisi 75 ta kostryulkadan ipni tortib oling, ularning kvotasini o'z vaqtida etkazib berish xavfini tug'dirish uchun o'z kuchlarini qo'shib qo'yinglar, lekin ikkita katta idish ularni 117000 funt (53000 kg) og'irlikdan ortib yuboradi va ular portga qaytib ketishadi. Cod baliq ovlash tarmog'ini tanlash uchun ketayotganda, Deckhand Jeyk Anderson Shimoli-g'arbiy ekipaj va kapitan Sigdan gidrotexnikani birinchi marta odamga olishga ruxsat oladi. Kapitan Sig g'ildirak uyidan chiqib, Jeykni juda tez yurishi haqida ogohlantirishi uchun, Edgar Xansen kapitan Signing nogironlar aravachasidan pastki qismgacha bo'lgan mas'uliyat chizig'i bo'ylab qadam qo'yganidan norozi bo'lib qoladi. Uni 40 qozonni dengizga tashlaganidan keyin Liza Mari langar Amak oroli unga qo'shilgan bo'rondan yashirinish uchun Korneliya Mari. Kapitan Myurrey Gamrat Korneliya Mari 39 soat davomida navbatchilikda bo'lganidan keyin nogironlar aravachasidan ozod qilinadi. Dekkand Kori Eyzenbart qayiqning 8 metrlik (2,4 m) shamollar va soatiga 60 milya (97 km / soat) shamollar tufayli suzib ketayotganini payqab, kapitan Myurreyni uyg'otib qo'ydi, chunki ular langarni ko'tarayotganda qayiqni boshqarishi mumkin edi. . Ankraj chizig'i g'altakning tashqi tomoniga tutiladi. Kapitan Myurrey chiziqdagi stressni engillashtirish uchun dvigatellarni jalb qilar ekan, Kori chiziqni qo'lda bepul ishlaydi.
555"Uzoq masofa, qisqa sigortalar"2009 yil 12-may (2009-05-12)
30 soatlik maydalagandan so'ng va 8 soatlik bo'sh vaqt bilan Vaqt qaroqchisi borishdan oldin ularning so'nggi 35 ta mag'lubiyatini o'rnatadi Aziz Pol yukni tushirish. Qo'rqinchli to'lqin potani ishga tushirgichdan yiqitganda, Deckhand Rassell Nyuberining yonidan o'tib ketguncha unga urilib ketganda, ekipaj xotirjamlik haqida eslatadi. Yetti kundan beri unumsiz joylarda baliq tutgandan so'ng, kapitan Ket Kolbern sehrgar og'ir o'lja va yangi baliq ovlash joylariga o'tish orqali katta harakatni amalga oshiradi, ammo qayiq o'lja kamligini bilib, uning rejalari kechiktiriladi. Kapitan Keyt kapitan Sig Xansenni chaqirishga qaror qildi Shimoli-g'arbiy kapitan Sig "kimdir yordamga muhtoj bo'lganida, kim bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, siz ularga yordam berasiz" degan yozilmagan qoidaga amal qiladi degan umidda o'lja so'rash. Kam miqdordagi yuklarni ko'tarishda davom etarkan va to'liq yuk uchun 200000 funtdan (91000 kg) atigi 150.000 funt (68000 kg) bilan kapitan Murray Gamrath ekipajni u olib ketmoqchi bo'lgan nogironlar uyiga chaqiradi. Korneliya Mari shimoldan yuqoriroq raqamlarni qidirishda 80 dan 95 milgacha (129 dan 153 km gacha). Kam sonli bo'lishiga qaramay, kapitan Sig Shimoli-g'arbiy harakat qilmaslik va uni yopishtirishga qaror qiladi. Deck Boss Edgar Hansen Deckhand Jake Andersonni Qisqichbaqa idishlarini qanday tayyorlayotgani haqida chaqiradi. Jeyk tanqidni shaxsan qabul qiladi va uning munosabati Edgarni bezovta qiladi. The Vaqt qaroqchisi Sankt-Polda 121000 funt (55000 kg) 609.000 dollarlik qisqichbaqani yuklaydi. Kapitan Ueyd Xenli ayanchli baliq ovini boshdan kechirmoqda Liza Mari shimolga, ammo qayiqning kichik kemasi baliq ovlash vaqtini yutib yuboradigan bir necha marta sayohat qilishni anglatadi. Kapitan Ueyd radio orqali unga yaxshi baliq ovi bo'lganligi haqida aytilgan 130 milya o'rniga (80 km) shimolga ko'tarilishga qaror qildi. O'sha kuni kechqurun ekipaj 7 soat davomida namlanganidan keyin sinov qozonini tortib oldi, natijada hech qanday qisqichbaqa yo'q. Yaxshi baliq ovining etishmasligi ekipaj o'rtasida ziddiyatning ko'tarilishiga olib keladi, natijada Deckhand Robert Kristensen akasi Grenxorn Devid Kristensenni kemaning tepasiga itarib yuborganidan so'ng, Robertning ilgakni tashlashi Devid o'ralgan o'qqa tutilgan. Ikki kun oldin etkazib berishdan oldin va 80 soatlik tirnoq ustida ish olib boradigan ekipaj 36 soatlik silliqlashda Shimoli-g'arbiy beparvo bo'ladi. Jeyk Anderson Qisqichbaqa bilan saralash stolida muomala qiladi, natijada Edgar Jeykni yana bir bor chaqirdi. Dekand Mett Bredli Jeykni chaqirishga qo'shilganda, ikkalasi o'rtasida g'azab alangalanadi. Ustida Korneliya Mari, ekipaj 141 kostryulkalarni yangi maydonchalarga tushiradi. Birodarlar Xarrislar orasida ham keskinlik yuqori, Jeyk va Josh Joshning o'lja bankalarini to'ldirishi haqida bahslashmoqdalar. The Vaqt qaroqchisi to'liq idishlarni tortishda davom etmoqda. Kemadagi yana bir yaqin qo'ng'iroq qozonni tortib olayotganda jilov buzilganda sodir bo'ladi, ammo Deckxand Mayk Förtnerning ruldan chiziqni tashlashga bo'lgan tezkor reaktsiyasi hech kimni chiziqqa tutilib, chetga tortib olishga imkon bermaydi. Maykning omadidan chetga chiqib ketadigan ikkita ilgagini yo'qotib bo'lmaydi. Ekipaj ikkinchi ilmoqni omad va hakamlar hay'ati tomonidan ikkita kishan bilan yasalgan ilmoq bilan olishga muvaffaq bo'ldi. Bortida atigi 2000 funt (910 kg) o'lja bo'lgan kapitan Kit akasi Monte Kolberni rulda qoldirib, bir nechta treska idishlarini olib ketish uchun yugurayotganda. Monte podani ko'radi morj Keyt Monte uni uyg'otmaganidan xafa bo'ldi, chunki xurofotchi Kit morjni yaxshi alomat deb biladi. Keyt bir qator kostryulkalarni mors podasi ko'rilgan joyga tashlab yubordi. 24 soatlik emdirishdan so'ng, morj podasi haqiqatan ham yaxshi belgi bo'lib chiqadi, chunki Qisqichbaqa kostryulkalari to'lgan va sehrgar uning tanklarini to'la to'ldiradi. The Korneliya Mari'Shimoliy 160 milya shimoliy harakat, u ko'ngilni ko'nglini tusagan ipni ko'targanda yuz bermaydi.
566"Topshirish muddati; tugatish muddati"2009 yil 19-may (2009-05-19)
The sehrgar Monte Kolbern tomonidan boshqariladi, u 35 metrlik (11 m) dengizda baliq tutmoqda, uning kvotasidan 100000 funt (45000 kg) kam. Dastlab ipdagi kostryulkalar to'lgan, ammo hisob tezda tushib ketadi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy yangi baliq ovlash joylarida uchinchi ipga 86 ta idish tushiradi. As she heads back to the other end of the grounds, Deck Boss Edgar Hansen needles Deckhand Jake Anderson, which upsets him. The bad feelings chill when a wave crashes on deck, hits Edgar and Jake, and knocking Edgar off his feet. The Korneliya Mari's bad luck continues when she only gets 45 keepers out of 25 pots. Hoping to change their luck, Deckhands Josh Harris, Jake Harris, and Freddy Maugatai try their new tradition of shaving their heads into a mohawk. After pulling up mediocre numbers for the past three days, the Vaqt qaroqchisi heads to their last string of the season. The string starts off good, pulls up a blank on the third pot, but the last few pots have good numbers, allowing the crew to meet their quota of 270,000 pounds (120,000 kg) of crab. Captain Johnathan Hillstrands plots a course back to Dutch Harbor to offload. Bortda Lisa Marie, crew morale sinks when a string after a 20 hour soak pulls up mostly female crab. The crew must stack and move their 60 pots for the third time in two weeks. Deck Boss Robert Christensen berates Deckhand Brandon Williams. Brandon then goes to Captain Wade Henley to tell him that this will be his last trip on the boat because he feels that he is not getting the respect that he deserves. After the mediocre numbers that Monte Colburn picked up through the storm, Captain Keith Colburn packs five strings in a 2-square-mile (5.2 km2) area back where he saw the herd of walruses. The plan works out when the crew pulls of pots with large numbers of crab. At Dutch Harbor, the Vaqt qaroqchisi offloads her catch. Captain Johnathan has caught over $1.7 million worth of crab. The crew celebrate the end of the king crab season by smashing several whipped cream pies in the face of Andy Hillstrand, who will be captain during the upcoming opilio crab season.
577"Down to the Wire"2009 yil 26 may (2009-05-26)
The final week of the king crab season sees the crew of the sehrgar pushing to pull up their last 20 pots of the season. They get good numbers of keepers and head to Dutch Harbor to offload. Bortda Shimoli-g'arbiy, Captain Sig Hansen is radio fishing in English and Norvegiya, but Deck Boss Edgar Hansen is skeptical of any advice received over the radio. The Korneliya Mari is finally on the crab, but their long trip makes Relief Captain Murray Gamrath worry that the crab in the tanks might be towards the end of how long they can survive. Deckhand Jake Harris has an injured back, but when brother Josh tries to help out, Josh ends up injuring Jake's pride and they argue over their duties on deck. The brother soon make up when the boat averages 30 keepers per pot. With 200,000 pounds (91,000 kg) in their tanks, the Korneliya Mari begins the 30-hour trip back to Dutch Harbor to offload. Captain Sig on the Shimoli-g'arbiy makes a gamble by dropping three 50-pot "Salom Meri " strings on the radio information he received, but the pots bring up lousy numbers and the crew has to continue to grind through the season. With their season completed before the other boats, the Hillstrand brothers of the Vaqt qaroqchisi go fishing in San Carlos, Mexico. Just outside Dutch Harbor, Captain Keith Colburn of the sehrgar calls Greenhorn Josh Warner up to the wheelhouse to congratulate him on a good job during the season and to offer him a job during the upcoming opilio season. First Mate Gary Soper initiates Josh to the crew by playing a practical joke on him. Sifatida sehrgar is being offloaded, Engineer Lenny Lekanoff surprises the Colburn brothers by telling them that he is retiring after fishing for 25 years. The Shimoli-g'arbiy picks up their last "Hail Mary" string and the crew celebrates by shooting off fireworks, but Captain Sig is worried that the Coast Guard will interpret the fireworks as signal signallari. At Dutch Harbor, the Korneliya Mari offloads their crab. The crew is dismayed to find a lot of dead loss due to the boat being out too long. The crew makes one final trip out to dump the dead loss over the side. Captain Sig of the Shimoli-g'arbiy barely makes his delivery deadline and the cannery haggles with him over the price of the crab. Two weeks after the season ends, the captains gather to settle the Captain's Wager. The wager comes down to a single pot between the Vaqt qaroqchisi va sehrgar, bilan Vaqt qaroqchisi winning. Captain Johnathan Hillstrand splits the winnings with the crew.
588"Payback Time"2009 yil 2-iyun (2009-06-02)
The beginning of the 2009 opilio season is greeted by an ice storm in Dutch Harbor. On the way to the fuel dock, the sehrgar loses power and drifts east of Cho'chqa oroli. She regains power before drifting into the rocks of Hog Island and heads back to her dock to diagnose the problem with her fuel system. Captain Phil Harris returns to the helm of the Korneliya Mari after an 11 month break from fishing due to this qon pıhtısı from last season. The ice storm has delayed Captain Sig Hansen's, of the Shimoli-g'arbiy, arrival at Dutch Harbor for two days. Before the start of the king crab season, Deckhand Jake Anderson of the Shimoli-g'arbiy pulled a prank on Captain Johnathan Hillstrand of the Vaqt qaroqchisi by stealing Captain Johnathan's signature U.S.A jacket. The Hillstrand brothers seek revenge upon Jake at the start of the opilio season. Jake decides to spare the crew of the Shimoli-g'arbiy from possible retaliation by going on board the Vaqt qaroqchisi to return the jacket. However, the Hillstrand brothers still decide to punish Jake by taping him to the Vaqt qaroqchisi's crane and dipping him waist-deep into the sea. The weather clears enough for Captain Sig to fly into Dutch Harbor on the day that the opilio season starts. Captain Sig and Captain Andy Hillstrand visit Captain Phil on the Korneliya Mari to discuss the ice situation on the fishing grounds. Captain Phil hires mechanic Jeff Whited to check over the Korneliya Mari. He finds a leak in the fuel tank that needs immediate repair in a quruq gilamcha. While drydocked, a problem with the propeller is discovered. Steve Ward replaces Murray Gamrath as engineer after Murray decides to retire from fishing. Steve finds a water leak in the hydraulic system that needs repair. The three repairs total up to a $100,000 bill. With the impending ice storm, the captains of the Shimoli-g'arbiy va Vaqt qaroqchisi decide to offload some pots to make for a safer boat and then head off to the fishing grounds. The sehrgar's loss of power is traced back to a leak in the fuel tank. The tank is drained and ventilated to allow Monte Colburn to weld the leak as a temporary fix to get the boat through the opilio season. Instead of taking off pots like the Shimoli-g'arbiy va Vaqt qaroqchisi, Captain Keith Colburn decides to take a full load of 235 pots and rig up a tarp across the front of the stack to prevent freezing spray from building up on the stack. The Vaqt qaroqchisi arrives at the same fishing spot in the northern area of the fishing grounds as last season and drops her first strings. Captain Andy has four days until his delivery date to fill the boat and wants to launch his pots as fast as possible. The Hillstrands hire on new Deckhand Jon Jorgenson even though they still need to cut one crew member at the end of the season. The extra hire means that six crew members are competing for five spots. The Shimoli-g'arbiy drops her pots further north than the Vaqt qaroqchisi. Deckhand Jake Anderson does the traditional biting off of the head of a herring to start the season. Captain Sig drops three 40-pot strings just 70 miles (110 km) south of the ice and hopes that the ice does not cover his pots before he can retrieve them. Captain Keith of the sehrgar decides that 235 pots is too many and departs Dutch Harbor with 225 pots. After three days in drydock, the repairs on the Korneliya Mari are complete and she heads off, but not before Captain Phil decides to give his son Josh a full share. Brothers Jake and Josh Harris argue while they load the pots onto the deck. After a nine-hour soak, the Vaqt qaroqchisi's first string pulls up low numbers, which forces Captain Andy to scramble for a new plan before the ice arrives at the fishing grounds in two days. The Korneliya Mari arrives at the fishing grounds with Captain Phil planning to fish near the ice pack. In 50-knot (93 km/h; 58 mph) winds and 30-foot (9.1 m) seas, the crew of the sehrgar works on the bow of the ship to lash down the tarp. Captain Keith calls for an abort of the work, but the crew does not hear him and the boat takes a big wave which engulfs the crew.
599"Ikkinchi imkoniyat yo'q"2009 yil 9-iyun (2009-06-09)
Captain Keith Colburn of the sehrgar calls to his crew on the bow after a big wave crashes over the bow engulfing the crew. After not hearing anything, Captain Keith rushes down from the wheelhouse to find that Monte Colburn has injured ribs from being thrown against the drag anchor, Deckhand Lynn Guitard with a contusion above his left eye and lower back, and First Mate Gary Soper with a contusion below his left eye. With half the crew injured, the sehrgar turns back to Dutch Harbor. The Hillstand family fishing ground nicknamed "Janob Magoo " does not produce any crab unlike last season. The crew of the Vaqt qaroqchisi rail dumps the pots dropped on "Mr. Magoo" and head to their northern strings 60 miles (97 km) away. After offloading 152,000 pounds (69,000 kg) worth $258,000, the Rag'batlantirish is fishing on the southern fishing grounds 80 miles (130 km) from the sea ice in the middle of an arctic squall with 20-foot (6.1 m) seas, 70 miles per hour (110 km/h) gusts, and −10 °F (−23 °C) temperatures. While pulling up full pots after 18 hours of work, a pot slips from the launcher, but the crew avoids injury. Captain Keith of the sehrgar agonizes over his decision to send his crew out on the bow. Ustida Korneliya Mari, Captain Phil Harris plans a short soak strategy in order to beat the ice. With two new crew members on deck, the crew has yet to get into a good rhythm. When new Engineer Steve Ward is slow stacking the pots on the deck, the Harris sons push him to work faster. This results in a dressing down by Captain Phil to his sons about working together. With three days to go until their delivery date, the Vaqt qaroqchisi arrives at their northern family fishing ground nicknamed "butt cheeks". Trying to break their bad luck, the crew set fire to the Jake Anderson, of the Shimoli-g'arbiy, dummy they made when paying Jake back for stealing Captain Johnathan Hillstrand's jacket. The crew's luck changes as the crew pulls up three-quarter full pots after a 21-hour soak. Captain Andy Hillstrand decides to concentrate all of his gear on the "butt cheeks" fishing grounds. The Shimoli-g'arbiy is on the crab, pulling an average of 400 keepers per pot 55-mile (89 km) from the sea ice. A 40-foot (12 m) wave crashes over the port side of the boat, snapping the pot tie downs at the stern of the boat, causing the pots to shift to the starboard side. Bortda Korneliya Mari, the crew finally gets into a rhythm and their short soaked pots pull up good numbers. Captain Phil must decide on whether to stay and fish and risk being caught by the ice or make a run to St. Paul to offload while the weather is clear. While launching a pot, Jake Harris gets his leg caught in the line after it pops free from the block. Quick work by his brother, Josh Harris, frees Jake's leg before the descending pot pulls him overboard. After a 20 hour steam, the sehrgar arrives back at Dutch Harbor and the injured crew receive medical attention.
6010"Sea of Misery"2009 yil 16-iyun (2009-06-16)
Six hours after offloading $352,000 worth of crab, the Shimoli-g'arbiy is hauling up a 100-pot string after a 48-hour soak. The ice pack has moved 20 miles (32 km) south in the past 36 hours, putting the ice 40 miles (64 km) away from the Shimoli-g'arbiy's northern strings. The crew rush through hauling up the southern string before moving 15 miles (24 km) to haul the northern strings. Captain Sig Hansen has the Shimoli-g'arbiy on the crab, getting an average of 500–600 crab per pot, and wants to move west .75 miles (1.21 km) before resetting the pots to keep the fishing fresh and ahead of the crab, but the crew questions Captain Sig's decision not to set back on the same spot like previous seasons. Still docked at Dutch Harbor, Captain Keith Colburn of the sehrgar has second thoughts about his decision making process regarding the accident that injured three of his crewmembers. The boat heads out with a full crew with retired Engineer Lenny Lekanoff and injured First Mate Gary Soper rejoin the crew. The Korneliya Mari is picking up the last 120 pots of her northern string, getting 500 keepers per pot, when Captain Phil Harris receives a radio report of an approaching storm with 41-foot (12 m) seas. Captain Phil puts the crew into overdrive to finish picking up the string and head to St. Paul for offload before the storm arrives. The Vaqt qaroqchisi arrives at St. Paul an hour ahead of her scheduled delivery time with approximately 90,000 pounds (41,000 kg) of crab on board. The tired deck crew hits their racks during offload, but nobody is assigned to take notes of the offload to check the cannery's numbers. The cannery reports that they have taken off 85,000 pounds (39,000 kg) of crab and the crew can not confirm that the cannery is short two brailers. The discrepancy and lack of attention earns the crew a dressing down by Captain Andy Hillstrand. The sehrgar finally drops the first pots of her season on the southern end of the fishing ground. Captain Keith notices that the Shimoli-g'arbiy va bir nechta Trident Seafoods boats are in the area and he becomes concerned that he may be dropping on areas that have been fished out. While steaming for an hour to their northern strings, the Shimoli-g'arbiy builds up 6 inches (15 cm) of ice on her deck and the crew spend the next four hours breaking ice. The sehrgar crew offload their 204 pots in 60-knot (111 km/h; 69 mph) winds and 25-foot (7.6 m) seas. Captain Keith is still having doubts on the decision to fish and his confidence is shattered when Lenny is knocked off his feet by a wave. Even though Lenny is okay, Captain Keith calls off launching of the remaining pots on deck. The Vaqt qaroqchisi crew pick up right where they left off when their first string of their second trip of the season averages more than 700 keepers per pot. 10 miles (16 km) out from St. Paul, the Korneliya Mari is inching her way through the sea ice. Below decks, Engineer Steve Ward notices a small leak in the port crab tank circulation pipe. While grinding away the rust around the leak to attempt a repair, the leak grows bigger, setting off alarms. The crew, who had been asleep on the run to St. Paul, wakes up and heads below to help Steve apply a temporary patch to the pipe.
6111"Lockout"2009 yil 23 iyun (2009-06-23)
Working three consecutive 30-hour shifts, the crew of the Shimoli-g'arbiy is pulling their northernmost string of 25 pots in a 4 miles (6.4 km) line before the ice arrives. However, before the crew reaches the end of the string, the boat encounters the leading edge of the ice pack. The first buoy in the ice pack has moved 3 miles (4.8 km) from where it was dropped. Captain Sig Hansen decides not to press his luck with the ice even though the pots are getting good numbers and moves his pots further south away from the ice. The Korneliya Mari is 2 miles (3.2 km) outside of St. Paul when Captain Phil Harris decides that he can wait no longer and to push his engines to the limit to get through the ice blocking St. Paul. Only .75 miles (1.21 km) from the dock, oil begins to pour from the port engine and Captain Phil is forced to shut down the engine and use only the starboard engine. After two hours, the crew ties up at the dock. Captain Phil makes a call to his mechanic in Dutch Harbor to see if he is willing to fly out to St. Paul to fix his engine so that he can go back out to retrieve his pots before the ice pack swallows them. Twenty-one days into the season, the sehrgar pulls up her first prospect string of the season, resulting in good numbers. Captain Keith Colburn receives a call from his brother, Monte, updating Keith on Monte's injury suffered at the beginning of the opilio season. The ice filled the harbor at St. Paul and trapped the Korneliya Mari against the dock, but Captain Phil's mechanic has caught the last flight into St. Paul and began work on the engine. The Rag'batlantirish fishes into the night in 70-knot (130 km/h; 81 mph) winds and 40-foot (12 m) seas with not very good results. A line breaks free of the block, snapping the line against Deckhand Doug Dawson's arm, but he escapes serious injury. After 11 hours of work, the mechanic determines that the number six cylinder of the Korneliya Mari's port engine is the cause of the failure and it will cost $67,000 to repair. Fishing is back to normal on board the sehrgar, but the pace takes a toll on the greenhorns. Josh Warner leaves the deck to take a nap, and later goes up to the wheelhouse to tell Captain Keith that he is thinking of leaving the boat due to feeling humiliated by the veteran crew members. Captain Keith encourages Josh to stick it out for the rest of the season. The Shimoli-g'arbiy has moved south onto new, untested fishing grounds. A 30-hour soak results in good numbers. Captain Sig feels momentary tightness and acute pain across his chest, but he chooses to keep it from his crew and he continues on at the helm. After five days trapped at the dock in St. Paul, the Korneliya Mari's engine is repaired and there is an opening in the weather to allow her to leave. After receiving an observation on the harbor ice conditions from a United States Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk that was overhead, Captain Phil cautiously steers the boat clear of the ice in the harbor and plots a course to retrieve their northern strings before the ice pack arrives.
6212"A Slap in the Face or a Kick in the Butt"June 30, 2009 (2009-06-30)
The Shimoli-g'arbiy has 10,000 pounds (4,500 kg) to fill her tanks before her offload in 24 hours. Suffering from a cough, Captain Sig Hansen decides to try to quit smoking for a day. An arctic front approaches from the north, bringing 30 feet (9.1 m) seas which make for a very wet deck. Captain Sig gives up on quitting smoking after three and a half hours. The Vaqt qaroqchisi continues to bring in good numbers after the fourth set back of pots in "butt cheeks" fishing grounds. Her crab tanks are packed full of crab and she heads back to St. Paul to offload. Two days after leaving St. Paul, the Korneliya Mari arrives where her pots should be, but does not find them. Captain Phil Harris must run around in circles to locate his pots. Bortda sehrgar, Captain Keith Colburn's nerves are still frayed from the incident earlier in the season and he has been fishing in calmer waters which results in lower numbers of crab. Greenhorn Josh Warner is sleeping when the rest of the crew are eating and is slow coming out on deck. Captain Keith calls Josh up to the wheelhouse to give him an ultimatum to decide what he wants to work or quit. Before heading to offload at St. Paul, the Vaqt qaroqchisi makes a detour to look at the ice pack. Captain Andy Hillstrand finds that the ice pack is moving faster towards he gear that he is expecting and he must decide to either go move his northernmost pots or make a run to offload and hope that the ice pack does not reach his pots. Captain Andy decides to gamble and make the run in to offload. The Korneliya Mari managed to locate all 180 of her pots that were scattered by the sea ice. Moving to new grounds, Captain Phil claims that he can see bubbles and smell the "crab fart" in the water and drops a 30-pot prospect string. Headed to St. Paul, the Vaqt qaroqchisi finds that the ice pack is further south than Captain Andy expected. She must slowly make her way through the ice in St. Paul Harbor and use her crane to move the ice between the boat and the dock before she dock. The Shimoli-g'arbiy has also found the ice pack on her way back to St. Paul. When she arrives, the St. Paul harbormaster calls to tell Captain Sig that the harbor is closed due to the ice. The Shimoli-g'arbiy must drop anchor and wait out the ice. The sehrgar's numbers are picking up as she hauls up the last lots of her first trip. Greenhorn Josh's work attitude is also picking up and he tells Captain Keith that he is ready to go for a second trip. Retired Engineer Lenny Lekanoff has only agreed to go on a single trip to replace the injured Monte Colburn. Captain Keith leaves a message for Monte to see if he is well enough to come back on board. After a 35-hour soak, Captain Phil Harris' theory about the "crab fart" appears to be true as the Korneliya Mari crew pulls up good numbers on the prospect string. The Shimoli-g'arbiy has been anchored off St. Paul for the past three days and the crew is beginning to worry about dead loss from the crab being on board for ten days.
6313"Yerning oxiri"2009 yil 7-iyul (2009-07-07)
Anchored 2 miles (3.2 km) outside of St. Paul harbor, Captain Sig Hansen decides that the four days he has already waited is long enough, heads into the harbor and pushes his way past the ice. Safely docked at the pier, Captain Sig hopes that he can offload before the harbor ices up again. The Rag'batlantirish pulls up full pots of "dirty" (barnacle -encrusted) crab and must rail dump them overboard as the cannery will refuse the dirty crab. With three days until a delivery date, over 70,000 pounds (32,000 kg) left to go, and no keepers in the string, Captain Harry Lewis decides that he must move north. Sifatida sehrgar offloads 411,000 pounds (186,000 kg) of crab worth $560,000 at Dutch Harbor, Captain Keith Colburn drives to the airport to pick up his brother Monte who has returned against doctors orders with five broken ribs and new Greenhorn Jon Lawler. With the new crew and Engineer Lenny Lekanoff back into retirement, the sehrgar heads back out. In 30-foot (9.1 m) seas and −30 °F (−34 °C) temperatures, the Rag'batlantirish arrives at the northern fishing grounds and sets her pots before a storm arrives. When ice builds up on deck to dangerous levels, the crew must stop setting pots and break ice. At the southern fishing grounds, the sehrgar picks up her gear to head north 5 to 10 miles (8.0 to 16.1 km). While Monte may be back on board, his broken ribs limit him to manning the wheelhouse and Captain Keith must go out to work the deck. Captain Keith has not worked the deck in over 15 years and shows the crew that he is still capable of working the deck. His time on the deck shows to him that he starting to get over the incident with his crew at the beginning of the season. Kapitan Fil Xarris Korneliya Mari returns to the "crab fart" fishing grounds. High tides make for difficult conditions hooking the buoys, but the crew manages to pull the pots on deck with an average of 600 keepers per pot. Captain Phil decides to set back on the same spot. Captain Phil notices that Captain Keith Colburn of the sehrgar has set his pots in the middle of the Korneliya Mari's gear. The Rag'batlantirish's first northern string averages 500 keepers per pot. With the temperature dropping to −40 °F (−40 °C), the crew begins to suffer Stage 1 hypothermia and crab begin to drop their legs when they freeze. After hauling up 45 pots, the temperature continues to drop, but the crew must grind on with another 150 pots to haul. The Shimoli-g'arbiy has returned to the finishing grounds after being stuck in St. Paul harbor for two days and the crew rushes to pull pots before their next delivery deadline. The twenty-hour grind with poor numbers makes the crew grumpy, but Captain Sig shows no sympathy. Kapitan Fil Xarris Korneliya Mari calls Captain Keith Colburn of the sehrgar over his view that Captain Keith set his gear over the top of Korneliya Mari gear. Captain Keith's view is that he did not intend to set his gear over the Korneliya Mari gear and that the tide moves the sehrgar's gear. A storm generating 60-knot (110 km/h; 69 mph) and 30-foot (9.1 m) seas hits the sehrgar as she pulls up the 60 pots in the area. A 40-foot (12 m) crashes over the bow, knocking Greenhorn Jon Lawler from the sorting table and wedging him under the launcher. Relief Captain Monte decides that the conditions are too rough and calls the crew inside.
6414"Achchiq ko'z yoshlar"2009 yil 14-iyul (2009-07-14)
After three consecutive 25-hour shifts with poor numbers, dirty crab, and 400,000 pounds (180,000 kg) left in their quota, the crew of the Shimoli-g'arbiy begins to think of home. On deck, a slip by Greenhorn Jake Anderson nearly causes him to be crushed under a pot being brought on board. Bortda sehrgar, Greenhorn Josh Warner tells Captain Keith Colburn that he will be getting off the boat at the end of this trip so that he can see his brother who is shipping off to Iroq. Captain Keith decides that a distracted Josh is a liability on deck and pulls him off the deck. The Korneliya Mari is back to averaging 600 keepers per pot now that she is no longer sharing fishing grounds with the sehrgar. Greenhorn Ryan Simpson accidentally steps into the crab tank, earning the rest of crew a case of beer when they get back into town. Ekipaji sehrgar is working a 15-hour grind with big numbers. A radio call alerts them about the approaching ice pack, forcing the crew to stack their pots on deck and move to different grounds. The Vaqt qaroqchisi has returned after two days to the pots she had dropped 2 miles (3.2 km) from the ice pack before running to an offload. However, at the designated spot, the pots are nowhere to be found. After some searching, Captain Andy Hillstrand locates their pots and gets good numbers from them. He decides to set back on the same spot. Bortda Shimoli-g'arbiy, Deckhand Nick Mavar, Jr's wife calls with the news that Jake's sister, Chelsea Dawn Anderson, has died. Nick tells the news to Jake and the Shimoli-g'arbiy heads to St. Paul so that Jake can go home to be with his family. After a 47-hour shift, the crew of the Vaqt qaroqchisi hits the rack. Captain Johnathan Hillstrand is at the wheel monitoring the ice pack that is 5 miles (8.0 km) from their northern pots. When he receives a radio report on the movement of the pack, he rouses the crew so they can move all 80 of their pots before the ice pack reaches them. The 80 pots do not have enough crab in them to fill the boat and they must reset all 80 pots away from the ice pack. The Shimoli-g'arbiy is 1 mile (1.6 km) outside of St. Paul when the crew transfers Jake to another boat that is heading into port to offload. Deck Boss Edgar Hansen tells Jake that they will not likely hire somebody to fill his spot and they will work a four man deck.
6515"Day of Reckoning"2009 yil 21-iyul (2009-07-21)
The sehrgar is headed to Dutch Harbor to offload scheduled in 20 hours in heavy seas and with an iced over stack on deck. Captain Keith Colburn orders the crew to drop 40 pots from the top of the stack as the seas pick up to 35 feet (11 m) and 70-knot (130 km/h; 81 mph) winds. The Vaqt qaroqchisi has 80 pots to pick up to finish off the last of her 40,000 pounds (18,000 kg) quota before she heads to Dutch Harbor to offload. Captain Andy Hillstrand orders the crew to measure the remaining space in the middle tank, the crew ignores him. An angry Captain Johnathan Hillstrand goes on deck to do the measure himself and yell at the crew, in particular Mike Fourtner. After Captains Andy and Johnathan yell at the crew, the last pot of the season is hauled on board by a very subdued crew. After a 17-hour run, the Vaqt qaroqchisi arrives at Dutch Harbor where she offloads the last of her $900,000 quota. With too many deckhands on board, Captain Johnathan fires Deckhand Russell Newberry. Captain Johnathan makes a radio call to Captain Keith on the sehrgar to see if he needs another deckhand. The Shimoli-g'arbiy is trying to make up time lost from the run to St. Paul to drop off Jake Anderson. She has 72 hours to get the last 70,000 pounds (32,000 kg) of her quota. The pots pull up good numbers as the weather gets colder. The sehrgar arrives at Dutch Harbor where she offloads 375,000 pounds (170,000 kg) of crab. Greenhorn Josh Warner asks Captain Keith if he could have a spot on the boat if he returns in September, but Captain Keith tells him that he will not bring him back on the boat and to pack his bags. With an arctic hurricane due to hit the grounds by the end of the day, the Shimoli-g'arbiy crew is hurrying to get all 150 of their pots on board. Low numbers of keepers put their timeline in jeopardy. Captain Keith of the sehrgar meets with Russell Newberry and hires him for the rest of the opilio season. Russell packs up his gear on the Vaqt qaroqchisi and heads over to the sehrgar. Ekipaji Shimoli-g'arbiy works their 50th straight hour to bring up the last of 10,000 pounds (4,500 kg) of crab, capped off with the traditional flaming hook for the last pot of the season. With offload complete, the sehrgar heads back out to sea. Captain Keith wants to drop all of his pots before the arctic hurricane hits with full force. As the hurricane hits, the radio comes alive with reports of fishing boats in distress, including one call from the Coast Guard that an EPIRB has gone off.

6-fasl (2010)

SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
661"Sekin kuyish"2010 yil 13 aprel (2010-04-13)
672"Breaking 'Em In"2010 yil 20 aprel (2010-04-20)
683"Sea Tested"2010 yil 27 aprel (2010-04-27)
694"Bering Sea Swim Club"2010 yil 4-may (2010-05-04)
705"Arctic Quest"2010 yil 11-may (2010-05-11)
716"False Pass"May 18, 2010 (2010-05-18)
727"When Hell Freezes Over"2010 yil 25 may (2010-05-25)
738"We're Not in Kansas Anymore..."2010 yil 1-iyun (2010-06-01)
749"Shon-sharaf kunlari"2010 yil 8 iyun (2010-06-08)
7510"The Darkened Seas"2010 yil 15 iyun (2010-06-15)
7611"Blown Off Course"2010 yil 22 iyun (2010-06-22)
7712"Empty Throne"2010 yil 29 iyun (2010-06-29)
7813"Cain and Abel"2010 yil 6-iyul (2010-07-06)
7914"Qutqarish kuni"2010 yil 13-iyul (2010-07-13)
8015"Valhalla"2010 yil 20-iyul (2010-07-20)
8116"Endless"2010 yil 27 iyul (2010-07-27)

7-fasl (2011)

SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
821"New Blood"2011 yil 12 aprel (2011-04-12)
The episode opens with footage of the crews holding an informal memorial for Phil Harris before the start of the King crab season. Phil's ashes are placed in a crab pot and then dropped into the sea (which according to Josh Harris was his fathers' wish), and the crews set off fireworks (and a few guns) into the air. The Kodiak, Vaqt qaroqchisi, Shimoli-g'arbiy, sehrgar, va Korneliya Mari (now under Captain Derrick Ray) are joined this season by two new boats: the Seabrooke (Captain Scott Campbell, Jr.), and the Ramblin 'atirgul (Captain Elliot Neese).

The season is barely under way but tensions are already running high. Ustida Korneliya Mari, still in dock at Dutch Harbor, Jake & ships' mechanic Steve go on a shopping trip without letting Captain Derrick know. On their return Derrick & Steve get into a shouting match that nearly escalates into a physical confrontation. Ustida sehrgar, Captain Keith listens to a distress call from cargo vessel Ever Unique regarding a crew member with a broken neck. The Coast Guard medivac chopper is dispatched to retrieve him, and despite the size of the massive ship, has a difficult time finding a suitable spot to lower their man. Ustida Shimoli-g'arbiy, it is teased that Edgar Hansen has left the boat, with Sig wondering where his "baby brother " is. Edgar eventually is seen and begins work for his 23rd season. Meanwhile, Jake runs back and forth between the deck and the kitchen trying to have a meal ready for the crew who are confronted with a potentially work-ending issue with the crane. Ustida Seabrooke, problems are less serious: an empty coffee pot. While the coffee pot may be empty, they find full crab pots. Ustida Vaqt qaroqchisi, Captain Johnathan's tactic of setting on scallop beds does not pay off. Ustida sehrgar, a pot is lost when the line gets caught in the propeller. The rest of the pots come up empty, forcing Captain Keith to rethink his plans. Captain Derrick & Steve have agreed to set their issues aside and focus on fishing, and the Korneliya Mari finally leaves Dutch Harbor. Ustida Ramblin 'atirgul, Captain Elliot is upset when his crew parties all night and leaves a mess for him to clean up. In a meeting in the wheelhouse the other crew members blame Naiuli, and Captain Elliot decides to kick him off the boat.
832"Proving Grounds"2011 yil 19 aprel (2011-04-19)
The Korneliya Mari va Ramblin 'atirgul struggle to catch blue king crab. Engineer Steve Ward questions the skill of Captain Derrick Ray. Captain Elliot Neese discards the fishing advice he received from a friend and moves onto different fishing grounds. Bortda sehrgar, Captain Keith Colburn moves to a spot last used during the 2008 and 2009 seasons, but still can not find the crab. Concerned about his brother being on the stack, Captain Keith orders his brother Monte to take greenhorn Paul Edgren up on top to train him. When the crew grumbles about Paul slowing down the deck, Captain Keith pulls the entire crew from the deck and berates them about not following his orders. The Shimoli-g'arbiy gets good numbers from their first string of the season and sets back. Still on the crab, the Seabrooke also sets back. Qachon Seabrooke's greenhorn Kyle Babb slows down the deck, Captain Scott Campbell shuffles up the assignments and the deck pace picks up.
843"Old Age & Treachery"2011 yil 26 aprel (2011-04-26)
The struggles aboard the Korneliya Mari continue with poor numbers of crabs. Josh Harris asks Captain Derrick Ray for assurance that they will find the crab. Egged on by the crew, Jake Harris asks for and receives time at the helm. Then next day, when he asks for a second time at the helm, Captain Derrick Ray tells him no when he believes that he smells marijuana on Jake. Two weeks into the season with low numbers, Captain Keith of the sehrgar pulls out all of the superstitions to catch crab in an area called Black Canyon, but the good luck doesn't come and the boat continues to pull in low numbers. Greenhorn Paul Edgren gets caught up in the line of a pot, but the crew saves him from going overboard. Seeing no sign of changing numbers, Captain Keith decides to move to where his partner boat has good fishing. The numbers caught by the Seabrooke drop off, causing Deck Boss Bob Perkey to grip about Captain Scott "JR" Campbell. Junior decides that Bob has to go once they reach port to offload their red crab quota. Bob's son, greenhorn Kyle Babb also voluntarily leaves the boat. Hoping to break their own bad luck, the crew of the Time Bandit fires an AK-47 va AR-15 at a buoy named after former deckhand John Jorgensen who left the boat after the previous season, but their prospect string produces low numbers and the crew move on to a different fishing spot.
854"Breaking Point"2011 yil 3-may (2011-05-03)
The Seabrooke takes on an enthusiastic new greenhorn before heading off to go blue crab fishing. After two hours of fishing, the greenhorn enters the wheelhouse complaining that he has reached his mental breaking point after being hazed by the rest of the crew. On board the still struggling Korneliya Mari, tensions run high as both captain and crew begin to doubt each other. Josh and Jake Harris confront Captain Derrick Ray about the low numbers and how Derrick is running the boat. After getting a report on incoming weather and fearing dead loss, the Korneliya Mari anchors behind St. Matthew Island to wait on the storm. Bortda Kodiak, a broken hydraulic system in the deck crane forces the crew to push pots on deck. Deckhand Jake Jolibois injures his back after slipping on the deck. Jake refuses to come off deck until Captain Bill Wichrowski orders him off deck. The Ramblin 'atirgul offloads at St. Paul harbor where Captain Elliot Neese expects to offload around 35,000 pounds (16,000 kg) of blue crab, but when the offload is complete, the boat has only delivered 13,000 pounds (5,900 kg). Sifatida Ramblin 'atirgul heads out for their third trip of the season, Captain Elliot receives email from the boat's owner that they must catch 65,000 pounds (29,000 kg) of crab this trip or be forces to go out on a fourth trip. Ustida Shimoli-g'arbiy, Sig Hansen lets Jake Anderson pick the location of a 52-pot town soak.
865"A Wing and a Prayer"2011 yil 10-may (2011-05-10)
After offloading 141,000 pounds (64,000 kg) of crab, the Shimoli-g'arbiy heads off for their second trip. However, a power failure leaves the boat drifting uncontrollably towards the dock. While the rest of the crew ineffectively scrambles to drop the anchor, Edgar Hansen switches over to the auxiliary engine and restores power to the boat. Bortda sehrgar, the low numbers of crab makes Captain Keith Colburn feel that there is "bad juju" on board the boat and he orders the crew to sweep the boat for anything out of the ordinary. The crew finds a broken guitar handle belonging to Captain Andy Hillstrand of the Vaqt qaroqchisi that the crew had taken from him during an incident at a bar in town. The crew tosses the handle overboard, but the poor numbers continue. The next day, when Deck Boss Monte Colburn heads inside to take a break, he finds a seagull in the galley. Seagulls are thought to be the souls of lost seaman, so the crew takes it as a good sign that their luck as changed. Their luck does change as big numbers of crab finally come over the rail. When Deckhand Lynn Guitard takes wheel watch on the trip in to offload, he falls asleep at the wheel after turning off the watch alarm. The Seabrooke heads out to the blue king crab grounds. Low numbers of crab force the crew to step up the pace, which causes the greenhorn to struggle. He finally pulls himself off the deck when he can no longer deal with the cramps in his hands. Bortda Shimoli-g'arbiy, Jake Anderson takes the poor results of his town soak string of pots personally. When Jake and Edgar Hansen have a fierce argument, Captain Sig Hansen counsels Jake on how to handle the situation. Still pulling low numbers, Captain Johnathan Hillstrand of the Vaqt qaroqchisi heads back to the "slime banks" to fish an area that he did not cover weeks earlier. While the crew is dubious since the "slime banks" had produced low numbers, the gamble pays off and the Vaqt qaroqchisi yaxshi raqamlarni chiqaradi.
876"Yaralardan chiqish"2011 yil 17-may (2011-05-17)
Kapitan Keyt Kolbern sehrgar g'ildirakni tomosha qilish paytida uxlab yotgan Lin Gitardni ushlaydi. Ertasi kuni Lynn kechirim so'raydi, lekin Keyt unga boshqa g'ildirak soatini boshqa hech qachon qilmasligi mumkinligini aytdi, lekin agar u shunday qilsa va yana uxlab qolsa, u darhol ishdan bo'shatiladi. Qachon sehrgar nihoyat, 15 kunlik sayohatdan keyin yuk ko'tariladi, kapitan Keyt ko'proq yoqimli yo'qotishlarni ko'radi. Ustida Vaqt qaroqchisi, Kapitan Jonatan Xillstrand og'ir dengizlar Mayk Förtnerni oyog'idan yiqitgandan so'ng, kemani o'chirib qo'ydi. Kapitan Jonatan kemaning yopilishi paytida Qisqichbaqa biomassasi harakatlanishi mumkinligidan xavotirda, ammo ob-havo tugagandan so'ng yaxshi raqamlar yig'ilganda qo'rquv asossiz. Bortda Kodiak, Kemaning boshlig'i Odam Makkaldenning doimiy ravishda ekipajni kamsitishi, asta-sekin ishlayotgani kapitan Bill Vichrovskini unga kemadan tushirish buyrug'ini berishga majbur qiladi. Jek Jolibois hali ham orqa tomondan jarohat olgan holda, qayiq uch kishilik pastki bilan ishlashi kerak. 1600 funt (7300 kg) ko'k qirol qisqichbaqasini tushirgandan so'ng, aka-uka Xarrislar kapitan Derrik Reyga agar Korneliya Mari shaharcha iplari bilan yaxshi raqamlarga ega emas, chunki qayiq ko'k qirol qisqichbaqa baliq ovidan voz kechishi va qizil qirol qisqichbaqa baliq oviga borishi kerak. Ip bo'shliqlarni tortib olgach, qayiq qizil qisqichbaqa maydoniga qarab boradi. Biroq, yo'lda ekipaj endi kapitan Derrik ostida ishlamaslikka qaror qilishdi, ular qirol qisqichbaqalar mavsumini tugatishga qaror qilishdi. The Seabrooke's tushirishdan oldin katta surish, agar greenhorn ishdan chiqqanidan keyin kemaga qaytib kelmasa, qiyinlashadi. Qiymati 250000 funt sterling (23000 kg) bo'lgan ko'k shoxli qisqichbaqani 250 000 AQSh dollaridan tushirgandan so'ng, avvalgi greenhorn jo'nab ketgandek, Josh "Stroker" Graves yangi greenhornga ega bo'ladi. Qayiq suvga tushgandan bir necha soat o'tgach, dengiz kasal bo'lib qolganda, yangi greenhorn muvaffaqiyatsiz boshlandi.
887"O'g'ri kabi qalin"2011 yil 24-may (2011-05-24)
Dutch Harborga bug'lanib ketayotganda kapitan Derrick Ray Korneliya Mari, hali ham ekipajning bir qismi marixuana ishlatayotganiga shubha qilib, giyohvand moddalarni topish uchun ovga boradi va dvigatel xonasida giyohvand moddalarni topadi. Kapitan Derrik ularni chaqiradi Unalaska Politsiya departamenti uning gumonlari haqida va qayiq Dutch Harborga etib kelganida ularni sud majmuasida bo'lishlarini so'raydi. Kapitan Derrik ekipajga topgan narsasi bilan duch kelganda, ekipaj bu ularniki ekanligini rad etadi. Bortda Shimoli-g'arbiy, Qisqichbaqa sonini hisoblash Edgar Xansen Jeyk Andersondan kechirim so'raganidan keyin paydo bo'lib, Jeykning shaharchasida namlangan iplar past raqamlarni tortib olganidan keyin paydo bo'lgan ziddiyatni yumshatdi. Ning pastki qismi Kodiak Jeyk Jolibois kemada yordam berish uchun etarlicha tiklanganini va kemaning boshlig'i Adam Makkalden ekipajning qolgan a'zolariga qilgan munosabati uchun kapitan Vichrovskidan kechirim so'raganidan keyin besh kishilik ekipajga qaytdi. Biroq, besh kishilik pastki uzoq davom etmaydi, chunki qisqa qo'lli ish uzoq vaqt davomida Erik Andersonning oyog'iga zarar etkazgan va u kemadan tushirilgan. Ustida Ramblin 'atirgul, Kapitan Elliot Nizning ekipajni itarishi ekipajning ruhiy tushishini keltirib chiqaradi. Kemaning boshlig'i Kevin "Kado" Devis jarohat olganida va ob-havo yaxshilanmayotganida, kapitan Elliot uning turtkisini qayta ko'rib chiqadi va kemani o'chirib qo'yadi. Golland bandargohiga qaytib kelish bilanoq Korneliya Mari Jek Jeyms Xarris politsiyadan qochish uchun qayiqdan sakrab tushdi. Biroq, politsiya uni ushlaydi Unalaska aeroporti. So'roq qilinganida, u giyohvand moddalarni iste'mol qilishni rad etadi, ammo giyohvand moddalar testini o'tkazishdan bosh tortadi. Uning shaxsini tintuvdan so'ng, politsiya uni qo'yib yubordi, chunki ularda giyohvand moddalarni iste'mol qilish to'g'risida hech qanday ma'lumot yo'q. Jeyk samolyotga o'tirib, havoga ko'tariladi.
898"Bitiruv kuni"2011 yil 31 may (2011-05-31)
Bering dengizida bo'ron tushishidan oldin avtoulov parki mavsum oxiriga to'g'ri keladi. Ustida Ramblin 'atirgul, ekipaj kapitan Elliot Niz ularni qattiq haydashidan noroziligini davom ettirmoqda. Keyingi mavsumga qaytib kelmaslik haqida bir nechta gap. Biroq, mavsum yakunlangach va dekhandlar 1800000 funt sterling (83000 kg) bo'lgan 900 000 dollar qiymatidagi ko'k qisqichbaqa tashishidan 30 000 dollarlik ulushini olganda, to'rt dekand ham qaytib kelishga rozi. Bortda Shimoli-g'arbiy, Kapitan Sig Xansenga giyohvand moddalarning qaytalanishi sababli qirol Qisqichbaqa mavsumini o'tkazib yuborgan sobiq dekand Mett Bredlidan qo'ng'iroq qilinadi. Mett opilio mavsumi uchun o'z joyini so'raydi. Ekipaj mavsumni tugatgandan so'ng, Edgar Xansen kapitan Sigga yanvar oyida opilio mavsumiga qaytmasligini aytadi. Bortda o'yin vaqti keldi Vaqt qaroqchisi. Dastlabki masxarabozlik Jastin Tennison uchun tashabbus, chunki undan opilio mavsumiga qaytish talab qilinadi. Ekipaj mavsumning so'nggi qozonini un bombalari bilan o'rnatdi, shunda Jastin qozonga o'ralganida, un blokdan portladi. Ikkinchi prank kapitan Sigga qaratildi Shimoli-g'arbiy. Bir nechta osmon chiroqlari shamolning boshlangan shamolida Shimoli-g'arbiy kapitan Signi ko'rdim deb o'ylamoq uchun NUJ. Mavsumning omadsizligi sehrgar shamchiroqlarni suv ostiga tortadigan kuchli oqimlar tufayli mavsumning so'nggi ipidagi beshta qozon yo'qolganda davom etadi.
909"Dengiz o'zgarishi"2011 yil 7-iyun (2011-06-07)
2011 yilgi opilio qisqichbaqa mavsumi ekipajning ko'plab o'zgarishi bilan boshlanadi: Hillstrand akaning har yili boshqaruvini o'zgartirishi Vaqt qaroqchisi Andyni egallashi bilan; Travis Lofland ilgari sehrgar va Eddi Uvekoolani, kichik, o'g'lining dekkandi Eddi Uvekoolanining o'g'li, Vaqt qaroqchisi; Edgar Xansen tark etadi Shimoli-g'arbiy Mett Bredli qaytib kelganda va Ken Blakli ekipaj tarkibiga qo'shiladi; Freddi Maugatai Korneliya Mari ga qo'shilish sehrgar; va Korneliya Mari Toni Larada yangi sardor, yangi muhandis / dekan Troy Xalls va yangi dekhand Deyl Pruittni oladi. Filo katta bo'ron urishidan oldin kostryulkalarini tashlashga urinish uchun dengizga chiqadi. The Vaqt qaroqchisi va Korneliya Mari vaqt sinovidan o'tgan baliq ovlash joylariga boring. The Ramblin 'atirgul ta'mirlash ishlari olib borilayotgan portda qolib ketgan. Shiddatli bo'ron urib, avtoulovning bo'ronni kutib turishini to'xtatdi.
9110"Chegara tibbiyoti"2011 yil 14 iyun (2011-06-14)
Arktik bo'ron bortida qo'pol baliq ovlashga olib keladi Shimoli-g'arbiy haddan tashqari to'lqinlar tufayli bir necha to'xtash va boshlash bilan. Bir necha pastki ta'mirlashdan so'ng, sehrgar qozonlarni tortib oladi. Muhandis Lenni Lekonoff kemaning to'lqini bilan qulflanadi va tirsagidan teshilgan jarohatni oladi. Kapitan Ket Kolbern Lennining tirsagiga bir nechta tikuv qo'yadi va Lenni kemaning boshiga qaytadi. Shuningdek, jarohatlar Vaqt qaroqchisi to'lqin Mayk Förtnerning yuzini saralash stoliga tushirganda. Kapitan Endi Xillstrand uni yamab qo'ydi va Mayk kemaga qaytib ketdi. Biroq, greenhorn Eddie Uwekoolani, Jr., aka-uka Hillstrandga xo'ppozlangan tish bilan baliq ovlaganligini aytganda baliq ovlash yana to'xtaydi. Hech qanday imkoniyatga ega bo'lmaslik Vaqt qaroqchisi Kichik Eddi avtoulovning shimolidagi baliq oviga moyil bo'lish uchun Sankt-Poldagi portga boradi Seabrooke pastki qavatdagi og'ir muz bilan kurashadi. Kapitan Skott Kempbell, kichik qayiqning muzlashiga yo'l qo'ymaslik uchun, uning qisqichbaqa idishlarining yuqori qatlamini dengizga tashlaydi. Qolgan kostryulkalar deyarli muzlab qolgan, ekipaj uchun qo'shimcha ish olib keladi, chunki ularni baliq ovlash joylariga tashlaydilar. Butun filo kemadagi muz bilan shug'ullanadi.
9211"Qushlar, suyaklar va qon"2011 yil 21 iyun (2011-06-21)
Freddi Maugatai va greenhorn Kevin Stafford tomonidan qilingan treska o'ljasidan qon ichishning qadimiy marosimi yaxshi ob-havo va yaxshi baliq ovi olib keladi. sehrgar. Dag'al dengizlar bortida qo'pol baliq ovlashga imkon beradi Shimoli-g'arbiy. Dekkand Nik Mavar, kichkina terib oladigan kancaga urilib, uning burni singan. Sankt-Pol bandargohiga o'z navbatini kutish uchun langar tashlamoqchi bo'lganida Vaqt qaroqchisi langar chizig'ini kesib, kapitan Endi Xillstrandni suzish vaqtigacha sakkiz soat davomida qayiqda yugurishga majbur qildi. Qayiq yukni tushirish paytida Eddi Uvekoolani, kichik tishlarini tortib olish uchun tish shifokoriga murojaat qiladi. Yuk tushirish tugagandan so'ng Vaqt qaroqchisi ekipaj o'z langarini dengiz tubidan olib chiqmoqda. Dvigatelni ta'mirlash ishlari yakunlandi Ramblin 'atirgul. Kapitan Elliott Niz 100 ta qozon qidirib topmasdan qimor o'ynaydi, ammo qimor ishlamaydi va ekipaj bo'shliqlarni tortib oladi.
9312"Hammasi May-Tais va Yahtzi emas"2011 yil 28 iyun (2011-06-28)
Kapitan Toni Lara ularni etkazib berish sanasini belgilashdan xavotirda Korneliya Mari 600 dan ortiq baliq ovlanadigan joylardan o'zlarining protsessorlariga yaqinroq joylarga. Biroq, yangi asoslar kam sonli raqamlarga olib kelganda, bu harakat ishlamaydi. Bo'ron oldidan "tirik qolish" idishlarini olib ketayotganda, Kris "Whipper" Welch Seabrooke pastki kranidan tushgan muz bo'lagi bilan uriladi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy rejalashtirilgan yukdan oldin so'nggi iplarini baliq tutadi. Gripp ekipaj a'zolari orasida tarqaladi Kodiak. Erkin tebranadigan idish ekipaj uchun keskin va xavfli daqiqalarni keltirib chiqaradi. The sehrgar 615 ming dollarlik 312,000 funt (142,000 kg) qisqichbaqasini Dutch Harborda yuklaydi. Deckhand Lin Guitard, kapitan Keyt Kolberndan kemaning ustunini mahkam bog'lab, yomon ish qilganidan keyin tanbeh oldi. "Omon qolish" qatoridan va ikkita istiqbolli satrdan olingan noaniq raqamlardan so'ng, Seabrooke nihoyat uchinchi istiqbolli ip bilan qisqichbaqada.
9413"Qaroqchilar maktabi"2011 yil 5-iyul (2011-07-05)
Kapitan Toni Lara past raqamlar orqali silliqlash Korneliya Mari Josh Harrisga dars berish tajribasi sifatida, o'lja kam bo'lgan payt kapitanga xabar berolmagan Rayan Simpsonning xatosidan foydalanadi. Baliq ovining yangi joyiga ko'chib o'tgach, qayiq yana bir bor qisqichbaqada. Ustida Ramblin 'atirgul, kostryulkalar juda ko'p tortmoqda. Kapitan Elliot Niz pervaneni uloqtirgan deb o'ylaydi, lekin yana tekshirganda, u faqat g'ildirak uyidagi gaz kelebeğinden vites qutisiga qadar nazorat chizig'ini kesganligini biladi. Ustida Vaqt qaroqchisi, itlardan deyarli sinib ketadigan idish ekipajni qo'rqitadi. Jonatan Xillstrand kichik Eddi Uvekoolani dengizchi singari qanday qilib pichirlashni o'rganishi kerak, degan qarorga keladi, ammo kichik Eddi o'lja yemaydi. Ustida sehrgar, Kapitan Ketbern, greenhorn Daniel Maki yomon munosabatda deb hisoblaydi va qo'shimcha smenada ishlagandan so'ng, pastki qismida sustkashlik qilmoqda. Doniyorga raketka o'rniga kemadan tushishi mumkinligi aytilganida, u kapitan Kitga sustkashlik qilmaganligini isbotlash uchun orqaga qaytdi. Yaxshi raqamlarni baliq ovlash paytida, Chris "Whipper" Welch of Seabrooke xotini bilan gaplashish uchun uyga qo'ng'iroq qiladi. Whipper, oilaviy muammolarni hal qilish uchun uyiga borishi kerak deb o'ylaydi. U kapitan Skott "Junior" Kempbellga qirol Qisqichbaqa mavsumida olgan oshqozon jarohati alangalanib ketganidan shikoyat qiladi. Kapitan Junior va ekipaj unga ozgina hamdardlik ko'rsatmoqda. Kapitan Juniorning fikricha, Uipper jarohatni uyiga ketish uchun bahona sifatida ishlatgan bo'lishi mumkin.
9514"Orol"2011 yil 12-iyul (2011-07-12)
Sankt-Pol bandargandagi katta shishlar yukni qiyin yuklashga olib keladi sehrgar. Kapitan Keyt Kolbern Qisqichbaqa protsessoridan og'ir chiziqlar olguncha chiziqlar uzilib, qayiq toshlar. O'chirish tugagandan so'ng sehrgar qiymati $ 882,000 bo'lgan 424,000 funt (192,000 kg) qisqichbaqasini etkazib berdi. Kapitan Sig Xansen rejalashtirilgan yukidan oldin silliqlash Shimoli-g'arbiy Mett Bredli ilgakni uloqtirishda bir necha bor yo'qolganidan norozi bo'lib, uning o'rniga temir yo'lda Jeyk Andersonni qo'ydi. Yuk ko'tarish uchun qochib ketayotganda, charchoq kapitan Signi Jakni uni rulda yengillashtirishga chaqiradi. Kapitan Siq Jeykni avtoulovni avliyo Polga olib borishga ruxsat beradi. Ustida Seabrooke, Kapitan Skott Kempbell akasi Kris "Qamchiq" Uelchni oxir-oqibat uyda g'amxo'rlik qilishi kerak bo'lgan muammo borligini tan olishga majbur qiladi. Whipper Seabrooke qayiq tushganda. Ustida Kodiak, Kemaning boshlig'i Adam Makkalden kapitan Bill Vichrovskiga ipni ipning yarmidan o'tguncha, tutilgan qisqichbaqa bilan "iflos" bo'lguncha xabar bermaydi. Nazorat kapitan Billda Odam qayiqni ilgarilash va boshqarish uchun zarur bo'lgan narsaga egami yoki yo'qmi degan savol tug'diradi.
9615"Men kabusni hidlayman"2011 yil 19-iyul (2011-07-19)
Filo katta bo'ron oldidan mavsumni yakunlash uchun katta kuch sarflaydi. Bortda Vaqt qaroqchisi, uyquning etishmasligi Mayk Förtner va Jastin Tennison kabi jirkanch odamlar orasida alangalanishga olib keladi. Mayk Förtner va Skott Xillstrand ustidan to'siqdan o'tib ketayotgan chiziq. Chiziqdan sakrab o'tishda tezkor reaktsiyalar chiziqni ikkitasini bortdan tortib olishga imkon bermaydi. Mavsumning so'nggi ipini baliq ovlash paytida gidravlikani boshqaradigan kompressor motori Ramblin 'atirgul haddan tashqari qizib ketadi va ishlamay qoladi. Kapitan Elliot Niz plyonkalarni to'ldirish uchun ishlatiladigan kompressor bilan tuzatishni birlashtiradi. Yig'ilgan gidravlika ishlamay qolguncha, ekipaj so'nggi 200 ta qozonni olish uchun poyga qiladi. Ustida Korneliya Mari, Kapitan Toni Lara Jeyk boshqaruvida ko'proq tajriba hosil qilish uchun ipni tortib olayotganda Jeyk Xarris bilan pozitsiyalarni almashtiradi. Kapitan Toni qisqichbaqa qozoniga zarba berayotganda o'ng bisep mushaklarini yirtib tashlaydi va pastki qavatdan boshini ko'taradi. Kapitan Toni Joshga o'zining ilk simini o'rnatishiga imkon beradi. Qisqichbaqa kam bo'lgan 48 soatlik surish paytida kapitan Skott Kempbell Seabrooke o'tmish azobiga berilib ketadi buyrak toshi va nogironlar uyini tark etadi. Bortda sehrgar, Qum burgalari tufayli oz miqdordagi Qisqichbaqa bo'lgan kostryulkalar yemni puchga chiqarishdi kapitan Keyt Kolbern va u buni filmning operatori Bredli Karperga olib chiqdi.
9716"Mohawks & Madness, Goodness and Gladness"2011 yil 26-iyul (2011-07-26)
Ekipaj a'zolari past raqamlar bilan uzoq vaqt silliqlashgandan so'ng sehrgar Freddi Maugatayning da'vati bilan qayiqning omadsizligini sindirish uchun sochlarini moxlarga tarash. "Mohawk" ipi to'liq idishlarni tortganda qayiqning omadliligi o'zgaradi. Ustida Korneliya Mari, Josh Xarris tomonidan o'rnatilgan ip juda ko'p sonni tortadi va qayiq mavsumga kirishadi. Kapitan Skott Kempbell Seabrooke unga yo'l olgan buyrak toshidan o'tib, mavsumning so'nggi mag'lubiyatini boshqarishni davom ettiradi. Kapitan Bill Vichrovskiy Kodiak kemaning boshlig'i Adam Makkalden qayiqni Dutch Harborga olib borishiga imkon beradi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy mavsumni bo'ron oldidan yakunlash uchun musobaqalar. Kapitan Sig Xansen kemani yig'ish uchun Jeyk Andersenni tayinlaydi. Sarson boshlanganidan so'ng, Jeyk topshiriqni bajarib, ekipajning hurmatiga sazovor bo'ldi. Osmon fonari uchun qasos sifatida amaliy hazil Vaqt qaroqchisi, Kapitan Sig kapitan Endi Xillstrandni tortib olishga undaydi Vaqt qaroqchisi ga yaqin Shimoli-g'arbiy orqasida bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan tebranishni tekshirish uchun Shimoli-g'arbiy. Qachon Vaqt qaroqchisi yaqinlashadi, ekipaj Shimoli-g'arbiy plyonkalarni tarqatib yuborish Vaqt qaroqchisi. The Vaqt qaroqchisi ekipaj o'zlarining otashinlari bilan "javob qaytaradilar".

8-fasl (2012)

SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
981"Gamble"2012 yil 10 aprel (2012-04-10)
Yangi mavsum boshlanishi bilan va qizil qisqichbaqa kvota yarmiga qisqartirildi, park - bu bo'lingan park. Har bir kapitan yo'q bo'lib ketgan qizil qisqichbaqalar maydonchalarida baliq ovlashni davom ettirish to'g'risida qaror qabul qilishi yoki ov qilishda uzoq sayohatni xavf ostiga qo'yishi kerak. ko'k qisqichbaqa. The Korneliya Mari ekspluatatsiya xarajatlari yuqori bo'lganligi sababli parkga qaytmaydi. Josh Xarris ekipaj tarkibiga qo'shildi Vaqt qaroqchisi va uning akasi Jeyk ekipaj tarkibiga qo'shiladi Shimoli-g'arbiy.
992"Turf urushi"2012 yil 17 aprel (2012-04-17)
Qabul qilingan qarorlar Seabrooke, Ramblin 'atirgul va sehrgar Moviy Qisqichbaqa maydoniga yo'naltirilgan. Kichik kapitan Skott Kempbell va kapitan Elliott Niz o'rtasida do'stona bahs olib boriladi, 100000 funt qisqichbaqani ushlagan birinchi qayiq 1000.00 dollar oladi. The Seabrooke yaxshi baliq ovida, lekin Ramblin 'atirgul Qisqichbaqa topishda va notekis dengizlarda muammolarga duch kelmoqda. Elliott kemada munosabat bilan bog'liq muammolarga duch kelmoqda. Qizil Qisqichbaqa maydonchasida Vaqt qaroqchisi 2011 yil 11 fevralda Alyaskaning Homer shahrida vafot etgan Jastin Tennisonning kulini olib yurib, yana bir yil davomida "shilimshiq banklarda". Shuningdek, Qizil Qisqichbaqa maydonchasida, bortida Shimoli-g'arbiy, Kapitan Sig Xansen va akasi Edgar Edgarning kelajagini muhokama qilishmoqda. Shlangi chiziqdagi qochqin baliq ovini Edgar uni ta'mirlamaguncha to'xtatadi. Ular bir kunda 25000 funt qisqichbaqa tutib, to'liq kostryulkalar bilan mukofotlanadi. Moviy Qisqichbaqa maydoniga qaytib, kapitan Skot Kempbell Jr. uning qozonlari yengil torta boshlaganini payqab, Ramblin 'atirgul kostyumlarni ipiga qo'yib, uni "pastga tushirdi". U kapitan Elliott Nizni ozgina muvaffaqiyat bilan qarshi olish uchun chaqiradi.
1003"Zaif havolalar"2012 yil 24 aprel (2012-04-24)
Moviy Qisqichbaqa maydonchasida kapitan Skott Kempbell Jr hanuzgacha Elliott Niz bilan maysazor urushi paytida. Ramblin ' Gul. U kichkina kostryulkalarni tortib olmoqda va ekipaj saralash stolida beparvolik qilmoqda. Asosiy aybdor kapitan Skottning ukasi Kris 'qamchi' Welch. Bo'ron Moviy Qisqichbaqa maydoniga o'tayotganda, Ramblin 'atirgul kapitan Skottning ipiga o'rnatilgan kostryulkalar ipining so'nggi qismini tortadi. Kambag'al baliq ovi, yomon ob-havo va ekipajning munosabatidan ranjigan kapitan Elliott kemaga o'zlarining ekipajiga o'zlarining munosabatlari va kemadagi tartibsizlik holati bilan duch kelish uchun yo'l oldi. The sehrgar Moviy Qisqichbaqa hududida qolgan ikkita qayiq bilan bir xil bo'ronda ushlangan. sehrgar greenhenn Danny Maki boshqa dekandlarni ushlab qolish uchun kurashmoqda va oyog'ini jarohatlaganida, qotib qolgan ekipaj unga rahm qilmaydi. Qizil Qisqichbaqa maydonchasida Vaqt qaroqchisi Qisqichbaqa ustiga tushdi va kapitan Jonatan Xillstrand Jastin Tennisonlarning kulini tarqatish vaqti keldi deb qaror qildi. Ekipaj kemada yig'ilib, o'zlarining hurmatlarini bildirishdi va uning kullarini Bering dengiziga Jolli Rojer bayrog'i bilan birga tarqatishdi. U bilan so'nggi vidolashuv chog'ida otishma va qichqiriqlar yangraydi. Bortda Kodiak, Kapitan "Yovvoyi" Bill Vichrovski bo'sh kostryulkalardan va uning yangi ekipaj a'zosi Jeyson Reynuoterdan hafsalasi pir bo'ldi. U moslashishga qiynalmoqda va yo'nalishni yaxshi qabul qilmaydi. Kapitan Bill yomg'ir suvi qisqichbaqani o'lchamayotganini payqadi va unga ekipaj tanklarda kichik qisqichbaqa bo'lganligi uchun jarima to'lashini va boshqa ekipaj a'zolari ham unga murojaat qilishini eslatadi. Yomg'ir suvi temir yo'lga qo'yiladi, idishlarni tashiydi, ular to'liq ko'tarila boshlaydi va pastki va g'ildiraklar uyidagi iqlim o'zgaradi. Kapitan Skott hali ham kambag'al raqamlar va kemadagi yomon munosabat bilan kurashmoqda. Kris 'qamchi' Welch qo'lini blok ostida ushlaydi va muz ustida 12 soat vaqt o'tkazadi. Kapitan Skottning suhbatidan so'ng, qamchi kemaga qaytadi. The Ramblin 'atirgul juda yomon ob-havo sharoitida charchagan ekipaj bilan jihozni qayta o'rnatmoqda. Ularning salbiy izohlari nogironlar aravachasida eshitilib, kapitan Elliottni yanada puchga chiqardi. Deckboss Kevin 'Kado' Devis vaziyatni yumshatish uchun nogironlar aravachasiga boradi va kapitan Elliott ekipajga uch soatlik uxlashni majbur qilgan.
1014"Kanca"2012 yil 1-may (2012-05-01)
Baliq ovlash Qizil Qisqichbaqa maydonchalarida yaxshi ketmoqda, Moviy Qisqichbaqa maydonlarida bu boshqacha hikoya. "Seabrooke" juda og'ir ob-havo sharoitida yuk tashiydi. Kapitan Skott Kempbell kichik obro'li raqamlarni olmoqda, ammo uning ekipajiga ob-havo va notekis dengizlar qiyin. "Ramblin gullari" xuddi shu bo'ron bilan kurashmoqda. "Sehrgar" da kapitan Kit Kolbern jarohat olgan dekani Danni Makini tekshiradi va uni ishiga qaytishiga ishontiradi. "Sehrgar" Moviy Qisqichbaqani topishda muammolarga duch keldi va kapitan Keyt Moviy Qisqichbaqa maydonlaridan voz kechib, Qizil Qisqichbaqaga o'tishga qaror qildi. "Kodiak" da kapitan Yovvoyi Bill Vichrovski to'ldirilgan kostryulkalarni tortib olib, o'g'li Zakni ilgakka qo'yish uchun yaxshi vaqt deb qaror qildi. Zak avvaliga yaxshi ishlaydi, ammo ipning yarmida uning uchun narsalar yiqila boshlaydi. Kapitan Uayld Bill Zakka tajribasidan unumli foydalanish uchun bir nechta ko'rsatgich bilan foyda olish uchun pastki qismga tushadi, ammo Zakning avfiy so'zlaridan keyin hafsalasini pir qiladi. "Shimoli-g'arbiy qismida" Jeyk Xarris "Norvegiya uslubi" ilgagini uloqtirish bo'yicha saboq olmoqda. To'rt urinishdan so'ng u nihoyat qozonni tortib olishga muvaffaq bo'ldi. Dars tugadi, kapitan Sig Edgarni yana ilmoqqa qo'ydi. "Seabrooke" mavsumdagi birinchi Blue Crab yukini tushirish uchun Sankt-Polga etib bormoqda. Ular ketayotganlarida yukni tushirish uchun yo'lda "Ramblin" atirgulini uchratishadi. Key Seithhorn Denni Maki-ni ishdan bo'shatganda, "Sehrgar" Golland Harborga qaytdi va ko'k rangli Qisqichbaqa idishlarini qizil rangga almashtirdi. "Shimoli-g'arbiy qismida" kapitan Sig Xansen "Vaqt qaroqchisi" bortida Josh Xarrisdan qo'ng'iroq qilib, akasi Jeykni tug'ilgan kuni bilan tabriklashga chaqirdi.
1025"Chet elliklarni o'g'irlash"2012 yil 8-may (2012-05-08)
Kapitan Keyt Kolbern sehrgar aeroportda yangi greenhorn Kris Skambler bilan uchrashish uchun kelgan va darhol xavotirga tushgan, chunki Kris ilgari qayiqda bo'lmagan va hatto uyidan uzoq bo'lmagan. Mavsumning eng katta bo'roni - bu kaltaklanish Ramblin 'atirgul u Moviy Qisqichbaqa maydonchasidagi bo'sh idishlar yonida olib yurishda davom etmoqda. Kapitan Elliott Niz svetoforning dvigateliga o'tmayotganini payqab, dvigatel xonasiga yo'l oldi. Muammo shundaki, u almashtirishga qodir bo'lgan o'zgaruvchan simi, ammo ekipajning ruhiy holati eng past darajada. Kapitan Jonatan Xillstrand Vaqt qaroqchisi nevarasiga tug'ilgan kunida chekishni tashlashini va yarim tunda Josh Xarris va ikkalasi chekishni tashlashni va'da qildi. Moviy Qisqichbaqa maydonchasida Seabrooke bo'ronning o'rtasida kemaning to'liq yuki bilan. Ekipaj keyingi uch soat ichida yukni engillashtirish uchun 35 ta idish o'rnatishga sarflaydi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy uch hafta davomida yaxshi baliq ovida edi, ammo ularning soni kamaymoqda. Pastki patron Edgar Xansen kemada kalamush alomatlarini payqab, uni ushlaydi va bochkaga tashlaydi. Ular keyingi dockda uni ozod qilishga qaror qilishdi. Kapitan Sig Norvegiya kalamushlari qayiqda omad tilaydi, deb izohlaydi. Kastryulkalar yana to'la-to'kis ko'tarila boshlaydi. Dutch Harbor-da sehrgareng yangi greenhorn, Kris Scambler, birinchi safari uchun tayyorlanmoqda. Brady Quinn boshqasi sehrgar greenhorn. Ustida Vaqt qaroqchisi kapitan Jonatan Xillstrand sigaret ichganiga va bosim kuchayganiga sakkiz soat bo'ldi. U rejadan tashqari yukdan 24 soat oldin ishlaydi va u o'z tanklarini to'ldirish uchun omadga muhtoj. Deckxand Josh Xarris ekipajning qolgan a'zolaridan bir oz tebranganidan keyin ichkariga kirib, sigaret chekmoqda. Sifatida sehrgar yomon ob-havoni topib, Qizil Qisqichbaqa maydoniga etib keladi. Ustida Seabrooke ob-havo yomon, lekin dvigatel xonasidan signal eshitilganda baliq ovlash yaxshi bo'ladi. Kapitan Skott Kempbell Jr. tergovga boradi va buni aniqlaydi Seabrooke uning ikkita asosiy dvigatelidan birini portlatdi. sehrgar Kapitan Keyt Kolbern akasi Monte bilan telefon orqali greenhorn Kris Skambler haqida so'raydi va uning muammolarini aytib beradi. Faxriy ekipaj unga Qisqichbaqa qayig'ining pastki qismida ishlash uchun nimalarni bilishi kerakligini o'rgatmoqchi bo'lganida, Kris qiynalmoqda. Kris nogironlar aravachasiga boradi va kapitan Keytga dahshatga tushganini va u davom ettirishiga amin emasligini tan oladi. Kapitan Keyt unga ishiga qaytishdan boshqa imkoniyat bermaydi va Kris kemaning pastki qismida orqaga qaytadi sehrgar.
1036"Muhim belgilar"2012 yil 15-may (2012-05-15)
The Shimoli-g'arbiy Uy egasi Edgar Xansen qo'ng'iroqni qabul qilganda Qizil Qisqichbaqa joyida. Uning rafiqasi endigina onasi vafot etgan Norvegiyadan qaytib keldi. The Shimoli-g'arbiy qayiqni to'ldirish uchun atigi 30 ming funt kerak, ammo baliq ovi dahshatli. Dengizda faqat to'rt kun bo'lganidan keyin, sehrgar Kapitan Keyt Kolbern ob-havo sharoiti tufayli baliq ovlashni to'xtatganligi sababli greenhorn Kris Skambler kurash olib bormoqda. The Seabrooke Sankt-Polda ikkinchi marta ko'k rangli qisqichbaqalar borligi va kapitan Elliott Niz bilan garov yutish uchun etarli. Kapitan Skott Kempbell Jr. otasini tuzatish uchun biron bir qismni manba bilan ta'minlaganligini tekshirishga chaqiradi Seabrooke's nogiron dvigatel, ammo yo'q. Kapitan Skott portni yopishdan oldin avliyo Polni tark etishga qaror qilar ekan, ob-havo yomonlashmoqda. Bu oqimni bosib turadigan xoin chiqish Seabrooke toshli qirg'oq tomon. Ramblin 'atirgul Kapitan Elliott Nizga kema egalari qo'ng'iroq qilib, agar u ishlab chiqarishni boshlamasa, ular uning o'rniga boshqa kemani yuborishadi. Baliq ovlash juda yomon bo'lganligi sababli, kapitan Elliott ekipajini ishlab chiqarishni yanada qiyinlashtiradi. The sehrgar 25 metrlik dengiz bilan kurashmoqda va kapitan Keyt Kolbern o'zining xavfsizligi uchun kemada boshpana berishni o'zlarining yashil gullari - Kris Skambler va Bradi Kvinnga buyuradi. Kran kranni bo'shatib, pastki qismga qulab tushgandan so'ng, kapitan Kit hammaga kemadan tushishni buyuradi. Moviy Qisqichbaqa maydonlarida bo'ron haqida ogohlantirishlar mavjud Seabrook qozonlarni bitta dvigatel bilan tortib olish uchun kurashadi. Ob-havo Qizil Qisqichbaqa sharoitida yaxshilanganda sehrgar yana baliq ovlashni boshlaydi, ammo greenhorn, Kris Skambler, o'ng elkasi va qo'lida qattiq og'riqdan aziyat chekmoqda. Birinchi turmush o'rtog'i Gari Soper Krisni kemadan olib chiqadi va kapitan Kit pastga qulab tushganini va shok alomatlarini ko'rsatayotganini ko'radi. Sog'lig'i yomonlashishi bilan kapitan Keyt Sohil xavfsizlik xizmatiga qo'ng'iroq qilishga qaror qildi. Yaxshiyamki, ularga atigi 15 daqiqa qoldi. Ekipaj Kris bilan birga bo'lib, unga biron bir suyuqlik ichishga majbur qilganda, uning ahvoli yomonlashadi.
1047"Men o'lishni xohlamayman"2012 yil 22-may (2012-05-22)
sehrgar Greenhorn Kris Skambler jiddiy muammoga duch kelmoqda, chunki kapitan Keyt Kolbern va ekipajning qolgan qismi USCG 6010 vertolyotini kutishmoqda. Qutqaruvchi suzuvchi kemaga tushib, Krisning ahvoliga kirish uchun pastga tushganda, u Krisni havodan ko'tarib, davolanish uchun Sovuq ko'rfazga olib borish kerak deb qaror qildi. Ko'tarilgandan so'ng ekipaj va kapitan Kit hayratda va Krisga bo'lgan munosabatini so'roq qilmoqda. Ular ishlashga qaytib, birinchi ipni Krisga bag'ishlashadi. Arktikadagi dovul baliq ovlashni to'xtatish bilan tahdid qilmoqda. Bu 1977 yildan beri eng yomon bo'ron bo'lib, Moviy Qisqichbaqa maydonchasida parkning katta qismi Sent-Metyu oroli orqasida joylashgan, ammo Ramblin 'atirgul baliq tutishda davom etmoqda. Ob-havo va baliq ovi dahshatli va ekipaj bo'ronning og'ir yukini his qilmoqda. Nihoyat qayiq egasidan qo'ng'iroq keladi va kapitan Elliott Nizga Avliyo Metyu oroli orqasidagi parkning qolgan qismiga qo'shilishga buyruq beriladi. Ekipaj yengil tortdi, ammo kapitan Elliott jigarda. Qizil Qisqichbaqa asosida Shimoli-g'arbiy bo'ron urishidan oldin tanklarini to'ldirishga harakat qilmoqda. So'nggi idish ko'zga tashlanarkan, Deckboss Edgar Xansen Jeyk Xarrisdan "olovli ilmoqni" tashlashni so'raydi. Oxirgi Qizil King Qisqichbaqa kostryulkasini tortib olgandan so'ng, Jeyk Xarris kemaga qayta taklif qilindi Shimoli-g'arbiy Opilio mavsumi uchun. Moviy Qisqichbaqa asosida Seabrooke hali ham bo'ronda baliq tutayotgan so'nggi qayiq. Kapitan Skott Kempbell Jr qisqichbaqada, ammo hanuzgacha ikkita asosiy dvigatelidan bittasi bilan baliq ovlamoqda. Kapitan Skott Sent-Metyus orqasida boshpana izlashga qaror qilganda, u halokatli Shelikof bo'g'ozidan o'tishi kerak. Ob-havo shunchalik yomonki, u chuqurlik o'lchagichi ishlamay qolganda boshqarish uchun asboblariga tayanishi kerak.
1058"Oqibatlari"2012 yil 29 may (2012-05-29)
Arktikadagi bo'rondan so'ng, flot shafqatsiz qirol Qisqichbaqa mavsumining marrasiga etib borish uchun kurashmoqda. Kambag'al baliq ovi va janjal ekipajlari ushbu finalni Bering dengizidagi har bir erkak uchun og'riqli qiladi.
1069"Boshqa pastga boradigan joy yo'q"2012 yil 5-iyun (2012-06-05)
2012 yilgi opilio qisqichbaqalar mavsumi tahlikali xavfli belgi bilan keldi: 1972 yildan buyon eng qattiq Bering dengizi bo'lgan qish qutb muzini janubga juda katta tezlik bilan itarib, avtoulovning ko'paygan kvotani ushlab qolish qobiliyatiga tahdid solmoqda. The sehrgar yengillik sardori Monte Kolbern va yangi greenhorn Rojer Shloshteyn bilan birga qaytib keladi, ammo Monte va muhandis Lenni Lekanoff jarohatlar bilan shug'ullanmoqda. Yaxshiyamki, kapitan Ket Kolbernning omadliligi parkning qolgan qismiga qaraganda yaxshiroqdir, chunki birinchi qatorda to'liq kostryulkalar yon tomondan o'tib ketadi. Ustida Ramblin 'atirgul, ekipajning yarmi sinab ko'rilgan qirol Qisqichbaqa mavsumidan keyin yangi va kemaning boshlig'i Kevin "Kado" Devis nuqsonlarni Seabrooke kapitan Elliott Niz tomonidan munosabatdagi muammolar uchun bo'shashib qolganidan keyin. Kapitan Elliottning nogironlar aravachasidagi ishi hozirda, lekin uning fikri u bolalari va sobiq qiz do'sti bilan, u mavsum davomida u bilan aloqani uzgan va qo'ng'iroqlarini qaytarib bermagan. The Seabrooke kapitan Skott Kempbell, kichik port o'z dvigatelini ishini bir necha haftaga kechiktirish bilan tahdid qilganini aniqlagandan so'ng, Gollandiyalik portga qaytishga majbur. The Vaqt qaroqchilari omad hammasidan ham yomoni - tez ketma-ketlikda, travis Lofland niderland tilidagi bortga qulab tushdi, ekipaj ahmoqona tarzda qayiqni muzdan tushirish uchun minomyotlardan foydalanishga qaror qilganidan so'ng, rulon foydalanishga yaroqsiz bo'lib qoldi (ekipajni qo'l bilan spiralga o'tirishga majbur qilmoqda) kapitan Endi Xillstrand tomonidan o'rnatilgan birinchi ip bo'shliqlar bilan chiqadi. The Kodiak Chizib qo'yilgan muzli idish kapitan "Yovvoyi" Bill Vichrovskining o'g'li Zakni zo'rg'a sog'inayotganda o'qdan qochadi Shimoli-g'arbiy, kemaning boshlig'i Edgar Xansen kapitan Sig Xansen bilan kostryulkalarni to'plashda boshlarini urib tushirgan, pastki qavatda esa Jeyk Xarris birinchi bo'lib kemadan tushganligi uchun terisi ostiga tushgan.
10710"Rise and Fall"2012 yil 12 iyun (2012-06-12)
Muz to'plami janubga tushishni davom ettirayotgani va uning idishlari soni kamayganligi sababli, kapitan Ket Kolbern antitetik qaror qabul qilib, kemaning pastki qismini yig'ishga qaror qildi. sehrgar va shimol tomon muzga qarab kamroq gavjum joylarga boring. Biroq, kichik dekand Lin Lin Guitardning takroriy muvaffaqiyatsizliklari (avval ilgakni uloqtirishda, so'ngra stekni to'g'ri bog'lashda) qayiqning harakatini sekinlashtirdi va kapitan Keytning terisi ostiga tushdi; Grinhorn bilan Rojer Shloshteyn o'z harakatlari bilan ekipajni hayratda qoldirgan va 0,5% miqdorida maosh olgan, bu Linning kunlari sehrgar raqamlangan bo'lishi mumkin. Ayni paytda kapitan Sig Xansen uni saqlaydi Shimoli-g'arbiy gavjum joylarda va to'liq kostryulkalar temir yo'l ustidan o'tib ketganda mukofotlanadi. Kemaning boshlig'i Edgar Xansen sezilarli darajada og'riq bilan muomala qilib, nihoyat ko'tarilgan kapitan Sigdan qayiqni tashish paytida haydashini so'raydi; Jeyk Anderson kemani boshqarishni Edgar nogironlar aravachasida bo'lganida oladi. The Vaqt qaroqchisi Qisqichbaqada ham bor, barcha idishlarni qo'l bilan burama qilish zarurati oldida ruhiy holatni yuqori tutadi. Kapitan Jonatan Xillstrand kıvrılmaya yordam berish uchun kemada ekipajga qo'shilishga qaror qildi, lekin eski bel jarohatini kuchaytirganda u erda vaqt qisqa. Ustida Ramblin 'atirgul, bu chalg'igan kapitan Elliott Niz uchun xuddi o'sha eski hikoya, chunki birinchi ip bo'sh joyga yaqinlashadi. Ustida Kodiak, bu yomonroq, chunki kapitan "Yovvoyi" Bill Vichrovski ekipajining ikki a'zosi zarba berishga yaqinlashgandan so'ng, kamdan-kam baliq ovlashni to'xtatishga majbur qiladi va ularni shoshilinch ravishda yozilgan hujjatga imzo chekishga majbur qiladi, ularni kelajakdagi har qanday professional bo'lmagan xatti-harakatlar uchun darhol bekor qilish bilan tahdid qiladi.
10811"Chiqib bo'lmaydi"2012 yil 19 iyun (2012-06-19)
Filo bo'ylab kapitanlar kostryulkalarini qutqarish uchun pastga tushayotgan qutbli muz to'plamiga qarshi kurashmoqdalar va bu mag'lubiyatli urush. Shimoliy-g'arbiy va sehrgar Sankt-Pol bandargohidan qochish uchun kurashmoqda, qolgan flot esa opilio mavsumini saqlab qolish uchun kurashmoqda.
10912"To'qnashuv kursi"2012 yil 26 iyun (2012-06-26)
Kapitanlar Bering dengizi haqidagi rivoyatlarni almashtirib, o'zlarining meroslarini o'rganadilar. Elliot to'rtburchaklar bilan qayig'ining egasi bilan birga. Jeyk va Josh Xarrislar Time Bandit va shimoli-g'arbiy qismida dekhandlar sifatida o'rgangan narsalarini taqqoslashadi.
11013"Dengizga chiqilmagan"2012 yil 3-iyul (2012-07-03)
Uydagi hayot dengizdagi hayotdan ko'ra murakkabroq. Ushbu portlovchi qism Jeyk Andersonning o'ldirilgan otasi, Jeyk Xarrisning giyohvandligi va Elliotning parchalanib ketgan uy hayoti bilan bog'liq.
11114"Qo'rqmas rahbarlar"2012 yil 10-iyul (2012-07-10)
Kapitanlar qizil Qisqichbaqa kvotasi va shafqatsiz muz bilan kurashish strategiyasini muhokama qiladilar. Elliot va Junior o'zaro kelishib olishdi. Keyt hali o'zining eng norozi Grinxornn bilan yuzma-yuz keladi.
11215"Hayvonni ozod eting"2012 yil 17-iyul (2012-07-17)
Bering dengizida yozilmagan axloq qoidalari mavjud. Junior va Elliot uzoq vaqtdan beri davom etib kelayotgan adovat haqida hisobni tuzishdi. Josh Xarris bir yil ichida kelganiga nazar tashlaydi.
11316"Achchiq, qonli oxiri"2012 yil 24-iyul (2012-07-24)
Shafqatsiz opilio mavsumiga yaqin bo'lgan ushbu maxsus ikki soat ichida faxriy dekhand go'shtdagi xato uchun to'laydi. So'nggi soatlarda ba'zi erkaklar ko'tarilishadi va ba'zi erkaklar yiqilishadi, ammo hamma ham uyga bora olmaydi.

9-fasl (2013)

SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
1141"Bering dengizidagi isyon"2013 yil 16 aprel (2013-04-16)
Yangi mavsum boshida parkga ikkita yangi qayiq qo'shildi. Elliott Niz o'z kemasini sotib olish uchun ulkan kredit oldi Saga. Ammo u kechikmoqda va asosiy park allaqachon chiqib ketgan. "Yovvoyi" Bill Vichrovski hozirda Cape ehtiyotligi. 8-mavsumning ob-havosi ko'plab kemalarni kapital ta'mirlash uchun to'xtab qoldi. Birodarlar Hillstrandlar o'zlarining qayiqlarida motorlar va korpuslarni almashtirish uchun 1 million dollardan ko'proq mablag 'sarfladilar. Ular qarzni to'lash uchun chiqib ketishni va pul ishlashni xohlashadi. Keyt Kolbern shuningdek, uni yangilashga katta mablag 'sarfladi sehrgar. Ayni paytda Sig va Edgar Xansenlarning g'ildiraklar uyida shafqatsiz bahslashmoqda Shimoli-g'arbiy ikkinchisining Siqning nazarida etarli bo'lmagan ko'k qisqichbaqalar mavsumiga tayyorgarligi, Jeyk Xarris hali ham giyohvandlikka qarshi kurashayotgani va yangi mavsumda qatnashmasligi aniqlandi. Uning akasi Josh hali ham Hillstrands-da ishlaydi Vaqt qaroqchisi - ammo baribir uning marhum otasi Fil Xarrisning kemasini boshqarishni qayta tiklashning asosiy maqsadi haqida o'ylamoqda Korneliya Mari.
1152"Orqadagi xanjar"2013 yil 23 aprel (2013-04-23)
Keyt va Junior yashirin ittifoq tuzayotgani sababli Bering dengizida plash va xanjar vaqti keldi. Shimoli-g'arbiy ekipaj toshli iplarini nokaut qiladi, ammo keyin kutilmagan muammoga duch keladi. Nihoyat Elliot yangi qayig'ini xavfli ko'k qisqichbaqalar maydonchasida debyut qiladi.
1163"Tongdagi qon"2013 yil 30 aprel (2013-04-30)
Moviy Qisqichbaqa maydonlarida shafqatsiz raqobat sardorlar orasida ko'proq aldanishga olib keladi. Jiddiy jarohatlar flotni azoblaydi va Juniorning Keyt bilan ittifoqiga xiyonati uni o'limga olib kelishi mumkin bo'lgan oqibatlarga olib keladi.
1174"Crooke & Tangler"2013 yil 7-may (2013-05-07)
Gavjum ko'k qisqichbaqa maydonlarida, Saga va Seabrooke o'rtasidagi ochiq dengiz kutilmagan kutilmagan burilishni oladi. Shimoliy-g'arbiy qismida kapitan Sig akasining kelajagi to'g'risida qat'iy qaror qabul qilishi kerak, Time Bandit esa False Passda yaqin qo'ng'iroq qiladi.
1185"Qiyomat kuni"2013 yil 14-may (2013-05-14)
Sig sardori sifatida Bering dengizida birinchi safari uchun Edgarga kapitan stulini berishga tayyorlanmoqda Shimoli-g'arbiy. Ustida Cape ehtiyotligi, tensions between Wild Bill and Zack begin to mount as the latter struggles with throwing the hook. Meanwhile, Elliott's first season with the Saga gets off to a flying start as he engages in a partnership with Scott Campbell Jr, to share a lucrative area of blue crab.
1196"Fist to the Face"2013 yil 21-may (2013-05-21)
After returning to port with full tanks, Elliott Neese is on a roll—and quickly offloads and goes back out to sea to rejoin the Seabrooke on the lucrative blue crab grounds. However, Junior is not so keen to keep the partnership going. Scott Hillstrand is given a tough assignment by his father and uncle when he is asked to take the helm of the Vaqt qaroqchisi in total darkness through False Pass—a particularly treacherous and shallow area of the Bering Sea. There are celebrations on the sehrgar, when Freddy announces to the crew that his wife is pregnant, and asks Captain Keith to be the child's godfather. Meanwhile, Edgar Hansen's first blue crab season as captain of the Shimoli-g'arbiy starts to go awry when the trail goes cold and brings up nothing but empty pots. Tensions on deck later boil over when Jake and Matt come to blows over the latter's operation of the hydros. In a heated argument with Edgar, Jake is reminded that he was nearly fired by Sig five years earlier for fighting with Matt on deck before and violating the number one rule of the boat. Jake explains he has been offered a job on another vessel and it may be time for him to move on, and still blinded by rage from his earlier confrontation, leaves to reconsider his position.
1207"Goodbye Jake"2013 yil 28-may (2013-05-28)
As King Crab season comes to an end life-changing decisions must be made. The captains of the fleet pull up their last pots while young Jake Anderson struggles with his decision to leave the Northwestern and Josh Harris plots to buy his father's old boat.
1218"Kicking off with a Bang"2013 yil 4-iyun (2013-06-04)
Chaos kicks off the 2013 Opilio Season when an accident on the Time Bandit has them racing for the shore. Jake Anderson gets a not-so-warm-welcome on his new boat, the Kiska Sea. As these gladiators of the Bering Sea lace up for their biggest money season
1229"The Storm of the Season"2013 yil 11-iyun (2013-06-11)
A Category 4 storm has landed on the fleet two weeks into the Opilio Crab Season. As the first pots come aboard some captains are dialed into the crab, while others are off their scent, but they're all struggling to stay afloat.
12310"Dushman bilan uxlash"2013 yil 18-iyun (2013-06-18)
Survival is the name of the game as the fleet battles their way through a ferocious arctic storm. Junior takes a huge risk in order to get back in the game; two greenhorns struggle to fit in with their crews; and Elliott's problems on land continue.
12411"We're Not Gonna Take It"2013 yil 25-iyun (2013-06-25)
The fleet's weathered the storm, but the crab are still off the bite. Desperate to make their offload dates, captains mercilessly grind their crews, but some deckhands sick of being bullied when they're not making any cash aren't gonna take it.
12512"Listing Lovers"2013 yil 2-iyul (2013-07-02)
The crews and battered boats are feeling the brunt of one of the hardest Opilio seasons on record. While some crewmembers battle potentially catastrophic breakdowns to stay out on the grounds and keep fishing, others throw in the towel and call it quits.
12613"So You Wanna Be a Boat Owner..."2013 yil 9-iyul (2013-07-09)
Midway through the crab season and the northernmost boats are in a race to save their gear as the polar ice pack descends onto the fishing grounds.
12714"Ship of Iron, Men of Steel"2013 yil 16-iyul (2013-07-16)
With only three weeks left in the Opilio Season, the fleet prepares to make the final push to wrap up their seasons. Captains battle weather, equipment, and their own men in a sprint to the finish, but nothing comes easy.
12815"Haddan tashqari odam"2013 yil 23-iyul (2013-07-23)
After enduring months of mechanical breakdowns, sleepless grinds, and infighting, the fleet is starting to crack. When deckhands on the Wizard are unable to lasso a floating walrus carcass, Freddy Maugatai takes matters into his own hands.
12916"The Final Battle"2013 yil 30-iyul (2013-07-30)
As ice starts to consume the fishing grounds, the Hillstrands concede defeat after a succession of costly mechanical failures on the Vaqt qaroqchisi ruins their Opilio season. Captain Andy decides to cut his losses and return to Dutch, promising to pay his crew a basic salary for their efforts. At the end of the show it is revealed that Josh Harris succeeded in gaining control of his late father's vessel.

10-fasl (2014)

SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
1301"Siz xohlagan narsangizga ehtiyotkorlik bilan"2014 yil 22 aprel (2014-04-22)

(2 hour episode) The episode starts with Captain Keith Colburn doing a voice-over of sehrgar footage from the upcoming season: "The younger guys comin' up, I don't think they respect the fishery. You know what's different? It's called 'entitlement'." Switching to footage of four offspring of Alaska crabbers: Saga - Captain Elliott Neese says "This job is for the elite. The rest of these guys can go to pasture." Shimoli-g'arbiy - 18-year-old Mandy Hansen, daughter of Captain Sig and niece of Edgar and Norman says "I'm doing it. At some point I have to. It's in my blood." Korneliya Mari - Captain Josh Harris says "I'm just doing what I know to do, instead of what other people tell me I kerak be doing." Seabrooke - Captain Scott Campbell Jr. says "If you can't tow your weight, it's time for you to go." Over footage of the Hillstrands on the Vaqt qaroqchisi va sehrgar va Shimoli-g'arbiy decks, Keith says, "You want to be top dog?", before switching to him sitting in the sehrgar wheelhouse saying "Be careful what you wish for." More season preview footage before the opening credits roll.

As October rolls around, 2013 King Crab season boat preparations go off without a hitch, except for something no one foresaw: a Federal government shutdown which closed the office that issues permits/quotas for the fishery. Jake Anderson returns to the Shimoli-g'arbiy after being mistreated on the Kiska Sea (during 2013 Opilio season).

The Hillstrands and Hansens conspire on an epic double-double-cross prank involving deckhand Nick "Sunshine" Tokeman, who left the Shimoli-g'arbiy upon Jake's return to fill the gap in the Vaqt qaroqchisi crew created by Josh Harris' return to the Korneliya Mari as her Captain.

Captain "Wild" Bill Wichrowski on the Cape Caution takes on an ex-Marine greenhorn with Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishing experience. Junior aggravates his back injury changing a deck light bulb on the Seabrooke.

A capless and bald Captain Keith is in Vashington, Kolumbiya to testify before the Senate Commerce committee while Monte preps the sehrgar, with, miraculously, no new greenhorns to break in. The fleet's Captains and some deckhands watch the C-SPAN 3 broadcast testimony in the local bar.

After 3 years of fishing blue king crab, Captain Elliott preps for his first season on the red king crab grounds. As the shutdown continues, Junior and Keith patch up differences at the local bar. "Sunshine" is caught in a net as the "Operation Moonbeam" prank is executed.

The shutdown ends, and the fleet scrambles to get quotas, fuel, and hit the sea. In many ways, the season will have the feel of the old derby system, to get to the crab first, catch as many as you can, and deliver them in time for the early November holiday season deadlines.

The Cape Caution suddenly loses its starter when "Wild" Bill doesn't engage in the voodoo protection ritual brought on deck by the new greenhorn, and is the last to get out of Dutch Harbor. Bill completes the ritual and the quarter is tossed off-deck.

The first hour wraps up as the Vaqt qaroqchisi, while setting pots, is boarded by a small boat crew from USCG to'sar Waesche for a spot safety gear inspection, despite a complete boat inspection prior to departure.

Hour 2 starts with Seabrooke finishing their initial string set. Junior's back injury hurts so much, he pulls the unusual for him M.O. of soaking his pots without spot checks

sehrgar pulls their first pots after Keith engages in deckhand Freddy's cod blood ritual for good luck.

Shimoli-g'arbiy pulls their first pots. Marine radio notifies the fleet than an automated EPIRB distress beacon has been received 60 nautical miles west of Adak, registered to the fishing vessel Western Venture. Sig says "I'm pretty sure I know him. He's a little guy, he's only 59-foot. Not good!" USCG dispatches helicopter 6005 and a C-130 for search-and-rescue operations. The C-130 arrives first, and verifies the boat is on fire, as well as verifying that the five-man crew is on board the life raft floating near-by. The rescue copter is a half-hour out, but the "good Samaritan" crab-fishing vessel Aleutian Beauty is closer, and they rescue the crew from the life raft.

Junior is in so much pain, he has his relief captain Brad Petefish begin pulling pots. Brad lets Junior know they're seeing crab, and he returns mid-string, much better but still in pain.

Cape Caution finally arrives on the grounds and sets pots. Ustida Saga, Elliott's first red king crab prospect string is a winner, and he sets the remainder of his pots there.

The weather radio broadcast forecasts 50-knot winds and 30-foot seas, further complicating the already short season. As the fleet powers through the storm, on the Cape Caution, the greenhorn is falling behind and "Wild" Bill diagnoses he hasn't been eating enough.
1312"Oilaviy ish"2014 yil 29 aprel (2014-04-29)

The episode opens with a voice-over by Cape Caution Captain "Wild" Bill Wichrowski and footage across the fleet from the episode: "It's the old question: 'What does it take to make it on the Bering Sea?' On paper, a guy can look great: ex-Marine, commercial fisherman, sport fisherman" (referring to his latest greenhorn's qualifications). The introduction concludes by switching to Bill in his Captain's chair saying "You gotta be nuts to do this job."

The fleet is way behind schedule thanks to the government shutdown, as noted by the comments of the Captains, and a storm bearing down on the fleet makes that problem worse.

Cape Caution's lone greenhorn is still not 100%, but is needed to help with gear, and carelessly tosses a pot buoy into a crew member.

Seabrooke is pounded by waves as Junior wrestles with severe back pain, but the set-back string has great numbers, and sets back a third time.

55-knot winds haven't done much to stop the Saga, with 30,000 lbs in the tanks and a 38 crab-per-pot average, and the set-back string continues Captain Elliott's first red king season success until the numbers of keepers drops to singles.

Ustida Shimoli-g'arbiy, they have 100,000 lbs on board and look to top off the tanks. Before they haul the pots, Edgar must fix a sudden electrical problem with the mast-mounted lights. Edgar remounts two of the lights on the deck in the interim. As they haul pots, Captain Sig hears communications between a USCG rescue helicopter and the Blue Gadus: "I'm not sure who that is; I think that's a long-liner." 148 miles southwest, a Blue Gadus crewman has suffered a o'pka emboliya and requires medevac. which will be extremely difficult in the storm due to 30-foot seas and 100-knot winds. It takes two attempts to land the rescue basket on deck, but they complete the rescue. Sig comments how lucky the rescued guy is, that the copter rescued him before the worst of the storm caused them to abort the rescue.

Ustida Seabrooke, Junior is looking to top off the tanks and go home. The third time through the string has very low numbers, and the weather radio broadcast forecasts 40-knot winds with 14-18-foot seas. Switching to later that night on the Vaqt qaroqchisi, the forecast is for east 50-knot winds and 24-foot seas with fog and rain.

Ustida sehrgar, Captain Keith knows he's in for "three-four days of bad weather, some of that hellaciously bad", as he's already experiencing sustained 65-mph winds gusting to 80 and 90. As the brunt of the storm hits, the Captains are left to decide how much pain to endure before calling crews off the rails.

Ustida Vaqt qaroqchisi, Captain Johnathan gives his son/deck boss Scott a pep talk before hauling pots. After a 29-hour soak, their pots come up with great numbers, but 25-foot swells are causing Axel (son of engineer Neal and nephew of Captains Johnathan and Andy) to have problems controlling the 800-lb pots. Scott and Axel have a cousin shouting match after a wave knocks Axel off balance and almost crushes him against the sorting table. Johnathan shuts down fishing before anyone gets hurt.

Weather radio forecasts east 45 to southwest 50-knot winds, and Sig, Junior and Elliott also decide to shut down fishing until the worst passes. Faqat Cape Caution is still fishing, and the new location of low numbers is not good, however the greenhorn is finally in the groove and the crew is working together as bigger numbers (and a big crab) arrive.
1323"Darwin's Law"2014 yil 6-may (2014-05-06)
A storm shut down the fleet, now an even more severe weather system hits them again. While captains do their best to stay their course, greenhorn problems, mechanical malfunctions and bad fishing conspire to shake their resolve.
1474"Qonunga xilof"2014 yil 13-may (2014-05-13)
The King fleet grows desperate as it hurtles towards the finish line and Sig enters into a partnership with the Hillstrands to protect his fishing ground. The fleet rushes to turn around and fish for Bairdi crab. Keith is reluctant to let Monte take the helm of the sehrgar, but eventually relents. Monte's initial good fortunes on the Bairdai grounds is soon thwarted when he discovers he has been fishing out of bounds in a protected area, and must discard everything he has caught.
1335"On The ROCKS "ichimligi"2014 yil 20-may (2014-05-20)

As crews prepare to head to the Bairdi grounds, a mayday call from Arctic Hunter just outside Dutch Harbor prompts a dramatic at-sea rescue from the least likely heroes: Elliott and Mike Neese and the crew of the Saga. Da Saga comes as close as they dare, the crew gets a scare when the underside of the hull smacks the bottom when it goes down with the waves, and back off a bit. Bilan Arctic Hunter's crew in their life raft, Mike and another deckhand swim out to the life raft and on the second try, successfully get a rope secured to it. The Saga tows them out of danger and gets the stranded crew aboard.

Ustida Cape Caution, Bill's greenhorn Kelly is looking for a way off the boat by revealing that he has a pending arrest warrant hanging over him (for constructing an illegal firearm), and must return to shore for trial. Bill is not convinced by his story, and decides to call Kelly's bluff by contacting the authorities himself - who tell him that Kelly can finish his contractual obligations first. When offloading in Dutch, Bill delivers the bad news to Kelly, that he must return to sea to finish the season. Ustida Seabrooke, Junior's back is troubling him and his crew convince him to head for shore. As boats complete their fishing, they see how badly the Arctic Hunter has been damaged by rocks and waves just days after running aground.
1346"Tushib ketmoq"2014 yil 27 may (2014-05-27)
Elliott's personal problems have caught up with him again and Saga is stuck in the harbor. The Seabrooke is at sea without Junior, who is at the hospital in Walla Walla getting his back seen to. Ustida Shimoli-g'arbiy, an engine problem leaves the ship in the dark and Jake must step up to fix the problem. Meanwhile, on the Cape Caution, the crew have got wind of Kelly's increasingly desperate attempts to leave the boat, and paint prison stripes on his rain gear that he must wear for the rest of the trip.
1357"Lost at Sea"2014 yil 3-iyun (2014-06-03)
Junior is about to have his back operation while the rest of the fleet try to fill their quota. A Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari sohil xavfsizligi rescue turns deadly when a Coastie conducting small boat operations from cutter Waesche is gravely injured in the rescue of the Alaska Mist va uning ekipaji. The Cape Caution completes its Bairdai season, and Captain Bill summarily fires Kelly, who leaves Dutch knowing he is facing imprisonment when he returns to Alabama. Elliott puts off checking into rehab in Taos, Nyu-Meksiko until the very end.
1368"Cornelia Marie Blue"2014 yil 10-iyun (2014-06-10)

The episode opens with a montage of audio of Captain Phil Harris and video of Phil, Josh and Jake Harris on the Korneliya Mari, Derrick Ray and Andy Hillstrand, spliced with present-day footage of Josh flying into Dutch Harbor and driving out to the dock where the CM is berthed. Josh stops the truck and gets out about half-way through what the aeral pull back reveals to be the crab pot stacks, and as the pull back finishes we see the entire port side of the CM at dock before the opening credits. (The episode title is taken from Josh's line about "betting it all on blue, Korneliya Mari blue" from late in season 9).

As footage of all the usual suspects preparing their boats for 2014 Opilio season rolls, Mike Rowe's voice over: "on the line: $32 million in Bering Sea bounty". This time, however, there are several twists.

Twist 1: We see more footage of Josh driving to the dock, reflecting on his father, as he has finally bought controlling interest in the family business, and the next aerial shot comes up over a pot stack to see the starboard side of the CM, tower lights blazing. As Josh walks on deck, we switch to the wheelhouse to meet long-time Harris family friend, co-captain/engineer Casey McManus. Prepping crab pots not used since 2011 is a significant challenge, as is having the youngest crew in the fleet, including Josh's high school classmate (and Bering Sea Gold digger) Cody Moen. Before they set sail, Vaqt qaroqchisi Captains Andy and Johnathan present Josh with a black qaytarma qalpoqli Kiyim saying "I'm the S. H. I. T." on front, and "S.kipper H.arris I.n T.raining" on back.

Twist 2: Elliott returns from rehab, and receives a surprise visit and encouragement from fellow recovering addict Edgar Hansen as Saga preps for Opilio season, with one of the rescued Arctic Hunter deckhands replacing Elliott's dad on deck.

Twist 3: 18-year-old Mandy Hansen spends her winter high school break with her father (Sig), and tries to convince him to take her crab fishing on the Shimoli-g'arbiy (including footage from last summer's salmon tendering from the "Legend of the Shimoli-g'arbiy" special); Sig has her do emergency drills and prep pots with the other deckhands before sending her home to get her mother's permission to go crabbing.

Twist 4: Seabrooke is still in port as Junior recovers from spinal fusion surgery in Walla Walla.

Twist 5: Vaqt qaroqchisi leaves port without Johnathan in the second seat, who is taking advice from the doctor to lower his blood pressure.

Twist 6: Cape Caution's latest new greenhorn was hired by... Zack! Wild Bill always seems to pick bad ones, especially the last one from king season, so this time he let his son choose one.

Mandy and Johnathan return to Seattle as the fleet heads out to sea and begins setting pots.

Casey watches as Josh sets his first prospect string on the Korneliya Mari, and refutes Derrick Ray's comment from 3 years ago about Phil doing them a disservice by not teaching them how to run the boat, because they were not ready to learn how then.

As they are setting pots, Shimoli-g'arbiy loses the starboard rudder control due to a cracked solenoid. Edgar gives Sig part information, and Sig calls around the fleet for possible replacements. The closest potential spare, much to Jake's dismay, is on the Kiska Sea, and the ships pull close to transfer the part. Edgar discovers the part is incompatible. Until a fix is done, Jake Anderson will steer using the old manual ship's wheel while Sig runs the throttle. Edgar, calling on years of MacGyver -ing experience, resorts to his grinder and some industrial-grade epoxy to repair the solenoid, restoring full rudder control for the moment as they resume setting pots.

Ustida Korneliya Mari, Josh takes the "in training" part seriously, while clips of Derrick and Phil play, as he decides to watch how Casey pulls pots in 45-50-knot winds and 20-foot seas before risking his crew when he does it.
1379"Skipper Harris in Training"2014 yil 17 iyun (2014-06-17)

The introduction previews Captain Keith's gamble on the icy northern edge of the fishing grounds near the Ruscha border, with Russian transmissions on the marine sideband radio.

Picking up where the previous episode left off, Korneliya Mari pulls its first Opilio pots since 2011, and the entire prospect string for Captains Josh and Casey comes up blanks, a first for any Josh-set string. Josh gives the crew a pep talk before they head off for hopefully better fishing.

Ustida Cape Caution, they pull their first pots and the numbers are good, and Captain Wild Bill is counting on Zack and Nick to keep the new greenhorn working.

Captain Keith braves the northern edge of the fishing grounds with the sehrgar, and a storm has prevented the crew from performing normal ice control measures. 12 hours from his desired grounds, the helm's sluggish response prompts Keith to get the crew out to knock out 50,000-80,000 pounds of 4-foot-thick ice and drop pots early to reduce the weight on deck, with Keith vowing "this will never happen again on my watch".

Orqaga Cape Caution, Bill sets back pots on good numbers until a pot being pulled up hits off the side of the boat and smacks the new greenhorn square on the nose, breaking it. EMT Zack controls the bleeding, but the injury requires stitches, and Bill is uncomfortable stitching somebody's face. Bill suggests steri-stripping with gauze over the top and Zack applies the strips to immobilize the nose.

Ustida Shimoli-g'arbiy, Captain Sig hits a hot string in bad seas, and the crew takes a chow break between strings. Matt informs Sig that the electrical breaker panel is "hot, hot" to the touch. Sig calls Edgar in to find the problem. With all the new electronics and hydraulics added in recent years, boat electrical systems like Northwestern's are past their design limits. Once again, Jake will have to use the manual ship's wheel to steer while Edgar works on the panel. Edgar trims the crusty part of a panel wire to reveal good wire, reattaches it to the panel, and successfully powers up the wheelhouse. Their next string is continuing good numbers when Sig gets a call from his wife, informing him she actually has given their daughter Mandy her permission to go crab fishing. Sig never expected his wife would ever do that. "Me and my big mouth, huh?"

Orqaga sehrgar, they pull pots, and Keith's gamble pays off big time as pot after pot fills up the tank with keepers. "That was the longest five days of my fishing career. Bar None!"
13810"Fisherman's Daughter"2014 yil 24 iyun (2014-06-24)
In Dutch, Sig welcomes their newest greenhorn: his daughter. After four generations of Hansen fishermen, the next in line is a woman. In high seas, a major hydraulic leak on the Vaqt qaroqchisi primes the engine room to blow.
13911"Blonde Ambition"2014 yil 1-iyul (2014-07-01)
While the rest of the fleet have their doubts about a woman's place on a crab boat, the Shimoli-g'arbiy crew must train their new recruit; Sig's 18-year-old daughter, Mandy Hansen.
14012"Women Drivers"2014 yil 8-iyul (2014-07-08)

Ekipaji Korneliya Mari follow an old tradition by getting Mohawk haircuts for good luck. And soon after, things get better. The boom that was accidentally broken by Fisher receives expensive repairs on the Saga.Elliott brings his new girlfriend on board. His crew expresses their opinions about that. His girlfriend has to call a doctor on board to treat Elliott, who diagnoses him with a kidney infection.The Cape Caution's Captain Bill is not happy with his son Zach's lack of enthusiasm. He threatens to punch him, and tells him their conversation was captain to crewman, not father to son.

Ustida Shimoli-g'arbiy, Sig's daughter Mandy has to be awakened to get to work. The other crew members offer commentary about that. She begins to experience life as a greenhorn. Sig's fatherly protectiveness kicks in. And he goes on deck to show her how it's done. Soon, an arctic squall impedes operations. Sig even lets Mandy haul pots during the inclement weather, arousing resentment from the crew.
14113"Greatest Game Ever Fished"2014 yil 15-iyul (2014-07-15)
The Seattle Seahawks are playing in the final of the Super Bowl, and the crews are keen to finish their first trips of the season and get back to Dutch to watch the game. The Vaqt qaroqchisi is pulling big numbers, but things come to an abrupt end when the vessel throws a propeller, forcing a return to port for repairs. The sehrgar is too far north to get back in time, but Captain Keith pipes the radio commentary onto the deck whilst his crew work on. Despite poor fishing, Casey and Josh decide to take the Korneliya Mari back to port in treacherous waters to make the game - Josh says he will "swim if he has to". Celebrations are all over St Paul when the Seahawks win, but Captain Andy and Scott Hillstrand have a massive fall-out when Scott suggests his uncle should abandon the rest of the Opilio season and give the Time Bandit's quota to him for use on another boat.
14214"Breaking Mandy"2014 yil 22-iyul (2014-07-22)
Junior returns to Dutch after his long absence to try and salvage the Seabrooke's Opilio season, against his doctor's advice that his back injury hasn't healed. It doesn't get off to a good start when his first pots turn out to be blanks. Meanwhile on the Shimoli-g'arbiy, Sig and Edgar decide that it's time to expose Mandy to the real rigors of crab fishing after a spell of unusually benign weather on the Bering Sea, and concerns among the crew that Mandy is getting preferential treatment. Sig orders a 30-hour grind to test where Mandy's breaking point will be. Ustida Saga, Elliot's patience with his crew is tested, when they rebel against his orders to use containers to manually transport the crab to the rear tanks, and end up breaking the crab table in protest. Orqaga Shimoli-g'arbiy, the crew battle to finish the first trip, and to return Mandy to Dutch Harbor for her flight home to Seattle.
14315"Sabotage"2014 yil 29 iyul (2014-07-29)

The Vaqt qaroqchisi is in dry dock during Opilio season for the third time in as many years for a replacement propeller after the vessel broke its propeller shaft. Captain Andy has run out of time owing to commitments back onshore, and calls on brother Jonathan to finish Opilio season for him once the boat is repaired. Keyin Shimoli-g'arbiy finishes its first trip with Mandy Hansen as greenhorn, Sig drives her to the airport for her flight home to Seattle, but he fails to convince her that there are easier ways to make a living than crab fishing. Meanwhile on the Cape Caution, Captain "Wild" Bill is on the verge of finishing his season, but at the eleventh hour is given more quota by the boat's owners. He makes the decision to extend the trip to increase the potential haul, but the greenhorn decides to deliberately waste the boat's scant supply of bait in an attempt cut the season short, but Bill quickly realizes what is going on and confronts him over the issue. Ustida sehrgar, Captain Keith is still pulling large numbers in the far north of the fishing grounds, but his run of good luck is finally broken when a pot snares on the vessel's propeller, badly damaging it - but it remains serviceable. The Korneliya Mari is also getting close to finishing the season, but Captain Casey has to confront his crew over insubordination. After a pep talk from Casey and with Josh Harris returning to the deck to boost morale, the vessel finishes its first Opilio season with Josh as owner, meeting its first quota handsomely. Whilst the crew are doing their unload, another fisherman presents Josh with a stray pot buoy that has washed up on shore - it turns out that it is from the same crab pot that the crew of the sehrgar deliberately sunk three years ago in memorial to his late father Phil. Captain Keith reckons that it is a message from Phil to Josh to keep pressing on with his ambition to eventually captain the Corneila Marie.

The other captains comment on Josh's first season, saying that he would have made Phil proud, but also that he still has a lot of learning to do before he can become a skipper himself.
14416"You'll Know My Name Is The Lord..."2014 yil 5-avgust (2014-08-05)
(2-hour Season Finale)

11-fasl (2015)

SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
1451"Birodarlik sinovidan o'tkazildi"2015 yil 14 aprel (2015-04-14)
A 12-million pound Bairdi quota increase causes a fishing frenzy; a boat is stolen on the eve of a launch; an alliance takes root.
1462"Prodigal Son"2015 yil 21 aprel (2015-04-21)
An additional 15 million dollars in crab sends the fleet into a fishing frenzy. To get ahead, the Time Bandit and Wizard must put a decade old rivalry behind them. Josh Harris learns a difficult lesson.
1473"The Ultimatum"2015 yil 28 aprel (2015-04-28)
A fire threatens the Cornelia Marie; Keith has a showdown with his crew on the Wizard; Sig receives a shocking surprise aboard the Northwestern.
1484"Super Typhoon Part 1"2015 yil 5-may (2015-05-05)
With Super Typhoon Nuri closing in, the captains make hard choices to save the seasons; the Northwestern charges into the storm, Cape Caution retreats, and the Wizard gets a replacement deckhand.
1495"Super Typhoon Part 2"2015 yil 12-may (2015-05-12)
Super Typhoon Nuri swallows the fishing grounds. With lives and livelihoods on the line, rookie Josh Harris' weaknesses are exposed, Captain Sig loses control of the Northwestern & Captain Elliott Neese steps down from the helm of the Saga.
1506"Wasted Talent"2015 yil 19-may (2015-05-19)
With a 1.5 million dollar boat of his own and more King Crab quota than any other captain in the fleet, Elliott Neese throws it all away and bids a final farewell. With a baby on the way, Jake Anderson struggles to fill Edgar's shoes on the Northwestern.
1517"Heavy Lies the Crown"2015 yil 26-may (2015-05-26)
On the Northwestern Jake gets a whiplash style captaining lesson from Sig. A long trip and a prank threaten Captain Johnathan's catch on the Time Bandit. To restore order on the Cornelia Marie Captain Josh must hit below the belt.
1528"Zero Hour"2015 yil 2-iyun (2015-06-02)
King Crab season draws to a close: Casey forces Josh to fish at full throttle on the Cornelia Marie. Jake takes another turn at the wheel on the Northwestern. Wild Bill turns up the heat on the Coast Guard.
1539"Hell's Bells"2015 yil 9-iyun (2015-06-09)
Christmas at sea for the Time Bandit is disturbed when an unhinged deckhand terrorizes the crew. Jake Anderson awaits the birth of his baby, when an unexpected phone call throws a wrench in the plan. A greenhorn's season is cut short by a gruesome injury.
15410"Lunatic Fringe"2015 yil 16-iyun (2015-06-16)
Three boats hit the Opie grounds early. Jonathan Hillstrand struggles with a rogue deckhand. Meanwhile Jake Anderson prepares for the birth of his baby. On the Cape Caution a hydraulic explosion calls Zack Larson's dedication into question.
15511"New Captain on the Block"2015 yil 23-iyun (2015-06-23)
The rest of the fleet arrives in Dutch Harbor to take Opilio season by storm. Jake Anderson prepares to captain the Saga for the first time. Captain Andy Hillstrand returns to find the Time Bandit in disarray. Keith Colburn's new greenhorn turns heads.
15612"5-Year Storm Part 1"2015 yil 30-iyun (2015-06-30)
The most menacing storm of the opilio season moves in on the fleet. A rogue wave hits the Cape Caution, ripping steel and timber. The Saga, captained by rookie Jake Anderson, nearly capsizes by a massive 40 ft wave.
15713"5-Year Storm Part 2"2015 yil 14-iyul (2015-07-14)
A 600 mile wide storm continues to batter the fleet. Rookie skippers Jake Anderson and Josh Harris struggle to keep their heads above water while veteran captains Andy Hillstrand and Sig Hansen charge straight into the heart of the tempest.
15814"Bite the Hand"2015 yil 21-iyul (2015-07-21)
As a second major storm slams the fleet, Rookie skipper Jake Anderson reaches out to Sig Hansen for help. Josh Harris arrives on the grounds weeks late. Captain Keith Colburn and Wild Bill Wichrowski struggle to keep their greenhorns in the game.
15915"New Blood, Old Wounds"2015 yil 28-iyul (2015-07-28)
Late into Opilio season, the fleet battles mental and physical breakdowns. After deliberately defying Sig, Captain Jake Anderson has a shot at redemption. Captain Keith props up one ailing greenhorn after another. Wild Bill must decide to call the Coast Guard for a medevac.
16016"Beastmode"2015 yil 4-avgust (2015-08-04)
Superbowl Sunday & the Bering Sea: The Cornelia Marie hatches a scheme to watch the Seahawks play. An injured crewman jeopardizes Captain Keith Coburn's plan on the Wizard. The Cape Caution crew makes a near fatal error. The Time Bandit loses a Captain.
16117"I'm the Captain"2015 yil 11-avgust (2015-08-11)
The polar ice pack descends upon the fleet, threatening the end of the season. Jake struggles to lead his crew in the worst of conditions. Sig attempts to offload his crab before saving his gear. Casey shows Josh what it means to be a Captain while Keith grinds to the finish.
16218"We Have Not Yet Begun to Fight"2015 yil 18-avgust (2015-08-18)
Polar ice descends and each Skipper must choose flight or fight. The Saga is in danger of sinking and Jake must act fast to save his crew. Josh takes a huge gamble against Casey's wishes and heads towards the ice. Sig and Johnathan race to rescue gear.

12-fasl (2016)

SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
1631"Carpe Diem"2016 yil 29 mart (2016-03-29)
An adrenaline packed new season brings a new face, 23 year old Sean Dwyer, who is fighting for the legacy of his father he lost too soon. The Time Bandit squares off with the law, Captain Keith's life spirals and Sig torments his former protege.
1642"First Timers"2016 yil 5-aprel (2016-04-05)
Captain Sean Dwyer and his crew prepare for their first crab season aboard the Brenna A; Jake Anderson fears he made a big mistake; Wild Bill handles a challenging deckhand; Keith gets support from Johnathan Hillstrand.
1653"Yaxshi ish yo'q"2016 yil 12-aprel (2016-04-12)
Wild Bill risks his biggest lead in history to bail Josh Harris out of trouble. Sean Dwyer finds out if he has got what it takes. Veteran skipper Johnathan Hillstrand leans on his crew and a little tip from a friend to turn his season around.
1664"Swedish Twins"2016 yil 19 aprel (2016-04-19)
Josh Harris is forced to take over the Cornelia Marie. Sean Dwyer gets his first taste of the angry sea. Greenhorns on the Cape Caution are slapped to attention. Weather, mechanical failures and inexperienced crews complicate matters across the fleet.
1675"Million Dollar Bet"2016 yil 26 aprel (2016-04-26)
Jake Anderson attempts a treacherous short cut with only one engine. Casey and Josh perform surgery at sea. Edgar Hansen works to make his mark as a captain with his greenhorn son Eric on deck. Keith hopes to turn his season and his life around.
1686"100 Percent Injury Rate"2016 yil 3-may (2016-05-03)
The season's worst storm yet batters the fleet. Freshman skipper Sean Dwyer must choose between crab and a childhood friend. Wild Bill questions his son's status as a crabber and man. As injuries stack up, one deckhand reveals a painful secret in his pants.
1697"Sovuq urush"2016 yil 10-may (2016-05-10)
Captain Edgar Hansen is losing control of the Northwestern with a mutiny on his hands. A couple of drunk deckhands put the Saga at risk. Jonathan Hillstrand bets it all for a hopefully big end to his season and Freddie Maugatai takes honoring his skipper to the extreme.
1708"Winter Is Coming"2016 yil 17-may (2016-05-17)
As the fall season is coming to an end, a massive arctic storm blasts the fleet with hurricane force winds and monster seas. Every captain will be tested when they must decide how much their boats and crew can handle.
1719"Into The Gale"2016 yil 24-may (2016-05-24)
The winter crab season is here and brings with it this year's biggest storm. Every captain must decide to risk it all and head out into the storm or stay back tied to the dock losing money. However carefully they choose the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
17210"Proving Grounds"2016 yil 31 may (2016-05-31)
During the final throes of the season's first arctic storm, the captains and crews need to battle for survival. While other captains fight the weather, rookie skipper Sean Dwyer decides to wait out the storm, making his first trip of the year under blue skies.
17311"Raw Deal"2016 yil 7-iyun (2016-06-07)
Keith and Johnathan test the boundaries of partner fishing; Captain Jake struggles with a problematic deckhand; Zack must step up when Wild Bill gives him a shot at the helm.
17412"Settling The Score"2016 yil 14 iyun (2016-06-14)
Big weather hits the fleet again. Captain Sean Dwyer is forced to enforce his dad's law with an unruly deckhand on his boat. Casey and Josh square off. Meanwhile, Sig grinds his crew and Keith struggles with some new greenhorns.
17513"Fire At Sea Part 1"2016 yil 21 iyun (2016-06-21)
The Northwestern catches on fire alone on the water and days from land. Meanwhile on the Time Bandit, a family emergency leaves Johnathan no choice but to make a desperate move. Josh Harris' judgement is tested.
17614"Fire At Sea Part 2"2016 yil 5-iyul (2016-07-05)
Captain Sig and crew fight for their lives against an engine room fire; faulty hydraulics and a flying 800-pound pot create a deadly situation on the deck of the Saga.
17715"Blood and Guts"2016 yil 12-iyul (2016-07-12)
Blood is shed on the Time Bandit, a fight breaks out on the Wizard, the Northwestern grapples with a burnt-out boat, and a lost bet leads to cod guts on the Brenna A.
17816"Hayot yoki o'lim to'g'risida qaror"2016 yil 19-iyul (2016-07-19)
Yolg'onchi to'lqin Zakni hayot yoki o'lim to'g'risida qaror qabul qilishga majbur qiladi. Josh o'z sardori va ekipajiga qarshi chiqib, Bering dengizi haqidagi afsonaga garov tikdi. Shon Dvayer bahaybat dengizlarga duch keladi va Sig qizi Mendiga yordam so'rab murojaat qiladi.
17917"Beva ayolning birinchi qismi"2016 yil 26-iyul (2016-07-26)
Kuchli ob-havo va uning allaqachon urib yuborilgan qayig'iga ko'proq zarar etkazish Signing yuragiga ta'sir qiladi. USCG xavfli medevakka urinadi. Bill qayig'ida suv oqishi bilan qiynalmoqda va Jeyk eski do'stini yollaydi.
18018"Beva ayol 2-qism"2016 yil 2-avgust (2016-08-02)
Sig katta yurak xurujidan omon qolish uchun kurashadi. Bill o'g'li Zak haqida qorong'i sirni bilib oladi. Corneila Mari-da Josh o'zini ko'rsatish uchun kurashadi. Jeyk qimmatli saboq oladi va Jonatan xudolarga murojaat qiladi.

13-fasl (2017)

SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
1811"Belgilanmagan hudud"2017 yil 11-aprel (2017-04-11)
Qisqichbaqa yo'q bo'lib ketdi, bu avtoulovning hayot tarzini saqlab qolish uchun mashaqqatli ovni yoqadi. Kapitan Sig katta yurak xurujidan keyin boshqaruvga qaytadi. Wild Bill inqiroz mavsumida o'zining yangi kemasini debyut qiladi. Yurak xuruji qurbonini qutqarishga urinishmoqda.
1822"Seysmik siljish"2017 yil 18-aprel (2017-04-18)
Kuz fasli biroz noaniqlik bilan boshlanadi. Dengiz haroratining seysmik o'zgarishi flotni ko'chirilgan qisqichbaqani qidirishga jo'natadi, keyin esa ular juda katta birinchi bo'ron bilan kurashishlari kerak.
1833"Olovda"2017 yil 25-aprel (2017-04-25)
Dengiz haroratining ko'tarilishi parkni sinovdan o'tkazmoqda. Zaharli tutun dastani qamrab oladi. Shu bilan birga, Shon oilaviy biznesni Brenna A-da saqlab qolish uchun kurashmoqda va Yovvoyi Bill u Nikni o'lik kasallikdan mahrum bo'lishidan qo'rqadi.
1844"Shamollarni maydalash"2017 yil 2-may (2017-05-02)
Yovvoyi Bill Nik Makglashanning o'lik kasalligi haqidagi haqiqatni bilib oladi. Jeykning kelajagi zararli mexanik muammo bilan tahdid qilmoqda. Issiq dengizlar Keytni noma'lum tomonga majbur qiladi.
1855"Yomon oy"2017 yil 9-may (2017-05-09)
Jonatan va Endi Xillstrand oxirgi marta birga baliq tutishadi. Keytning beparvo ekipaji Sehrgarni to'qnashuv yo'nalishiga yuboradi va jangovar dekkand Jeykning sardor sifatida qarorini sinab ko'radi.
1866"Qisqichbaqa bilan to'la Maryamga salom"2017 yil 16-may (2017-05-16)
Katta miqdordagi qochqin Time Bandit-ni to'ldiradi. Jekning mushtlashuvi Jekning qat'iyatini sinovdan o'tkazmoqda, shiddatli shamol va to'xtab turgan langar uning kemasini buzish bilan tahdid qilmoqda. Signing greenhorn-da noqulay savol tug'iladi.
1877"Dengizda zaharlangan"2017 yil 23-may (2017-05-23)
Sig Xansenga katta qaror og'irlik qiladi. Roki kapitani Shon Dvayer yangi ekipaj bilan yangi korxonada qimor o'ynaydi. Jeyk Anderson kvotasi olib qo'yilishidan oldin yo'qolgan langarni almashtirish uchun kurashmoqda.
1888"40 metrlik hayvonlar"2017 yil 30-may (2017-05-30)
Kuz mavsumining so'nggi daqiqalari o'zining eng katta bo'ronini keltirib chiqarmoqda. Yovvoyi Bill katta dengizlarda yangi qayig'ini boshqarish uchun kurashmoqda. Jonatan xavfli False dovonida katta shish bilan yuzma-yuz turibdi.
1899"Rossiya chizig'i"2017 yil 6-iyun (2017-06-06)
Kvota yarmiga qisqartirilganda raqobat ikki baravar ko'payadi. Uchta sardor qish mavsumiga erta etib kelishadi, ammo Jonatan bir qadam nariga boradi va Rossiyaga xavfli 600 millik yo'lni rejalashtiradi.
19010"Qotillik mavsumiga qaytish"2017 yil 13-iyun (2017-06-13)
Sig deyarli uni o'ldirgan mavsumga qaytadi. Qiyin boshlanganidan keyin Keyt va o'g'il o'zlarini isbotlash uchun kurashmoqdalar. Yovvoyi Bill Nik Makglashanga ikkinchi imkoniyatni beradi va Jeyk do'stini qo'yib yuboradi.
19111"Bo'ron xiyoboni"2017 yil 20-iyun (2017-06-20)
Arktika qishki g'azabini ochganda, ko'p sonli bo'ronlarning birinchisi flotga tushadi. Dag'al baliq ovi va g'alayon ham birlashib, mukammal bo'ronni yaratadi.
19212"Arktika Mega bo'roni"2017 yil 27-iyun (2017-06-27)
Arktikadagi mega-bo'ron parkni silkitmoqda. Sig baland to'lqinlar bilan mushuk va sichqonchani o'ynaydi. Keyt 800 funt sterlingli qisqichbaqa kostryulkasining umurtqa pog'onasiga tushishini kuzatmoqda. Wild Bill qaytish uchun kurashadi.
19313"O'lik tayoq"2017 yil 11-iyul (2017-07-11)
Signing stressi juda katta zarar ko'radi. Shon dovulga tushmoqchi. Keyt ulkan dengizlarda o'lik holda qoladi. Jeyk o'zini tutolmaydigan qo'lni rag'batlantiradi. Jonatan Rossiya tomonidan zarlarni aylantiradi.
19414"450 millik bo'ron"2017 yil 18-iyul (2017-07-18)
Sig, Jonatan va Jeyk ikkinchi arktik dovuldan qochishga urinishdi, ammo Keyt ogohlantirishlarga quloq solmayapti. Stressdan kelib chiqqan ko'krak qafasidagi og'riqlar Signing qolgan mavsumiga tahdid soladi.
19515"Qabul qilingan hurmat"2017 yil 1-avgust (2017-08-01)
Ko'krak qafasi og'rig'idan so'ng, Sig kasalxonada ba'zi yangiliklarni kutmoqda. Yovvoyi Bill zarardan xalos bo'lish uchun kurash olib boradi, shuningdek, kemadagi kelishmovchiliklarni hal qiladi. Shon Zakka tegishli qonunlar.
19616"Yigit o'ldirildi"2017 yil 8-avgust (2017-08-08)
Ona tabiat Bering dengizini qo'zg'atganda, Shon boshqa qayiq bilan to'qnashuv yo'lida turadi. Sehrgarga ikkita dekhand tushadi va Jeyk dekshandni deyarli yo'qotadi ... ikki marta.
19717"Hillstrandning so'nggi tutqichi"2017 yil 15-avgust (2017-08-15)
Ikki qadimgi do'stlar o'z mavsumlarini yakunlash uchun poyga qilishadi, ammo biri kariyerasini boshlashga umid qiladi. Jonatan Xillstrand shon-shuhrat olovida xayrlashmoqchi, ammo Bering dengizida boshqa rejalar ham bo'lishi mumkin.
19818"Dengizda adashganlar"2017 yil 22-avgust (2017-08-22)
AQSh Sohil xavfsizlik xizmati Bering dengizida yo'qolgan Qisqichbaqa kemasini umidsiz ravishda qidirmoqda. Ayni paytda, flot olti kishilik ekipajning taqdirini kashf etishni intiqlik bilan kutmoqda. Sig xotinining iltimosidan keyin erta chiqib ketishni o'ylaydi.
19919"Oxirgi la'natlangan Arktika bo'roni"2017 yil 29-avgust (2017-08-29)
Destinatsiya fojiasidan so'ng, Edgar, Bill, Shon va Jeykni so'nggi bo'ron boshlagan. Sohil xavfsizlik xizmati ularning qayig'i suvga tushayotgan paytda baliq ovi kemasi ekipajini qutqarishga urinmoqda.

14-fasl (2018)

SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
2001"Jang chiziqlari"2018 yil 10-aprel (2018-04-10)[6]
Sig va Jeyk juda katta nizolarga ega bo'lib, yangi strategiyalar va yangi ittifoqlarga olib keladi. Josh Xarris otasining qayig'iga kapitanga qaytadi. Shon iflos o'ynaydi, ammo Yovvoyi Bill unga noto'g'ri kapitan bilan gaplashayotganini ko'rsatadi. Katta mukofotlar bilan katta xatarlarga duch keling.
2012"Birinchi qon"2018 yil 17-aprel (2018-04-17)[7]
Bering dengizi dadil sohil xavfsizligini qutqarish uchun birinchi qonni tortadi. Jeyk mustaqil kapitan bo'lishga intiladi va Keyt uni shogird sifatida qabul qilishni taklif qiladi, ammo kapitanlar avval shafqatsizlarcha boshlaganida, ayblovlar uchib ketadi va shubhalar kuchayadi.
2023"Suvda o'lganlar"2018 yil 24 aprel (2018-04-24)[8]
Yovvoyi Bill bularning hammasini katta foyda keltiradi degan umidda yangi o'lja va baliq strategiyasida xavf tug'diradi. Shon va Keysi ittifoq tuzadilar, ammo qisqichbaqa urishganda xiyonat sodir bo'lishi mumkin. Xavfli xato Jeykning yuklanishini xavf ostiga qo'yadi. Cornelia Mari-ga yomon ob-havo ta'sir ko'rsatmoqda.
2034"Tuz yaralari"2018 yil 1-may (2018-05-01)[9]
Sig raqiblarini silkitib qo'yish uchun yarim tunda jasoratli topshiriqni bajarib, tarmoqdan uzoqda. Korneila Mari chirigan ittifoqning narxini to'laydi va jarohat olgan dekan ularni erta kirishga majbur qilishi mumkin. Keyt shifokoridan sirli kasallik haqida katta xabar oladi.
2045"To'qnashuv bekor qilindi"2018 yil 8-may (2018-05-08)[10]
To'fon bilan to'qnashuvning bo'shligi Keytni cho'ktirishga tahdid qilar ekan, u sehrgarni ushlab turish uchun kurashadi. Qayiqning bir qismi yo'qolganligi sababli Jeyk dengizda qolib ketgan. Sig mash'alani Edgarga topshirishga tayyorlanmoqda, lekin u jilovidan voz kecha olmasa, birodarlik tarangligi ko'tariladi.
2056"Arktika bo'roni"2018 yil 15-may (2018-05-15)[11]
Katta shamol va katta to'lqinlar bilan katta arktik dovul flotga urildi. Saga'da beqaror stack qayiqni ag'darish bilan tahdid qilmoqda. Yovvoyi Bill o'z kvotasini olish uchun to'g'ridan-to'g'ri bo'ronga haydash xavfini tug'diradi, boshqa kapitanlar esa panjara olishdan oldin qozonlarni tortib olish uchun shoshilishadi.
2067"Shohlarning to'qnashuvi"2018 yil 22-may (2018-05-22)[12]
Jeyk shaytonning savdosi, yashirin xavf-xatarlar uchun ulkan Qisqichbaqa qiladi, uning qayig'i o'zi safda turguncha. Sig dengizdagi sovuq adolat uchun xizmat qiladi va Wild Bill King Crab jekpotini ta'qib qiladi. Corneila Mari ekipaji, qayiqqa pul tikish paytida g'ildirakli uy har doim g'alaba qozonishini bilib oladi.
2078"Kapitan bo'lish"2018 yil 29-may (2018-05-29)[13]
Muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchraganida, Josh Xarris marhum otasining jurnallaridan baliq ovining yashirin joylarini topdi. Saga-dagi kemadagi baxtsizlik Jeyk Andersonning mavsumini tugatishi mumkin. Sohil Xavfsizlik notinch dengizlarda jarohat olgan dengizchini kemaning tanki ichidan ko'tarishga urinmoqda.
2089"Pokiza"2018 yil 5-iyun (2018-06-05)[14]
Keyt sehrgarni topshirishga majbur bo'ladi; Josh yomon namoyishga qaramay, boshqaruv uchun kurash olib boradi; Dvigatelning katta muammolari Yovvoyi Billning mavsumiga tahdid solmoqda.
20910"Qishning la'nati"2018 yil 12-iyun (2018-06-12)[15]
Josh va Monte o'zlarining ne'matlarini quvg'in qilish arktika bo'roniga quvg'in qilayotganlarida katta to'lqin to'lqinlari ularni qo'rqitmoqda. Yovvoyi Bill singan qayig'ini dockdan olib chiqishga umid qilmoqda, qolgan flot esa Opilio-ni boshlash uchun keladi.
21011"Qorayish"2018 yil 19-iyun (2018-06-19)[16]
Qorong'i Saga noma'lum suvlarda falokatga yaqin turadi; sherik bo'lishni istamagan Josh o'z kvotasini yakka o'zi to'ldirishi kerak; Keyt faqat sardor rad etishi mumkin bo'lgan taklif bilan chiqadi.
21112"Qishning g'azabi"2018 yil 26 iyun (2018-06-26)[17]
Qish mavsumi 40 ta tugunli shamol va 20 ta oyoq to'lqinlarini keltirib chiqaradi. Baxtsiz hodisalar ekipajni qiynashiga qarab, Bering dengizi bitta yamoqni eng yomoni uchun ajratib turadi. Strategiya har qachongidan ham muhimroq, chunki Qisqichbaqa harakatda va sehrgar hamkasblari o'rtasidagi ziddiyat sinish nuqtasiga etadi.
21213"Olovga cho'mdirish"2018 yil 10-iyul (2018-07-10)[18]
Bu shimoliy-g'arbiy qismida olovga cho'mdirish, chunki Mendi og'ir dengizlarda 1-smenada ishlaydi. Sehrgar ekipaj kemada o'z vaznini tortmayotgan bitta ekipaj ustidan kurash olib boradi. Yovvoyi tishli vositalardan mahrum bo'lgan va ochiq dengizlar tomonidan kaltaklangan Wild Bill strategiyasini o'zgartiradi.
21314"Supermoon Storm"2018 yil 17-iyul (2018-07-17)[19]
150 yillik supermoon bo'roni suv oqimlarini vayronaga aylantirib, dengiz ostidagi oqimlarni qo'zg'atib, qozonlarni o'z chiziqlaridan uzib tashlamoqda. Sohil Xavfsizlik xizmati bo'ron markazida qutqaruv missiyasini amalga oshirmoqchi.
21415"Greenhorn bortidan"2018 yil 31-iyul (2018-07-31)[20]
Yashil Bill haddan oshib ketganda, Vahshiy Bill o'zining eng yomon dahshatiga duch keladi.
21516"Turf urushlari"2018 yil 7-avgust (2018-08-07)[21]
Sig Mendini Korneliya Mari maydoniga bostirib kirishga undaydi va bu Qisqichbaqa uchun kurashni boshladi. Cornelia Mari-ning kostryulkalari shimoli-g'arbiy bilan chalkashib ketganda, Keysi o'z maydonini himoya qilish uchun o'ta chora ko'radi. Saga-ning xavotirli signallari filo bo'ylab vahima keltiradi.
21617"Xavfsiz port yo'q"2018 yil 14-avgust (2018-08-14)[22]
Kuchli arktika geyli flotga qarshi kurash olib boradi va kapitanlarni haddan tashqari shamol va to'lqinlarga qarshi kurashishga majbur qiladi. Yozgi ko'rfazda ikkinchi marotaba greenhorn hayoti muvozanatda turadi. Saga ekipaji Jeykning langarini ushlab turadigan to'lqin kuchlari bo'lgan Sent-Polga boshpana izlaydi.
21718"Qon va suv"2018 yil 21-avgust (2018-08-21)[23]
Yovuz to'lqinlar qayiqlarini ag'darish bilan tahdid qilar ekan, Jeyk va Shon kemadagi ekipajlari uchun hayot yoki o'lim to'g'risida qaror qabul qilishlari kerak. Uayld Bill oldida karerasini tugatishi mumkin bo'lgan tanlov turibdi va Keyt Sehrgarga qaytishi uning ukasi boshqaruviga kutilmagan tarzda barham berdi.
21819"Bo'ron"2018 yil 28-avgust (2018-08-28)[24]
Kapitanlar o'zlarining kvotalariga erishish uchun epik so'nggi to'lqinda hali eng keskin to'lqinlarni egallaydilar. Jeyk kemadagi ekipajning zaif jarohati bilan kurashmoqda. Josh o'zining Qisqichbaqa soni bo'yicha katta qimor o'ynaydi, Dvigatelning ishdan chiqishi Signi suvda o'lik holda qoldiradi.

15-fasl (2019)

SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
2191"Shohlar jangi"2019 yil 9 aprel (2019-04-09)[25]
Qirol mavsumiga bir necha soat qolganda, yolg'onchi kapitan bilan Qisqichbaqa topilgan ulkan yangi qayiq hammasi bir joyda joylashgan. Chorak milliard dollarlik pulni topish uchun avtoulovlar poygasi paytida kapitanlar bir-birlari bilan va Bering dengizi bilan jang qilib, o'zlarining mo'l-ko'l hissasini talab qilishadi.
2202"Super Swarm"2019 yil 17-aprel (2019-04-17)[26]
Shon va Jeyk qurollari Signi kuchaytirish uchun birlashganda, qirol Qisqichbaqa super to'dasi tepasida to'la idishlar to'qnashmoqda. Keyt va Xarli o'nlab yillik raqobatni kuchaytirdilar va uning tankidagi Qisqichbaqa qisqa vaqtga kelganida, Shon Alyaskaning uzoq qonuni bilan yuzma-yuz turibdi.
2213"Qovurg'adagi pichoq"2019 yil 24 aprel (2019-04-24)
Mavsumning birinchi arktik bo'roni kelishi bilan Saga kemaning boshlig'i pichoqni qovurg'aga olib boradi. Josh va Keysining qo'llari spiralda chalkashib ketgandan so'ng, rekord o'rnatishni to'xtatdi. Kapitan Bill dangasa greenhornni rag'batlantirish uchun so'nggi zarbani oldi.
2224"Yagona nuqson nuqtasi"2019 yil 1-may (2019-05-01)
Faqatgina Mendi boshqaruvida bo'lsa, g'arbiy voqea Shimoliy-G'arbga tahdid solmoqda. Josh Keyn uxlayotgan paytda Cornelia Mari-da yangi yo'nalishni ko'rsatmoqda. Sehrgarda chiroqlar o'chadi va Xarlining uchuvchisi eng yomon daqiqada o'chadi.
2235"Shiftni almashtirish"2019 yil 8-may (2019-05-08)
Mavsumning eng katta bo'ronida, Jake o'zgaruvchan stak Saga-ni ag'darish bilan tahdid qilganda, o'lim yoki o'lim to'g'risida qaror qabul qiladi. Sig va Mendi g'azablangan dengizlar bo'ylab yurishadi, Josh va Keysi kvota bo'yicha qimor o'ynashadi, ammo chiziqda raqamlardan ko'ra ko'proq narsa bor.
2246"Suvdagi qon"2019 yil 15-may (2019-05-15)
Bering dengizi kapitanlarga va ekipajga zarar etkazadi. Wild Bill Cornelia-ni yordamga chaqiradi. Jeyk tartibsiz ekipajga duch keladi va sardor sifatida hali ham eng qat'iy qarorini qabul qilishga majbur qiladi. Josh boshqaruvni boshqaradi, chunki Keysi xavfli dengizdan kemaga kemaga uzatishni amalga oshiradi.
2257"Qish keldi"2019 yil 22-may (2019-05-22)
Taxminan o'n yillikdagi eng sovuq ob-havo tanani maydalash va dengizni muzlatish bilan tahdid qilmoqda. Monte kasal bo'lgan otasining uyiga borish uchun o'z tanklarini tezda to'ldirishi kerak, hayratga soladigan baxtsiz hodisa Hansen oilasi a'zosini umr bo'yi ushlaydi.
2268"Qattiq meros"2019 yil 29 may (2019-05-29)
Qish kuchayib borayotganligi sababli, Shon dvigatel xonasida olov paydo bo'lishiga duch keladi. Yozgi Bay kemasining boshlig'i mavsum uchun xavfli jarohati oldi. Harley yangi topilgan jiyanga Grinxornda o'tkaziladigan sinovni taklif qiladi. Keyt ularning otalari bilan xayrlashishi uchun sehrgarning kvotasini to'ldirish uchun Monte musobaqalari.
2279"Rossiya ruleti"2019 yil 5-iyun (2019-06-05)
Josh va Keysi muzli Rossiya chizig'iga qadar shimolga 500 mil yurish xavfi bor. Jeyk o'zining tez yuradigan Qisqichbaqa guruhini kuzatib boradi. Sig shimoli-g'arbiy qismida ikki tomonlama vazifani bajaradi. Berbing dengizi sehrgarning po'lat korpusini yorib yuboradi, chunki Kerburns otasidan judo bo'lmoqda.
22810"Rossiya chizig'ining la'nati"2019 yil 12 iyun (2019-06-12)
Josh va Keysi o'zlarining eng katta kostryulkalarini tashiydilar, rus tilidagi chiziqqa oltin shoshilishni boshlashadi. Kapitan Bill intelga kiradi, Xarli esa raqamlarni o'z yo'li bilan tasdiqlaydi. Arktika bo'roni Elza g'azab bilan qurish paytida, flot bu muz malikasini o'limga olib keladigan sehrni amalga oshirayotganini tushunadi.
22911"Jahannamda g'azab yo'q"2019 yil 19-iyun (2019-06-19)
Arktika bo'roni Elza Cornelia-ni eng qattiq uradi, chunki ajralgan qozon Josh va Keysi ekipajini yiqitadi. Kapitan Keyt Elzaning muzli portlashlari Sehrgarni ag'darib yuborish bilan tahdid qilayotgani sababli, stakanga dekhandlarni buyurtma qiladi. Saga yolg'onchi to'lqinni qabul qilar ekan, Jeyk uchun tinchlik yo'q.
23012"Oltmish oyoqli hayvon"2019 yil 26 iyun (2019-06-26)
Arktikali Elza bo'roni kuchayib borar ekan, prognoz g'ayrioddiy kattalikdagi izolyatsiya qilingan to'lqinlarni ogohlantiradi. Korneliya Mari, Sehrgar va Janubiy Shamol Qisqichbaqa bilan boy shimoliy maydonlarda qamalib, bitta qayiq 60 metrlik yirtqich hayvonga duch kelguncha.
23113"Kran halokati"2019 yil 10-iyul (2019-07-10)
Dovulli dengizlarda Korneliya Mari krani relslardan chiqib, Josh va Keysining g'ildirak uyini sindirib, Teylorni yarador qildi. Sig xiyonatkor sharoitda toshli o'tish joyida harakat qilish xavfini tug'diradi va Sehrgar ekipaj ogohlantirishsiz qaroqchi to'lqini bilan yuzlashadi.
23214"Iblis kesgan"2019 yil 17-iyul (2019-07-17)
Sardorlar bo'rondan yo'qolgan vaqtni qoplaganligi sababli, dekkandlar qon bilan to'laydilar. Cornelia Mari-da, Josh g'ildirakni boshqaradi, chunki Keysi dengizda operatsiya o'tkazmoqda. Brenna A sobiq dengiz piyoda kuchlarini sinab ko'rmoqda. Uydan qo'ng'iroq qilish Signi eng yomon vaziyatga olib keladi.
23315"Buzilmas"2019 yil 24-iyul (2019-07-24)
Filo yuk poezdida orqaga qarab bo'ronlar bilan kurashmoqda. Sig ekipaji to'ldirilgan kostryulkalar uchun narx to'laydi, Xarli esa muz ostida topilmaydigan xazina ustida harakat qilish xavfini tug'diradi. Freddi Sehrgarda o'z-o'zini operatsiya qilishga urinadi. Summer Bay ekipaji Nikning kelajagi to'g'risida yangiliklarni oladi.
23416"Jahannam yoki baland suv"2019 yil 6-avgust (2019-08-06)
Bo'ronlar poyezdi janubdan filoni urib yuborgani kabi, Monte ham sehrgarga qaytib keladi. Jeyk oilasiga qaytish uchun 30 fut dengizdagi idishlarni tashish xavfi bilan kurashmoqda. Wild Bill boshqa qayiqlarga qaraganda shimoldan muzli Arktikaga haydab boradi.
23517"Muqaddas alyans"2019 yil 13-avgust (2019-08-13)
Qisqichbaqa imkonsiz bo'lib qolganligi sababli, faxriylar Sig Xansen va "Xarli" Devidsonlar ehtimoliy ittifoq tuzishadi, ammo eski maktab sardorlariga ishonch osonlikcha kelmaydi. Freddi Keytning shiddatli dengizlarda yurishga qaror qilgani uchun narx to'laydi. Jeyk qayiq egasi bo'lishni xohlaydi.
23618"Dark Ship"2019 yil 20-avgust (2019-08-20)
Sehrgarni tutun qoplaganida, Kolburns qorong'u kema dahshatiga duch keladi. To'siqlar Jeykning temir langarini sindirib, uni Sent-Pol orolining toshlaridan qochish uchun kurashishga majbur qiladi. Tinimsiz dengizlar tomonidan urilgan Sig Shimoli-g'arbiy qismidagi tanklarni to'ldirish uchun oilasiga murojaat qiladi.
23719"Vaqt va to'lqin hech kimni kutmaydi"2019 yil 27-avgust (2019-08-27)
Qish suyagi singanligi G'azabni Yozgi ko'rfazida ochib beradi va yangitdan qilgan xato xato kapitan Billni zo'r berib yuboradi. Jeyk dengizda jekpotni urdi, ammo quruqlikdagi kuchlar unga juda qimmatga tushdi. Shon o'zining qisqichbaqalar sonidagi o'lim nuqsonini aniqlaganda, to'lash uchun do'zax bor.
23820"O'lik yoki tirik"2019 yil 3 sentyabr (2019-09-03)
Har bir kapitanning keyingi harakati kim qishning so'nggi surishidan omon qolishini aniqlaydi. Shamollar sehrgarni monster to'lqini bilan to'qnashuv yo'nalishiga qo'ydi. Jak Saga saqlab qolish uchun Hillstrandga teginadi. Josh va Keysi Joshning otasi Fil Xarris "Korneila Mari" sardori bo'lganidan beri ko'rilmagan raqamlarni urishdi.
23921"Hozir yoki hech qachon"2019 yil 10 sentyabr (2019-09-10)
Mavsum finalida, atigi o'nta qozon qolganida, jarohati sohil xavfsizligini qutqarishni talab qiladi. Josh va Keysi yuk tashish bekor qilinganda katta yo'qotishlarga duch kelishmoqda. Sig zarlarni erta tugatmoqda va Monte sehrgar ushlab turgandan ko'ra ko'proq qisqichbaqa tashiydi.

16-fasl (2020)

umuman olganda
Yo'q yilda
SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
2401"Sovuq urush raqiblari"2020 yil 7-may (2020-05-07)
Rossiyaning Qisqichbaqa sanoatidagi keskin o'zgarish global bozorlarni silkitib, Golland Makoni kapitanlari va ularning rus dushmanlari o'rtasida yangi raqobatni kuchaytirmoqda. Qisqichbaqa narxi osmonga ko'tarilgach, afsonaviy kapitanlar o'zlarining tarixiy ish haqlarini olish uchun qaytib kelishadi.
2412"Xagibis tayfuni"2020 yil 14-may (2020-05-14)
Xuddi filo ruslarni yirtqichlardan mag'lub etish uchun o'z poygasini boshlagani kabi Xagibis tayfuni halokatli nigohini Bering dengiziga qaratadi; kapitanlar katta maosh olish uchun hayot va oyoq-qo'llarini xavf ostiga qo'yishni yoki boshqa kun bo'ronda o'tirib baliq tutishni tanlashlari kerak.
2423"Breaking Point"2020 yil 28 aprel (2020-04-28)
Hali ham o'limga olib keluvchidan o'zimni tutolmayapman Xagibis tayfuni, avtoulov ruslarga qarshi raqobatlashish yo'lida tirnoqlarni mixlaydi; yerni tashkil qilish uchun bosim kuchayib ketdi va bu kapitanlar uchun xavfli yoki hatto urush degani bo'lsa ham o'lishi mumkin.
2434"Ov miltiqlari va mushtlar"2020 yil 5-may (2020-05-05)
Xuddi ruslar oldinga siljishgani kabi, hamkompaniyalar Jonatan va Jeyk Seabrooke-da ashaddiy mushtlashish paytida o'zlarining muammolari bilan ov miltig'ini portlatdilar; Yovvoyi Bill dvigatelni uradi va Mendi yana qisqichbaqalarga qaytish uchun fanga garovlar qo'yadi.
2445"Ikki tomonlama agent"2020 yil 13-may (2020-05-13)
Korneliya Mari amerikalik sun'iy yo'ldoshlarni urib, ruslarni josuslik qilmoqda, kichik Skott Kempbell esa uzoq vaqt uxlab yotgan baliq ovining kashshofi. Uning kvotasi deyarli ushlanib qolganda, Wild Bill kataklizmik dvigatelning ishdan chiqishiga duch keladi va tartibsiz rus greenhorn bilan kvadratlarga aylanadi.
2456"Qon ketishining chekkasi"2020 yil 19-may (2020-05-19)
Qirol mavsumini kuchli yakunlash uchun barchasi kemada. Jonatan dengizda pichoq ostiga kiradi. Junior qo'lga kiritilmaydigan "Oltin qirol" qisqichbaqasini ta'qib qilayotganda hammasini garovga qo'yadi. Yovvoyi Bill itoatsiz greenhorn bilan oyoq barmoqdan oyoqqa yuradi.
2467"Qizilga"2020 yil 26-may (2020-05-26)
Oltin qisqichbaqani tankerga topshirish uchun Junior Rossiyaning suvlariga o'tishi mumkin. Hamkasblar Jeyk va Jonatan azaliy raqibi Keyt Kolbern bilan ittifoq tuzmoqchi. Josh Xarris o'z mavsumini instinktda tikadi. Kvota va variantlar bo'yicha qisqacha Wild Bill Rossiyada ish izlaydi.
2478"Mayday Mayday"2020 yil 2-iyun (2020-06-02)
Sohil xavfsizlik qo'mondonlari may oyining chaqirig'iga shafqatsiz qish bo'roni paytida do'stlarini yo'qotish uchun kapitanlar va ekipaj yordami sifatida javob berishadi. Sig va Monte ruslar qatorida opilio to'planishini kuzatib borishmoqda va cod derbisi paytida Wild Bill & Junior uchun soat tezligi.
2489"Sovuq urush qiziydi"2020 yil 9-iyun (2020-06-09)
Qisqichbaqa biomassasi Rossiya chizig'i bo'ylab ko'chib o'tayotganda, Josh va Keysi 175 ta idishni chegaraga tashladilar. Sig va Mendi baland dengizlarda qorong'i kema tomon ketmoqdalar. Junior tungi qor bo'ronida False Pass orqali bug 'tashlamoqchi bo'lganida Jeykning yangi dekhandasi jarohat oladi.
24910"Harms Way"2020 yil 16-iyun (2020-06-16)
500 millik kenglikdagi Sibir bo'roniga duch kelgan Josh, Cornelia Mari ekipajini xavfsiz saqlash uchun katta tavakkal qiladi. Junior o'z qayig'ini og'ir dengizlar rahm-shafqatiga berib, rullarini boshqarishni yo'qotadi. Hojatxonani yopib qo'yganda Jeykning greenhorn bilan bog'liq muammolari yanada yomonlashadi.
25011"Chase qayiqni qutqarish"2020 yil 23-iyun (2020-06-23)
Og'ir ro'yxatga kiritilgan va suvga tushgan Junior, ketma-ketlar tarixida birinchi marta qayiqni qutqarishga chaqiradi. Yovvoyi Bill balandlikdan qo'rqishiga qaramay, Nikni kemadan 20 metr uzoqlikda yuboradi. Josh va Keysi greenhorn Mariyani nokautga uchratgan katta to'lqini urishdi.
25112"Dutch Harbour Double Cross"2020 yil 30-iyun (2020-06-30)
Yozgi ko'rfazda Billning zaxira bloki yo'qolganda, uni to'lash uchun do'zax mavjud; Korneliya Mari skiperlari Josh va Keysi rus tilidagi hamkorlikda harakat qilishadi; uchta to'liq tank bilan tortilib, Sig og'ir shimoli-g'arbiy qismini Mendi qo'llariga topshiradi.
25213"Bomba siklon"2020 yil 7-iyul (2020-07-07)
Sehrgar bomba siklon deb nomlanuvchi shiddatli bo'ronda olov yoqadi. Josh va Keysi 30 metrlik dengizlarda baliq tutishga urinishmoqda, ikkita yolg'onchi to'lqin esa Janubiy Shamolni urishmoqda. Yovvoyi Bill ekipajini 72 soat davomida maydalab, o'zini qulash arafasida turibdi.
25314"Bering dengizining halokati"2020 yil 14-iyul (2020-07-14)
Charchashdan charchagan Wild Bill va uning ekipaji g'azabga duchor bo'lmoqdalar bomba siklon. Kesilgan tendon Yozgi ko'rfazni odamga tushiradi. Josh qimmatbaho shimolda Qisqichbaqa boy joylarida qimor o'ynaydi. Yarador Mac Juniorni bo'rondan olib o'tish uchun kurashmoqda.
25415"Ichak instinkti"2020 yil 21-iyul (2020-07-21)
Jarohat Signi g'ildirak uyidan chiqarib yuborganida, Mendi norozi shimoli-g'arbiy ekipajga qarshi boshqaruvni boshqaradi; Sehrgarda shikastlangan gidravlika va kindik churrasi Keytga ikki kishilik ichak zarbasini beradi; Josh va Keysi Cornelia Mari-da fojiaga duch kelishmoqda.
25516"Bering dengizining halokatga uchragan to'pi"2020 yil 28-iyul (2020-07-28)
To'ldirilgan idishlar qimmatga tushadi, chunki Jeyk bo'shashgan tankni uning qisqichbaqasini o'ldirishidan yoki dastani ag'darib yuborishdan oldin tuzatmoqchi. Josh va Keysining rullari og'ir tirbandlikda ishlamay qoladi va Wild Bill yangi greenhorn nazoratdan tashqarida yig'ish uchun oson nishonga aylantiradi.
25617"Xavfni yopish"2020 yil 4-avgust (2020-08-04)
Josh va Keysi dvigatelning ishlamay qolishi ularning etkazib berish oynasiga tahdid solayotgani sababli idishlarni tashish uchun poyga. Dengiz suvi uning gidravlik dvigatellarini yo'q qilar ekan, Junior uchta yangi motorni xavfli dengizga etkazib berishga harakat qilmoqda. Harley va uning ekipaji uning baliq ovlash strategiyasini boshdan kechirmoqda.
25718"Otam singari qizim singari"2020 yil 18-avgust (2020-08-18)
Sig va Mendi Jeykni qidiruv ishlarini bajarishga jalb qilish uchun fitna uyushtirishdi, ammo sobiq dekand o'z vaqtini o'z tanklarini to'ldirish uchun ishlatadi. Sehrgar ekipaj Keytni shifokorga etkazish uchun muzni yorib o'tishi kerak. Dvigatel stakdan yiqilib tushganda, Junior eng yomon narsadan qo'rqadi.
25819"Rouge Wave Juggernaut"2020 yil 25-avgust (2020-08-25)
Noyob ob-havo hodisasi qaroqchi to'lqinlarni qo'zg'atadi, chunki supermun to'lqinlari siklonik qor bo'roni bilan to'qnashadi. Josh va Keysi 55 metrlik hayvonlar bilan to'qnash kelmoqdalar, Jeyk esa tartibsiz dengizlarda rulini ta'mirlash uchun ag'darilib ketish xavfini tug'dirmoqda. Monte-ning shimolga katta harakatlanishi katta qozonlarda o'z samarasini beradi.
25920"Mariya singari muammo"2020 yil 1 sentyabr (2020-09-01)
Qor-oy bo'roni eng yuqori cho'qqiga chiqqanida, Cornelia Mari kemasi Josh va Keysining eng yashil yashil daraxti uchun tayanchga aylanadi. Monte suvda yurish uchun harakatlanayotganda, Harli dvigatelini yo'qotadi, Junior esa dengiz burgasi hujumiga qarshi kurash olib borganida muzli tuman flotni bosib oladi.
26021"Boshlanishning oxiri"2020 yil 8 sentyabr (2020-09-08)
Filo qish mavsumining so'nggi turini boshlaganda, qayg'uli yangiliklar Cornelia Mari g'ildiraklar uyini shiddatlantirmoqda. Leyk Alyaskaning greenhorn kompaniyasi, Gebbi, ekipajini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun og'riqli jarohatni yengdi. Yovvoyi Billning dekhandlari buta tuzatishni o'ylab topishlari yoki qo'lda tashiladigan idishlarga duch kelishlari kerak.
26122"Qon suvdan qalinroq"2020 yil 15 sentyabr (2020-09-15)
Saga faxriylardan voz kechib, Jeykni greenhorn qo'shinini ruslar safiga olib chiqishga majbur qiladi. Portlar virus tufayli yopilib ketayotgani sababli Josh akasi bilan uchrashish uchun uyga qaytish uchun kurashadi va Signing qizi kasalxonaga yotqiziladi.
26223"Hammasi o'zgaradi"2020 yil 22 sentyabr (2020-09-22)
Cornelia ekipaji o'zlarining jihozlarini dengiz muzidan qutqarish uchun kurashadi. Jeyk o'g'li tug'ilishidan oldin tanklarini to'ldirish uchun uzoq shimolga tavakkal qiladi. Yaqinlashib kelayotgan pandemiya haqidagi xabarlar orasida Rossiya qayiqlari sirli ravishda yo'q bo'lib ketmoqda va kapitanlar Qisqichbaqa narxi tushishidan oldin to'xtashdi.


SarlavhaAsl efir sanasi
"Uchuvchi - eng xavfli o'lja: tashlandi"2004 (2004)
Alyaska Qisqichbaqa baliqchisi sifatida hayotning qisqacha ko'rinishi. Ushbu qismda namoyish etilgan kemalarga quyidagilar kiradi Shimoli-g'arbiy, Erla-N, Dengiz yulduzi, Arktika tongi, va Saga.
"1-faslning eng yaxshilari"2006 yil 26 mart (2006-03-26)
"2-mavsumning eng yaxshilari"2007 yil 27 mart (2007-03-27)
"3-fasl parda ortida"2007 yil 23 iyun (2007-06-23)
3-mavsumni tayyorlash sahnalari ortida.
"3-faslning eng yaxshilari"2008 yil 8 aprel (2008-04-08)
Uchinchi mavsum yakunlari.
"4-fasl parda ortida"2008 yil 22-iyul (2008-07-22)
4-mavsumning tayyorgarligi sahnalari ortida.
"4-faslning eng yaxshilari"2009 yil 7 aprel (2009-04-07)
To'rtinchi mavsum yakunlari.
"Eng qo'pol va qiyin lahzalar"2009 yil 19-iyul (2009-07-19)
Filo uchun eng qo'pol va qiyin lahzalar Eng xavfli fasl 5-fasl orqali Deadliest Catch asl kadrlardan olingan.
"5-fasl parda ortida"2009 yil 27-iyul (2009-07-27)
Bu eng yaxshi televizor konserti - o'ldirishi mumkin bo'lgan to'plamda. Baliqchi muvaffaqiyatni Qisqichbaqa tutib, tirik qolish bilan o'lchaydi. Deadliest Catch ekipaji uchun muvaffaqiyat Bering dengizining eng dahshatli, jag'i tushgan hikoyalarini olish bilan o'lchanadi - bu qanday xavf tug'dirmasin.
"5-faslning eng yaxshilari: King Crab"2010 yil 4 aprel (2010-04-04)
"5-mavsumning eng yaxshisi: Opilio Crab"2010 yil 11 aprel (2010-04-11)
"Kapitan Fil Tribut"2010 yil 20-iyul (2010-07-20)
Marhum kapitanning hayotiga nazar tashlash Fil Xarris.
"6-fasl parda ortida"2010 yil 25 iyul (2010-07-25)
Deadliest Catch operatori sub'ektlari bilan har bir og'ir soatga duch keladi. Maxsus sahna ortida bitta operator hayot uchun xavfli dengiz kasalligi bilan kurashadi, boshqasi esa o'z hayoti haqida hikoya qilishni majbur qiladi.
"6-mavsumning eng yaxshisi"2011 yil 5 aprel (2011-04-05)
6-faslga nazar tashlang.
"Alaskan Monster Hunt: Hillstranded"2011 yil 19-iyul (2011-07-19)
"7-fasl parda ortida"2011 yil 26-iyul (2011-07-26)
Ruxi skipper veteran ishlab chiqaruvchisi bilan boshini uradi; tajribali kapitan tekshirilmagan operator bilan zo'ravonlik qiladi.
"7-mavsumning eng yaxshisi"2012 yil 3 aprel (2012-04-03)
Ushbu 2 soatlik maxsus, 7-mavsumda takrorlanadi.
"Ovning ichida: Deckxands"2012 yil 10 aprel (2012-04-10)
Kapitanlar operatsiyaning miyasi bo'lsa-da, har bir qisqichbaqa qayig'ining yuragi, ruhi va mushaklari bilan uchrashish uchun kemada sayohat qiling. Buni dekhand qilish uchun nima qilish kerakligini bilib oling va o'z boyliklarini erning chekkasida qidiradigan odamlar bilan uchrashing.
"Uchrashuv ichida: eng yaxshi janjallar"2012 yil 17 aprel (2012-04-17)
"Tutish ichida: o'limga yaqin"2012 yil 24 aprel (2012-04-24)
"Eng xavfli o'lja: vahiylar"2012 yil 31-iyul (2012-07-31)
Deadliest Catch baliqchilari o'zlarining so'zlari bilan voqea tomonlarini aytib berish uchun kameraga duch kelishadi. Bering dengizining bu qattiq, jasur qahramonlari uchun eng katta vahiy nima? Ularning belgilaydigan daqiqalari biznikidan unchalik farq qilmasligi mumkin.
"8-fasl parda ortida"2012 yil 7-avgust (2012-08-07)
"Boshlanishi"2013 yil 9 aprel (2013-04-09)
Bu oktyabr oyida Alyaskaning Golland-Harbor shahrida bo'lib o'tdi va 2011 yilgi Opilio-ning dahshatli mavsumidan so'ng, flotdagi har bir kema, shu jumladan ikkita yangi qayiq - 2012 yilgi King Crab mavsumida qaytishni xohlamoqda. Ammo ularning hech biriga oson bo'lmaydi.
"Epik fasl"2013 yil 9 aprel (2013-04-09)
Baland raqobat va dadil dengizni qutqarish allaqachon xavfli mavsumni o'z ichiga oladi.
"Vaqt afsonasi qaroqchisi"2013 yil 16 aprel (2013-04-16)
Jonatan Xillstrandning hikoyasi va Vaqt qaroqchisi Kichik Jonatan va Endi 2011-2012 yilgi qishki baliq ovlash mavsumidan so'ng, kemaning eng katta ta'mirini boshlashdi. Ikki oy davom etgan 1 million dollarlik katta ta'mirga yangi dvigatellar, keng ko'lamli ta'mirlash, bo'yash va muzni sindirishga yordam beradigan qo'shimcha zirh qoplamalarini o'rnatish kiradi.
"9-fasl ochildi"2014 yil 15 aprel (2014-04-15)
Kapitanlar va ekipajlar birinchi marotaba Deadliest Catch tarixidagi eng shafqatsiz fasllardan birini tozalab kelishdi. Bu o'tgan mavsumdagi eng yaxshi voqealar va barchasidan omon qolgan jasur odamlarning hayratga soladigan yangi kashfiyotlari.
"Ob'ektiv ortida"2014 yil 15 aprel (2014-04-15)
9-fasl sahnalari orqasida o'ting, chunki 40 ta operator 160 kun davomida 6 ta Qisqichbaqa qayig'ini, shu jumladan suv osti va aerofotosuratlardagi ketma-ket suratlarni suratga olishga tayyorlanmoqda. Kamera ekipajlari kapitanlardan xavfsizlik bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar olishadi (shuningdek, Monte-dan akasini g'azablantirmaslik haqida muhim ma'lumot) va 6 ta taniqli kemalar va 2 ta quvg'in qayig'ida 100 ta kamerani tayyorlash ustida ishlamoqdalar. Operatorlar flot qirollik mavsumining ketishini ikkita o'ziga xos nuqtai nazardan - Golland Makoni tubidan va Jeyms Bond filmiga loyiq bo'lgan qasr minorasi kamerasidan havodan tortishishlarni tasvirga olishmoqda. Skyfall. Bering dengizidan musiqa yaratuvchisi / ijrochi prodyuseri turkumidagi tushunchalar Thom Beers va Produucer R. Decker Watson, Jr.lar bastakor Didier Rachoning musiqiy asarlariga qo'shilishi uchun tovushlar yaratadigan aktyorga kirishadi. Veteran operator Todd Stenli kapitan Elliottning muzning ko'payishiga nisbatan kavaler munosabatidan xafa. Saga va quvg'in qayig'ini so'raydi Amatuli ularni diqqat bilan kuzatib borish. Nazorat qiluvchi muharrir Josh Erl, mil. kelib chiqadi Burbank, Kaliforniya uchun Sehrgar'50,8 soniyada qutqaruv kostyumining mashg'ulotini muvaffaqiyatli o'tkazadi. Operator Mett Faxining saraton kasalligi bilan kurashish haqidagi yangilanishlari.
"Shimoli-g'arbiy afsonasi"2014 yil 29 aprel (2014-04-29)
Norvegiyalik immigrant baliqchi Sverre Xansen va Shimoli-g'arbiy Edgar va Sig yozgi lososlar savdosi operatsiyalari paytida juggle qilayotganlarida aytiladi Kordova, Alyaska Va ular birodar Norman bilan birga Edgarning o'g'li Erik va Signing qizi Mendi kabi otalarining merosini sharaflaydilar, kemada ishlash uchun Hansensning uchinchi avlodi (va baliq ovlash sohasida Hansensning beshinchi avlodi) bo'lishgan.
"Ob'ektiv ortida: 10 yil ishlab chiqarilgan"2014 yil 8-avgust (2014-08-08)
Kapitanlarga, ekipajga va prodyuserlarga qo'shiling, ular epik 10-mavsumni tomosha qilish uchun ketishadi Deadliest Catch, shoh mavsumini kechiktirgan hukumatning yopilishidan zafarli qaytishiga qadar Korneliya Mari va opilio uchun Josh Xarris.
"10-fasl ochildi"2015 yil 7 aprel (2015-04-07)
Deadliest Catch-ning 10-mavsumi rekordlar kitobi uchun bir mavsum bo'ldi. Qayiq yong'inlari, cho'kib ketgan kemalar, giyohvandlik va katta foyda haqiqiy hayot kutilmagan hodisalarga to'la ekanligini isbotladi. Yangi sahnalar va intervyular bilan sardorlar va ekipajlar bir yilga yaqin ochadilar, ular hech qachon unutmaydilar.
"Bering dengizining afsonalari (1)"2015 yil 9-may (2015-05-09)
Maxsus qismning birinchi qismi. Sardorlar haqida hamma narsa.
"Shimoliy-g'arbiy qismning eng yaxshisi"2016 yil 8 mart (2016-03-08)
Shimoliy-G'arbiy Qisqichbaqa baliq ovlash kemasiga, shu jumladan kapitan Sig Xansen bilan intervyularga diqqat bilan qarash.
"Vaqtning eng yaxshisi"2016 yil 15 mart (2016-03-15)
Kapitan Jon Xillstrand bilan intervyular, shu jumladan, Time Bandit Qisqichbaqa baliq ovlash kemasiga diqqat bilan qarash.
"Do'zaxdagi bir fasl"2016 yil 22 mart (2016-03-22)
"Nuri" to'fonidan buyon Cape Cape-ning katta o'g'irlanishiga qadar parkni silkitgan eng katta bo'ron - kapitanlar jahannamdagi mavsumning g'alabalari va xiyonatlari haqida birinchi marta ochib berishdi.
"Sehrgarning afsonasi"2016 yil 5-aprel (2016-04-05)
Kapt Keyt Kolbern so'nggi 50 dollarini million dollarlik imperiyaga aylantirdi. Ikkinchi Jahon Urushi Dengiz kemasiga boyliklarini qo'shib qo'ygan Keyt Sehrgarni flotdagi eng shiddatli kemalardan biriga aylantirdi. Ammo har bir g'alabaning qiymati bor, har bir qurbonlikning hisobi bor.
"Cornelia Mari-ning eng yaxshisi"2016 yil 16 aprel (2016-04-16)
Josh Xarris otasining qayig'ini mavsum davomida ishlamasligi uchun kurashadi; Cornelia Mari-ning kelib chiqishi; Josh buning oqibatlarini tushunadi
"Bering dengizining afsonalari (2)"2016 yil 7-may (2016-05-07)
Kemalarning pastki qismida maxsus uch soatlik qayiq: shimoli-g'arbiy, Cornelia Mari va sehrgar.
"Bering dengizi kapitanlari"2016 yil 9-avgust (2016-08-09)
Bering dengizi kapitaniga aylangan odamlar haqida maxsus. Seriyalarning asosiy voqealari taqdim etildi.
"Sig Xansen merosi"2016 yil 23-avgust (2016-08-23)
Signing yurak xuruji uni kelajakni qayta ko'rib chiqishga majbur qiladi. Shuningdek, Alyaskada Qisqichbaqa baliqchiligining oldingi kunlariga nazar tashlang.
"Tug'ilgan va buzilgan afsonalar"2017 yil 4-aprel (2017-04-04)
Har bir hikoyaning uch tomoni bor. Birinchi marta kapitanlar va ekipajlar flotning eng obro'li kapitanlaridan birini egallab olgan o'limga qarshi mavsum haqida gapirishadi.
"Kapitan Keyt Kerburn merosi"2017 yil 13-aprel (2017-04-13)
Kapitan Keyt Kolbern o'zining so'nggi 50 dollarini million dollarlik imperiyaga aylantirganiga va Sehrgarni flotdagi eng shiddatli kemalardan biriga aylantirganiga qarang.
"Xavf evolyutsiyasi"2017 yil 18-aprel (2017-04-18)
Ushbu epizod Qisqichbaqa tarixidagi eng shafqatsiz jarohatlar va o'limga qarshi daqiqalarni o'rganib chiqadi. Yangi xavfsizlik qoidalari bilan ham, Qisqichbaqa baliq ovlash hech qachon xavfsiz bo'lishi mumkinmi?
"Yovvoyi Bill haqidagi afsona"2017 yil 30-may (2017-05-30)
Yovvoyi Bill o'g'li bilan munosabatlarni buzgan holda, mavsum boshlanishidan oldin o'zining 2 million dollarlik sarmoyasini tijorat krabberiga aylantirishga shoshiladi.
"A Hillstrand 4-iyul"2017 yil 4-iyul (2017-07-04)
Djonatan Ikkinchi Jahon Urushi Urushi qahramoni bobosi sharafiga, Jonatan orol tarixidagi eng katta fişek namoyish qilishni rejalashtirmoqda va Dutch Harborga qilingan hujumni ko'rib chiqadi.
"Jonatan Xillstrand merosi"2017 yil 6-sentabr (2017-09-06)
Afsonaviy Jon Xillstrand 37 yildan beri nafaqaga chiqadi. Ushbu taniqli baliqchi, janjalchi va Bering dengizi pranksterining martabasiga sayohat qilishda bizga qo'shiling.
"Kapitan va kapitan"2018 yil 21 mart (2018-03-21)[27]
Kapitanlar bir-birlariga o'zlarining martabalari va 2016-2017 yilgi mavsumdagi voqealar to'g'risida bir-birlariga ochiq va ochiq-oydin savollar berib, 14-mavsumning ba'zi oldindan ko'rishlari bilan aralashdilar.
"Jeyk Andersonning afsonasi"2018 yil 25-aprel (2018-04-25)[28]
Har qanday vaziyatga qaramay, Jeyk Anderson sardori bo'lish uchun qaramlikdan qaytish yo'lida kurashdi. Endi u yana bir mo''jizani namoyish qilish uchun, uning kemasozlik zavodida kaltaklangan kemasini jonlantirish uchun atigi ikki hafta vaqt bor.
"Sohil xavfsizlik qahramonlari"2018 yil 30-may (2018-05-30)[29]
USCG suzuvchisi, uchuvchisi va kapitani Sig, Keyt, Bill, Keysi, Jeyk va Shon bilan birga Bering dengizining eng dahshatli qutqaruvlariga insayderning qarashlarini ko'rsatmoqdalar. Ko'p odamlar hayotini saqlab qolishdi va afsuski, ba'zilari qutqara olmaydilar.
"Bering dengiz uchburchagi"2018 yil 3-iyul (2018-07-03)[30]
"Bering dengiz uchburchagi" kapitanlarda ham, ekipaj a'zosida ham qo'rquvni keltirib chiqaradi. Mutaxassislar va crabbers, Alyaska suvlarining kichik bir burchagi atrofidagi sirni o'rganmoqdalar, u erda qayiqlar shunchaki yo'q bo'lib ketdi, may kuni qo'ng'iroqsiz va izsiz.
"Qish g'azabidan omon qolish"2018 yil 17-iyul (2018-07-17)[31]
Sardorlar o'zlarining shaxsiy hisoblarini ochib berishadi va "Deadliest Catch" da sodir bo'layotgan voqealar haqida ichki sirlarini baham ko'rishadi, chunki ular super oy bo'roni va qish mavsumida kurashmoqda. Bu muxlislar uchun sardorlarning o'yin oldidan namoyishidir va hech narsa cheklanmaydi.
"Tugallanmagan biznes"2019 yil 3 aprel (2019-04-03)[32]
Sardorlar Gollandiyalik portga qirol qisqichbaqasi mavsumi ochilishidan bir necha kun oldin qaytib kelishadi. Ular qayiqlarini va ekipajlarini Bering dengizi bilan jang qilishga tayyorlayotganda, shuningdek, o'tgan mavsumda tugallanmagan ishlarni hal qilish uchun bir-birlariga duch kelishlari kerak.
"Shon Dvayer afsonasi"2019 yil 24 aprel (2019-04-24)
Filoning eng yosh kapitani betartiblikda tug'ilgan: oilada Qisqichbaqa kemasi dengizda yo'qolgan, sevimli otasi tez orada ketgan. Ammo kapitan Shon fojiani g'alabaga aylantirdi, oilaviy biznesni baliqchilik imperiyasiga aylantirib, yangi avlod uchun zaminni oshirdi.
"Strategiya va aldash"2019 yil 1-may (2019-05-01)
Millionlab odamlar safida bo'lsa, Qisqichbaqa kapitani to'rt yulduzli general kabi strategik bo'lishi kerak. Ammo aldash Bering dengizida muvaffaqiyat qozonish va omon qolish uchun zarur bo'lgan taktikami? Buni aniqlashning yagona usuli - usta baliqchilar poligrafiya sinovidan o'tganligi.
"Ulug'likka qiynoqqa solish"2019 yil 8-may (2019-05-08)
Grinxornlar har mavsumda bir necha haftalik ish uchun minglab odamlarni cho'ntakka qidirib, Gollandiyalik portga kelishadi. Ammo ekipajlar yigitlarni dunyodagi eng xavfli ishdan omon qolish uchun qanday qilib o'rgatishadi? Kapitanlar va klinik psixolog "qattiq sevgi" ni "yangi maktab" usullariga taqqoslashadi.
"F / V yo'nalishi siri"2019 yil 2-iyul (2019-07-02)
Filodan bir necha mil narida baliq ovlash kemasi izsiz yo'qoladi. Misli ko'rilmagan tergovda, sirni nihoyat hal qilish mumkin. But captains must make big changes, or risk sailing into the same peril on the icy Bering Sea.
"Before the Catch with Mike Rowe"2020 yil 7 aprel (2020-04-07)
Mike Rowe offers a personal view into the lives of our favorite crabbers with first-ever one-on-one interviews with the captains of Deadliest Catch. This relatable hour is shot remotely from all their homes. Sheltered in place all in the same boat.
"How to Beat the Russians"2020 yil 7 aprel (2020-04-07)
Unexpected change in the Russian fishing industry shocks global crab markets. With the highest prices going to the first boats to the dock, the U.S. fleet confronts a turbulent past in preparation for competition and a new Cold War on the Bering Sea.
"Casey and the New Cornelia Marie"2020 yil 11 aprel (2020-04-11)
Heading into the most challenging season yet, the Cornelia Marie is showing her age. Now, with an additional million dollars in quota to catch, Casey and Josh must transform the decaying vessel into the crabber of the future.
"The Harris Bloodline"2020 yil 21 aprel (2020-04-21)
On the 10th anniversary of Captain Phil Harris' final season on the Bering Sea, Josh Harris makes a personal journey to rediscover what made his father a legend, and embrace the legacy he inherits as Phil's son and co-captain of the Cornelia Marie.
"Siberian Winter"2020 yil 26-may (2020-05-26)
Captain Wild Bill heads to Russia as captain-for-hire. As an Opilio biomass concentrates along the Russian line, the Dutch Harbor fleet must prepare for a winter season far to the north where ice and waves are most severe and rescue is out of range.

Mini-seriyalar va kengaytirilgan qismlar

Tutishdan keyin

Tutishdan keyin is a mini-series that aired following or during the main Deadliest Catch seasons from 2007 to 2012. It primarily consists of roundtable discussions between the captains about their experiences as featured on the show, and after the season ended. After the Catch III-VI also include vignettes of the captains taking part in various activities where taping happened (like in the San-Diego area during After the Catch III). Tutishdan keyin uses the same opening credits as Deadliest Catch except for the title and theme music.

Deadliest Catch narrator Mike Rowe hosted all episodes except After the Catch III, qachon Naqd idishni 's Ben Beyli mezbonlik qildi. After the Catch IV-VI began airing before the current season of Deadliest Catch was over, usually around the start of Opilio season.

Tutishdan keyin Men

Filmed at the "Lockspot" bar in Sietl, Vashington.

Theme music by Andy Kubiszewski.

#SarlavhaOriginal airdate
1"Overboard"May 29, 2007 (2007-05-29)
The captains talk about ships that have sunk and men that have fallen overboard, including reaction to film footage of the Katta vodiy falokat.
2"Man vs. Nature"2007 yil 5-iyun (2007-06-05)
The captains talk about storms, ice, rogue waves, and other natural events on the Bering dengizi.
3"Mysteries at Sea"2007 yil 12 iyun (2007-06-12)
The captains talk about traditions, superstitions, and bizarre events from the past.
4"Yon tomonda"2007 yil 19-iyun (2007-06-19)
The captains talk about family, money, bar fights, greenhorns, and practical jokes at sea.

Tutishdan keyin II

Filmed at "Pratty's" pub in Gloester, Massachusets shtati.

Theme music by Andy Kubiszewski.

#SarlavhaOriginal airdate
1"Afsonalar"2008 yil 17-iyun (2008-06-17)
The captains talk about moments, their Gloucester comrades, and cameramen on the ships.
2"Birodarlar"2008 yil 24-iyun (2008-06-24)
The captains and members of their crews talk about family, siblings on the same boat, traditions, and a love of fishing.
3"Emergency"2008 yil 1-iyul (2008-07-01)
The captains talk about coping with the emergencies and crisis that occur on their boats when out in the middle of the Bering Sea with no assistance.
4"Deckhands"2008 yil 8-iyul (2008-07-08)
Deckhands and Greenhorns from several boats talk about their first experiences and history working the deck.
5"Real Life"2008 yil 15-iyul (2008-07-15)
Captain Phil Harris of the FV Cornelia Marie recounts his life-threatening ordeal during the recent Opilio Crab season.

Tutishdan keyin III

Naqd idishni 's Ben Beyli hosts this season. Filmed at "RT's Longboard Grill" and other locations in and near San-Diego, Kaliforniya.

Theme music by Andy Kubiszewski.

#SarlavhaOriginal airdate
1"Staying On Course"2009 yil 16-iyun (2009-06-16)
2"Bering Sea Brothers"2009 yil 23 iyun (2009-06-23)
3"Frozen Crab"June 30, 2009 (2009-06-30)
4"No Trespassing"2009 yil 7-iyul (2009-07-07)
5"Life Is Good"2009 yil 14-iyul (2009-07-14)

Tutishdan keyin IV

Mayk Rou returns as host; filmed at the "Blue Nile" bar and other locations in and near Nyu-Orlean, Luiziana.

Theme music: "Hard Row To Hoe", written and performed by Dege Legg.

#SarlavhaOriginal airdate
1"The Time Bandit"2010 yil 15 iyun (2010-06-15)
The crew of the F/V Vaqt qaroqchisi discuss John and Keith's fight, Phil's passing, and who will take over the helm of this crab boat.
2"The Northwestern"2010 yil 22 iyun (2010-06-22)
The F/V Shimoli-g'arbiy crew talk about serving under the rigorous pace set by Captain Sig, and recall various events of interest aboard the boat during the season such as the Jake swap and Jake Anderson's father going missing.
3"The Wizard"2010 yil 29 iyun (2010-06-29)
The F/V sehrgar talks about its year, including its two greenhorns and its backfired bait recycling scheme during the king crab season.
4"Filo"2010 yil 6-iyul (2010-07-06)
The group talks with Josh Harris and Freddy Maughtai about the aftermath of Phil's stroke, and the rest of the fleet, including the returns of Wild Bill Wichrowski and Russell Newberry. The Captains also tour the damage caused to the Louisiana coastline by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
5"The Good Captain Phil"2010 yil 13-iyul (2010-07-13)
The Captains talk about the Korneliya Mari and the death of Phil Harris with Phil's sons, Josh and Jake, and some of his closest on-shore friends. The filming concludes with a jazz funeral held in New Orleans in Phil's honor.

Tutishdan keyin V

Uy egasi Mayk Rou, and filmed at "The Shack" restaurant yilda Gavayi Kay va boshqa joylar Oaxu.

Theme music: "Hard Row To Hoe", written and performed by Dege Legg.

#SarlavhaOriginal airdate
1"Low Tide"2011 yil 14 iyun (2011-06-14)
The captains discuss the 'highs' and 'lows' of fishing the Bering Sea. A tense reunion between Josh Harris and Derrick Ray during the roundtable nearly escalates into an on-camera brawl.
2"Relentless"2011 yil 21 iyun (2011-06-21)
3"Meni saqla"2011 yil 28 iyun (2011-06-28)
4"Yangi qon"2011 yil 5-iyul (2011-07-05)
5"High Tide"2011 yil 12-iyul (2011-07-12)

Tutishdan keyin VI

Uy egasi Mayk Rou, and filmed at the "Whale's Tail" bar and other locations in and near Brekenrij, Kolorado.

Theme music: "Hard Row To Hoe", written and performed by Dege Legg.

#SarlavhaOriginal airdate
1"The Unexpected"2012 yil 19 iyun (2012-06-19)
2"Ambition"2012 yil 26 iyun (2012-06-26)
3"View From Shore"2012 yil 3-iyul (2012-07-03)
4"Gamblers"2012 yil 10-iyul (2012-07-10)
5"Fisherman's Code"2012 yil 17-iyul (2012-07-17)
6"Looking Ahead"2012 yil 24-iyul (2012-07-24)


Yem bu "pregame show " roundtable hujjatli -style television mini-series that previews select episodes of Deadliest Catch since Season 9, filmed in Dutch Harbor, and hosted by Sig Hansen, Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand, and Keith Colburn, with narration by Deadliest Catch hikoya qiluvchi Mayk Rou.

The captains swap stories about the off-season and hints on what the viewers can expect in that night's episode, with previews of the upcoming season in the king crab and opilio crab kickoffs.

Regular features include "The Hot Seat" (interview focused on one Captain or deckhand) and questions from celebrity fans of the show.

The spin-off series is produced in partnership with Asl ishlab chiqarishlar and Silent Crow Arts.

Theme music is a six-second instrumental clip at the end of "Hard Row To Hoe" by Dege Legg (dan.) After the Catch VI).

Yem 1

Episodes 4-7 were filmed at Mercer oroli VFW near Sietl.

#SarlavhaOriginal airdate
1"Opening Day: King Crab"2013 yil 16 aprel (2013-04-16)

Sig, Johnathan, Andy and Keith offer a preview of Season 9. Discussion topics: "Old vs. Young" (old guys staying in the game vs. new guys like Elliott and Junior); "Sibling Rivalries" among the Hansen, Hillstrand and Colburn brothers about sharing the helm (with guest Captain/deck boss Edgar); "Where We Left Off" (recapping Season 8's slashed quotas and early descending ice pack); "The Off Season" (what the Captains did for fun or work between seasons, including the Vaqt qaroqchisi engine and hull upgrades); "Wild Bill" the weatherman for Yem, and also fired by the Kodiak's owners after Season 8 for losing crab pots due to the early descending ice pack; "The Josh Harris Situation": Johnathan and Andy interview Josh about the situation with him, his brother Jake, and three years of frustration trying to purchase the Korneliya Mari (with flashbacks from After the Catch IV va After the Catch VI).

Regular feature "The Hot Seat" debuts with Sig interviewing Elliott the dad; Keith interviewing Elliott the Captain (with guest appearance by Executive Producer Jeff Conroy showing time-coded tape of events that led to Elliott being fired from the Ramblin 'atirgul) and previewing Elliott's new purchase, the Saga (last seen in Season 1); and Andy interviewing Junior about his "legend-ary" Season 8 and previews of Season 9 troubles he'll have with Keith.

"Boat Tour": Johnathan is pranked by Keith and Monte after touring the sehrgar; Wild Bill shows Edgar his new ride, the Cape ehtiyotligi, which required a lot of repairs by the owners to put it in service again on short notice. Celebrity questions from actor Stiv Karell.
2"Midseason Kings"2013 yil 14-may (2013-05-14)

Mike Rowe's introduction to the episode, over fist fights and a flaming hook, sums up the first half of 2012 King Crab season perfectly: "The fiery battles continue throughout the Bering Sea: for turf, for survival, and for the Deadliest Catch. So before tonight's new episode, the Captains are set to hash it out and crank you up."

Continuing on last week's old vs. young theme, they talk about how captains typically took five years or longer (and presumed past age 30) to go from working a deck to the wheelhouse, and many young guys, like Josh Harris and Jake Anderson are trying to get there before age 30, as well as Edgar wanting a crack at captaining Shimoli-g'arbiy for Blue King Crab season. And as highlights from the episode air, Edgar reminds viewers that the "SH" letters on the vessel's shield "do not stand for Sig Hansen" (they stand for Sverre Hansen, their father); Wild Bill trying to educate his son Zack in a hurry on how to fish crab; Junior and Elliott trying to catch blues.

First up, "The Saga Saga": The Captains interview Elliott, and Sig reveals he didn't even know the boat was still functional, followed by Elliott giving Edgar the "Boat Tour". Back in studio, they talk about how Saga hasn't fished in eight years, and Elliott also mentions the Season 1 man overboard of Kevin "Kado" Davis (later one of Elliott's Ramblin 'atirgul deckhands) when he was working on the Saga. "Alliances": Sig, Johnathan, Keith and Elliott confront Junior about how he does alliances.

"Edgar vs. Sig": Using footage from the "Revelations" special and "Mutiny on the Bering Sea", we see why Edgar has had an uphill fight with Sig to learn the wheelhouse side of the family business, as Keith sits inbetween the brothers for the interview. "Boat Tour": Sig gives Zack a tour of the Shimoli-g'arbiy.

" Cape ehtiyotligi": The Captains interview Wild Bill, commending his ability to pull his new ship out of mothballs and have it catching crab in a very short time, and reviewing adventures of the father/son deck hand duo of Kirby and Mikey Mitchell.

Celebrity questions from NASCAR poygachi Deyl Ernxardt, kichik, answered by Wild Bill in person at the race track. Johnathan, captain/children's book author, reads to kids at the Unalaska library.

"The Hot Seat": Sig interviews Josh Harris and Johnathan about Jake Harris' problems, and Josh's efforts to procure the Korneliya Mari, and Josh announces he is going to be a father; Sig interviews Andy, who is keeping a close eye on his brother's health, in the wake of Johnathan breaking his ribs TWICE inbetween 2012 Opilio and King Crab seasons, the first was bull riding caught on tape for After the Catch VI and the second in a motorcycle accident while the boat was being repaired (as seen in the "Legend of the Time Bandit" special).
3"Opilio Kicks Off"2013 yil 4-iyun (2013-06-04)

Before the Captains kick off a 2013 Opilio season that may prove to be just as icy and nasty as 2012 Opilio season was, they have to tie up the loose ends from 2012 King Crab season.

First up, "Captain Edgar's Blue Crab": Despite Sig's reservations, he let Edgar take the helm for blues. Edgar fixed a failed part, caught their quota AND defused a reprise of the Season 4 fight between deck hands Jake Anderson and Matt Bradley; Matt joins Sig, Edgar and Keith to discuss the aftermath. Jake left after kings to pursue an opportunity to captain the Kiska Sea.

Johnathan and Andy give a quick "Opilio Geography" lesson on where the fishing grounds are. Mike Rowe and Vaqt qaroqchisi deckhand Mike Fourtner describe "Dutch Harbor Bunker Hill", from its Ikkinchi jahon urushi days as an Army base with Fourtner giving the physical tour. The Captains sing "Bill's Blues" with Wild Bill, going too far north and low numbers on blues until late in the season.

The Captains put Elliott in "The Hot Seat" to talk about his first season as a boat owner, and what it will take to start turning profits; then they add Junior to the discussion as they square off over their blue "alliance"; then they talk about being sons of crab fisherman, and Scott Sr.'s near-fatal accident that cut short Junior's king season. Also in "The Hot Seat" (again) is Josh Harris, still working on the Vaqt qaroqchisi as he works to procure the Korneliya Mari, and will be given the graduation boot by the Hillstrands at the end of the season.

Celebrity studio visit and question by Go'shtli non. Keith and Lenny show us "Dutch Harbor's Deadliest Church", the iconic 1825 Rus pravoslavlari church shown in the Deadliest Catch opening credits and Keith rings the bells installed in 1894. As sehrgar prepares to sail with yet another greenhorn deckhand, the Captains discuss Keith's reputation as "The Greenhorn Slayer", with Executive Producer Jeff Conroy adding "cameraman slayer" to Keith's reputation over footage he had reviewed on the day this episode was taped.

The first ever "Yem Exclusive" (footage not aired on Deadliest Catch yoki Kemada) shows sehrgar being pummeled by a massive yolg'onchi to'lqin.
4"Fouled By Weather"2013 yil 25-iyun (2013-06-25)

Opening with scenes depicting Opilio fishing described in Mike Rowe's introduction as "fouled by weather", the Captains and crews are having some anger management issues over another very bad Opilio weather season, especially Zack and crew on the Cape ehtiyotligi, a deckhand fight on the sehrgar and Captain Andy and the Vaqt qaroqchisi crew of veteran deckhands.

First up in "The Hot Seat", the Vaqt qaroqchisi crew, represented first by Josh Harris then by deck boss Mike Fourtner discussing the lack of bait (Axel's job) and Andy missing a double-rogue wave call that endangered the crew and sent a pot overboard. What likely saved the crew was their "sea wall", a high section of railing that crew can duck behind, as Junior demonstrates on Seabrooke where his rails were before the season, and where they are now after installing the sea walls.

Wild Bill delivers a typical rainy Seattle weather report, with Edgar providing the garden hose rainfall. Back in studio, the Captains and Wild Bill discuss lousy fishing, Mikey having a new girlfriend back in Oregon, and Zack berating the old man for the bad numbers. During a break in taping, Johnathan and Andy try to poach Zack from Wild Bill until Bill sees what's going on.

Celebrity questions from Qizil achchiq qalampir barabanchi Chad Smit. Their musical and community appreciation is shown with footage from "The Captains' Concert" at the SXSW festival Ostin, Texas. When asked by a local reporter what kind of music they listen to on deck, Sig and Johnathan tell him no music, because they need to be able to communicate, which leads into a discussion back in studio about "Distractions at Sea", led by Elliott's boom box drowning out a rogue wave much like the one Andy missed.

Next up in "The Hot Seat": Elliott, discussing his personal problems and their effect on the Saga ekipaj. Junior provides an update on his father being past the critical stage and recovering, and facing a two-week delay in the start of his Opilio season heading into a descending ice pack driving the rest of the fleet south as he heads north.

Next in "The Hot Seat": Jake Anderson makes his debut on Yem, facing Sig and Edgar again, and also discussing the Seattle/Oregon rivalry when the Kiska Sea crew resents a Seattle kid potentially running the boat. "Sunshine", Jake's replacement on Shimoli-g'arbiy ham paydo bo'ladi.

Special guest C. J. Cutter from Blood and Oil visits the set and previews an episode of that Discovery series. Lenny and the Captains discuss Freddy's fight with the Wizard's greenhorn.
5"Iced Over"2013 yil 16-iyul (2013-07-16)

The episode opens with the Captains talking about the previous week's Deadliest Catch episode, where boats came in to port at St. Paul Island to offload crab after battling the fast-descending ice pack and mechanical problems; and previews of that night's episode returning to see who lost gear, who caught crab, Wild Bill fixing a mechanical problem at sea, and sehrgar hit by a rogue wave. They also discuss how the ice problems throw off delivery schedules and potential loss of crab, pots and money if the gear goes off the edge into deeper water without enough line to the buoys.

First up in "The Hot Seat": Keith, since at this point in 2013 Opilio season, he's the only one "on the crab" and he's in a race to pull his gear before the ice claims any pots. Then the other Captains add fuel to the fire by bringing in Wizard's oldest deckhand, Lenny, and Edgar to discuss insubordination, and how older crew like Lenny can give a "smooth f--- off" to Monte and get away with it because of his tenure, when greenhorns like Dane cannot. As they discuss how one greenhorn being confined to quarters can flip control of a deck, Keith asks "Can I get out of this seat sometime soon?" as they show the rogue wave compounding Keith's problems.

Johnathan tries his hand at captaining a Seattle police boat on Vashington ko'li.

Next up in "The Hot Seat": Elliott joins the Captains as they discuss how insubordinate Saga's crew is towards him; followed by Junior, who is making up for lost time by fishing in dangerous conditions, turning a planned quick 48-hour trip into a 12-day adventure.

Celebrity questions from actor Tom Grin.

Wild Bill is next to sit in "The Hot Seat", talking about his challenges teaching son Zack the ropes of fishing, including insubordination; Zack joins the discussion. Then they discuss the early departure of engineer Kirby Mitchell while Bill was repairing hydraulic lines on the Cape ehtiyotligi.

Wild Bill and Zack do some indoor skydiving on a break, experiencing 120-knot winds without the seaborne elements like salt or jellyfish.

A new special feature, "Fourtner Finds Out" debuts, as Vaqt qaroqchisi deck boss Mike Fourtner finds out how hydraulics on a crab boat work, in response to Tom Green's second question. (The facility where the demo is performed serviced the cranes on both Vaqt qaroqchisi va Shimoli-g'arbiy.) Footage from Time Bandit's hydraulic pump failure from the previous week's episode is shown.

All three Hansen brothers revisit their auto shop teacher at Shorewood High School, recounting how lessons learned in shop class saved their lives at sea.
6"Hail Mary"2013 yil 23-iyul (2013-07-23)

The Captains start by discussing strategies for dealing with unexpected events, in a season where all the worst elements came together: injuries, breakdowns, bad fishing, bad waves, and bad ice.

While talking about bad waves, "Fourtner Finds Out" exactly what a rogue wave is at the NOAA Western Regional Center in Seattle.

"Battling the Ice": Junior and the Captains discuss how the ice was a game-changer in how they fished, and that the best ice strategy is to stay out of it; and how the top layer "suitcases" of pots with the buoys and lines still tied inside can be shed at a loss, if necessary, to save a boat.

"Seattle": Keith shows how boats beat up by the ice get repaired and reprovisioned in Seattle at much lower costs than up in Alaska.

Wild Bill delivers a sunny weather report, while talking about how two "kids" in Elliott and Jake Anderson are trying to run crab boats, and will learn "being a boat captain, it ain't kid stuff".

First in "The Hot Seat" is Jake Anderson, discussing how he left Shimoli-g'arbiy only for an opportunity to captain a boat, not likely to happen soon there with Edgar and Norm Hansen already in line, and getting more information than helm time on the Kiska Sea.

Next in "The Hot Seat" is Elliott, discussing why he let his bad-mouthing engineer go, with Keith commenting how it takes time for a young captain to build a good crew, and how he still has problems with new greenhorns; then they discuss a really unusual unexpected problem: sand fleas that eat bait and crab, and using squid in their bait to eliminate the problem.

Junior joins Sig, Andy and Keith to discuss how "Junior's Hot Fishing" spot came from the Colonel (Scott Sr.) and adopting his fishing techniques, as well.

Celebrity questions from New York Governor Endryu Kuomo.

Wild Bill and Zack join the Captains to discuss how Bill had to repair the crane on a boat that hadn't fished in a while, and how that helped the relationship with Zack.

Sig answers a fan question about girls on the boat, and we see the first pictures of his daughter Mandy on deck during summer tendering, with Johnathan telling Sig he'd love to see her fishing king crab, and Andy saying "Women are not built for that job." for winter opilio fishing. Footage of Mandy and Matt Bradley on deck during tendering is shown as Johnathan explains what tendering is.

After Sig answers a third question from Andrew Cuomo regarding having challenging younger brothers in the family business, Edgar joins Sig and Andy to discuss being "Back on Deck" after a successful Blue Crab season in the wheelhouse, and previews a short-of-quota Sig offering Edgar a chance to run the boat for an Opilio trip.

Johnathan demonstrates how heavy those 800-lb crab pots are by squashing a squash and a melon with one.

In "Crabbers Gone Wild", we see how the end of the season drives the crews crazy. Wild Bill joins the discussion, and Keith previews the craziest thing he's even seen as Freddy jumps overboard to help harness a walrus carcass.

Mayk Rou makes his first on-camera appearance on Yem at the end of the episode when Johnathan says "Who needs Mike Rowe?", as the Captains' timing for the start of that night's Deadliest Catch episode is off by a few seconds.
7"The Home Stretch"2013 yil 30-iyul (2013-07-30)

The Captains begin the episode by entering the home stretch: previews of the 2-hour Season 9 finale, which continue the theme of the season, old vs. young.

In "Boat by Boat" segments, we get a look at the future of each boat. First up, Vaqt qaroqchisi and the departure of two seasoned deckhands.

Landing first in "The Hot Seat" is Josh Harris, who announces to a toast of Coors (instead of "duck farts") that he has purchased the Korneliya Mari. Josh plans on having a co-captain for at least one season, maybe two, after seeing what Vaqt qaroqchisi endured during Season 9, and Freddy on deck (Freddy promised to return if Josh ever ran the boat). Joining him is Vaqt qaroqchisi deck boss Mike Fourtner, retiring after 15 seasons due to expecting twins with his wife.

Keith gives a shout out to the men and women who protect their livelihood: the Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari sohil xavfsizligi.

Wild Bill catches a fish in Pike joy bozori because the previous week, he was chewed out for not being able to catch crab, which Sig also had problems with last week.

The Shimoli-g'arbiy "Boat by Boat" update starts with Sig offering Edgar the boat for the end of Opilio season, and continues with Sig finally sitting in "The Hot Seat", questioned by Wild Bill, Johnathan, Edgar, Andy and Keith, discussing the drama from the start of the season over blue quota, and Sig trying to apologize for underestimating Edgar's abilities. They also discuss Jake Anderson's decision to leave, and Sig interviews Jake at Sig's house.

"Boat by Boat": Elliott is taking care of Saga biznes Kodiak, so is not able to defend himself for appearing "disrespectful" to older captains for doubting his ability to catch crab; va boshqalar Seabrooke, Junior's alliances and bad news from home caused much grief. With Andy and Sig looking on, Junior confronts Keith about his perceived wrong to him, and walks off the set before violence erupts.

After a break, Johnathan and Wild Bill return on set as "Boat by Boat" views the Wizard's crazy season, topped off by the crazy interview that just finished.

Celebrity questions from none other than narrator Mayk Rou.

"Boat by Boat" updates wrap up with Cape Caution's bad fishing, breakdowns, and family drama.

Concluding the "old vs. young" theme, Jake says to Sig that the younger ones, especially the sons of fishermen like Josh Harris and Scotty Hillstrand aren't pushing the bar, they're trying to keep up with the progress their fathers made at those points in life.

Edgar, Mike Fourtner, Junior and Josh join the Captains on camera to wrap up the season, Edgar and Mike bringing in a TV to watch the season finale.

Yem 2

The catch phrase for Yem 2 is "You can't catch crab without Yem."

Episode 6 filmed at Harlem Yacht Club in City Island, New York; Episodes 7-10 filmed at Mercer oroli VFW near Sietl.

#SarlavhaOriginal airdate
1"Season 10 Kickoff"2014 yil 22 aprel (2014-04-22)
The Captains discuss the cast changes since Season 9 opilio. Special features "10 Years of Catch" (highlights from the first 9 years) and "Best of Catch" (user polls through ) debut, as do "The Fourtner Report" (presented by former Vaqt qaroqchisi deckhand/deck boss Mike Fourtner) and "Wild Bill on the Scene" (presented by Cape ehtiyotligi Captain Wild Bill). Best of Catch Poll topic: "Best Prank". Celebrity questions from the Bacon Brothers. Highlights of Sig's rookie year from Season 1.
2"Sacked!"2014 yil 29 aprel (2014-04-29)
The Captains debate the return to the dangerous style of fishing brought on by the government shutdown. Best of Catch Poll topic: "Epic Waves". Recounting the Western Venture disaster from the previous show, Sig visits a Seattle fire boat to see how fires are put out at sea when a fire boat is in range, and Wild Bill challenges Sig, Keith, and the Hillstrands to a survival suit drill. (All four don the suit in under one minute.) Celebrity questions from U.S. Senator Jon Makkeyn. Highlights of Johnathan Hillstrand's rookie year from Season 2.
3"Think Like a Captain"2014 yil 13-may (2014-05-13)
Wild Bill co-hosts with Sig, Keith and the Hillstrands as the Captains discuss what goes into the decisions they make. Additional insight is provided by Edgar, Zack (Wild Bill's son), Monte, and Elliott. Best of Catch Poll topic: "Best Captain Blow Up". Highlights of Keith's rookie year from Season 3, revisits of Keith's epic blow ups (half of the user poll's nominees), and the Season 6 burn barrel confrontation between Keith and Johnathan that Phil Harris broke up just weeks before the stroke that would kill him. Johnathan provides a quick update on Josh Harris.
4"Chegaradan tashqarida"2014 yil 27 may (2014-05-27)
Wild Bill co-hosts as the Captains discuss Edgar finding his own fishing spots, "Crab Fishing 101", and Monte dropping bairdi pots out of bounds from the previous week, plus previews of Cape ehtiyotligi customizing rain gear for their future jailbird greenhorn, and Shimoli-g'arbiy having engine and power failures. Best of Catch Poll topic: "Best Fights". Celebrity studio visit from comedian Gilbert Gotfrid and celebrity questions from WWE kurashchi Daniel Brayan. Junior makes his first on-camera appearance for Season 2 of Yem, discussing the back injury that impacted his ability to go fishing. While discussing fixes, Edgar's best on-land fix for his addictions is revisited with footage of his re-proposal to his wife from After the Catch III.
5"The Comeback Kid"2014 yil 10-iyun (2014-06-10)
Wild Bill fills in for Keith as the Captains celebrate Opilio season kickoff with the return of the Korneliya Mari as Captain Josh Harris takes the helm. Josh and his co-captain/engineer, Casey McManus make their season debut on Yem. Highlights from Josh's rookie year in Season 3, plus Seasons 5, 6 and 8. The Korneliya Mari crew roster reveals someone else used to cameras on deck, Josh's high school classmate Cody Moen, a gold digger on the Kristin Rouz dan Bering dengiz oltin; and also reveals Freddy Maugatai didn't make good on his promise to return (still serving on sehrgar; see season 1 finale of Yem). Best of Catch Poll topic: "Worst Ice". The father/son dynamic takes an interesting turn as the Captains talk about Josh and Jake and Phil Harris (with Josh), Mike and Elliott Neese (with Elliott), the Mitchells from Season 9 on the Saga, the three sets of fathers/sons on Vaqt qaroqchisi (with Scotty Hillstrand), Wild Bill and his son Zack Larson, and Sig's daughter Mandy (with Mandy and Uncle Edgar). In an addendum to the episode 2 survival suit drill, Mandy also passes within the one-minute benchmark. The "next generation" of crabbers (Mandy, Scotty, Josh, and Zack) close the episode by saying "bring on the ice!", and Sig, Johnathan, Andy, and Wild Bill oblige by dumping buckets of ice on them.
6"Miracle on Ice"2014 yil 17 iyun (2014-06-17)

The Captains open with their proudest/most memorable moment on air: For the Hillstrands, it's rescuing a man overboard on his birthday (Josh White from the Trailblazer, Season 3); for Sig, it's Edgar taking the helm of the Shimoli-g'arbiy in Season 9 (prompting Edgar to rush from behind the cameras and hug his brother); for Keith, it's the way the sehrgar crew responded to the Season 8 greenhorn medevac by the Sohil xavfsizligi, which the Coasties later praised as close to picture perfect; and Sig adds one Phil would call his proudest, Josh taking the helm of the Korneliya Mari.

First up, as Josh Harris walks on set, Andy says, "Let the whipping begin!", to which Josh replies, "Why do I always get 'The Hot Seat'?" After criticizing how Josh wears his hat, they finally discuss how running the boat and crab fishing are more difficult than he thought. Josh sits in as they discuss Keith's "Miracle on Ice" (fishing at the extreme north of the fishing grounds near the Ruscha border, and only done twice before, when Sig fished Opilio in Season 1 and blues in Season 6), Keith learning some Russian phrases, and Johnathan's health scare.

Celebrity studio visit by TV journalist and fellow sailor Geraldo Rivera, who appreciates the originality and sincerity of the show compared with other "reality" shows. Best of Catch Poll topic: "Worst Injuries". As they preview an injury to the Cape Caution's greenhorn, "The Fourtner Report" gives EMT Mike a chance to show off his frontier medicine skills stitching up a lacerated rump roast.

Wild Bill joins in as the Captains discuss MacGyver -ing, coming up with fixes on the fly, and joined by someone who has done a lot of that in the past few episodes, rock star Edgar. Edgar comes up with an automated hook launcher, which meets with Jake Anderson's approval. Keith wants an automated crab sorting machine. Sig pushes for giant heaters on deck to keep the crew from freezing. Johnathan advocates heated rails to keep the crew from having to knock and chip ice off. Episode previews another impromptu Edgar fix for Northwestern's failing electrical system.

As the rest of the Captains take a break, Edgar and Bill discuss "Elliott's Addiction" problem from his pre-Opilio visit to Saga.

The Captains discuss 2010, and screen highlights of Wild Bills rookie year from Season 6. Wild Bill's most memorable moment was a guy he met who said the hard conversation Bill had with Zack (from Season 9) brought he and his son back together, and is the featured "10 Years of Catch" clip.
7"Hit the Showers"2014 yil 1-iyul (2014-07-01)

The Captains begin by comparing what they see from the wheelhouse to action movies, and preview two injuries to sehrgar crewmen, analyze stupid mistakes made by a Saga deckhand getting him fired by Elliott, and greenhorn Mandy partaking in a "Gross" herring ritual on Shimoli-g'arbiy. That leads into a discussion by the Captains on smelly crew, complete with a "Wild Bill on the Scene" report on the smelliest crew member on each boat. Edgar joins in as the Captains discuss crew showers and how they conserve their fresh water tanks, especially when a faulty valve leaks half of that supply, as happened to Shimoli-g'arbiy in the previous week's episode, before Mandy's return to Dutch Harbor.

First up in "The Hot Seat" (with Sig saying "That's a crew member, by the way!") is Mandy, getting grilled by the Captains and Edgar on her first crab fishing trip at sea.

Coming out of break, the Captains and Wild Bill chow down on burgers from episode sponsor Kichik Karl /Hardi and Mike Rowe reveals that Sig delivered the classic quote "I want the crab count and I want it now!" Andy takes "The Hot Seat" as highlights of his rookie year from Season 2 are shown, capped by the previous week's hydraulic fluid leak on the Vaqt qaroqchisi.

In "The Fourtner Report", Mike explains just how bad a hydro leak can be, and demonstrates the low flash point with a spray bottle of hydraulic fluid and hand torch. Best of Catch Poll topic: "Close Calls".

In a special history lesson, explorer Keith dons an 18th-century captain's tri-corner hat and wig to discuss the explorer Vitus Bering, whom the sea is named after.

Returning to the injury theme, they discuss the Cape Caution's injured greenhorn from two weeks ago, and Zack Larson returns to "The Hot Seat" to discuss that and how Zack's hire did better than Bill's king crab greenhorn did, and the Zack/Nick arguments on how to treat him. In the "10 Years of Catch" clip, more jovial Season 9 times for Zack and Nick are shown.

Josh and Casey join the Captains (with Casey eyeing cheeseburgers) discussing the dynamic on the Korneliya Mari with Josh being boat owner/Captain in training and Casey toeing a fine line keeping the crew safe and trying to catch crab in the process. Josh and Casey grab burgers on the way out.

Celebrity question from Temir oshpaz Alex Guarnaschelli, and the Captains answer a user question about the most keepers they've had in a crab pot.

In another "The Fourtner Report", Mike demonstrates how hard it is to hit the crab consistently.

Casey and cheeseburger pop up from behind the couch to close the episode.
8"Unnecessary Roughness"2014 yil 15-iyul (2014-07-15)

The Captains kick off by discussing what they would change about this opilio season, knowing what they know now. Keith would not have gone as far north nor let so much ice build up; Andy wished he had caught his hydraulic leak sooner, leading into a previews of do-over wishes from that night's episode on the Cape ehtiyotligi, Vaqt qaroqchisiva Korneliya Mari and recaps of the sehrgar va Korneliya Mari injuries from a few weeks earlier.

Josh "Issiq o'rindiq" da birinchi bo'lib baliq ovining boshlang'ich bosqichi va qarz beruvchilarning kostryulkalari to'g'ri tayyorlanmaganligi haqida gapirdi. Josh va Sig ekipaj a'zosining yomon dengizlarga duchor bo'lganligi uchun kechirim so'rashi va Josh qanday qilib ruhiy holatni tiklaganligi to'g'risida qizg'in bahslashmoqdalar. Korneliya Mari 'eng sevimli marosim - mohawk. "10 yillik tutish" filmida 4-fasl va o'tgan haftadagi ilk mohawks namoyish etildi.

Marosimlar haqida gapirganda, o'sha kecha epizodining oldindan ko'rib chiqilishi, parkning dengiz qirg'og'iga qanday qilib ildiz otishga tayyorligini ko'rsatmoqda. Super Bowl XLVIII Josh va kapitanlar epizod homiysidan burgerlarni qazishganda Kichik Karl /Hardi sindirishdan oldin.

Yovvoyi Bill Jonatan uchun "Best of Catch" Anketasi: Oddest Rituals dasturini namoyish etayotgan paytda qatnashadi, unda birinchi marta o'tkazilgan so'rovnomada 10-faslning klipi namoyish etilgan (Norman Xansen seldni cho'ktirmoqda). So'ngra ular kemada ayollarning omadsizlikka uchrashi haqidagi eng qadimgi dengizchining xurofotlaridan birini muhokama qilmoqdalar, ammo Sig qizi Mendini dengizga olib chiqdi va u keyingi o'rinda "Issiq o'rindiq" da yurib, naslchilik marosimi haqida gapirdi va uxlaganda ham alangali bo'lib qoldi. torlar orasidagi uzun

Ular Mendi kapitan Signing qizi Edgar tog'a va qolganlar singari imtiyozli davolanish haqida gapira boshlaganlar. Shimoli-g'arbiy ekipaj (Norman tog'a) buyruqbozi xuddi shu ishni amalga oshirishi kerak, chunki Sig "Issiq o'rindiq" filmidagi Mendi o'rnini egallaydi.

Sig odatdagi stulini qaytarib olgach, qolgan kapitanlar qaytib kelganda, Elliott navbatdagi to'plamda, chunki uning 7-fasldagi yangi yilidan olingan kadrlar namoyish etilgan va u shu kungacha shouda o'tkazgan to'rt yilini muhokama qilmoqda. Keyin ular Elliottni sevgilisini kemaga olib kelishini muhokama qilishadi Saga 's oshpaz (misli ko'rilmagan, chunki Mavverik kapitan Rik Kvashnikning rafiqasi Donna 1-faslda ovqat pishirgan).

Yosh kapitanlar haqida gapirganda, biz nihoyat, Junior operatsion tizimidan olti hafta o'tgach yangilanadi va "Junior Done?" Deb nomlangan kulgili klipda, agar u kelasi yil Qisqichbaqa baliq oviga qaytmasa, Junior nima qilayotganini ko'ramiz. Nyu-York suv taksisi kabi.

Wild Bill hali ham to'ldirmoqda, chunki munozara Zack va ga o'girildi Cape ehtiyotligi, va Zack keyingi qism "Issiq o'rindiq" filmida oldingi qismning signal signalini muhokama qilmoqda. "To'rtinchi hisobot" da Mayk tashrif buyuradi Shimoli-g'arbiy, Sietlda to'xtab, nima uchun qayiqni muntazam ravishda pompalamoq zarurligini namoyish qildi.

Jonatan Yovvoyi Bill va kapitanlarga qo'shildi, chunki ovoz berish marosimlarining ikkinchi yarmi ko'rib chiqilmoqda (10-faslning yana bir klipi, shu jumladan Shimoli-g'arbiy 'olovli kanca). "Fourtner Report" ning ikkinchi nashrida Mayk Wild Bill va Andy ning ushbu marosimlar haqiqatan ham ish beradimi degan savoliga javob beradi. Yovvoyi Bill va kapitanlar epizodni yopish uchun chizburgerlarni chayqadilar.
9"Qizil zona"2014 yil 29 iyul (2014-07-29)
10"Yiqilish"2014 yil 5-avgust (2014-08-05)


2013-yil to'qqizinchi mavsumida Discovery o'zining seriyasidagi kengaytirilgan shou yozuvlari va unaired sahnalari tendentsiyasini davom ettirdi Eng xavfli o'lja: kemada.[33] Kemada epizod sarlavhalari bir xil Deadliest Catch ular kengaytiradigan epizod.

Kemada 1

#SarlavhaOriginal airdate
1"Bering dengizidagi isyon"2013 yil 23 aprel (2013-04-23)
9-fasl, 1-qism kengaytirildi.
2"Orqadagi xanjar"2013 yil 30 aprel (2013-04-30)
9-fasl, 2-qism kengaytirildi.
3"Tongdagi qon"2013 yil 6-may (2013-05-06)
9-fasl, 3-qism kengaytirildi.
4"Qiyomat kuni"2013 yil 21-may (2013-05-21)
9-fasl, 5-qism kengaytirildi.
5"Yuzga musht"2013 yil 28-may (2013-05-28)
9-fasl, 6-qism kengaytirildi.
6"Portlash bilan tepish"2013 yil 11-iyun (2013-06-11)
9-fasl, 8-qism kengaytirildi.
7"Mavsum bo'roni"2013 yil 18-iyun (2013-06-18)
9-fasl, 9-qism kengaytirildi.
8"Biz buni qabul qilmaymiz"2013 yil 2-iyul (2013-07-02)
9-fasl, 11-qism kengaytirildi.
9"Sevuvchilar ro'yxati"2013 yil 16-iyul (2013-07-16)
9-fasl, 12-qism kengaytirildi.

Kemada 2

#SarlavhaOriginal airdate
1"Oilaviy ish"2014 yil 6-may (2014-05-06)
10-fasl, 2-qism kengaytirildi.
2"Darvin qonuni"2014 yil 20-may (2014-05-20)
10-fasl, 3-qism kengaytirildi.
3"Qonunga xilof"2014 yil 20-may (2014-05-20)
10-fasl, 4-qism kengaytirildi.
4"On The ROCKS "ichimligi"2014 yil 27 may (2014-05-27)
10-fasl, 5-qism kengaytirildi.
5"Tushib ketmoq"2014 yil 3-iyun (2014-06-03)
10-fasl, 6-qism kengaytirildi.
6"Dengizda adashganlar"2014 yil 10-iyun (2014-06-10)
10-fasl, 7-qism kengaytirildi.
7"Cornelia Mari Blue"2014 yil 13 iyun (2014-06-13)
10-fasl, 8-qism kengaytirildi. "Deck Extra" sahnalaridan birida Keyt Monte-dan buni ta'minlamagani uchun xafa bo'ldi sehrgar ekipaj o'zlarining opilio kostryulkalarini pastki qismga yuklamasdan oldin ular uchun yangi moslamalarni to'g'ri tuzdilar.
8"Skipper Xarris mashg'ulotlarda"2014 yil 20-iyun (2014-06-20)
10-fasl, 9-qism kengaytirildi.
9"Baliqchining qizi"2014 yil 27 iyun (2014-06-27)
10-fasl, 10-qism kengaytirildi.
10"Haydovchi ayollar"2014 yil 11-iyul (2014-07-11)
10-fasl, 12-qism kengaytirildi.
11"Hozirgacha eng buyuk o'yin"2014 yil 18-iyul (2014-07-18)
10-fasl, 13-qism kengaytirildi.
12"Breaking Mandy"2014 yil 25-iyul (2014-07-25)
10-fasl, 14-qism kengaytirildi.
13"Sabotaj"2014 yil 1-avgust (2014-08-01)
10-fasl, 15-qism kengaytirildi.
14"Siz mening ismim Rabbiy ekanligini bilib olasiz ..."2014 yil 8-avgust (2014-08-08)
10-fasl, 16-qism kengaytirildi. (2 soatlik qism)


Yaltiroq ning qayta translyatsiya qilingan epizodi Deadliest Catch epizod segmentlari orasida bir yoki bir nechta kapitanlar bilan CatchChat veb-kamerasini taqdim etadi.

#SarlavhaOriginal airdate
1"Skipper Xarris mashg'ulotlarda"2014 yil 24 iyun (2014-06-24)
10-fasl, 9-qism; Jonatan, Josh, Sig va Mendi bilan CatchChat.
2"Sariq ambitsiya"2014 yil 8-iyul (2014-07-08)
10-fasl, 11-qism.
3"Hozirgacha eng buyuk o'yin"2014 yil 22-iyul (2014-07-22)
10-fasl, 13-qism.

Shuningdek qarang


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